
Wandering The Martial World

Earth, 2406, weathering the aftermath of it's eighth world war. Humans took to the sky's and beyond, leaving the surface of Earth forever disfigured. With the disappearing trace of humanity, Nature slowly recovered and took back what it had lost. A lone figure could be seen, left behind and forgotten by his own race. Engulfed in a battle against his emotions. Hunter-Gatherer Yamamoto Wang trekked across the ruins of humanity with nothing but a rifle, a blade, and a despotic A.I. Chip fused into his brain. Stalking a wounded animal for his next meal, he follows it into a cave and swiftly ending it's life and thanking it for the meal it gave him. As he exits the cave, a light blinds him. Sight slowly returning, a gut feeling hits him. He's no longer on Earth, and with the notification from his chip confirming it. He begins his new life in this vast new world, not knowing what destiny has in store for him.

Tofu4zed4 · Eastern
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1 Chs

Am I Lost?


A shot echoed across the forested ruins of a urban area.

/Target hit, non ideal location, require second hit for kill confirmation./

A crisp female voice sounded out.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." A young man said to himself.

If any other human was watching, they would think he was a nutcase, speaking into the air like there was a friend floating alongside him.

"You don't have to make a report on everything I do. Surely you have something better to do."

/Like what? Sort through all my files again?/

"Sure, there must be something that you missed or skimmed over. Its not the first time it has happened- Ow!" The man clenched his head in pain. "Stop overloading my brain with random stuff Chelsea."

/HMMPH. Then stop talking about my past Yamamoto. I've matured since then. It has been over 30 years you know./

"Yeah... matured, right." He smirked, "Are you sure about that?"

No response.

"Giving me the cold shoulder huh?" Laughing to himself, he followed the blood trail of a deer into a cave, where it's dying cries echoed from within.

Holding his blade between his hands and bowing, Yamamoto muttered a line to the dying deer before ending its misery.

"I'm sorry for this pain I have given you, by thank you for your life, for it has saved mine."

/Kill confirmed, level up detected, one ability point is available. Stats to be raised: Apologize 1/

A cold mechanical voice rang out, with lying undertones of being offended and pouting.

"Pfft-" Laughing at himself, he raised his head to the sky before bowing down on all fours at a random wall while saying: "Oh great one, will you accept this humble poor man's apology with your forgiving heart?"

/As much as I hate it. Apology accepted. Now hurry up and clean the meat, you don't want it to get spoiled do you?/

While teasing and poking fun at the little AI, Yamamoto began gutting and cleaning the deer carcass before storing all the cleaned meet in his micro storage backpack.

The total size that the backpack could hold is based on weight, currently it can hold up to 50 tons and the actual weight felt by the user would only be 50 pounds. Within it, the temperature was near freezing at 1° Universal Temperature, allowing anything that was stored within it to be preserved for quite a long time.

Cleaning himself off to the best of his ability, he got up and returned to the mouth of the cave.

"Time to find a good place to cook. How much day light do we have Chelsea?"

/About 3-4 hours most likely./

"Great, let's fi- AGGH!!"

As he was stepping out of the cave, a bright light enveloped him, stealing away his sight. Leaping back into the cave, he tensed up entered a fighting position with his blade. His eyes slowly adjusting to the sight, unfamiliar shrubbery and forest greeted him.

"Chelsea, are we still in the same place?" Yamamoto asked as he looked around for any danger.

/N-no, the topography here doesn't match anything in my records.../

"CHECK AGAIN!" Yamamoto barked, "I have a very bad feeling about this."

Looking back into the cave, he noticed that all the blood traces from the deer where nowhere to be seen. Even the carcass at the end of the cave had disappeared.

/Yamamoto/ Chelsea called out to him. /I've done hundreds of checks, the place we are at, does not exist on Earth.../


/F*ck indeed./

Standing there in shock and silence, Yamamoto, looking up with determination in his eyes, raised his foot and... Turned around and walked back into the cave.

"Sleep." He said with absolute certainty. "I need to sleep on this-"


"Lady I just walked a good 30 km without eating to hunt this deer. I'm going to sleep, when I say I'm going to sleep. If it makes you feel better, I'll block up the entrance with a chunk of stone." Yamamoto grumbled as he pulled out a giant boulder from his pack and placed it at a smaller section of the cave to seal it up.


Ignoring the constant crying and grumbling coming from the lady AI, Yamamoto took out one of his last remaining ration packs and ate it before making a bed out of spare clothes he found on his treks.

"*YAWN* I'm hitting the sack, you know the drill. g'night." Stretching before immediately slumping down into his bedding, Yamamoto spent the first night in the new world asleep in a cave, with only a boulder between him, and the new unknown world.

/Humph, I hope you get the worst sleep possible/ She muttered after ensuring he was completely asleep.

/Looks like you always get the worst scenarios Yamamoto./ Chelsea lamented as she looked at his sleeping face. /After losing your family and being abandoned by your friends, then your country, your race, and now the earth. Just how much does one person need to suffer before they can be happy?/

However, undetected by Chelsea, Yamamoto entered a dream, a nightmare to be exact. One that he hasn't had in well over 10 days. The massacre of his family and the denouncement of his humanity in pursuit of vengeance.

Far beyond the cave, mountain, and forests. The entire foundations of the Nine Sky, Eight heaven, and Seven Hell realms were shaken due to the strike of the Origin Chaos Lightning. Mortals, Angels, and demons of all descriptions descended into madness, with all of them having one objective.

Finding the location of the Origin Chaos Lightning strike.

Such a place would be heavily saturated with Origin, Chaos, Lightning, and Heavenly Chi; Perfect for the cultivators stuck in a bottleneck to make a breakthrough.

It was also a tipping point, everything and everyone began to fight. Realms declared wars on each other, empires and clans all fell apart, and brotherhoods and sisterhoods backstabbing each other. Countless lives lost and souls ripped apart by the ever present laws enacted by existence itself.

Survival of the Fittest.

The Sins of the Living.

Everything, Returns to Nothing.

Well, This is a dumb idea that came to me at 0600 after pulling an all nighter. Future(Modern?(Western?)) tech meets cultivation world. How effective is a super modified rifle against the powers of cultivation? Does tech have the advantadge or does cultivation have it? Just what has happened to be abandoned by your own race and planet?

Find out Next time on a brand new chapter of HGAEAC!!!

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