
Wanting More (Naruto Fanfic)

Yoshiro - “Only with experiencing pain and anguish will ones true self come out.” Remembering little of his past life, The MC steps in the world of Naruto and adventures to put his name in the history of this anime world. Having to live alone and survive on his own. Hardening both mind and soul, Yoshiro has a decision. Live a peaceful life and harbour life or Live a chaotic life and eliminate life. Either choice has it up and downs but in the end, fate decides it for him. I do not own Naruto, I only own the OC.

TruckkunJr · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Tension Slowly Arising

I wanna say that I've never felt so angry while making a Chapter. I was suppose to publish this sooner but Webnovel decided to fuck me in the ass. I almost finished my Chapter but my phone was gonna turn off due to my phone being on 3%.

In the end I had to charge my phone to only get my whole chapter deleted because my back ground changed colour. Life's not Fair.

So please if you are reading this, send me some juicy stones for me to repair my broken heart. Anyway here is the Chapter that I changed from the original because I forget almost half of it. 😭😭😭

Sorry for the re-upload of the previous chapters. Webnovel deleted them and put them in the trash. I had difficulty to find them, to get them back.


A Year slowly past. Tension between the Village and the Uchiha clan drastically increased. Talk of Up-rising against the Leaf was a constant topic in the Uchiha clan meeting. It didn't help that since being accused of false accusations, Uchiha Police force members used their anger towards the civilian giving out more violence than their meant to give. Civilian's felt slightly more afraid towards them and anger for being mistreated.

At some point rumours of Yoshiro awakening his Sharingan spread over 2 years, which in the end came to both of Fugaku's and the Uchiha Clan Elders Ears.

In the Uchiha clans rules, someone no matter their age that has awakened their Sharingan is meant to join in the Meetings for the better of the clan. Yoshiro didn't want anything to do with any politics for obvious reasons.

Coming up to him randomly, Fugaku and the Clan members came for verification. Even if he played it out that he didn't have the Sharingan, all that they had to do was check his Chakra paths and see his chakra points in his eyes open with regular Chakra supply.

So once he showed his Sharingan which was 2 Tomoe, all the clan members praised him even the people that gave scorn and hate towards him daily. The once most hated person in the clan became the most praised and genius person among them.

Coming with being praised and called a genius came with Fugaku and the elders trying to manipulate him for the upcoming Coup. Words spread to the Hokage and Advisors of the Second Genius in the Uchiha Clan.

It didn't go to well for the already tension that was settled between the two. In the minds of the Advisors, if this Second Genius had the same potential as Itsuka or even worst more. They would be in a dangerous situation if the child didn't have the same mentality as Itsuka.

In Yoshiro opinion this tension and caution could of been easily avoided if his Clan just decided to leave the suspension alone and not get all riled up with the Villages lack of trust. But most of the hate came with the higher ups deciding to move the Clans Settlement to the outskirts.

It wasn't that being monitored angered them but the fact that they moved them away from the settlement that they prided themselves with. He didn't blame his Clan even he felt some ting of anger because he and the rest of the clan prided and felt a sense of proudness of themselves living in the same places where their ancestors lived and breathed.

He compared to his Clan members chose to swollow the anger for the village and do the best for the greater good of the Uchiha's future descendants. He didn't want to see his Clan even though we're arseholes become non-existent. But he knew there wasn't nothing he could do, so guilt slowly ate away from him for not mentioning nothing.

Pressure grew so much that Mikoto saw the pressure from the clan and expectations as well. Gave her a sense of deja vu while looking at Yoshiro because she felt this same way when Itsuka was younger.

Seeing his grueling training that shouldn't be used on a 7 year old, it Mikoto felt a sense of pain in her heart. She didn't want her Adopted son to be similar to Itsuka, she already clearly got some hints of what would become of the clan due to Itsuka's Pained, lonely, complicated eyes.

Mikoto chose to bring Sayaka, Yoshiro and possibly Itsuka to hang out with the Uzumaki family.

