
Wanted Grim Reaper

Short of money on your way to reincarnation? Don't fret. Look around. Say no more. Hell have the right job offer for you! We accept both part-time and full-time. No diploma needed. Pay is no less than 100 ghost money per hour. Legit and 100% guaranteed. Job description: Grim Reaper Passing qualifications: 1. Must be a human spirit 2. Possess the ability to kill under pressure 3. With good ghost and spirit communication skills 4. Preferably bright, smart, and pleasing to the eyes Interested? Then what are you waiting for? APPLY NOW! EARN BIG! BE A GRIM REAPER! For more information, please contact Mr. Headless of the Grim Reaper Department at No. 4 Agony Street.

Wintermelon · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Kai stared at the card in his hand.

After the ball of light sunk into his palm, he had a subtle feeling that something has been added to his 'body'. When he tried to 'feel' it out, this card appeared in his hand.

The card had the same appearance as those he'd seen from the hall, plain with only a few words and numbers indicating his identity. The only difference was its color. Most of the cards he saw in the hall were either black or grayish-white while the card in his hand was transparent.

He wondered, 'It was probably because I was a special case?'

As this thought crossed his head, a man's voice floated in his ears.

"Hmm? I was told I had to wait for an hour or so but you seem to have long received your judgment. Did George misspeak the wrong number?"

Kai abruptly turned his head. A young man in his twenties wearing the same suit as George's was walking in his direction, looking at the unmoved scale with his brows furrowed. When did he come? He didn't hear the sound of the door opening at all.

"Well, whatever. Since you're done here, let's go." His hand made a beckoning gesture to Kai, signaling him to follow.

Kai hesitated for a moment but still walked over.

The young man introduced himself as they exit the room. "I'm Chad. George was summoned to do urgent work so our superior asked me to take over. I hope you don't mind."

"Does it even matter if I do?" Kai wondered, amazed by how the outside changed from the previous corridor to a spacious reception hall.

Chad paused slightly in his steps. He replied with amusement as he continued to walk. "No."

Kai nodded. "Thought so."

The two headed to the elevator. After the door closed, Chad immediately pressed the top floor button.

"Where are we going?" Kai remembered to ask. Is he finally going to receive his so-called compensation?

Chad crossed his arms in front of his chest, leaning against the elevator walls as he replied. "To see the boss."

Kai nodded, not asking further.

The elevator soon arrived on the top floor. Chad directly entered an office with glass walls and door while Kai silently followed behind him.

Walking inside the office, they were welcomed by a beautiful woman sitting behind a desk.

Chad straightened his body, greeting the woman. "Boss, I brought the person over."

The woman nodded slightly, putting her eyes on Kai.

Kai calmly accepted the gaze directed at him.

Seeing this, the woman opened her mouth to speak, her tone serious and formal.

"Kai Brandon. 17 years old. Original date of death; 18:12 June 6, 2089. Accidentally killed today, September 9, 2020, at 17:24 by Grim Reaper No. 1085. Welcome to Hell City. I am Chloe, the head of Hell Admission Building. As the person in charge, I sincerely apologize for my subordinate's mistake. Please allow me to compensate you."

Kai was a little caught off guard at this solemn apology. He didn't know how to reply. What can he even say? 'It's fine, your apology is enough. No need for the compensation?' As if he would say that. This is no small matter. He needs compensation!

On the side, Chad had slightly widened his eyes. He didn't expect his boss to actually apologize.

Everyone in Hell was an unfeeling individual, especially those whose jobs were related to administration.

This was to maintain fairness in matters relating to the dead and avoid mistakes.

Normally when a special case like Kai was admitted to Hell, his boss would speak about the compensation directly without mentioning any apology. He didn't understand what was different this time.

Chloe didn't wait for Kai to give a reply. Already having given her apology, she went straight to the point. "Has George mentioned anything about the compensation to you?"

Kai saw Chloe not pushing for a response and shook his head.

