
Wanderer system

An adventuric story where world has system status and various continents and amazing hack and slash character development..

Nevyr_Maralad · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Second Invasion

Suddenly a ground shake came up and made me woke up.

I was confused then I opened my window to find a burning ashes around in the town village and loud commotion.

A large bell has runged then suddenly someone opened my door and grandmother showed up hurriedly grabbed me as we went downstairs.

I saw my cousins gathered up as my uncles and aunts meeting up.

Then Rogell pat my shoulder saying the village was swarming with mythical creatures grouped together suddenly.

They didn't expected the sudden ambushed, as all break loose.

The meeting was planned to evacuate through farther country staying in distance families.

Sudden there was a roaring sound came outside from house, there was only two E rank and three E+ rank Kazo and Anna are E rank and Me,Jarel and Rogell are E+ rank.

As Jarel,Rogell and I went outside.

A massive dragon climbing the hill heading towards us.

"That's an B+ rank mythical creature how did it get here" Jarel said.

"They have started a war" Rogell exclaimed.

We then saw creatures coming through our houses and not just normal but strong creatures.

"Jarel! move out and make the others evacuate through the south side!" Rogell shouted as he pulled out his sword and so do I.

"Well I guess I need your healing Yahkel, im sorry" Rogell told me.

"No, it's okay afterall im your family, besides I was able to get my own class because you enrolled me to Saphire academy paying 100 gold coins" I replied.

He happily nodded, then we saw Jarel and others riding through carriage heading behind from the mansion.

"Aaah!" we suddenly heard children screaming as me and Rogell went towards to others immediately.

As we saw them got surrounded by multiple creatures, Kazo,Anna and Jarel were fending the creatures as the others are gathering in circle form while being surrounded by multiple creatures.

I and Rogell struck the creatures behind their head, killing two creatures were nothing as multiple creatures has arrived.

The creatures then lunges at us while those who can fight also joined.

"They won't stop coming" Jarel implied.

The number of creatures has keep increasing until more than fifty as some of them got injured I healed them immediately and defending my weak cousins, I was a battlehealer.

Until then a large claw can be seen at the top of our mansion and moving its body above closer.

It was the massive dragon as it catches up, then suddenly Rogell kneeled as he grabbed my shoulders, "Listen! go and lead your cousins through the forest and protect!" he said and told the others.

The other uncle and aunt of mine were F rank at most they told us they will buy us some time as they greeted their sons and daughters last goodbye.

Kazo,Anna, and Jarel was leading all of us msking us numbered total of 17 walking down nearer the forest.

"How could they fight against a monster like that! it will be only their deathbed" as Kazo turned around and went back.

"Kazo wait!" as Anna shouted and tries to catch up with her.

"Anna! Don't! it's our job to protect our cousins first!" as Jarel had a blazing gaze to Anna.

Anna understood and we went our way then suddenly we can the monsters from the mansion heading towards us.

The monsters mouth can be seen holding Kazo's head and other uncles and nephews half body.

"Rogell.." I could see a hobgoblin piercing Rogell's head through it's spear.

The massive dragon flew down unto the village wreaking havoc.

Suddenly Jarel went behind us as he ready to confront hundreds of monsters.

"JAREL DON'T! you will die!!!" as Anna cried kneeling.

He tilted his head toward us as he spoke one last words, "Anna, it's not about winning the fight, it's about me protecting you guys" as he give one last smile before turning around.

"Hurry! the monsters are coming Anna!" as I grab her hand to make her stand up.

"Leave, protect the others Yahkel.. You have a promising future ahead, please protect the others" Anna told me as she went with Jarel to fend off.

The other cousins were crying seeing sight of their parents as they lose hope, "It's over! they're going to catch up" as Kaire kneeled to the ground.

I slapped and shouted to all of my cousins, "ARE YOU GUYS FREAKIN RETARD! YOUR PARENTS SACRIFICED THEMSELVES FOR YOU GUYS TO LIVE AND ESCAPE AS IT HURT MY HEART AS HELL AS FUCK TOO" I bursted out shouting and tears flowing down through my eyes.

