
Waking Up As Raditz

WARNING: MC not very saiyan like! More of Bulma crazed anti hero who isn’t put off by using shortcuts to gain power and only cares about putting Bulma’s uterus through its paces. Guess you could call him a huge simp! MC wakes one day as the weakling saiyan brother of Goku. I refuse to be story fodder. Screw you Vegeta I'm taking your spot in the story HAHAHA A/N: I do not own DBZ or any of the Characters or the cover this is a fanfic so not cannon at all so keep all your hateful comments to your self I'm just writing this for fun. I've never written anything before any helpful comments and suggestions will be appreciated greatly. Also there will be a lewd chapter every now and then there will be a warning so you can skip it if you desire. I won’t be adding a harem for my first novel though so don’t get your hopes up for that. There is a lot and I mean A LOT of dialogue so if that’s gonna bother you this probably isn’t for you Please leave a rate and review so I’ll know where my novel stands Thank You for reading AGAIN: NOT cannon and I’ll be honest I don’t really care if you don’t like this or that. This is my story I’ll do what I want! If you spam the comments with negative BS I will tell you to fck off and I will be very amused doing it come check out Discord with me https://discord.gg/hkGHd2hB

Hairy_jack · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chap 7

(A/N: Okay so I have gotten quite a few requests to make a harem. so I suppose I can try. BUTTTT Bulma is first and you all have to give me an idea on how to make it work she's not exactly the sharing type and vote for who you would like to add. JUST 1 MORE GIRL THOUGH!! So either Android 18 or maybe Launch. Votes and suggestions needed!!)

1 HTC year later:

I look to Goku who is enjoying the last of our foods here. His hair is standing straight up and his eyes are a golden yellow. My own hair is more wild, Bulma's bandanna came off and is now tied around my bicep, and my own eyes are golden yellow as well. 6 months ago we mastered our Oozaru forms and one day while goofing around as giant apes Goku blasts the power ball forcing us to digress back to our base forms. He told me of a time when he thinks he accessed the power for the great ape without transforming. 'Goofball achieved the Ikari state as a child. I'm just glad its possible!' It took us a few days to figure it out the transformation, when we did we raged against each other fighting until we passed out. And so we spent the last 6 months of our time mastering the form in such a way that we don't have to leave the transformation.(like Goku and Gohan did when then they mastered super saiyan in the HTC)

"It's time to leave Kakarot. You've eaten all the food, haha. Don't drop out of Ikari. This is how we'll stay from now on. We've gained perfect control so we don't have to worry about destroying everything around us anymore." I say dragging Goku to the exit before we end up stuck here.

"Okay, Okay!" He says and follows along. "I hope Chichi wont be too mad about the changes. Oh well, I need to see how Gohan is doing and then we'll be heading back home to see Chichi. I'll keep training him like you said, and in a month I'll bring him back here to train in the room of spirit and time like us to see if he can gain this power too. I don't know why you want him to read all these books though..." Goku says holding a bag I made out of an old shirt of Goku's. Its filled to the brim with books I wrote about engineering, advanced mathematics, biology and saiyan history. "Where did you even get all these books anyways??"

"When Kami came in the the room 2 years ago I had him make me some blank books. In my free time I've written down all I've learned over my life so I can hold up my end of the deal to your mate. Gohan gets advanced knowledge, and we get to train him up!" I tell him. "Kakarot, you spoke to me about Kami's counterpart Piccolo. You should try and get him to join in your training of Gohan, I've had a vision that they'll compliment each other and that's how you will gain another ally and your son will gain another "uncle" he'll also be harder on the boy when you wont be able to." I tell him. I don't consider it lying anymore. I know whats gonna happen I just cant tell them exactly how I know so this is my solution.

"That's a great idea. I'll go find him tomorrow and bring him back to my home to start training Gohan. I think we'll rest the rest of the day with Chichi and spend time as a family. You should come with us, Chichi would love to see you again!" Goku says thinking he can push all the explanations onto me that Chichi will surely demand.

"No can do brother, I have a few tasks that need to get done. I'll try to come visit in a couple months so please tell my dear sister I'll be dropping in, maybe with a guest." I tell him thinking of my plan to win over Bulma.

As we're exiting the palace onto the main part of the lookout I see Kami and Mr. Popo standing watching a meditating Gohan. We go over to see the boys progress. I click the button on my scouter, looking at Gohan.

*Beep 169*

'Not bad for a 4 year old. When Goku brings him back to train in the hyperbolic time chamber he'll skyrocket.' I muse then look to Goku to see his progress, but immediately turn it off my scouter...'His power should be too much for the machinery in the scouter to hand. I'll have to see if Bulma or Mr. Briefs can upgrade it.

Gohan comes out of meditation and looks at us. " Daddy!!! Uncle!! Why do your eyes look weird Daddy? Your hair is all weird too!" Gohan sends a barrage of questions towards his unprepared father. Goku just looks to me in hopes I'll answer his questions.

"Nephew, this is a state we call the Ikari transformation. It essentially boots our strength by 10 times. Don't worry over the next month or so your daddy should train you to achieve this as well. Also he has some books for you to study in your off time. You need to make a schedule for yourself or ask your mom for help doing it so you can get the most out of training and your studying." I tell him as I lift him up and ruffle the boys hair.

"En. Ill do good Uncle!" Gohan says resolutely then I hand the boy back to his father and they jump off the lookout to head home to see my wonderfully pleasant sister in-law.

"Mr. Kami, may I bother you for a favor?" I ask respectfully.

"Sure Raditz what can I help you with?" Kami replies thoughtfully.

"Can you get in contact with the King Kai? I need to know what the other saiyans are doing along with Frieza and his goons." I tell him.

Kami pauses a moment until he remembers how I know of the King Kai and then he nods. "Very well, give me a moment." Kami says closing his eyes and telepathically communes with the goofy King Kai.

"He believes we have around 2 and half years before the saiyans make their way here as they really didn't care about your "death" at all. Frieza is still doing Frieza things none the wiser about our preparations." Kami relays.

"Good! I need the coordinates for Namek, and for King Kai to let them know I'll be showing up in a few months, if you please Mr. Kami. I need to go see Bulma about a ship and some upgrades... Um... would you maybe.. fix up my armor?" I ask shyly thinking about the encounter with Bulma I know is coming.

"Hahaha, yes my boy boy hold still....and there we go." he replies with a chuckle materializing a new set of armor that feels weighted. " I've added some weight to your armor to help in your training and as for your other request it'll be ready when you come back before your departure." Kami says with a knowing smile.

"Thank you Kami. When the dragon balls are ready for use again, you should wish for your youth. Earth will need its guardian in the coming years, and I've already laid the ground work to see about you becoming whole once more." I say dropping that bomb before I fly off the lookout towards Capsule Corp. 'Hahaha you should see your face old man, that's what you get for poking fun at my expense.' I think remember his shocked look at my parting words.