

"Not bad at all. Could be better though," said the Vice Chancellor with a rare smile on her face.

Her compliment was a bolt from the blue for Head Instructor Riley!

The Vice Chancellor rarely smiled or gave compliments. It was as if her face was set in stone.

"Who is that first boy? The kid used the mental attacks? What name does he go by? The Vice Chancellor asked, her gaze on the holographic image of Damien.

"That's Damien. He was in my application class today. He was undefeated in the spars, him and some of those with him currently," replied Head Instructor Riley.

"Mm? Keep an eye on him for me, will you? He has some talent," the Vice Chancellor said.

"Yes ma'am," Riley nodded respectfully.

The Vice Chancellor typed something into her holographic desk and another screen popped up beside the first holographic display.

"Damien Walker… hmm?

Oh a 19? That's… excellent!

What do we have here? Four powers?

He awoke in all the Paths?!" the eyes of the Vice Chancellor scrutinized Damien's profile in shock. Was this guy having a cheat code or something?

"Is he being sponsored by one of the families?" Vice Chancellor Monnet muttered.

Her eyes shined brilliantly after realizing that there was no connection between Damien and the rich families.

He was from a totally normal family but he had worked hard enough to even be at the same level as those rich brats!

"Can I send in the Law Enforcement team now?" Head Instructor Riley asked.

The Vice Chancellor took a glance at the other holographic display which showed the five seniors in sorry states giving their CP to Damien and the other faction leaders.

"Mm. Send them in," she commanded.

With a cold gaze, she glared at the images of the subdued second year students in disgust. "Trash," she sneered.

"Riley, do serve all five second year students dismissal letters. From this day on, they are no longer part of the Imperial Institute.

Their very faces make me sick.

I won't have such pathetic and weak filth in my school," Vice Chancellor Monnet's voice dripped with intense frigidity, making Head Instructor Riley shiver in his seat.

"Oh, and do give those first year students a reward. They deserve it," she commented after a brief moment of silence.

"Yes ma'am," Riley nodded.

He knew that once the Vice Chancellor had decided that those five students needed to go, no one could change her stance or influence her decision.

Even though she was the Vice Chancellor, right below the Chancellor, she wielded supreme power over the Imperial Institute, even more than the Chancellor himself!

The Chancellor wasn't even present most of the time as he was needed to defend the Moon base and also carry out important assignments.

Thus, the sole management of the school landed on the laps of Vice Chancellor Agatha Monnet and she ruled the school with an iron fist.

She could send dismissal letters to half the students in the Imperial Institute and no one could say a thing. After all, whether they liked it or not, her brutal and straightforward methods had cemented the position of the Imperial Institute as one of the very best awakened schools!

Her word was law in the Imperial Institute.

"You may leave," the Vice Chancellor said.

She took one last glance at Damien's profile and his image on the display screen before closing them.

There was much work to be done.




"Where are you taking us? That's not the way to the school's confinement center!" said Itakura as he looked at the imposing Law Enforcement agents in fear.

The school had a special prison, better called the confinement center, where students who committed crimes or broke serious rules were sent to.

It was located at the fringes of the west side of the school but the Law Enforcement agents were taking them in the opposite direction, to the residential areas precisely.

"What's going on? Why are we heading towards the residential areas?" Mustapha asked wearily.

"We have orders to let you pack your things and leave the premises of the Imperial Institute in twenty-four hours. Vice Chancellor's orders," replied one of the Law enforcement agents.

Pedro Leon and the other four felt as if their soul had left their bodies.



They were being kicked out of the school!

"No no no no no no no this can't be happening, this can't be! C'mon you're joking right? You're not serious about that, hell no!" Max's knees buckled and he fell to the ground.

"Please don't do this to us, we beg you! We will do anything! You can even lock us up in the Confinement center till the end of the second year, anything but dismissal!" the five of them got on their knees and pleaded.

"Get up. All of you have been expelled and that's final. You are leaving the school in twenty-four hours," the Law Enforcement agents would have none of their pleas.

The five of them begged, cried and even groveled but the Law Enforcement agents ignored it all and dragged them to their various residences.

"You have twenty-four hours to pack up and leave. If you're still found on the school's premises after twenty-four hours, you'll be rearrested for trespassing and sent to a prison outside the school," the Law enforcement agents warned and left.

As of now, they were no longer part of the Imperial Institute.

