
Walker survivor

DROPPED!!!! Started out as an idea, but I soon lost interest. Might make another story in the future

Michaela_9156 · Movies
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

- Next morning.

Lily had woken up early since she had planned to leave town that same day. She made sure that everything she needed to take with her was loaded on the bus, that the batteries were charged, that she had stored as much water as she could, and basically everything that she might need in the days to come. She had also made sure to store her guns inside a custom safe that she had built so that they wouldnt start to roll around inside once she started to drive.

Since she planned on just driving that day, she decided she wanted to be comfortable. So she got dressed in her usual grey sweatpants, sneakers and a black sportsbra and a open hoodie. She also tied her hair into a bun just to be completely comfortable on the long ride to atlanta.

Having made sure she had everything, she entered the large vehicle, fired up the engine, and started to drive.

"Well, lets have an enjoyable journey." She grinned to herself.

"Welcome to Lily`s tourbus. We are currently leaving our starting destination and are headed towards atlanta and are expected to arrive in roughly a day and a half depending on the conditions of the road. So lean back, grab a drink, and enjoy the trip." She laughed to herself and put on a cd to listen to.

"Country roaaad, take me hooome, to the plaaacee, I belooooong....."

- Timeskip.

Lily had kept driving for almost an entire day, only stopping to eat and go to the bathroom. She did however continue entertaining herself while driving with singing, so she wasnt completely bored.

However, something soon caught her eye.

"Well, I`ll be damned! Lets try this." She said with an excited tone.

She started to fiddle with a few of the buttons on the control panel. She fiddled around for a few minutes before grabbing what looked to be a mic.

"Breaker, breaker. Are there anyone on the air? Out."

She waited for a few minutes before trying again.

"Breaker breaker. Are there anyone on the air near atlanta?"

She tried a few more times until she finally heard an answer.

"C..y. Sur..r in at...ta. Bad con..t.ion." Came the voice from the radio.

"Copy that. Theres bad connection from your side. I am about three hours from atlanta city and heading for the safe zone."

- POV change.

It had been a relatively peaceful morning.

Dale, an older man, had been fiddling with the engine of his RV while the rest of the camp did their own chores around the area.

Suddenly there came a sound from the radio next to Dale.

"Brea.... break.... Anyo... the air?"Came the clearly feminine voice from the radio.

The noice brought the attention of those at the camp. It was rare after all to have any contact outside the camp. Dale grabbed the radio, trying to get better connection.

"Hello!? Are you still there?" He asked while still fiddling with the infernal machine.

"Breaker breaker. Anyone on the air near atlanta?" Came the now clearer voice from the radio.

Dale looked at the people that surrounded him. They were surprised. The one on the other end was clearly a woman, and she didnt sound much older than a young adult.

"Copy. We are survivors from atlanta. We have a bad connection." Dale said.

"Copy that. Theres a bad connection from your side. I am about three hours from atlanta city and heading for the safe zone."

Dale grimaced a bit.

"Negative. Safe zone doesnt exist. I repeat, safe zone doesnt exist."

- Bus POV.

"Nega..ive. Sa.e z.ne do...nt e.ist. I r.peat, saf. z..e doe..t exist." Came the voice of the older man.

"Copy that. Is there anywhere near atlanta to set up a camp then?"

"C..mp is loc..ted outs..de th. ci.y. The..e i. a roa. be..re rea..ng t.e city."

"Copy that friend. I will reach the area in about two and a half hours. Over."

- POV Survivors.

"Copy that friend. I will reach the area in about two and a half hours. Over"

They all looked at eachother. They rarely met new people these days since they kept cooped up at the camp, so a new person joining them was big news.

"I wonder what they are like?" Spoke a young blonde girl.

"I dont know Amy, but whoever she is, she sounded nice." Came the voice of another, older, blonde.

"I guess we will see Andrea." Responded the younger blonde, Amy.

"Yes we will." Answered Andrea.

As they were all talking to eachother, Shane came towards them after he returned from a patrole of the nearby woods.

"Whats up with you guys?" He asked when he reached the excited group.

"There is another survivor heading our way. She will reach here in a couple hours." Answered a young asian man.

"A newcomer? What do you mean Glenn?" Asked Shane.

"Yeah, she was just on the radio. Said she was headed for the safe zone, but we know that wouldnt work, so we directed her here." The young man, now known as Glenn responded.

"Wait, you said she, is it a woman?" Shane asked.

"Yeah. Sounded about my age to be honest, though it was difficult to hear." Glenn responded while holding his chin in contemplation.

Shane was surprised, but he didnt dare to get his hopes up that it would be the one he was waiting for.

"Okay okay. We all heard it. Lets just go back to our jobs until they arrive, yeah?" Shane spoke.

Everyone just agreed and went back to their work.

- Timeskip.

Everyone at camp was startled when they suddenly started to hear the sounds of a vehicle nearing. The shock soon disappeared however, when they remembered that another person was heading their way.

Only a few minutes passed before they caught the sight of a large black doubledecker bus driving towards their campsite. They werent able to see the driver though since the windows were tinted, but Shane was surprised since he recognized that particular bus.

The bus soon slowed down and parked before the survivors, shutting off the engine. A few moments passed before the doors opened, covering the exit so that the survivors were unable to see the person. All they saw beneath the door was a pair of small feet clad in black sneakers.

Soon the person moved, revealing a young woman in her early twenties. She had wavy mahogany brown hair reaching just below her shoulders. She had a slim yet fit build, c-cup breasts and tanned skin. She wore a pair of black sneakers, grey sweatpants that revealed her hips where a pair of strings belonging to a thong rested, and finally a black sports bra.

They were all surprised to see such a person, but were all broken from their stupor when a blur passed by them. They were stunned until they heard the sound of laughter from their resident youngster.

"Auntie Lily!" Came the exclamation from the young boy, Carl.

"Hey there kiddo. Missed me?" She laughed along while hugging the boy.

"Sure did!" He said again, both still hugging eachother.

Soon another person started to walk forward. He was a tall man, well built physique and a sharp face.

Shane walked forwards. Lily and Carl noticed him and let go of the hug as he neared the duo. Some of the others that were watching were a bit nervous for the new girl since they knew how protective Shane was of Carl. They were however, surprised when instead of chewing the girl out, they started to hug. It seemed surreal to most of them.

"You came..." She muttered in her neck.

"You know I always keep my promises." She returned.

They seperated a bit before giving a small kiss to eachother. The others couldnt help but gape at the display in front of them.

The two soon released eachother and turned to the rest. Shane kept an arm across Lilys shoulders, and she returned the gesture, holding an arm around his back.

"Hello there. Name`s Lily."