

The sacred stone gigaroth of the beginning was fragmented by the god of heresy El Sof, in his fight against the original gods, the fragmentation of gigaroth was the precursor of the advent of the end it was the pillar of the world without it the world is now in an unstable state, when humanity was about to sink, all the people of the world decided to bring together all the most powerful warriors in the world and invite them to a tournament the winner will be the one who will have to defeat El Sof and put down the project of the original gods, in addition to give him the strength to fight he will then have all the power in the world to make him the ultimate being "god". Fact : I am the strongest, I am God, I will go beyond unification, praise the name that has been bestowed upon me beyond the worlds, my original name cannot be pronounced, he who aspires to be above, who am I? Act 1 : The tournament of unification will now begin, the kings of humans, all the lands of Pangea must prepare the greatest warriors that the earth has ever carried, the ambitious, the nobles, the commoners among all these people one will become the being by which everything will end and everything will be reborn, the time has come to determine the being who will be the pillar of unification, conspiracy, love, betrayal, combat will be at the appointments in the quest for salvation

omegadraw1 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Against a team of adventurers

-Can I ask what makes you think that?

The magician was the first to speak, too bad it was to denigrate me but I guess they had all spotted me for a while after all I wasn't trying to hide.

-Wait a minute I recognize him, it's that kid from earlier so my lord it's not very glorious to perch so high for his first adventure.

-Shut up Lum you didn't do better your first time!

-that wasn't cool Shab!

Terrence took a few steps closer and was halfway to the pole I was sitting on.

-You were really loud when you entered the dungeon, but look where you are now, why don't you give us your gear and everything you have on you and go home?

The four laughed at Terrence's words.

-Do you think so too?

-Of course he does," said Shab, and Lum and Terrence smiled slightly.

-This question wasn't meant for you, but it doesn't matter anymore, you've offended me twice and I'm not so maniacal as to let it go.

Shab, visibly indignant, began to express himself sarcastically.

-And what are you going to do?

You don't realize the situation because of fear, let's set the record straight, we saved you from this floor so give it all you've got.

It was a basic and common story of seasoned adventurers approaching newbies pretending to be on their side to help them once in the dungeon they were exploited, and they lost everything they owned once outside they didn't know where to turn and usually ended up leaving town.

-If you kneel before me I will not punish you severely!

-Why so much violence in spite of this flagrant lack of strength?

-I am God so I punish the offense,

You have upset me I punish you,

I am weary I punish you,

I am in a good mood I punish you,

I want to make an example I punish you,

I want to gain experience I punish you,

I want to let off steam, I will punish you,

I want information I punish you, I want a novation I punish you,

The universe recognizes its sovereign and sends you as a sacrifice to continue to exist I punish you,

There are as many reasons that exist but I also punish because I want to.

-Oh please young lord do not punish me watching I kneel before you.

Lum, who seemed to be getting off on his knees, knelt down to ridicule me.

-fighting between guild members is forbidden, but you are not from the guild.

The atmosphere had changed, he was no longer trying to hide his intentions.

-Well, let's start.

"Wall of Flame"

From the pole I threw a wall of flame.

Shab whistled as usual - there is potential in it, he said.

As for the magician she just whispered - hmf, distraction.

"Ascending tornado"

Then she cast upward tornado the two magics met and it formed a fiery tornado that was heading towards me.

The resulting blast burned the pole and the damage extended to the trees that were some distance behind me.

-I see it is very instructive!

-Oh he survived that you can see when you want!

But it's just the beginning.

As I drew my sword Terrence and Shab quickly approached me from the sides Terrence had raised his axe to give a great slash and Shab had done the same.

I then held the sword toward the center of the blade with my two fingers without hurting myself, so that the tip of the blade could meet Terrence's axe edge and the tip of the handle met Shab's blade.

The result was arcs of sparks.

-What kind of plan is this?

