
Chapter 4

You could say the world I live in is incredible. If there were no Raneri and the cursed walls, it would be a wonderful place. Seriously. It was only three years, just three years that I explored the great continent with old Evrik. I saw wonderful places, with breathtaking views. I enjoyed so many new flavors that I would like to taste again. I smelled so many smells that I was delighted. I rightly tell you that the world I live in is incredible. Believe it or not, this is your choice. The fascinating part about this world is that whenever the walls go down, it seems like something has changed. I know it will sound crazy. I don't explain myself either, but it seems that the relief and the surroundings of the world in which I live are constantly changing. And here I am referring to changes such as that in a certain place there was a forest, and in four years when the walls go down, the forest is already alone. Sometimes huge lakes appear in places where they were not, there are forests with tall trees in places where only four years ago it was desert, there are mountains in places where once there was plain relief. This world is constantly changing. The worst part is that no one cares. Nobody thinks about these changes. Most think only of survival. I don't blame them for that, but their negligence and lack of reason makes me jump. How to survive when you don't even know the secrets of this world. Only when you know what you are dealing with can you find a solution. Escape and this constant search for a safe place is meaningless. No one bothered to find out where the wounded were coming from. No one tried to find out the truth behind the walls. Most live in total ignorance. Some who have tried to find out the secrets of this world have simply given up and chosen to live on in ignorance. I can't live like this. I'm tired of seeing people dying, I'm tired of running away, always living in fear that at any moment I might run into a horde of wounded. This is not life. I want to be free. To enjoy to the fullest everything around me. That's why I want to get to the City of Wishes. Intuition tells me that there I will find out the secrets of this world in which I live.

It's been a week since the walls came down and my journey west was safe. The bad part is that the cities of Proxima are located in the far east, close to the vast expanse of water. Almost forgot. Excuse me, but sometimes I forget things. The Great Continent is surrounded by water. You look at the horizon and see only water. Now I think you're wondering why no one is trying to build a boat, to go to sea. The truth is that you can do this, but once you are more than 20 meters from the shore you die. Nobody explains why. You just die, and that's why no one rushes out to sea. However, living near the vast expanse of water is really beautiful. You can catch fish, seafood, you can bathe, you can admire some wonderful sunsets. Injuries cannot swim and this is why some cities have been built near the great expanse of water. The wall does not surround the whole city as the city is directly bordered by water, the wall having the shape of a semicircle. There are few such cities, because usually the land and the climate are dry here near the great expanse of water.

Only once did I see the great expanse of water. Exactly 5 years ago. After leaving the valley, old Evrik and I headed east. We should have found the city of Marena near the great expanse of water. We were to live in this city, but when we arrived we found only the ruins of the city. I spent about a month here. Then we decided to go back west and try to enter one of the four Proxima cities. The cities of Proxima are quite close to the great expanse of water. It only takes you a week to cover the distance. I already think you realize for yourself what happened next.

It's been a week since I left the city of Proxima 3. According to my calculations, in a few days I will reach the Carnivorous Forest. A strange name, but well placed. The forest is full of carnivorous plants. Some also feed on human flesh. It's very dangerous here. Do not advise to enter this forest. I calculated that if I continued to go at the speed I had, I would reach the pit that separates me from the City of Wishes in four steps. I am very eager to get there. Curiosity torments me too much. I just hope the road is safe, although I don't think it will be, especially in this world I live in. Whatever happens, I'm ready.