
Waking up as a Ghallager (Shameless USA, 2011 SI)

guy got tortured died met a goddess got some wishes and reincarnated into Shameless as Issac Ghallager twin brother of Ian Gallagher. Tags: #Hire, #Loyal Protagonist, #Revenge, #Massive Crossover, #Possible Harem, #Wish Fulfillment, #Traumatized Protagonist On an Indefinite Hiatus (heavily inspired by relaxing in Shameless, some close similarities, that I didn't really realize until I re-read the beginning chapters.. Savannah and the Wrights were also inspired from it but they aren't exact copies. of that ff.)

Shane_Town · TV
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

[6] OH CANADA ! ! ! pt2

"The reason Ian turned you down is that he's gay, not because you're not a beautiful girl Mandy…if you'd have come onto me I probably would have let you take my V-card." I told her truthfully while sitting down on a piece of cement foundation and motioning for her to join me as I let go of her hand.

"Are you just saying this so I'll call my brother's off?" Mandy asked me while looking deeply into my eyes.

"Nope, I'm telling you the whole truth…you can call your brothers off if you want to…but if you don't and they hurt my twin all three of them will be hospitalized, Ian has been gay for as long as I can remember, and I've had a crush on you since the first grade." I replied to Mandy who blushed slightly and sat down next to me, setting her bag down on the ground.

"You got a bull or wraps on you?" I asked Mandy as I pulled out the Dime bag Savannah gave me.

Mandy scoffed slightly but opened her bag revealing a bereta and a bull. She took out a bull and zipped up the bag and snatched the baggie from me, then packed the bull for us.

A strong breeze hit us and I could smell Savannah nearby but ignored it and her since I was here with Mandy.

Mandy took a pull off of the bull and immediately started hacking up a lung.

"That's some strong but rough shit." Mandy said after she finished coughing while I was still taking a poll off of the bull.

Holding the smoke in my lungs for a few seconds until it started to get painful I exhaled and coughed once at the same time and for once really felt the effect of the weed.

"This is some really strong stuff, it'd be better to make butter or wax with than to smoke." I said and was surprised that Mandy nodded in agreement to what I'd said.

"Definitely." Mandy tacked on and then leaned over and kissed me, her kiss was a bit nervous and shy but it definitely felt good and was the first real kiss I'd had in this new life.

"Thanks for the other day in school, I went with Ian because he's more approachable than you…I guess I know why now." Mandy said before leaning heavily against me her eyes nearly closed shut.

"Haha, it's all good..sorry for implying I'd kill you if you didn't come with me to chat, I just really needed to talk to you and try and fix this mess before it results in a drive by or a hit and run." I replied to Mandy who seemed to curl in on herself at my words and pulled her phone out of her pocket and hit a quick dial button.

"What's up Mandy?" I heard Mickey ask through the speaker.

"Leave Ian alone…I lied because he turned me down. Sorry Mickey." Mandy said into the phone and I heard Mickey start cursing indecipherably through the speaker as he hung up.

"You gonna be alright?" I asked Mandy as even though she was the baby sister Mickey and his brother's tended to be hot headed at the worst of times.

"Yeah, Mickey won't ever hurt me…tell Ian I'm sorry for being a bitch, and that I'd like to talk to him if he's willing." Mandy replied to me.

"I'll let him know, come on I'll walk you home…there's been a few missing women cases popping up on the news lately, I'd feel bad if you ended up on the back of a milk carton." I said to her and I didn't know why I said it as I nearly smacked myself after saying the words.

"Are you hungry?" Mandy asked me with a bit of shyness that was out of character for a Southside slut like her as she stood in the open doorway in a way that was an open invite to come inside.

"Honestly I'm starving…haven't eaten anything at all today." I replied to Mandy and followed her into the house nodding to Mickey who was sitting on the couch, who nodded back in getting to me.

Watching Mandy work the kitchen was like watching someone with a fraction of my grandmother's skill and experience but all of her talent.

'Mandy, could definitely have a future as a chef.' I thought to myself as I watched her closely, finding that being around her was quite relaxing.

"You look at home in a kitchen, have you thought about taking culinary at vo tech school next year?" I asked Mandy as she was dicing up some potatoes, onions and mushrooms.

"I don't have the grades to get into the program, I'd have to pay out of pocket to go to Vo Tech." Mandy replied to me while shaking her head back and forth, her ass swaying hypnotically.

"I could tutor you if you want? It'd be worth a shot." I said to her, making her stand stock still.

