
Wandering Soul

Elainne is a normal kid living her normal life. Wait. She's dead. But how? Who killed her? Let's find out if Elainne can uncover the truth about her death.

sheabutter · Teen
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4 Chs

III. The Mad Scientist I

I have always hated how most schools have their own version of different "factions" just like what the hunger games have. There will always be the "mean" populars or the self-entitled jocks. It's as if you're missing a part of high school when you don't have these types of groups in school.

It was two days after the death of Mrs. Simpson and everyone is still talking about it. There are a lot of speculations about her death. One is that Mrs. Simpson is a mistress and committed suicide due to the guilt that she felt. Others say that Mrs. Simpson is part of some sort of a cult and became their sacrificial lamb. Too intense huh?

To pay respects to Mrs. Simpson's death, all the students were instructed to gather at the gym this afternoon. Although everyone was supposed to mourn, most of the students were happy. Who doesn't love the dismissal of classes, right?

Anyway, I am still bothered by the keychain that I have picked up at the crime scene. I looked at it that night and it has a blood stain on it. Just to give you a detailed description of the keychain, it is an hourglass embellished with gold. It has the roman numerals "XVI" on it. My gut is telling me that the killer is still in this school. But who might it be? Mrs. Simpson is no saint and a lot of students-heck, even some of the teachers are mad at her.

Why don't I make a list of possible suspects? Hmmm. Great idea, Elainne! At least you can still think straight despite this freaking situation. So who could be the killer?

Hmmmm...Let me think... Other than being a teacher, Mrs. Simpsons is also the advisor of Science Club. A lot of students are mad at her for flunking them in her subject. And since she is a professor who fights for what is right, she tends to clash with other teachers who have their "own way" of teaching students.

I've listed the possible suspects and realized that basically anyone can do this to Mrs. Simpsons. Most people have their grudge against her. Then an idea popped into my mind. Who knows Mrs. Simpsons best? Of course, it is none other than Lucas, his favorite student and the president of Science Club!