
Waking up as a Ghallager (Shameless USA, 2011 SI)

guy got tortured died met a goddess got some wishes and reincarnated into Shameless as Issac Ghallager twin brother of Ian Gallagher. Tags: #Hire, #Loyal Protagonist, #Revenge, #Massive Crossover, #Possible Harem, #Wish Fulfillment, #Traumatized Protagonist On an Indefinite Hiatus (heavily inspired by relaxing in Shameless, some close similarities, that I didn't really realize until I re-read the beginning chapters.. Savannah and the Wrights were also inspired from it but they aren't exact copies. of that ff.)

Shane_Town · TV
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26 Chs

[9]Betty White...I mean Wright !

I shot upright in bed gasping for breath as I came out of a nightmare, and then saw little Liam making his way down the steps like a pro.

Which made me jump out of the bed and rush over to him scooping him up into my arms, which made him giggle.

"What are you doing little man? I asked him while tickling his belly which made him giggle even harder while writhing in my arms.

Then I heard Debbie in the kitchen yelling for Liam.

"Did you escape the annoying loud girl? Yes you did, yes you did." I said to Liam who nodded and giggled happily.

"Want to watch some cartoons with big brother on his big TV?" I asked the little guy who smiled widely while nodding and gurgling.

"He's fine Debbie, he's with me you can go to school." I hollered but not too loud so I didn't hurt Liam's ears.

"Okay, Fiona Liam is with Issac. I'm going to school with Carl." I heard the girl shout and winced at how loud she was, as I went over and sat down on the couch with Liam beside me putting on Nickelodeon, while I perused my phone seeing that Savannah had called while I was asleep and sent me a sexy picture.

Soon Fiona came downstairs and looked at me with her arms crossed over her chest.

"And why aren't you going to school today? Won't you get suspended if you don't go?" Fiona asked me in her mom voice.

"Don't feel good, didn't sleep well." I replied to Fiona before hugging Liam and pouting who seemed to add to the cuteness factor we put off together by pouting as well.

"Here, let me take Liam…try and get some sleep Izzy." Fiona said softly as she scooped Liam up and kissed my cheek before leaving the room.

Then I texted Savannah.

[Can you come cuddle…I can't sleep.]

[Sure…be there in a few.]

Five minutes later Savannah was coming down the steps shutting and locking the door behind her.

"Well get over here…know it all." Savannah said to me as she slipped out of her clothes leaving herself in a pair of panties and tight hugging booty shorts made out of a stretchy leggings material.

"Thanks princess." I said softly as we both laid down on the bed at the same time and I moved to claim her as my body pillow.

"You're welcome…I can stay here for a while…well my house is being rebuilt if you'd like…" Savannah said to me but I was already on the verge of conking out so I'm not sure how I replied.

"You can stay here forever, you mm-the best pillow." Is what I actually said.

Savannah couldn't help but snort.

"I'm the best pillow…thanks for making me feel fat." Savannah whispered as she slowly massaged Isaac's scalp.

"He's so cute when he's sleeping." Savannah whispered as felt him purring against her tummy that tickled her in more ways than one.

'Probably because he's not running his mouth.' Savannah thought to herself as she smiled softly and bit back a giggle.

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I woke up to the smell of hot greasy food, and saw a McDonald's bag being held in front of my face.

"I had my brother's, bring us some food." Savannah's voice greeted me and I realized my head was now on an actual pillow.

"Thanks." I replied as I snatched the bag from her and grabbed out a twenty piece MC nugget.

"You're welcome." Savannah shot back at me and stole a nugget.

"Don't push your luck woman, I'll let this one nugget theft slide but if you try again you won't be able to sit on that sexy ass if yours for days." I said to her in a mock serious voice.

"Hehehe." Savannah giggled in reply, before reaching over to try and pilfer another nugget only for me to catch her wrist and flip her over face first on the bed while setting my nuggets down safely as they were the most precious thing in the world.

"You were warned…woman, now comes the punishment." I said seriously while Savannah squirmed underneath me and I say on her legs.

"I was only kidding around." Savannah tried excusing herself thinking she'd get out of her punishment.

"When it comes to my nuggets, I don't kid around." I replied and brought my hand down on her gray sweatpants covered rump not hearing the meaty smack I wanted to I pulled them down landing another smack.

"Ahh, I'm sorry I won't try to steal your nuggets again." Savannah cried out but it was ruined by her own giggling.

…Ten minutes later.

"Jerk, my butt's sore." Savannah complained for probably the tenth time as she leaned against me on the couch and we watched some rom-com she picked out.

"I warned you I don't mess around when it comes to my Mc-nuggets." I replied playfully as I slid my arm down from around her waist and started rubbing her ass cheeks through her sweatpants.

"Humph, you're a jerk." Savannah humphed and called me a jerk again but there wasn't any heat behind her words and only a mild teasing.

"Well, now you know what you're in for with me…you regretting the rules you made yet?" I asked and then nearly smacked myself as it could totally open up a door that I didn't want to open.

