
Wanted by the King

The runaway princess was saved by a mysterious man. She finds herself questioning her identity. Running for her life, she finds safety in this man, Alpha.

K_G_4442 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Chase

"I need air," Raven quickly walked to the door. Not exactly sure where she was going, she left. She started walking as fast as she could. 'There has to be a way out of here. I need to breathe,' Raven came to a stop. There was huge wooden doors in front of her. Without hesitation she opened them. With all of her body weight she threw the doors open, her eyes must have deceived her. A door straight into the most beautiful forest she had ever seen. It looked too perfect to be real. The greenery was so alive, so vibrant. Beautiful willow trees bowed at the sight of her. Her breath was caught in her lungs.

"Beautiful isn't it?" A voice called behind her. She turned around in shock to find Clarence. "I said I need air, Clarence." She darted into the directly towards the big willow tree. It's fresh blossoms made her nose lift up towards the fragrance. "Fifteen minutes before the full moon." She turned around at the sound of his clothes rustling. "What are you doing?" Clarence let out a chuckle, "I'm getting ready to change. You might want to do the same. Also, get your distance. I will be chasing you all night," Clarence licked his lips like he was looking at his meal. Her stomach fluttered with nervousness. She had never been in the presence of a half naked man, let alone be naked herself.

"I can't do this. I will be heading back to my room now," Raven started towards the door. She felt a strong arm grab her around her waist. "Take off your clothes, lassie. Those are too expensive to ruin. Whether you like it or not, you'll be changing. It's important the Luna spends her first change with her Alpha." Clarence's breath was hot on her shoulders. She stiffened at the thought of what may happen. She wasn't ready for this. She didn't want this, but somewhere deep inside of her, her heart longed for him. "Ten minutes," he whispered. Raven ran off into the forest quickly throwing her clothes to the side with every step. She knew she had to, but she didn't want him to see her. 'Why is he going to be chasing me? This sounds like some weird fetish and I don't like it,' Raven thought as she sprinted farther into the forest. Finally, with only her delectables left, she found a spot to hide. "Three minutes!" She heard his muffled call. 'Good he's far enough away he won't be able to find me.' She found herself hidden behind a waterfalls edge. The sound of the raging water will keep her safe. Suddenly, she heard a howl that sent a shiver down her spine.

A weird feeling engulfed her. Something began to happen. Her vision became sensed. She could see more clear in the dark as if she was wearing night vision lenses. The sound of the waterfall started pounding in her making it hard for her to think. She breathed in deep to help center her mind. Looking down at her hands, she saw beautiful dark red fur engulf her. 'He was telling me the truth? What the hell am-' before she could finish her thought, she heard his steps coming closer. Her head was spinning, 'What am I supposed to do? Will he find me here? There's no way. I am too quiet.' She slowly backed farther into the cave. 'Lassie, I can hear your thoughts. I'm getting closer,' she stopped breathing. 'What is going on?! He can hear me thinking? How can he hear over this loud waterfall,' now she was dead. She just gave her location to him. With no hesitation, he leaped into the cave. Clarence was soaked by the waterfall, but that didn't change how beautiful his fur coat was. It was blacker than night yet glistened silver in the moon's light. He slowly pestered her with his movements. He was inching closer and closer to her. 'Okay, okay. Stop. Please, stop. Let me get around you and we can play this little game of yours,' Raven thought. His movement stopped, 'Run now my Luna. If you hesitate I will take you now. Once I catch you I will have you.' Raven's heart was beating out of her chest. She needed to run and she needed to go now.

She ran out of the cave faster than she thought possible. 'I'm fast on four legs,' she heard him chuckle. 'Raven! Stop thinking, you fool,' she told herself. She ran and ran. Eventually she took a break, listening for the sound of his footsteps. She heard nothing which indicated it was time for rest. She laid down in a field of flowers to hide her scent. She found herself panting like a dog and felt stupid. 'I would have never thought I would literally be a dog. This is insane,' Raven didn't stop her thoughts. 'You're a wolf not a dog. The red fur suits you. I would have never guessed, but blood moon means blood color fur I guess,' his voice was dripping with lust. 'You don't know me. Why do you want me so bad,' Raven spit in disgust of his longing voice. 'No, you don't know me. I know you. I've known you for eighteen years. Now please, make this chase fun for me lassie. I've been waiting for this for so long,' she could hear his beast like figure licking his lips. She decided to not move. Her scent was covered perfectly by the flowers. She would wait here until sunrise.

Hours went passed and he still had yet to find her. She was getting bored and tired. Her eyes began to close and she let them.

He was swift with his movements. He had been changing for years now, he knew how to be stealthy. He knew where she was laying. A rookie mistake, but he allowed it. He watched her from a hill nearby. Her beautiful fur looked off in the field of purple flowers. Slowly he began to make his way to her once she fell asleep. He was only three feet away when her body shifted a little. He paused waiting fo her to settle. Soon he was right next to her. He nudged her with his head, nothing. She was in a deep slumber. 'Hm unfair. I've been waiting for you for so many years,' he starting thinking of all the things he wanted to do with her. He laid beside of her and watched as her body started to twitch and become uncomfortable. His thoughts were in her dreams. Soon she would wake and have the same thirst for him as he had for her.

Raven's eyes started to flutter open. She licked her lips, craving something she didn't know she could crave. 'Clarence,' her voice was longing and dripping with ecstasy. 'Come find me,' she cooed. 'I already got you,' Raven looked to the side to see his teeth lunging towards her. A bite from the Alpha was something any woman would long to have. Marking his territory meant she was his and he was hers. Raven's eyes went wide with ecstasy, a moan escaped her lips. 'You're mine,' Clarence clasped down harder before releasing her. After he released her, the glisten of the sun rays started showing over the trees. Raven's body changed before Clarence's eyes. Her beautiful wolf form shrank into her even more beautiful petite body. He looked away once she started to lose her fur.

"You're going to bite me, but can't look at me?" Raven's eyes were still full of pure lust for him. "Don't get ahead of yourself, lassie. You're still pure. I don't want to take that from you, just get." Although he shielded his eyes from her, she did not shield her eyes from him. She took him in all of his glory. She was hungry for him, but wasn't sure why. "Please." He finally turned his head towards her. He couldn't tell her no. "Look at me. Really look at me," Raven was shocked at her own words. 'What has gotten into me. I'm embarrassing myself,' she thought to herself forgetting he now was connected to her thoughts.

Clarence took his hand and traced the mark he had left on her. Slowly he let his hand slip down her neck towards her chest. He met her gaze waiting for her to tell him to stop. She grabbed his hand leading him farther down her body. He hissed, "Don't tease me like that." Her eyes were on his with longing. "Just touch me." Her mind started going crazy, 'Why can't I stop myself? His touch is making me go crazy. I just want him

to-' he knew what she wanted. His hand took the lead to the bottom of her stomach. Slowly he found the folds of her delicate spot. Gently he let a finger slide in between them. "Just a touch?" Clarence felt her center dripping for him. He was about to lose all control, but couldn't let her know that. Raven's head flew back with his touch, "No I want more. Alpha please." Clarence slowly released his hold on her center. He brought his finger to his mouth and licked away the liquids. 'She tastes so good,' Raven jumped at the realization she could still hear him. Clarence grinned at her. He heard every thought she was thinking about him. Clarence got up from the ground throwing a hand her direction. "Walk with me, my Luna."