

I walked into the room, and 3 people were present. Jean gunhildir, Lisa Vinci, and Kaeya, who left me and went to go sit down on a chair present in the room.

Jean begins to speak

"Before we begin talking, I would like to thank you for fending off dvalin from mondestat. Your actions saved lives that day."

"It's not a problem."

'I really hope they won't make me pay for that building I crashed into! I have a decent amount of money, but not enough to rebuild a roof.'

"Along with this, we would like to offer you the title of Honorary Knight. We feel that someone of your contributions shouldn't go unrewarded for your deeds."

'Nah, I'll refuse this title. I'm not gonna stay in mondestat for long. If it were me before fending off dvalin, I would have considered remaining in mondestat for a while longer after the story passes, but there's not really much to do after venti gets his gnosis stolen. I'll accompany them to free dvalin, but instead of doing fetch quests, I'd rather refine my [Double Time] and improve my combat capabilities for a better chance at beating dvalin at the final confrontation.

"I'm sorry, but I would like to decline this title."

Jean has an expression of slight shock on her face, and says

"If I may ask, why don't you accept the title? It comes with no downsides, and will give you accommodations befitting your rank."

"The reason why I'm declining? I don't want to be bound to mondestat. I intend to stay for a little longer, and then move on to the next region."

"I can understand your reasoning. You may leave."

I begin to walk towards the door, when a voice rings out from behind me

"Hold on a moment."

I turn back and see Lisa looking directly at me.

"How did you fend off dvalin? I don't see a vision on you, nor a weapon."

'Damn, I'm glad I chose to make a plan incase this happens.'

"You see, i am an electro vision weilder. I seem to have dropped it while I was facing dvalin however."

"That doesn't explain your lack of a weapon?"

"My sword was broken during the battle also."

"I see. That is all I have to ask you."

'She may say that, but > can see a gaze in her eyes that tells me that she believes there's something more to the story. She'll probably look for more information on me. Nothing I can do about that though.'

"Then goodbye. Stay safe during these dangerous times."

I exit the headquarters of the knights of favonius, and leave to my inn to go gather my things.

[Lisa Pov]

'He's not telling us everything. Even if he's a vision wielder, why didn't he leave any traces of elemental energy on himself? And there were no observations of him wielding a weapon from reports from bystanders. He's hiding something, and i want to know what it is. Atleast we know he's not a fatui collaborator. I'll have to do some more research. I remember outrider amber mentioning bringing in a traveler who's arm was broken. Could it have been him? Let's find out.'

[Revert to 1st person pov]

I realized something crucial during my fight with dvalin.

I lack practical experience. I know how to fight, and have been trained, but I make mistakes that shouldn't be made when fighting. An example is when I crashed into a building when facing dvalin. If I had more practical experience, that wouldn't have happened. I need to hone my abilities through combat, and for that I'm leaving inside mondestat for a while. I'm gonna go into the wilderness, and fight some hillitchurlsz treasure hoarders, and hopefully try to talk to Andrius, and If I'm confident in my ability, challenge him. I won't return until the traveler comes to mondestat, me being there might cause dvalin to target me, which can lead to complications down the line.

I gather my things, buy a flint, cooking pot. And canteen and head off into the wilderness.

Week 1.

Killed my first treasure hoarders. I wanted to let them go, but they kept coming back. Even though I don't regret it, it feels different. I guess the people that say killing your fellow man makes you inhuman were partially right. I also have been practicing double time, and have been no sloch on my combat abilities either. I can now keep up double time for a pretty decent 5 minutes, maybe 10 if I go until I'm knocked out. I've gained more power behind my strikes, and my cube grew a little bigger! At its base size, it's 1.5 feet in height and length, and when I expand it, it's 3 feet. I'm still thinking of a use for expanding it, but it's progress nonetheless.

Week 2

I've cleared out a few hillichurl camps, and I've noticed a problem with my fighting style. I'm vulnerable to long ranged attacks. I can shoot back at them, but can't really defend. Only dodge. I've been brainstorming, and I've finally found a use for an enhanced cube! I can summon an enhanced cube to intercept any projectiles, and I can even use it as a pseudo shield. Other than that, my combat has gotten better, and I can compress gravity to the point that it can uproot trees at max output. Doing it takes too much out of me though, and it requires me using an enlarged cube to do. I'm feeling kind of confident! I might try to go face Andrius after this.

Week 3

I fucked up.

I was overconfident and challenged Andrius when I wasn't ready. Just finding him took a few days, and when I challenged him, he told me that I was just another lamd to the slaughter. Leading to my current predicament. I have a deep gash on my stomach, and I'm losing blood quickly.

"What will you do now? You are a fool to think you could challenge me and pay no price."

The wolf lord sneered at me, he was mocking me.

I wasn't ready.

How can I fix this?

'By Fighting.'

How else can I get myself out of this situation?

I step forward, summoning a tesseract in my palm. I will it to hover around my body, and it begins to glow a deep purple.

A gravity field. Not to slow him down, but to detect.

I've noticed that whenever something is affected by my gravity, I am acutely aware of its presence. It may not slow him down, but it can help me react.

"I've given you enough time. What will you do now? Will you rise above the circumstances? Or will you be culled.

I close my eyes. I can't see him anyways. I need to focus every bit of my energy toward detecting, and reacting.

My breathing quickens.

My legs tense.

The air grows sharp around me.


I feel my senses scream out. I don't hesitate. I leap to the side, shooting 2 tesseracts as I retreat. They graze him. My aim is hindered, I'm moving too far away to aim accurately!

"OH? You couldn't even react the first time! How interesting! But I still haven't gotten serious. WITNESS THE MIGHT OF ONE OF THE 4 WINDS, ANDRIUS THE WOLF LORD!"

A fear grips my heart like a vice.

'In going to die here.'

'What can I do?'

'There's nothing I can do.'

'I should've waited.

" I wasn't ready"

I look down, and see myself standing there below.

'Never thought I'd have a out of body experience.'

I'll admit, I'm scared. Terrified even. I want to run away.

But even if I do? What then? Will I run away everything it gets hard?

I need to face this, head on.

I grit my teeth so hard it feels like they might Shatter at any moment. I clench my hand so hard that my knuckles turn white.

That same fire I felt within while fending off Dvalin is lit once again, and burns hot. I feel like I'm on fire.

The World around me is clearer than its ever been.

In front of me, a Pyro Vision is there.

The nation of war huh? I can see why their archon bestowed a vision upon me.

"You have been given a gift, so how will you use it?"

Andrius speaks out.

"To defeat you."

"Well spoken."

Next chapter