"Nope." Savannah replied so fakely it physically made my heart ache but I pushed it away and just tried to get back into that light hearted teasing.

"Were you serious when you mentioned something about staying here…until your house was fixed up?" I asked Savannah after a few minutes passed.

"I mean…if it's okay with you I wouldn't mind." Savannah replied while sounding self conscious.

"Oh no, I mean yeah it's fine with me…we should probably let Fiona know though so you can move about freely." I replied to her and she nodded against my chest.

"Thanks, know it all." Savannah whispered.

"You're welcome Princess." I replied to her as I titled my head downwards and kissed the top of her head.

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Gisele was just arriving at her safe house that wasn't connected to Braga in any way, parking the car that the teen had given her in the garage, before entering the main part of her house when suddenly a phone started ringing on the counter.

Her instincts screamed at her to leave but instead she walked over, picked up the flip phone and saw the contact name M, she decided to answer since if these people could reach her here they could reach her anywhere.

"Hello, Gisele I'd like to thank you for assisting my asset on his mission…while also extending you a job offer, as I hear you are out in the cold." M said into the phone wearing the air or a business professional.

"Why me?" Gisele asked as honestly having a backing good enough to track her down was an interesting prospect.

"Haa." M sighed tiredly from the other end of the line.

" I saw the footage of how well you two worked together…it may come as a surprise to you but…Izzy doesn't play well with others…but with you it looked like you two were made to be a team, and Izzy's mission is just going to get harder and harder from here on out so I want him to have someone he can rely on in the field." M replied to Gisele.

"I'll have to think about it…I already have a few prospects with other people." Gisele replied as there were really only two other prospects, Dominic Torreto or the Agency.

"I'll give you a week to decide…you don't have to worry about your location being compromised, we don't sell good people out here." M replied to Gisele and the line went dead.

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"Why is Mr.Perry, dressed up like a drag queen in your living room?" Savannah asked me and I could only sigh in resignation.

"I'm sure this is Frank's plan…to get out of trouble and keep Ginger's checks coming in." I replied to her, only for Fiona to come downstairs and explain that much to us while Frank was charistically absent.

"Okay, I'll call my brother's and have them bring my Grandma, and then take Mr.Perry back to his alley…by the mission." Savannah said and then stepped outside leaving me alone with Mr.Perry and Fiona.

"Issac, are you crazy, that's Savannah Wright? Do you even know who she is? What she does?" Fiona whisper screamed while gesturing to the front door that Savannah was currently standing on the other side of.

"Fiona, have I ever once judged you or questioned you about your questionable choices when it comes to those you share your body with? Besides Savannah and I have a mutually beneficial arrangement in place, no feelings, no commitment…just sex and friendship." I replied to Fiona who was left looking stumped while also wanting to argue.

"I-just be careful Izzy…you're not the kinda guy that can do, uncommitted." Fiona said softly before hugging me tightly and kissing the side of my head near my temple.

Fiona pulled back and cupped my face between both hands and looked on the verge of tears before she shook her head and went upstairs.

'That was a little weird." I thought to myself while finding Fiona's ass was still a magnet for my eyes.

"Before my Grandma gets here you should know she's very flirty like my mom but she's a good actress…so we can have her play like she has dementia…but we need to work on cleaning this place up…it's kinda disgusting and smells like shit." Savannah said to me and I nodded as I also thought the place should just be burnt down and rebuilt…but it was my home so I settled for cleaning it.

(Que anime cleaning montage)

Savannah and I worked side by side discovering all sorts of disgusting things from dead decomposing animals to old ass dirty diapers that could have been Fiona's.

By the time Savannah's brothers arrived only the living room was considered passable by her in cleanliness.

"Hello there, dear." I heard and I nearly fainted as Betty White walked into the house, and came over to me completely bi passing her granddaughter and making a beeline for me, cupping my junk once she was in reaching distance.

"Uhh, high there…I can see where your mom gets it from Princess." I replied to Betty White while looking to Savannah for help only to see her smirking and helping her brothers remove Mr.Perry from the house.

"So Hannah honey, this is the young man who made you straight…I'm so glad I might see some great grandchildren now." Savannah's grandmother said to her before lightly patting my junk and turning around to inspect the house, while Savannah just had this look on her face like shoot me now.

"My…I heard how bad you kids had it but this is just awful." The Betty White look alike said as she pulled out an iPhone and made a call.

"Yes, hello Audrey…you know the Ghallager house…yes I'm there I'm helping my grandson in law, well I need a full cleaning crew and new furniture to support eight people and all the trimmings, and put a rush on it dear." Betty White said into the phone and walked around the house sniffing dejectedly.

"So this is my Grandmother Betty Wright." Savannah said to me as she took my arm and clenched it between her breasts like I was a life preserver.

Ten minutes later three cleaning service vans and ten large moving trucks pulled up out front of our house, I locked the basement door before Savannah, Fiona, Betty and myself were evacuated from the house.