Chloe thought for a while as if considering a serious matter. A couple of seconds later, she placed her elbows on the desk. Supporting her chin with her hand, she spoke unhurriedly.

"It's like this. We're giving you two options— one, reincarnate immediately without going through clearing your retribution years, and two, stay in Hell City either temporarily or permanently. Your compensation will be the option you chose."

She paused, "To avoid you choosing blindly, I will briefly explain the options to you. Chose after you consider which one is good."

The considerate attitude satisfied Kai. He nodded, finally noticing Chad's open mouth and bulging eyes in his peripheral. In his head, he wondered, 'Was explaining the options so shocking for this guy to show such an expression?'

Chloe also glanced at Chad for a second before starting to explain. "For the first option, do you see the number beside your name on your card? That is the retribution years."

Retribution years were the number of years a person had to pay for their misdeeds based on how much they accumulated.

Every human soul had to clear their retribution years by going through the punishment levels.

There are thirteen levels of Hell. Other than the first three levels and the thirteenth level, the rest were punishment levels.

Punishment levels sound scary but in fact, not all of them were actually for punishment and whether they are depends on the devil guarding them.

The twelfth level in the Grim Reaper No. 1085 and George's conversation was the most difficult among the punishment levels due to the devil guarding there, Lucifer, who likes to torture people until their souls slowly perish that being sent there either means coming back half-dead if one's lucky or not coming back at all if one's luck is bad.

For some people, as long as they didn't commit a sin that corresponds to any of the actual punishment levels, they can clear their years without much difficulty.

After the souls cleared their retribution years, before going to reincarnate, they need to swim the Styx River.

The Styx River, although called a river, was actually a spring surrounding the wheel of reincarnation in a half-moon shape. Its purpose was to wash the souls completely of their past, allowing them to begin a new life before they entered the reincarnation cycle once more.

"The first option would allow you to skip going through punishment levels, swim directly to the Styx River, and reach the wheel of reincarnation to start over."

Chad had finally gotten over his shock and nodded his head with a face of approval at the first option. He commented. "This is a very good compensation. Dying early in exchange for no retribution. Sounds fair enough."

"It is good indeed." Kai agreed. "How about the second option?"

Chloe made a thoughtful expression, speaking with a flat voice. "Hell is a place inaccessible to livings in the mortal world. Normally, if you didn't receive a special offer to stay in the city to work, people like you can only stay here during your admission and clearing of retribution years."

Only those who work for Hell's departments are allowed to stay in Hell permanently. For ordinary human souls, it is nothing but a place to receive retribution for their sins.

For this reason, the Hell City, the first two levels of Hell, have a definite number of residents, resulting in the jobs, residences, and food allocations being in precise number with no extra and no shortages.

This further resulted in a rare situation where an ordinary soul was given a chance to stay in the city but was unable to have a house to live in, a job to earn money from, and food to eat.

A house is not that important since there are no weather changes as well as security issues in Hell like in the mortal world but food is an essential need for a soul to maintain its ghost form.

The moment of a person's death is an event that leaves a deep impression on their soul. This impression is shown as their ghost form.

Ghost form is like clothes that cover the soul and is the standard appearance required in Hell. However, it requires soul force to be maintained.

A soul is a cluster of spiritual energy bound by consciousness. Its real form was a ball of light. To change this real form, one needs to add external spiritual energy that would be converted into a soul force.

Soul force is similar to a battery that needs to be charged constantly. To charge this battery, consumption of 'food' that contains spiritual energy is needed. To buy food, of course, one needed money, and money can be earned through a job.

"Although it is still known that jobs, residences, and food allocation here is just enough for its residents, that was actually only when Hell was still thriving a millennium ago. These days, some of Hell's Departments were always short on staff, especially the administrative department. If you chose to stay, it won't be impossible for you to find a job and live stably."

Chloe sipped from the cup of tea she got from who knows where and continued, "The option for reincarnation will also not be blocked. If you want to leave halfway, you can always go to the wheel of reincarnation to reincarnate."

