
Chapter 1:

Valtor stood on the battlefield, his heart heavy with grief and anger. All around him, the bodies of his fallen comrades lay still, their blood staining the ground. He had fought bravely alongside them, believing that he was serving his kingdom and his king with honor. But in the end, he had been betrayed.

The king of Lespia had ordered Valtor and his squadron to conquer the neighboring Rumberg Kingdom. Valtor had followed his orders without question, believing that he was doing what was best for his people. But when they arrived at the Rumberg border, they were met with a surprise attack. The Rumberg army was waiting for them, and they were outnumbered and outmatched.

Valtor had watched in horror as his fellow soldiers fell one by one, their cries of pain and despair echoing in his ears. He had fought valiantly, using his healing powers to try to keep his friends alive. But it was no use. The Rumberg soldiers were too strong, and soon Valtor was the only one left standing.

As the Rumberg army closed in on him, Valtor felt a surge of rage and despair. He had been betrayed by his own king, who had surrendered without warning and left his soldiers to die. Valtor could not forgive such treachery, and in that moment he turned to dark magic.

With a flick of his wrist, he conjured a powerful spell that sent a shockwave through the battlefield. The Rumberg soldiers were knocked back, and Valtor felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins. He had tapped into a forbidden power, one that could bring the dead back to life.

And so he did. He used his newfound abilities to revive his fallen comrades, their bodies rising from the ground and standing once more. They were not quite alive, but neither were they dead. They were something else, something in between.

Valtor felt a strange sense of satisfaction as he looked upon his resurrected friends. He had defied death itself, and had found a way to make the fallen fight again. He knew that he could not stay on the battlefield, for he had crossed a line that could never be uncrossed. But he also knew that he could not go back to Lespia, for he had been betrayed by his own king.

And so he wandered, a mage without a home, seeking to use his powers for good and to right the wrongs of the world. He was a man on a mission, and nothing could stand in his way.

After the battle, Valtor knew that he could not stay in the Rumberg Kingdom, for he had betrayed his own people by using dark magic. He made his way to the nearest city, hoping to find a place to hide and gather his strength.

But it was not long before he was discovered. The Rumberg army was searching for him, and they knew that he had escaped to the city. Valtor tried to outrun them, but he was caught and taken prisoner.

The Rumberg soldiers did not execute him, for they knew the value of his powers. Instead, they made him a slave, forcing him to use his magic to heal wounded soldiers and to perform other tasks.

Valtor resented his captors, and he longed for freedom. He tried to escape several times, but he was always caught and punished severely. Over time, he began to feel a sense of despair, believing that he would never be free again.

However, things took a turn for the worse when the Rumberg Kingdom was conquered by the Antrim Empire, led by the Crown Princess Anatolia Von Orte. The new ruler demanded that all slaves be transferred to her ownership, and any previous slave owners who refused to comply would have their wealth seized.

As a result, Valtor was transferred to the ownership of Crown Princess Anatolia. Despite his desire for freedom, he remained a slave and was forced to use his powers to benefit his new owner.

The Antrim Empire was founded by Emperor Manon Von Orte six years ago. Before coming to power, he served in the Royal Army of Antrim Kingdom. On the highness's birthday, he killed the previous king and declared himself Emperor of Antrim, changing the Kingdom to an Empire. Emperor Manon bribed aristocrats and army generals to secure his position, and he promised free education to all citizens except slaves.

The Empire is divided into eight regions, each governed by one of Emperor Manon's children. The Crown Princesses and Princes have considerable power as Financial and Defense Ministers, and they are responsible for most of the Empire's work.

The Empire practices a confederacy, with each region having its own laws, rules, and language. The Empire's currency is the Antrim Daun. The Emperor encourages his children to conquer neighboring nations and rewards them by allowing them to govern the newly acquired colony directly under their region.

Despite being a relatively young empire, the Antrim Empire has already made significant territorial gains, including the conquest of the Rumberg Kingdom, which has become a colony under the Loren region governed by Crown Princess Anatolia Von Orte, who also serves as Financial and Defense Minister. The title of Crown Princess is equivalent to Prime Minister in other countries, but the Antrim Empire uses the former.

