
Wandering the Borderlands

They called me a murderer, I called them dead. Walking past their dead bodies, stacks of money-filled my pockets. Reborn I seek to roam this world. May it be for the worst or the best. The novel has been posted on Royal Road under the account name TheDevilsNightmare. Art isn't mine found it off google images.

GodofTruth · Video Games
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35 Chs

Athena's is not a Dissapointment? (2)

"The stars are more beautiful than when I last saw then..." Felicity muttered flying around. The stars seemed to dazzle this night with its shimmering flickers illuminating the night.

"Yeah.." Dracule muttered jumping from tree to tree. Changing from his form to revenant he swiftly moved around the tree his claws and robotic prosthetics pending in unnatural ways. Clawing his way he eventually stumbled across the broken ship its windows being bashed opened with the glass popped outwards and inwards. Seeing a trail of blood marks and claw marks, Dracule followed them until he came across a cave.

"Interesting," Dracule muttered. Casually walking he smelt the foul smell of death. Walking deeper he saw a corpse on grounds roasted to a crisp. Kicking it to the side he continued walking until he was met with a large laboratory of sorts.

'How in the... Where are the guards wouldn't this be protected or something...' Dracule thought seeing a full-fledged laboratory being currently built.

Dracule walking around examined everything before walking over to a man who struggled to breathe seeing his face Draacule smiled demonically.

"Well, well, well... If it ain't Capone himself..." Dracule greeted pulling out his miniture torture gear under his coat.

"Please... Don't... Hurt... Me... I'll tell you everything... I'm going to die... Anyway." Capone stated struggling.

"Oh? So who snitched?" Dracule asked putting his kit away and instead grabbed two needles.

"It... was... me. I had too... They had my brother... those kids you transported weren't just any average patch of kids." Capone revealed.

"So you're saying those marks weren't cut marks?" Dracule asked realizing what he meant.

"That's right those kids were used to transport that damn siren and you just had to hide them. They came after me and burnt my brother to a crisp. I came to this planet to hide from them... But they found me anyway. If only you had taken them to the dropzone... And don't think they don't know you. Dahl is after you now... Dracule Mihawk. That's quite the name... I hope you die alone you fucking... Fool!" Capone spat before coughing hysterically.

"Love aye? I don't think anyone would fall in love with a monster like me anyway. " Dracule muttered. Walking closer to Capone he looked down on him.

"It seems my vacation made you forget why people feared me..." Dracule stated injecting the two needles into the man.

"Just wha..." Capone muttered before spazzing on the ground foam spitting out of his mouth.

"I remember the second job I did I used two conflicting serums... One that healed while the other Destroyed. The result is..." Dracule paused before watching the man before him.

"Quite devastating..." Dracule informed before walking out and setting the whole facility ablaze. Everything had already been ransacked anyway.

Dracule looking from outside saw the struggling man outside tears dripping from his eyes as he burnt to death while spasming on the ground. Dracule whistling made his way out.

"Hey Felicity do you think I'll ever find love," Dracule joked sighing.

"Maybe," Felicity stated.


"Thank you for your support young man," The village chief thanked again.

"Please the pleasure's mine." Dracule waved walking to his ship.

"STOP!" A feminine voice called out.

Dracule turning around was met again with the blue-haired beauty. Dracule seeing her again paused. The elders seeing Dracule freeze smiled internally while others looked on in curiosity.

"Athena, what are you doing?" A village elder spoke out in anger.

"Hold it Elder Chatla let Athena speak to the foreigner," The village chief ordered.

"Tell me your name... Your real name. You don't look like a dave. I'm sure of it." Athena asserted.

"I'm not sure you'll like the truth. I'm not really your type honey." Dracule warned.

"What do you mean by that?" Athena questioned.

"Please you're a princess and I'm just some random merchant. It wouldn't fit," Dracule reasoned.

"Please just your name that's it," She pleaded.

"Well. Call me... Dracule Mihawk. See you around Beautifull. If you ever do get off this rock. Don't try to find me... You might just regret it." Dracule stated walking away.

"Dracule you might want to see this..." Felicity informed before smiling at the poster presented on his screen.

"How interesting..." Draucle muttered.

Name: Dracule Mihawk (Revenant)

Wanted dead

Status: Alive

Description: Is known to be skilled in all forms of combat. Be aware the man is dangerous and is known to be unkillable. Kill on sight.

Reward: $-1

Wanted for: Political assassination, Kidnapping, torture, war crimes, theft, Drug trafficking, Trespassing, Destruction of property, Ilegal breathing, Illegal existence, Extortion, vandalism, illegal war weapons, Illegal experimentation, Human trafficking



"A challenge spotted. A worthy opponent found. This will be alluring." A robotic voice muttered starring at the poster in front of him.



"It makes sense..." Athena stated again while Springs shouted in shock.

"Did you know?" Springs exasperated.

"I did not..." Athena muttered.


"Athena delete all files on Claptrap... I think I was right in not angering him... Now... How to kill him..." Handsome Jack muttered going through his monitors.


"Aye, my friend is on the news! Hammerlock come look at this! My friend Dracule is on the papers!" Claptrap shouted tumbling onto the ground in excitement.

"Dracule this, Dracule that, just who... You can't be serious,. This is bollocks!" Sir Hammerlock muttered in disbelief at the amount of money he was worth and the crimes that were listed below.


"Who's this Dracule Mihawk guy he doesn't look like anyone we know though he does carry that blade. Wait a minute... It can't be..." Lilith muttered. Shacking vividly her whole body shook in fear while Roland stood quiet his mind somewhere else. Clenching his fist and teeth he got up and walked away anger.

"Wow, what's wrong Ro, Lil you okay?" Mordecai asked.

"Don't worry about it just... Old scars..." Lilith stated calming down.


"So... Dahl wants war aye? I don't know how they got my name but it doesn't matter. If they want some then come I'll kill them all one by one." Dracule smiled seeing all of the Dahl head quarters mapped out in front of him.