Most of the time that was spent their was Mikoto and Kushina reminiscing on the past. Sayaka and Naomi happened to grow a weird bond. They were like Sisters, rivals and... Enemies?

They would talk about girl stuff and almost immediately argue about what is better. They would always come to Yoshiro for his opinion about it. Getting variety of answer from him as "Go ask Naruto.", "Your wasting my time." or just airing them like they wasn't there.

But girls weren't that easy to please. In the end he had to choose between them because of the constant pester, it irritated him to no end like Naruto who he couldn't shake off. He was always near his backside about beating him up, acting cool or becoming a stepping stone to become the Hokage.

Shit, the kid came back in bandages to proclaim how he just got lucky and beated him up. Yoshiro was very tempted to put him Six feet under the ground.

Take away the constant annoyances, Yoshiro got fairly close with Hinata. It wasn't that close where he felt a crush towards her but similar to a brotherly way. Yoshiro didn't feel anything with Sayaka, Hinata or Naomi.

His heart was already for another. The reason he loved this person was because of their Resilience and warmth. But more importantly their care for him, it was a weird feeling to say the least. He saw her as a Older sister but also as a women.

She would regularly give him advise for what he needed to improve on and if he needed to talk to anyone she would be their. Who couldn't crush on someone that gave of the same vibe and personality as oneself. You must be a Donut to not get feelings.

Though he did always want to Protect and feels a sense posseviness towards the three girls. But that could easily change in the future, not everything was certain. There are many beauties in the world examples are, Konan, Kurenai, Mei, Tsunade, Samui and you can't forget Kaguya.

Speaking on the lines of Kaguya. There was also a different kind of pressure that Yoshiro had on his Shoulders. The Obstacles that will be set in the future. People that he would have to fight, and these people are, Madara, Obito, Nagato/Pain, Kaguya herself, Momoshiki, Kinshiki and Isshiki.

They all posses very strong and unique powers, Dojustu's and Techniques. But they all have one thing in common that in the end became their downfall, Arrogance. They believed themselves to have no peers that could rival them. Although they had the power for it, their was always Naruto and Sasuke that put them down a peg.

You cannot forget the manipulative people in the world that also caused Canon to spiral out of control because of personal greed. Danzo, The slimy snake of the Sanin, His apprentice and Black Zetsu.

All that Yoshiro could do to keep these Dangers away from the people he loves was to get stronger and stand at the top of the Shinobi world.

So he trained and trained until blisters were on his hands, blood under his nails and his mind not able to cope with the pain in his body. Even when putting himself through hell, he came at a halt because of a bottleneck with his Chakra and current body capability.

Currently he possessed, Low Jonin - Chakra Capacity, Chakra Control, Middle Chunin - Strength, Agility, Viltality. As for how many Justu's he gained all he got was 2 B Rank and 2 C rank Ninjustu. Fire Style: Great Dragon Fire, Fire Style: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet were the 2 B rank Ninjustu.

These were the 2 C rank Ninjustu, Fire Style: Dragon Fire this was used by Sasuke against Orochimaru. The last one was made a self made one by mistake, Fire Style: Roaring Dragon Flame. Yoshiro accidentally did by Swapping Horse and Tiger. Depending on the amount Chakra you put in your lungs it will increase in size and damage.

Once you breath out, a ball of fire similar to Fire Style: Great fire ball will come out of your mouth. But the reason it's truly dangerous is at the front is a open mouth with teeth like a Dragon roaring. When it hits the ground, it makes a loud sound due to the strong mold similar to a Roar and will stay on fire for a long duration. Including the individual and surroundings. It's very affecting for stunning a group and stopping them for couple of minutes depending on size of Chakra.

He kept this a secret for future Assassinations and Battles. You always need a Trump card to wip out in an emergency.

Justu's such as Chidori, Rasengan and other People's go to moves were a no go until Yoshiro could be trained and be allowed to use their moves. He knew if he randomly used these moves people would suspect and question him.