She paused, "Though, I have to add. Choosing the second option means giving up your exemption on clearing the retribution years. That means you no longer would be exempted and would have to go to the punishment levels before you can reincarnate."

Kai listened to Chloe's words and bobbed his head to show he understood. He then fell into deep thought. In fact, there really isn't much for him to think about— He just didn't want to appear rash and impulsive so he had to show he was 'thinking'.

Chloe watched Kai grow silent and tapped her fingers on her desk. "I also want to give some time to think if possible but our building is very busy right now. I can only give you half an hour—"

"I've thought it through." Kai cut Chloe's words and looked at her straight, speaking seriously.

Chloe's fingers stopped. Looking at the young man, she confirmed. "Are you sure?" She then emphasized. "I won't give you another chance once you've stated your choice."

"I'm sure," Kai spoke without hesitation.

Seeing his firm attitude, Chloe sighed, leaning back on her chair. "Let's hear your choice then." Inwardly, she thought, 'He must've been scared away by the idea of having no place, no job, and no food to eat. Well, can't blame him. He's only a child, after all.'

"I'm choosing the second option."

Chloe already knew his choice and didn't pay much attention to his words. With an 'I knew it on her face', she spoke without much enthusiasm, "Alright, since you've chosen the second option, I'll send you to the Styx River and— Ah? Did you say the second option?!"

The sudden exclamation made Kai flinch in surprise. He replied with an uncertain voice. "That's right. Is something wrong?"

A strange silence followed his question. Kai looked at Chloe who was looking at the ceiling and seemed to be doubting life then at Chad who had a mixture of disbelief and puzzlement on his expression.

Was his choice so unexpected?

The idea of going straight to reincarnation without needing to go through retribution really sounded good. Compared to staying in the hell city with your future uncertain, it was simply ten times better.

However, Kai recalled the transparent card that only contained his name and admission number on it.

Chloe said that the retribution years were printed right beside the name but Kai was certain he didn't have them.

This means he doesn't have any sin to pay for so either option works fine with him.

Thinking about it now, Kai also realizes. He had indeed always been good due to the influence of his father and the church. In his seventeen years on Earth, he never did anything that can be considered bad. Although his personality is a little indifferent, he would always helps those in need when he could.

To think he was actually a Saint!'

Of course, the statement above is bullsh*t. Kai knew in himself that he was not that pure. He just had never experienced something that can actually provoke his bad thoughts with how he's been sheltered by his father and the church.

"Heh, this is unexpected. I bet even he didn't expect this outcome. Hehe, I wonder what his reaction will be when he found out." Chloe's sudden laughter pulled Kai's wandering mind back.

Looking at the woman's mischievous smile and playful eyes, he felt sympathy for whoever it was directed. This expression is clearly an indicator that she is up to no good!

"Alright, since you chose to stay then stay. I wish you luck! Chad, help me see him out." With that, Chloe waved her hand, unceremoniously sending them out.

As the door of the office closes, silence was restored in the room. Chloe picked up the phone in her drawer and dialed a number.

There was a short ring on the other side and the call was picked up. Following after, an impatient voice traveled through the receiver. "Did he leave?"

Chloe didn't answer the question, instead asking back, "You really didn't want him to stay?"

The other side replied with a reluctant sigh. "...Why so you even ask. It's best if he stays in the mortal world."

Chloe had a worried expression on her face hearing this. Unfortunately, the slightly raised corner of her lips betrayed her real emotion. "But he chose to stay. What to do?"

There was a complete silence on the other side as if time had been frozen. A second later, loud clattering noises filled Chloe's ears followed by a series of curses.

Outside the office of the head of the admission building, a sudden loud boisterous laughter filled everyone's ears. George, who was about to knock on the office halted his action, immediately deciding to himself, 'I better wait until the boss calms down.'

The first chapter should've been uploaded today but I was dumb and forgot that I needed to delete the chapter instead of just editing it directly, updating the chapter yesterday instead.

Wintermeloncreators' thoughts