"I'll think about it." Mandy replied to me and I could only mentally shake my head.

'Typical Southsider, even when there's a real chance to be able to improve their lives for the better, don't seize it.' I thought to myself while losing my appetite but staying anyways since it'd be rude after accepting Mandy's invite/apology.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

After enjoying the nice steak dinner Mandy cooked for me I excused myself before Mandy tried inviting me into her bedroom and now I find myself aimlessly walking around the Southside.

After enjoying the nice steak dinner Mandy cooked for me, I excused myself casa de Milkovich before Mandy tried inviting me into her bedroom, now I find myself aimlessly walking around the Southside.

"Haa." I sighed as I sat down on a corner and positioned myself so that I could rest my elbow on my knees and my head on my hands as I watched cars drive by me.

"I'm beginning to think you've got me low jacked or something." I said as I smelled Savannah approaching me from behind.

"I'm starting to think you're following me around." Savannah replied but I could tell from her tone she was just kidding around as she sat down on the sidewalk next to me.

"You know my house is like right there." Savannah said to me while pointing her thumb behind us.

"Had no idea to be honest." I shot back at her.

"I figured, my mom has been eyeing you up like a lobster dinner at red lobster ever since you came to the corner, I think she thinks you're hooking and not stopping because you're feeling down." Savannah teased me and it was the first time I really heard her say something in a joking way. It was almost like I was talking to the real her at this moment, and the person I'd been getting weed off of was just a mask she wore to protect herself from people trying to take advantage of her.

"She couldn't afford me anyways, I charge two grand an hour…plus I expect to be fed the finest main lobsters on the market." I jokingly replied to Savannah that made her bump her shoulder against mine as she softly chuckled.

"Ohh believe me mom would pay that if not double to have your sexy ass fuck her." Savannah replied to me with a laugh in her voice before she froze.

"So you think I'm sexy? Honestly, I was starting to believe the rumor about you being Les was true. After all, we slept together and I was an innocent, defenseless young man at your complete and total mercy." I joked lightly bumping my shoulder against her trying to snap her out of her frightened state.

"You're alright for a prickheaded ginger, know it all…I'm Bi, not lesbian." Savannah replied to me pointedly ignoring my mock exasperation at calling myself innocent and defenseless.

"Well, I'll take that as a compliment…and I think you're sexy…for a dye job that is." I joked and leaned so that most of my weight was on Savannah while I rested my head against her enjoying her warmth and scent.

"Hey you're heavy." Savannah replied to me and I could tell that she was slightly embarrassed by my comment but made no move to push me away.

"The other night…how mu-…did I say anything in my sleep that I should know about?" I asked Savannah as my eyes started to grow heavy with sleep at being in such close proximity to her.

"Nothing, you have to worry about me repeating to anyone…" Savannah softly replied to me as I felt her arm slip around my side as she gave me a one arm hug.

"Thanks Princess." I replied to her and felt myself slip into sleep land.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

(Bzzz bzz buzz Bzzz bzz)

My phone vibrating in my pocket woke me up to which I found myself laying in a bed with my head resting on the smooth, toned bare stomach of a woman.

My senses instantly informing me it was Savannah's stomach while I also noticed I was hugging her hips, and had drooled on her stomach a little.

Sitting up on the bed I noticed multiple things. One was that Savannah was almost completely naked except for a pair of panties, two she was a massive Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus fan, three is that she removed my shirt, shoes and socks and four is that her breasts are gorgeous.

Five is that she looked incredibly beautiful and cute while sleeping, Her partially nude form only served to enhance her beauty.

The last but not least thing I noticed was how natural a calming effect she had on me and that when I slept next to her it was the only time I didn't have a nightmare.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket that has three missed calls from M and a few texts from Fiona, Lip and Ian wondering if I was alright, texting my siblings to let them know I was alright letting M go to voicemail one more time before swiping the answer button on her next call before it could even complete the first ring.

"It's about time, I was starting to worry something happened to you." I could hear an uncharacteristic worry in M's voice.

"Sorry I fell asleep at a friend's house." I found myself saying and almost smacked myself for giving this mysterious entity more information into my life than was needed but my body and mind had already developed a deep sense of trust and friendship with the woman who so far was only a voice heard over a phone's speaker.

"It's about time, I was starting to worry something happened to you." I could hear an uncharacteristic worry in M's voice.

"Sorry I fell asleep at a friend's house." I found myself saying and almost smacked myself for giving this mysterious entity more information into my life than was needed but my body and mind had already developed a deep sense of trust and friendship with the woman who so far was only a voice heard over a phone's speaker.

