
Walk around Douluo Dalu with the Naruto System

This fanfic doesn't belong to me it belongs to Do not envy the king original novel link:- https://www.mtlnovel.com/walk-around-douluo-dalu-with-the-naruto-system/ if you are the original owner and want me to stop. message me. When he woke up, Ye Zhiqiu’s soul passed through the Douluo Dalu and became Tang San’s neighbor and a young boy. Ye Zhiqiu, who had originally thought that Yu Sheng could only hug Tang’s legs tightly, awakened his main martial arts spirit at the age of six, and followed by the Naruto Negative Emotional God System.

Madara_Uchiha_68 · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

Chapter 8 : One-Tails energy

"Clang Clang..."

"Tang San, didn't you had a lot of energy in forging iron the other day? What's wrong with this? are You are short of calcium

Tang San:???

What is calcium?

"With and without soul power, the effect is different." Tang explains to Ye Zhiqiu seriously in a sentence, and began to "Clang Clang" iron.

"Oh, Xiao San, are you going to make yourself a muscular man like Uncle Tang Hao? In that case, there will be no girls who will like you... "Ye Zhiqiu advised kindly.

[negative emotion value from Tang Hao plus 966...]

[negative emotion value from Tang Hao plus 88...]

[negative emotion value from Tang Hao plus 66...]


Tang Hao's face is very dark, and there are blue veins on his forehead. He wanted to give the kid a good beating and let him know the consequences of taking big.

Why would a muscular man like me not be liked by girls? What do you know?

Tang San's strikes the iron-hard, he knows his father's character is very well. He's really afraid that his father will catch Ye Zhiqiu and beat him up.

However, when he turned to look at Tang Hao, Tang Hao's face had recovered as before, and he was indifferent again.

Tang San secretly relaxed and looked at Ye Zhiqiu with a look of blame. Mouth pressed to the door and motioned him to go quickly before Tang Hao gets angry.

Ye Zhiqiu smiles and waves his hand and starts to run away.

Before leaving, he also secretly admires him. Uncle Tang Hao's face changing speed is also unique. Fortunately, I have Xiao San beside me today, otherwise, I may be beaten up.

On the way to the village, Ye Zhiqiu has been observing the readings of negative emotional values.

After the initial value, it began to decline slowly, which shows that Tang Hao's anger is continuing to weaken with Ye Zhiqiu's departure.

Balance: 4869...





"nice job Looking at the negative emotional value balance finally broke 5000, Ye Zhiqiu cheered.

Tang Hao, did not disappoint him. This 5000 plus negative emotions are basically contributed by him.

"Buy the One-tails energy." (this book does not calculate the fighting power of tail beast's, only the energy contained in their bodies. The more tails, the stronger the energy, and the higher the price, please don't check in with each other)

with the deduction of 5000 negative emotion value, Ye Zhiqiu felt that a light ball suddenly appeared in his lower abdomen (Dantian), floating in the center of the Dantian, exuding a soft light. The energy from his escape makes Ye Zhiqiu warm all over his body, and his whole body seems to have endless strength.

The energy of the one-tails energy has begun to play its role. Ye Zhiqiu is now born with initial full of soul power. Without the spirit ring, his spirit power cannot be broken.

The One-tails energy has nowhere to go and is nourishing his body.

Ye Zhiqiu groaned comfortably. He felt that the cells all over his body were like thirsty grains of sand. They were swallowing this endless stream of energy to strengthen themselves.

His eyes which were closed opened automatically revealing his Sharingan.

In Ye Zhiqiu's Scarlet pupil, a tomoe turns slowly. Beside it, another tiny tomoe suddenly emerges.

The two tomoe are symmetrical and echo each other.

At this moment, ye Zhiqiu only felt that his eyesight suddenly improved a lot, and he could see more clearly and farther than before.

High flying birds passing by, he can clearly capture its trajectory, grass crawling insects, he can even see the tiny barbed legs.

This is the improvement of dynamic vision. This ability makes it easier for ye Zhiqiu to capture the trajectory of his opponent's moves in battle so that his body can respond in advance.

Ye Zhiqiu also experienced this situation once before. It was the time when his martial spirit was awakened.

Has the Sharingan been upgraded?

Ye Zhiqiu ran to the side of the river and lay down. He looked at the reflection in the water. There was only one tomoe in his pupil, but now there is one more. They seem to have a certain pattern, they are slowly rotating, there is an indescribable strange feeling.

Really upgraded ~!

His own Sharingan martial spirit actually automatically turned into two tomoe Sharingan? Originally, Ye Zhiqiu thought that he had to spend his negative emotion value to buy to improve

It seems that he was overthinking, influenced by his previous life, and solidified his thinking.

This is the real world, and everything has a relative effect. The system only gives him a way to improve, not absolutely.

Just like this automatic upgrade of the Sharingan, the One-tail's energy has improved his physique and indirectly affected the improvement of his Sharingan.

It can be predicted that with his stronger physique in the future, he may not have to go to the system store to buy, and the Sharingan can naturally upgrade. Because of this Ye Zhiqiu can save a lot of negative emotions value.

Of course, if the negative emotion value is enough, Ye Zhiqiu will not wait for the Sharingan to upgrade naturally. In a world like Douluo, it is important to use all resources to get strong early.

After sitting on a big stone outside the village, Ye Zhiqiu began to feel the spirit power in his body.

In fact, although he has innate full of soul power, he will not use it. It is all given to him by the system.

Now Ye Zhiqiu's state is like an ordinary person in his previous life who was suddenly forced to empower, and then he had internal power for decades, but he could not use it flexibly.

Ye Zhiqiu is in such an awkward state. He has spirit power, but he doesn't know how to use it.

If he wants to control the spirit power in his body, he has to rely on himself to get familiar with it. The system can't help him.

Ye Zhiqiu tries to sink his consciousness into his Dantian, which is very easy. It's easy for people with spirit power in their bodies.

In his Dantian, there are many small granular luminescent bodies of various colors, converging into a starlight river. This should be Ye Zhiqiu's spirit power.

In the center, the energy of One-tails energy stands in place, and a glimmer of brilliance overflows from it and integrates into Ye Zhiqiu's various organs and his body.

The observation of this kind of consciousness sinking into it can clearly realize the benefits it brings to itself. The meridians are widening, and the internal organs are becoming tough. All these ye Zhiqiu can feel.

The process is slow, but in the long run, that change will be huge.

Looking at the colorful little light spots, Ye Zhiqiu tries to guide them into the meridians of his right hand with his mind. These small light spots are very obedient and scramble to enter.

Ye Zhiqiu's right hand can be seen to expand a small circle, on which there is a faint light. It's like putting a layer of protection on the right hand.

At this moment, ye Zhiqiu felt that his right hand was full of power, which made him want to open his eyes.

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes could not help but glance at the flat stone under his buttocks. Then, he made a knife-like hand with his right hand and tried hard to chop down towards the stone.

"Bang ~"



I am bored so let's play a game

If 30 or more people comment's that they want the next chapter then I will post it

But if it's 29 or less then wait for the next day


Tell me if there is a spelling or other mistakes.......

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