
The beginning of my story

Thirteen year-old Salamanca tree, proud of her country roots and the "Indian-ness in her blood," travels from Ohio to Idaho with her eccentric grandparents. Along the way, she tells them of the story of Phoebe winter-bottom, who received mysterious messages, who met a "potential lunatic," and whose mother disappeared. Gramps says that I am a country girl at heart, and that is true. I have lived most of my thirteen years in Kentucky, which is not much more than a caboodle of house roosting in a green spot along side the counter on the bathroom wall. My dad died mysteriously in a car accident, which I don't believe. I believe he was attacked by some type of animal, the police found marks all Dad's body. 4 years later I'm now 17 and Im sitting at the lake staring at the beautiful moon. I suddenly hear a something behind me, it was a huge black wolf with the most beautiful ruby red eyes I have ever seen. I should be terrified of the wolf but I feel safe and loved by the wolf. The wolf moves closer to me, I slowly walk towards the beautiful wolf. I ask the wolf * what's your name * the wolf backs up and goes behind a tree, suddenly I hear bones and creaking. when that's over a Greek looking man come from behind the tree. He asked * who are you*. *Salamanca and you are* he steps closer and says * Rowan is my name, why are you by yourself in the woods*. * to get away from the world the moon makes me forget about reality the lake make me feel free and wild*. Rowan looked at her and said * your a beautiful woman*. *You are the most enchanting woman I have ever seen*. Her cheeks look like red cherries. She comes closer and says * will you meet me here tomorrow, it's getting late I don't want my grandparents to worry*. * and thank you my Greek God*. We will see each other again Rowan said to himself. As I watch her go I see my brother come over to me and says * we have a problem Alpha*. I new some was wrong he called me Alpha because my brother doesn't like to be taken seriously.