
Walking in my sister's shoes

Alexander and Alexandria, twins, lived with their stepfather after the passing of their mother at the young age of 5. Alexander had to become the person that his sister looks up to. But is he up to the task? Alexandria sees her brother as her hero, he can do no wrong. Is she blind or wilfully ignoring what is in front of her? Is there such a thing as twin telepathy or is that nonsense?

Bianca_Murphy · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 02 Who am I?

My name is Alexandria Bryan age 17 with my brother Alexander we attended SAS Academy, I was lucky to attend as grandpa fought for me as such this experience is one I shall always cherish and dread in the same breath. We both attend SAS Academy, an experience I both love and dread. I had a group of five friends when we started the academy, Cutter and James are also twins who actually get along better than me and mine. Sasha, Kayla and Carly. We also started the academy when we were thirteen and we  were so happy we just got it off and became friends, like kindergarten.

The academy is sectioned into three main departments: Science, Arts and Sports. The twins are from the Sports Department. Sasha, Kayla and Carly from Arts and I am from Science. You're probably wondering how we met but SAS Academy is an institution that reared us from when we were young and just getting our ears wet, then we transferred into the three departments based on the observation and tests done to let us know where to go. If your education path does not start at SAS Academy, it is very difficult to get into if one is not extremely rich. SAS produces geniuses that contributes greatly to the country's development, it's a guarantee for success if one knows you attended SAS. I met the twins when I chanced upon Cutter being teased by some children, ironic especially when one hears his name, I didn't think I just ran over to help. My life wasn't a disaster yet. "Leabe im awone I tell miss on you!" I screamed over and over until James and Miss Sarah ran to us. My eyes popped open when I saw a boy looking like the boy I just saved. My head continuously moved from left to right looking at them in confusion as they laughed. "Hewo, I'm James and this is my twin brother Cutter!" he said in a squeaky voice, I laughed "hi I'm Alexandria!" I replied in a high voice as well. From then on we were thick as thieves. They became my support and I theirs, their household was a loving one with two parents who love each other and them very much. After my grandpa died and with Alex and grandma not caring about me I was welcomed and stayed over many times to count. They has nursed me many times than I can count and I them. We taught ourselves how to defend ourselves and each other and promised to always be together. They are great at keeping secrets as they never told my parents where or how I manage to get hurt, when they would see the bruises. As we get older that's when we met the girls and after talking we found we have a lot in common and have been friends ever since, or so I thought.