Twenty minutes after that a man looking like a construction contractor came over carrying a clipboard and wearing a hard hat, and explained things that I already knew to Fiona about the house like the wiring being exposed and a major fire hazard, that the foundations are crumbling and a whole slew of other problems.

"Just make it presentable, Ethan." Betty chimed in.

"Y-yes Ma'am right away ma'am." The contractor replied and ran off to do as he was told.

"Dear, your family needs to seriously consider moving…" Betty said to me softly while all of the Ghallager clan assembled sans one Frank Ghallager.

"I know…I bought the house next door…I just haven't gotten to the whole finding a contractor and what not to go through it yet." I leaned in and replied to her quietly so as not to alert the family.

"I'll have Ethan do it dear…as long as it's okay with you." Betty replied to me speaking softly as so not to be heard as well.

"I'd appreciate that…though I'm not sure I can afford him or his crew." I replied to her and she laughed softly.

"Dear, that's my crew…and you can afford it…think of it as a thank you present for easing my worry over Hannah." Betty replied and again felt a little angry at the way she seemed to needle at Savannah's bisexuality.

"Thanks…but Ghallagers don't do charity." I replied back at her and she just hummed in reply before speaking.

"Gallaghers do anything to survive dear…I've known a few." Betty said to me throwing me off a little because it sounded like she just threatened me.

I felt Savannah thread her fingers through mine and I looked down to meet her eyes as I watched the cleaning crews exit with all of our old stuff in large black bags before re-entering the house with the help of the movers with new stuff.

Savannah's eyes carried apologetic feelings which made me lean down and plant a kiss against her forehead.

An hour later Ethan came back and said the house was clear, except that they couldn't get into the basement.

Things were very tense between me, Fiona and Lip as we entered our home…luckily Ian was on a camping/survival trip for ROTC, so I wouldn't face his wrath for a week or so.

As Fiona, and Lip followed Savannah and I down into the basement and I caught photoshopped images of all of us spending time with Betty spread throughout the house.

"Who does she think she is?" Fiona whisper-snarled at Savannah while looking at me with I told you so eyes.

"Easy Fi, Savannah is helping us get out of a problem Frank caused. It's not her fault her grandmother went queen bitch and decided to clean our house and replace all our worn out shit with new pricey replacements." I said while moving in front of Fiona and looking towards Lip who was rolling a joint while looking between Fi and I.

"This is exactly why I didn't want her here." Fiona replied to me before throwing her arms up into the air and marching upstairs.

"You got something you want to say?" I asked Lip who shook his head no but then shrugged.

"The water heater needed replacing anyways." He smiled which made me roll my eyes.

"Sh-should I go?" Savannah asked me but I immediately shook my head no.

"Fiona is just upset she'll get over it." I replied to Savannah and picked her up climbing up the stairs to lock the door so we didn't get any uninvited guests down here.

"Yup, she's upset you stole her baby." Lip walked over and sat down next to Savannah and stage whispered to her like he was sharing some super secret.

"Fuck you Lip." I said which made him laugh.

"What do you mean by her baby?" Savannah asked with a voice filled with intrigue and amusement.

"Well…" Lip started to reply in a voice that I knew very well.

"Lip, if you don't shut the fuck up now…I'll never let you borrow money again or share my weed with you." I said to him coldly which made his smirking expression disappear which made me smirk only for Savannah to pipe in.

"Ohh, do tell me Lip, and I'll supply you with weed now on." Savannah said in a mischievousness filled voice.

"Sorry Izz." Lip fakely apologized as I mentally swore I'd get my revenge as he revealed all of my embarrassing secrets and how I still went to sleep with Fiona if I had bad nightmares…which I hadn't since I transmigrated because that'd be weird along with all other kinds of embarrassing things.

'FML.' I thought to myself as I heard all sorts of laughs and giggles coming from Savannah with every story Lip told her while we passed multiple joints around between us.

Finally I had enough.

"Hey Lip shouldn't you be running off to be Karen's lap dog." I said while looking at him, making him smirk.

"Karen is at a daddy daughter dance with her father…they're trying to patch things up between them." Lip replied to me.

"Shouldn't you be having dinner with Mandy Milkovich? She was looking all over the place for you today at school…said something about you tutoring her." Lip snarked back at me and I gave him a look that promised pain if he didn't leave now and then he got up and left but not before taking a wad of cash from his pocket held together by rubber bands and threw it onto my workbench.

"Have fun Izzy." Lip said and waved to me before leaving my room.

"Soo…Mandy?" Savannah asked with a fake smile on her face.

"Just a friend, I think she likes Lip." I replied to her though Savannah didn't seem to believe me.

"So you're mom's gang is all made out of women…I didn't know that, I just knew I shouldn't fuck with you." I said to Savannah trying to change the subject.

"Yup, almost all of them are former military too." Savannah replied to me and then got up to use the bathroom and grabbed something out of her bag that was on the floor near the steps while I went and relocked the door.

'So the events of the show and this world aren't exactly the same…that's good to know.' I thought to myself as I went over to the mini fridge and grabbed out two cans of soda and a small container of Byrne and Darry half baked ice cream.

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