Upon hearing that the Kingdom of Lespia had submitted themselves as a vassal state to Crown Princess Anatolia, King Mondason Medio found himself in a state of fear and uncertainty. While he did not want to lose his title as king, he also recognized that becoming a vassal state would limit his authority and autonomy.

After much deliberation, King Mondason decided to send a delegation to meet with Crown Princess Anatolia and offer his submission to her. The delegation was met with a warm reception, and Crown Princess Anatolia accepted Lespia as a vassal state of the Antrim Empire.

Under the terms of their submission, Lespia was required to pay tribute to the Antrim Empire and provide soldiers to fight in the empire's wars. In exchange, Lespia was granted protection from external threats and allowed to maintain a certain degree of autonomy in its internal affairs.

Despite the limitations of their new status, King Mondason saw the benefits of aligning with the powerful Antrim Empire and hoped that his decision would bring prosperity and security to the people of Lespia.

Valtor's friend, a fellow slave named Jarek, asked him, "Why are you laughing, Valtor? What's so funny?"

Valtor replied, "Can't you see, Jarek? The Lespia Kingdom is nothing but a bunch of cowards. They have given up their sovereignty and become a vassal state. They are willing to give up their independence just to save their own skin."

Jarek shook his head in disbelief. "But what can we do about it? We're just slaves. We have no power or influence."

Valtor paused for a moment before responding, "True, we may be slaves now, but that doesn't mean we can't fight for our freedom. We have to be patient and wait for the right moment to strike."

Jarek looked at Valtor with a mix of admiration and skepticism. "Do you really think we can overthrow the Antrim Empire?"

Valtor grinned. "Nothing is impossible, my friend. We just have to believe in ourselves and work towards our goal. One day, we will be free again."

Jarek nodded thoughtfully, still unsure if Valtor's words were just empty promises or a glimmer of hope in their bleak situation.

"you know what? They say if you can't defeat it join their side jerek. Imagine have a powerful empire at this region. We can do anything. I'm aiming to become a aristocrat in this empire. Loren Region not like others region. I heard a conversation when send the horse yesterday evening, we allowed to changing social status. Since we are Crown Princess slave maybe we can climb the social ladder hahaha." Say Valtor.

Jerek snorted in response. "You think climbing the social ladder is as easy as climbing a tree, Valtor? We are slaves, and no matter how much we work or how talented we are, we will always be seen as inferior by the nobles and aristocrats. And don't forget, we are here against our will. We may be allowed to change our social status, but it will never be on our own terms."

Valtor rolled his eyes. "You're always so negative, Jerek. I refuse to accept that we're stuck in this position forever. I may be a slave now, but I won't let that define me. I'll do whatever it takes to rise up and make a name for myself in this empire. Who knows? Maybe I'll even catch the eye of the Crown Princess herself."

Jerek chuckled. "You always did have big dreams, Valtor. But just remember, the higher you climb, the harder you'll fall."

"The question is, are you with me or not? You may be from Rumberg that killed my friends, but I apologize for lumping you in with them since we're both slaves now," said Valtor.

"I'm with you, but what can we do? We're just slaves," replied Jerek.

Valtor smirked. "I have a power that could help us. With my strength, we could rise up and become powerful in this empire."

Jerek looked at him skeptically. "What power do you have?"

Valtor paused for a moment before answering. "Let's just say I have a special ability that I've been hiding for a long time. And now, it might be our ticket to freedom."

" Well my power is , i can revived the dead people. No matter how many time we death we can still revival. Now what your power" Ask Valtor to Jerek

Jerek paused for a moment before answering, "I don't have any special powers like you, Valtor. I'm just a skilled fighter, trained in various forms of combat."

Valtor nodded, "That's still a valuable skill to have. With my power and your fighting skills, we could make a name for ourselves in this empire."

Jerek looked thoughtful, "I never thought of it that way. Maybe you're right. Let's do this, Valtor. Let's climb the social ladder and make a better life for ourselves."

Valtor grinned, "That's the spirit! We'll start by doing the best job we can here, and then we'll see where our opportunities take us."