"A friend…is it a girl friend?" M asked me with a slightly teasing voice though I could detect hints of jealousy as well.

"Yes, a girl friend." I replied to her with a slight pause between the word girl and friend.

"Oh, well that's nice." M replied with faked happiness.

"I was just calling to let you know I've had a car prepared for you with a surveillance equipment kit, a tactical kit and a slush fund for the operation…the vehicle is a blacked out top of the line model Porsche Cayenne, it is located in on the first floor in the parking garage between 5th and main." M informed in a clipped tone before hanging up.

Which had me raising an eyebrow.

'Is she really that upset that I made a friend who is a girl?' I thought to myself while knowing full well what my words had implied that I was doing with Savannah.

"Who was that?" Savannah asked me in a slightly groggy voice.

"It…was my boss, so to speak…she was letting me know there was a car prepped for me." I found myself telling Savannah as I unconsciously ran a hand down my bare chest for a second feeling the bullet wound in my stomach but realizing I was just imagining things.

"Ohh…what do you do for work anyways? Besides mom telling us you're dangerous no one really seems to know what you do." Savannah asked me while rolling over onto her side to face me and popping herself up on her elbow.

"I make problems go away...kind of like a negotiator." I said after a moment of deliberating on whether or not to answer Savannah's question but seeing the earnest look in her stormy gray eyes I found myself wanting to talk to someone.

"So you're a hitter, I thought it was weird that my mom was worried about a Ghallager, but it makes sense now." Savannah replied while rolling her eyes and looking at me with a little smirk on her lips.

"I'd appreciate it if you kept that to yourself like whatever you heard and saw the other night…it's not really something I want getting around." I replied to Savannah as I made to move off the bed as I figured since we were both awake I'd head home…but Savannah grabbed my arm and looked at me with an expression that said stay but didn't vocalize her request.

I found myself laying down next to her while Savannah used my chest as a headrest this time.

"Your secrets safe with me, just like I know that you finding me crying like a scared little girl in an alley is safe with you…do you want some company on your job or a getaway driver?" Savannah asked me in a soft voice as she snuggled into my side.

"Sure, having the company of a beautiful girl sounds good to me." I found myself saying and instantly regretted it as my jobs were dangerous and I didn't want to put her in more danger than she usually got herself into.

"What did you think of that sample?" Savannah asked me as she continued to snuggle against my side.

"Haa, about that it's very potent and powerful stuff…a little too powerful for smoking if I'm being honest, it'd be better if it was made into wax or butter and then made into edible or a topical cream." I replied to Savannah who raised herself up and looked down into my eyes.

"Do I look like I know how to do all that?" Savannah asked me and I could only shrug.

"If you buy the equipment, supplies and set up a space I'll teach you and your brothers how to make the shit, I can even teach you how to extract the THC and make it into vape juice, that is if you're willing to partner up and learn." I said to her and found that my arm had moved on it's own and started running grazing touched from Savannah's shoulder blade down her arm leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake.

"It sounds like a good deal, but I'll have to run it by my mom and brothers before I give you my answer and we talk terms." Savannah replied to me as she also started running her fingers over my abs.

"Sounds good to me…night Princess." I whispered while closing my eyes and leveling out my breathing to make it seem like I had fallen asleep which was a very difficult task with how horny I was with feeling Savannah's bare naked breast pressed against my bare skin while her hard nipples poked into my flesh.

"Night, Know it all." Savannah replied to me while hugging my body tightly and slinging her leg over mine like I was a body pillow.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Early morning the next day....

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Waking up to an empty bed once more I found myself rolling my eyes.

'I kinda feel like a chick that's been used and left to wake up in the motel room alone.' I thought to myself while feeling my morning wood pressing harshly against the hems of my boxers.

Getting a better look at Savannah's room in the daylight I saw that it was pretty girly. It had a few shelves filled with cute stuffed animals, boy band posters and Hannah Montana posters while some clothes were thrown around the room.

Noticing a door left slightly ajar that had tile flooring, assuming it was the bathroom I got out of Savannah's bed and walked over to the door pushing it open finding a full bathroom done up with powder blue tiled walls and pink tiled floor.

Finally having it hit me that I was missing another article of clothing which was my blue jeans.

'I probably kicked them off in my sleep.' I thought to myself while shrugging my shoulders slightly as I doubted Savannah would do anything to me in my sleep.