I recalled my grandparents who took care of me so much after seeing them got mutilated has broken my heart into pieces.

My cousins eyes were widened leaving then shocked as my speech reached through their ears.

We then started to run as I lead them from behind and Zael was infront his face was full of hatred and revenge.

As we close heading to the forest then suddenly hobgoblins,lizardmen and orcs came out to surrounding us.

'Not again, not again.. No!.nonono' as I was worriedly thought about my younger cousins.

There were 23 of them and there 14 of us while others are about 6-9 years old, Zael is F+ rank,Kaire,Kaila are the only one who can fight.

"Zael! Protect and leave!" I said, then Zael understand the assignment pushing the others to run other side.

I sacrifice myself to fend the monsters away from them.


"You must thought we wouldn't understand, I'll have that Kaila girl as my breeder" the goblin speaks.

The rage inside me burns up as I went slashing 2 goblins at once and heading to that goblin, suddenly a lizardman came infront of me blocking my path, lizardmen are an F rank mythical creature.

As the other creatures sprinting to others.

"I can't let you do that!" as I turned around and immediately hobgoblin blocked my path leaving me no choice.

My opponent is a lizardman and hobgoblin, my adrenaline and my sheer blazing determination as I cannot let Rogell's last task given to me fail.

I leaped from distance escaping back and front attack but attacking them at fron st the same time.

As I leaoed towards leaving me open, I mustered half of my strength cleanly sliced the lizardman's head before raising his weapon.

The hobgoblin saw it and immediately took a caution, I couldn't careless because my priority were others.

As I suddenly charge, we clashed our swords, I did an attacking nonstop as the hobgoblin was overwhelmed.

Immediately the hobgoblin grabbed another axe from his back, while his other axe occupied against my sword.

He sliced my fingers as he used dual axe, immediately he laugh and mocked at me while pointing at me.

"Hekhekhe-" as he leave his guard open, I threw my sword in javelin position piercing his head.

I grabbed my sliced fingers and reattached them using healing I figured out in the academy, about level 5 I could reattached torn limbs and about level 9 I could heal or grow a missing limbs.

After defeating them, I went and rushed to them after few minutes arriving.

I saw a horrible view infront of me, my other younger cousins got their head smashed,mutilated and crudhed while Zael killed 3 creature as he lost his left arm bleeding alot,Kaire was fending off creature as he got minor injuries and now being surrounded by as he shakingly swung his sword inexperiencely.

While other hand two goblins were stripping Kaila na*ed as they about to do her, I immediately angered as I grab weapons from the defeated by Zael and headshotted the two goblins.

The creatures then suddenly aware of my parents the orc who battled Zael the lizardman,hobgoblins,imps turned around from Kaire to face me.

All of the remaining creatures charged at me then suddenly a flying spear swiftly pierced th orc's head who was leading the charge, the spear flew from side as I turned around a red haired man running towards us at high speed.

As he jumped high grabbing spear in orc's head then some of the creatures launching at attack from behind, he easily parried busting a hole in creatures head.

He then skillfullt dodge and pierced the remaining creatures head wiping them out under a minute.

"Father?" said Zael.

As Zael falls his body then his father swiftly catches him.

"Father, Kale and Aims are.."

"Yes my son forgive me.." his father tears falling.

As I grabbed Zeal arms and went then healing attach through his arm.

His father was glad as he thought he would lose all his children.

Kaila was grabbing his clothe walking towards us and Katie was continuing stabbing the creatures head corpse while murmuring "You dickhead, you fucker!" as he keep saying.

We were all grieving as the invasion has stopped the horde went to other neighboring country, the king C rank has made it's move as he killed all the remaining F,E and D ranks monsters.

7/9 humans has benn wiped out leaving less than thousand behind.

The reddal made a large cementery as we mourned for our loved ones and the Reddal became a ghost town after this invasion happened, the king has moved out went to the other country as others chose to stay here.

Zael's father was the D+ rank hero and he brought us to the other country where our Mashu relatives lived in..