They were now outcasts.

How would they face their parents and families?

What were they going to do?

They were done for!



Still bewildered about why the law enforcement agent wanted them to follow him, Damien and the faction leaders walked behind the agent as he led them into a certain burgundy building.

"Head Instructor Riley is waiting for you ahead, right in that office," the agent spoke and walked away.

They exchanged glances.

Why would Instructor Riley be after them?

"What do you reckon is going happen?" Silas asked aloud.

Everyone shrugged and walked forward.

There was no use speculating. They just had to enter Instructor Riley's office to find out.

They knocked the door of Head Instructor Riley's office and walked in.

The head instructor was typing away rapidly at his holographic desk and raised his head when they entered.

"You guys are here. Sit down and let me finish this up quickly," he said.

They nodded and took a seat in the various chairs in the office.

Instructor Riley's office was huge but plain. A drink machine, a couple of chairs, his personal chair and holographic desk were about everything in his office.

After five uncomfortable minutes of silence, the head instructor finally raised his head from his work.

"You pansies caused quite a stir just now," he began, his trademark frown evident on his face.

Damien's brow furrowed. They weren't going to be punished, were they?

"As a result of your actions, each of you will receive 1,000 CP along with a 1-star technique of your choice," he said.

"Wait what!?" Silas blurted.

The head instructor cracked into a wide grin. "I had y'all there, didn't I?" he chuckled.

They all nodded in relief and also in shock.

1,000 CP plus a 1-star technique of their choice!

Just for beating up some second year bullies and extorters!


"Why are you rewarding us?" Damien asked.

"The reward isn't from me. That's all you need to know," Instructor Riley replied.

Damien nodded.

"Don't sweat it buddy. No matter who or where it came from it is free CP! You simply can't say no to that," Silas said, patting Damien on the back.

Damien smiled at him and nodded.

Their comms rang, indicating that they had received their CP!

"When you go to Saunders, just tell him your name and he will give you your free 1-star technique of your choice. I believe he is already waiting for you," said Head Instructor Riley.

"Now get the fuck out of my office. I have work to do," he added with a snarl. His previous smile changed so fast that it scared Damien and the others!

They quickly got out of the office of that unreasonable man.

  "I hope the reward was enough," Head Instructor Riley wiped sweat off his brow.

The Vice Chancellor hadn't specified what Riley was to reward them with. To avoid incurring her displeasure, he was very generous with the reward he gave.

Hopefully, it would please the Vice Chancellor.

Head Instructor Riley sighed and smiled wistfully.

  Those boys were really lucky. If they trained hard and did their best, they were going to be the future pillars of humanity.

They defended their own mates from bullying today.

In the future, they could even defend Earth!



Outside, Damien stood with the other faction leaders.

"I wasn't expecting you but thank you for coming to back me up," Damien smiled warmly and shook hands with them.

"It's nothing, amigo. I was just passing and decided to drop by," said Diego with a kind smile.

"You're welcome," said Eliza.

"It's nothing," smiled Annie Golding.

"Oya, it's no trouble. Next time you're getting into a fight do call me!" said Ojo, his wide grin showing his pearly white gap teeth.

"I will," Damien chuckled.

Vance smiled and nodded at Damien wordlessly, shaking hands with him.

"We should be thanking you. You stood up against injustice and we simply backed you and got free rewards," smiled Vishnu.

"Oh Damien, you're my lucky charm! I've made over 2K CP thanks to you. If anyone gives you a hard time call me and I'll cuss the hell out of them!" said Silas, causing everyone to laugh.

Well, except Vance who gave a light smile.

They exchanged contacts and went their separate ways.

"Now this was totally unexpected," Damien smiled as he walked back to his residence.

If someone had told him that he would do something like this in the second week of his arrival, he wouldn't have believed it but here he was.

Damien couldn't stop smiling.



While Damien and others were having wide smiles and fat CP accounts, a certain someone was totally livid.

"What the fuck just happened!" Ronnie Quentin roared in anger as he felt like pulling his hair in frustration.

This wasn't how things were supposed to go!


A/N: Hello guys! Remember in chap 5 I mentioned that those who awoke in all three paths were 1% ? 

It is actually 0.00001 percent because those who awoke in all three paths on earth can be counted on one hand.

Subsequent chapters will let you understand how rare it is!

Do keep reading and send more comments!




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