Taking a quick piss, washing my hands exiting the bathroom to find Savannah standing in her doorway fully dressed holding my folded shirt, my jeans, my socks and my leather jacket while my pistol and holster rested neatly on top of my shirt.

"Morning, I washed your clothes. They were beginning to smell a bit bad…you kicked your jeans off in your sleep." Savannah said to me and I noticed her cheeks were a little pink but ignored it.

"Thanks, sorry I usually sleep naked…" I replied to her and noticed her flush grew a little darker and a strange little smile played at the corner of her lips.

"I gotta get back to making breakfast, so here." Savannah said as she shoved my others against my chest and nearly bolted out of her own bedroom.

A few minutes later I was mostly dressed and walking out of Savannah's room into a somewhat large kitchen/dining room that had multiple doors connecting to it, with my shirt and jacket rolled over my arm and my gun on my belt as I was reluctant to put them on without asking Savannah's brothers if I could use some deodorant.

Hearing a catcall from three people, those people being Savannah's brothers and a gorgeous milf of a woman probably in her mid thirties who looked exactly like Tiffani Thiessen who wore a black babydoll night dress with a short frilly robe that left nothing to the imagination.

"Hi." Savannah's mother greeted me as she hugged me tightly and grabbed my ass.

"You probably don't remember me, but I was friends with your mom way back…god you don't look like Frank Ghallager, at all." Savannah's mother said as she ran her hands over my bare abdomen and chest while looking at me hungrily with her bright piercing blue eyes.

Before she leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"If you're in the market for a sugar mommy come back later when my kids aren't home…Savannah already told me your price, I'll make it so…more worth your time." Savannah's mother whispered in my ear huskily as her one hand ran down my abs and cupped the crotch of my jeans.

"Mmm, so definitely worth it." Savannah's mother moaned softly in my ear while rubbing her hands over my hardening cock through my jeans.

"MOM ! ! !" I heard Savannah shout which only made her mom giggle before she sent me a saucy proactive look and wink and went to sit down at the kitchen table.

Acting like I was completely unaffected by the gorgeous milf slightly molesting me I looked over at Savannah's brothers who were looking at my bare muscles with some envy, which made me feel a bit of a chill.

"Either of you two…willing to let me use a stick of deodorant?" I asked the brothers and surprisingly it was Adam that nodded as he got up from his chair and walked through a door and came back out tossing me an unopened stick of Old spice classic.

"You can keep that one…should probably put it in Hannah's room though in case you spend the night again." Adam said with a smirk and then ducked as a potato masher stuck into the drywall a half a second later of where his head would have been.

"Haha, thanks." I laughed in reply as I applied the deodorant and walked back into Savannah's room and set it on her dresser.

Sitting down at the table after putting on my shirt and hanging my jacket on the back of it while looking at Savannah who was sending her brother's and her mom death glares as she made waffles.

"Do you like fruit with your waffles, know it all?" Savannah asked me while glaring at her family who all wore little smirks and I could tell they had all inherited that smirk from their mother.

"I love fresh fruit and whip cream with waffles princess." I shot back at her calling her princess in retaliation for calling me know it all.

"We like fresh fruit too, thanks for asking us sis." I heard Zach stage whisper with a smile on his face while elbowing his brother.

"So…Issac are you and my daughter sleeping together? You're the first boy she's ever brought home." Her mother queued in adding on to the good natured reaming I'm sure they'd been giving her since she woke up this morning.

"I think it's pretty obvious we slept together Ms.Wright…but if you're asking if we're having sex the answer is no we just cuddled…the princess over there didn't even give me a goodnight kiss." I replied to her mother seriously before looking over at Savannah who looked ready to flip the fuck out of die of embarrassment and finding that I liked learning more about her personality the more I spent time with her.

"Haa, that's too bad…I was hoping for grandbabies to spoil some day but Hannah only seems interested in girls…not that there's anything wrong with that. I like my fair share of pussy too though I prefer a nice long thick hard cock slamming int-" Savannah's mother sighed in mock sadness and for the second time I heard someone call Savannah Hannah making me curious if it was a nickname or her actual name, before her mother brought up her own bisexuality while mentioning how much she loves being stuffed with a dick, only to be cut off by Savannah.

"MOM SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK? ! ! !" Savannah shouted so loudly I thought she might have ruptured one of my ear drums.

"No reason to scream dear, it's not like this young stud is hammering your tight little virgin pussy." Savannah's mother said, which made Savannah go a deep shade of red and throw the pan she was making waffles in, into the sink before she stomped over to me grabbing my wrist and tugging on me as she put her head down as her shoulders trembled slightly.