Shab was surprised by the way I had just countered them but it wasn't going to stop there I twirled my sword with my two fingers starting from the middle of the blade it had flown out and I had spun around and with a kick I had sent Terrence away.

He had managed to parry the blow but the shock had thrown him while my sword fell back I had seized it by the handle this time and I had struck a blow to Shab which he had also parried.

-Obviously you were hiding your strength!

I was crossing swords with Shab while he was talking to me.

-It is rather you who do not have the skills to determine the strength of your opponent, you believed that because it is my first time in the dungeon that I was a victim and that is what will cause your loss.

What I had said had certainly angered Shab I could see the veins of anger on his forehead.

I didn't have time to figure out what happened before I was pushed away, I stopped my run and steadied myself.

-Are you seriously planning on going?

I was pushed back and they had time to redo their formations and gain the fundamental element a mage needs, namely distance.

-Kid, you're going to regret underestimating us by counting on going slowly in order to get what you could have on you except this medium armor but now it's too late you're wasting our time.

They were going to fight as a team now, I don't think the skills I just showed them would worry them, but they started to take me seriously on their own.

They have a good judgement finally, and they don't take risks, they are a very balanced team.

A solid formation on the sides Shab and Terrence and behind in the center The magician who was about to cast a spell.

I was on my guard if I went after the magician, Shab and Terrence would be there to hinder me, and she could cast her spell.

I don't know what kind of spell she will use, if I throw wall of flame she will be able to easily get rid of it like the previous one and I will be caught off guard.

In this situation the best solution is to go for it, this situation makes me laugh if Shab and Terrence manage to disturb me before I get rid of the magician it will give me the opportunity to see the magic she has in store for me.

But not knowing the spell she is preparing is a big risk.

-It's amazing, you're in a strong position but you're being so careful, you did the right thing by making me punish you, alternating between monsters and humans a better way to discover things.

-oh kid this time you've gone too far, we're going to finish you off you can only blame yourself.

Terrence and Shab solidified their guard, and for the first time the magician waved her staff, it was time.

I extended my sword behind my back so that I could make a vertical strike with all my weight, I moved my left foot slightly back, I bent my right foot and my left foot slightly, I compressed my muscles to the maximum.

"Increased velocity".

"Reinforcement of armor"

Then I released the pressure which had the effect of allowing me to make a leap at high speed in the direction of this team of adventurers, which would allow me to take de les de cour so defeat the magician before she cast her spell.

But all of a sudden I heard a brutal sound as if something had slammed my ears were ringing before I realized it I was off on the ground.

"Sonic impact."

-What was that?

I'm spitting blood!?

I got up, I looked at my armor it was damaged and I could see a that there was a huge hole in my belly, my skin was greatly scratched and blood was flowing.

-it's pretty resilient although the armor took the brunt of the impact but get up after that!

I understand, earlier she said sonic impact, this magic consists in compressing the air then to release it brutally this attack is so fast that it does not leave the opponent the time to dodge or to try to counter.

I had to stabilize my breathing I was hurt but it was a good thing to take this attack.

Their bold strategy was to protect the magician and finish me off at a distance?!

It's a mistake now I know how it works then.

I then took the horizontal strike stance even though I was at a great distance from them because of the projection of the sonic impact magic.

I strengthened my bases, and again I compressed my muscles.

-Oh he's going to try something at this distance?

It must be Shab magic, let's go.


Shab and Terrence were coming at me.

It's too late!

"Sonic impact revisited sonic cutting"

Having compressed, my muscles I also compressed the air and focused it on the edge of my blade with magic and released it all which released an edge as fast and imperceptible as the sound that indicated that the attack had broken the sound barrier sounded the magician was already cut in half.

Shab and Terrence stopped their run to look back, their magician had just died.

-That bastard killed her!?

But what was it?

-earlier it was increased speed he survived with armor reinforcement and then he also used sonic impact, this monster he evolves during the fight.
