1 Chapter 1

Carly's POV

I wasn't always here. There was a time I just couldn't do it, a time where my siblings and I would just go to our bed hungry, a time where my little sister would cry wondering when will this end? When would our lives be different? But then again that's always her she always complains, always the blamer, always wonders when it will end.

As for me, I keep telling myself that I will step up and finally make something of myself with or without the help of anyone.

Third-person POV

Carly was lost in her thought again as she stared out the glass window of a building that she owned, a successful co-operation that she found and bring to the top something that she was proud of, something that she could finally be content with, even though there were times she believed that something big was missing from her life.

"Carly!" called Richard

Being that she was lost in her thoughts she didn't reply

"Bumblebee" he called again

Carly jumped and answer

"Dad you do know am right here you don't need to yell"

Richard rolled his eyes and replied, "Given that this is my third time calling you young lady"

Carly let out a smile then laugh, "Sorry daddy"

"Heavy thinking again?" he asked. She nodded

"Sweetie I know at times you think about things and if I might add you think too dam much, I know your thoughts I've known you to always excessively wonder if you deserve all this that God has blessed you with, but let me tell you again as I've always told you. You work your ass off for everything that you have and don't you dare think you don't deserve it" Richard said proudly

Carly smiled trying to wipe away the tear from her eyes

"And you need a break," he said angrily

Carly rolled her eyes knowing exactly what her father meant. But before she could say anything her father cut her off saying "Come on its 8 and we have a reservation at Lucy's at 8:30"

Carly nodded as she packed up and telling Taylor to close, as she said goodnight to Taylor and the security guards.

Carly's POV

We stepped into a restaurant, one of my favorite places to be, but on a night like this I just want to be home enjoying a home-cooked meal but nothing beats having a meal with someone you love, and that's my father, my heart, my best friend and by far my favorite person in this world. One might say I am a "Daddy's girl" but "to hell with them" I'd say because this man because is the reason why I am here today.

I'll do anything for my father anything to make sure he keeps smiling because it hasn't been easy for raising three young kids. My mom died when I was just 5 an "unknown accident" they say, and to this very day they haven't found her body, so every year on the 15 of January we have a family gathering for her, we didn't make a tombstone because I feel my father believe she is still alive something big for someone to bring around if you ask me, we found a hiding place just for her to just be thankful for the memories we have of her.

I still remember beautiful singing before I going to bed but only in my sleep, not sure if I remember her face for myself, but my brother was broken because he knew her the best, he was just 15 when she died and sometimes his actions tell us at times that he really does miss her.

Third Person's POV

The scenery was beautiful, with beautiful rose petal tiles with a glistening chandelier at the top

"Welcome, Mr. Laux" Greeted a server with a pleasant smile as she led them to their seats and handed them the menu then pour some champagne into each of the champagne glasses that were on the well-decorated table.

"Thank you" stated Carly as she looked through the menu.

"We need to talk," said Richard with a straight face.

Knowing exactly what he was going to say Carly scoffs

"Umm Dad?" she started

" I made a reservation at De'Lews for you on Friday" Richard interrupted

"You are joking right" Carly started lifting her eyebrow.

Richard looked at her with a straight face.

"Father we've talked about this we have been over this topic so much I lost count, first you go on about me finding someone then I need a vacation, I mean I am fine I don't need those right now," Carly said

"Carly you're 28 years old, not 21 or 23, 28 and you'll be 29 in October you're a dam big woman and I can come to your apartment anytime without thinking that I'd find a half-naked man in your house, isn't that a bit strange?" Richard asked, as Carly was about to answer Richard stated'

"You've been single for almost 2 years now, you've acquainted yourself with men but you've never actually given not one of them a chance to even take you out, now as a father your my little girl apart from Camie and it's still discomforting to say I'll have to let you go, hell even Camie is married have two kids while you sink all your attention on work. I know this is strange coming from your father because there is nothing fun in lecturing your daughter to go on a date because I'd kill any man who hurt you"

Carly chuckled

"You deserved every bit of break there is you've worked so hard," said Richard

"So can you please do me a favor and just go I know you'll love it, you may find a friend there even your future and that big void that you believe your missing"

Carly was about to say something but Richard

"I'm not classified as your friend Carly-Ann Allura Laux I am your father you need a female friend who can match your crazy, someone who you can share things with, NOT ME you have no friends well aside from Abigail, you need one " Richard stated

"Fine I'll go, but if I don't enjoy am blaming you" Carly replied

Richard's POV

It was never easy being a father especially being a father to three beautiful kids who reminded you every day of the one person you've ever loved all three of my kids had something from Denise, but Carly was the one who was a dead replica of Denise and myself. Her strong-willed and stubbornness which she had gotten from me and her mother were sometimes hard to deal with. It was as if talking to a rock, she only listens when you guilt-trip her or give her a valid reason to do something.

I try my best in every way to not show any form of favoritism towards any of them because each of them went through their own worth of pain. Carly the hardest and as a father, I am proud to say I have three beautiful kids who came out of the ashes, and like a phoenix, they rise.

Judging on Carly's reaction I bet she thinks she will be at De'Lews only for the weekend I'd like to be a fly on the wall to see her face when she finds out it's going to be a week.

Third Person's POV

As Richard and Carly finish their meal, Carly starts to think about what her father said to her, it was indeed a long time since she went out and have some fun, a long time she had someone for her own and a very long time she had a friend since the last "friend" that she had betrayed her.

She smiled and think about all possible outcomes she'll have by spending the weekend at De'Lews a well-known hotel as well as five stars, one that she never thought of going to after being so busy.

"This might turn out well," she thought

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