"Ugh, thanks for having me Ms.Wright, guys I'll see you around." I said as I stood up and grabbed my jacket and let Savannah pull me towards the door with hurried steps.

"Call me Elizabeth dear, and you're welcome to come back whenever you like, oh and I gave Savannah the go ahead to negotiate business with you." Savannah's mother replied to me as I slid my feet into my shoes and Savannah did the same before walking outside.

Savannah still had my wrist in her hand as she kept her head down as she walked.

Starting to feel concerned over her mental state I decided to call out to her.

"Hey Savannah…you alright I know your mom was just busting your my chops. So don't worry about me reading too much into it." I said which made Savannah whirl around on me and look up at her with a rageful expression on her face while tears ran down her cheeks.

Savannah grabbed my leather jacket that I'd slipped on her hands forming fists as she gripped the material tightly before pulling me into an aggressive almost savage kiss.

Savannah tried dominating me, even pushing me up against a brick wall but I overpowered her and pressed her against the wall, my hands sliding down her hips to her firm, round sculpted ass.

Digging into the firm flesh of her ass, as I lifted her up off of the ground, Savannah wrapped her legs around my middle as we started making out passionately while our hands explored one another, right there on the side walk a block away from her house.

Our kiss was broken mutually, as we were left gasping for breath. Savannah's arms had come to loop around my neck and I rested my forehead against hers.

"Haa-haa-ha, you should feel lucky you're the second girl I've kissed and the first I've ever made out with." I panted as my lips hovered mere centimeters from Savannah's.

"You're the first boy I've kissed or slept with…but not the first one I've liked." Savannah said to me as her lips brushed against mine.

"Should I be jealous?" I asked even though I wasn't I might be an inexperienced virgin in this body but in my last life I'd been a bit of a slut.

"No, What do you think-…how do you feel about bisexual girls?" Savannah asked me as she unhooked her legs from around my waist and slid down my body but I didn't remove my hands from her ass and she didn't try to put any distance between us.

"Honestly I think girl on girl action is sexy as fuck, and I'm fine with it…but if I am dating said bi girl and not just messing around with her in a mutually open relationship, than I expect her to be as loyal to me as I am to her…meaning that I'm hoping she's only being with me as I'm only being with her in a romantic and sexual way.

Now if she broached the subject of a threesome I'd be willing but only if we had some very established boundaries in our relationship." I replied to Savannah honestly while shrugging my shoulders slightly as I found it hard not to kiss her slightly bruised and bleeding lips, noticing that at some point the crack in her lip had broken open while we were making out.

I looked into Savannah's stormy gray eyes and could tell she was thinking over my words, before she came to some sort of realization and started kissing me again but this time it was softer, gentler more exploring than anything…I could taste her sweet tasting blood on my tongue as we started a soft slow but no less passionate make out session.

Our kiss seemed to last forever with Savannah moaning into my mouth as I kneaded her ass flesh and she jumped back up and hooked her legs around me and grinded herself against me.

Before she broke the kiss this time.

"Look, I'm not looking for anything serious and I don't want rumors being spread around about me and I know I can trust you…

I can also tell by the way you act, that you aren't looking for anything serious right now either.

So I figure we can mess around with each other, you can get some experience with a girl and I can get some experience with a guy…it's mutually beneficial, but here's the number one rule: no feelings of attachment.

Rule number two this is not a relationship so no jealousy…if we both find someone else we'll be happy for each other and stay friends.

Rule number three no sleeping with anyone else without telling each other about our intent too first, and even if it isn't serious and it's just a hook up with him or her, we either need to wait forty-eight hours before sleeping with each other again or if we think they're dirty we need to go tested for stds, also hygiene I'll keep myself clean and I'll expect you to do the same." Savannah said to me and I noticed that her eyes held a look of vulnerability in them almost like she was coming up with this to protect herself and because she thought it was what I wanted to hear.

'Honestly, it sounds too good to be true…I tried something like this before in my last life with a few female friends of mine and we almost always developed feeling for each other beyond sex and it destroyed our friendships when we'd fuck someone else to make the other person jealous…but I'm not going to pass up this opportunity, I just hope things work out better than what my experiences dictate will happen.' I thought to myself while taking my time to think over Savannah's proposals so as not to come off as too eager and put myself in a position of weakness.

"Sounds good to me, I'd rather my first time be with you than some Southside hoe I might catch something from." I replied to Savannah who developed a little smirk on her face.