Getting everything of his chest, Their was something he needed to do before the Massacre would acure. Heading from out of the Training area in the Uchiha Clan near a River.

Whispers surrounded him on all sides, turning his head Yoshiro saw Clan members pointing at him in a non so discreet way. Not caring, he headed for the Clan Heads House.

At the front, Yoshiro knocked on the door. Waiting just a second, Mikoto opened the door.

"Oh, Yoshiro-kun it's good to see you. Do you want to come in?" She Welcomed him with a smile.

"If that is alright with you, I have come to speak with Itsuka." Yoshiro asked the women.

"Yes, it's fine dear. Come in, Itsuka should be in her room." Mikoto opened the door for him with a motherly smile.

"Thank you, Mikoto-san." Yoshiro bowed to the women and took of his Shinobi sandals.

"Dinner will be made soon so if you want, you could stay for some and also tell Itsuka as well!" Mikoto shouted to him while entering the Kitchen.

Sliding the door open, he saw Itsuka writing down on a document most likely to send to the Hokage about the Clan.

Stepping in, Itsuka finally noticed his presence and turned around with a enchanting smile.

"Finished training? I'll get you a glass of water from kitchen, you can sit down anywhere." Showing a slight worried face, Itsuka went out the room.

About to sit down on the bed which was behind the desk and chair. Yoshiro noticed a book on her bed with a green cover, he sat down on the bed and curiosity getting the better of him scanned through the pages.

Just second into reading the first page, blood dripped out of his nose. Wiping it away without losing his gaze from the book. Yoshiro could only describe this book as a masterpiece.

"UHM! ...Y-Yoshiro-kun where did you find that book?" Turning his head to the door, standing there was Itsuka with a red tint on her cheeks.

"It was on your bed..." Yoshiro turned his eyes back to the book instantly.

"Why didn't you tell me of this Devine book that was blessed by the gods!!!" Yoshiro raised the book in the air with stars in his eyes.

Taking the book from his hand, Itsuka placed her hands on her hips with a fake angry face, still though having the visible blush.

"Hey! No Fai-!" Interuppting his childish rant, Itsuka pinched his ear getting groans.

"Don't hey me!!! I don't want my Little brother to become a Pervert at such a young age!" She exclaimed with an angered Blushing face.

"But I found it in your room! So it's your fault for keeping it lying around." Kagato shouted back with blaming tone.

Taking her hand away from his tab. Getting found out she was a closet Pervert, even worst that it was Yoshiro who she thought of as a younger brother. She blushed and stuttered trying to deny his statement.

"I wanted to speak to you about something." Yoshiro rubbed his tab that was very red and again on the bed.

"O-Okay. What did you want to talk about?" Turning the Chair, Itsuka faced Yoshiro who had gained a very serious face.

"I've took notice of your slight coughing. And by the look of the amount of space in your clothes, you have been losing weight fast. Have you been eating properly?" Yoshiro asked worriedly.

Putting a finger to her lips, Itsuka only just noticed how recent the coughing has been. To make it worst because of stress with the clans situation, she hasn't been focusing on eating nevermind signs of illnesses.

"Ummmm... Now that you have mentioned it, I have been forgetting about eating food and coughing a lot." Nodding her head, Yoshiro looked at her more seriously.

"Itsuka, if you don't give your body the right amount of nutrients. You will cause negative affects against your organs. And in the long run possibly cause life threatening illnesses to arise that would decrease or most likely cause you to take drugs to prolong your death." Yoshiro just shaked his head at her stupidness, she might be a genius among geniuses but she can still be aloof.

Reprimanding Itsuka of her stupidity. Itsuka at first not believing him because who wouldn't when a 7 year old is making more sense than a doctor that worked their whole life on that subjected. But the more she listened did she realise her rookie move.

Ending the conversation after Mikoto announced dinner. Yoshiro ate the food while speaking to the Family except Fugaku who never joins now. Leaving after saying good bye. Yoshiro slowly drifted asleep to experience the regular nightmare.