"Are you really a virgin?" Savannah asked me while blushing slightly.

"Yup, don't get me wrong there's always been someone around me that's shown interest but nothing's ever come of it…" I replied to Savannah who seemed relieved and also nervous at the same time.

"I've never been with a guy before…and haven't been penetrated by anything more than a middle finger." Savannah replied to me while breaking eye contact to look away from me.

"I guess we'll have to correct our statuses as Virgins together then." I tried to joke lightly.

"Hahaha." Savannah laughed loudly, surprising me a bit.

"I guess we will, Know it all." Savannah shot back at me before kissing me in a way that definitely wasn't indicative of her no feelings rule.

"I can't wait, Princess." I said after breaking the kiss, which made Savannah bite her bottom lip and then wince slightly in pain.

"Could you do me a favor…and not fuck my mom at least for awhile?" Savannah asked me while an angry gleam shined in her eyes but I knew it wasn't directed at me.

"I don't know if she did offer me an enticing proposition…I guess I could be swayed out of it if you were to offer something better." I replied to Savannah teasingly which made Savannah's stormy gray eyes glow in acceptance of whatever challenge she seemed to think I'd just initiated.

"Well I have some stuff to do…so let me down now..please, also make a list of all the equipment and supplies that you need and text them to me and I'll type up a contract between us for our joint business venture." Savannah said to me and I reluctantly lowered her back down to the ground and removed my hands from her ass.

"Jeez, don't look so down you can't like my ass that much." Savannah said teasingly even though she blushed slightly.

"Ohh, I love your ass, it's perfect…" I replied to her in a matter of fact tone that made Savannah punch my chest playfully as she let out a soft giggle.

"It's the only ass you've ever felt of course you think it's perfect." Savannah replied to me before holding out her phone to me which I took and unlocked, finding that she didn't have a lock code and quickly added my number to her contacts under "know it all" and then sent myself a quick text.

"I'll have you know, I'm a man with a very fine and refined taste for the finer things in life and that ass is one of the finest in the entire world." I replied to her in my horrible fake posh British accent that had her rolling her eyes but also looking very pleased at the same time.

"Whatever…talk to you later." Savannah said as she walked back in the direction of her house, I didn't worry about her getting there safely as anyone who tried anything in Wright territory would be a fool.

"Haa." I sighed out loud as I started on my way back home feeling my stomach rumbling from hunger.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

As soon as I entered the house Fiona was all over me, her nose crinkled upwards cutely while she still wore a worried expression.

"You spent the night with a girl." Fiona stated there wasn't even a hint of questioning in her voice.

I nodded in response to her, which made Fiona scrunch her eyebrows and nose up even more.

"Jeez Sis, you almost seem like a jealous girlfriend." I joked to Fiona who flinched slightly.

"Just make sure you're being safe, I'm not taking care of anymore kids." Fiona replied to me and stormed off.

'Wow, did I hit a nerve? Maybe it's because I dropped off the face of the earth for a bit while everything was happening with Frank.' I thought to myself while rolling my eyes and going down to my room unlocking the locks on the door.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Taking a quick shower, throwing on a pair of sweats, going over to my mini fridge, grabbing out a hungry man for dinner and popping it into the microwave above the bench.

While the meal was cooking I flipped on the tv seeing that there was a news report about a fifteen year old girl named Sarah's mutilated body being discovered down by the docks.

"I'm going to bring this sick fuck down." I growled while flipping the channel ignoring how the anchor woman mentioned that detectives believe that they are dealing with a serial killer.

"Hey, got a minute?" Lip asked as the timer went off and I looked over at him to see he had a black eye and a split lip.

"Heard you, had dinner with the Milkovichs after they busted up my face." Lip said to me though I could tell he wasn't angry.

"It isn't my fault you're a natural punching bag. And have such a punchable face." I joked to him in reply.

"Fuck you! Hahaha, So you and Mandy fuckin? She's not too bad looking." Lip cursed at me while throwing a quarter at me which I dodged with skill and finesse, as Lip laughed telling me it was all in good natured brotherly shenanigans while questioning me about Mandy.

"Unless…you know you're like Ian." Lip joked while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Fuck off, I'm no knob gobbler." I shot back at Lip while flipping him off as I pulled my microwave dinner out of the microwave.

"Hahaha, so did you lose your v-card yet?" Lip asked me with a smirk.

"Nah, Ian cockblocked me from fucking Karen yesterday, where is the little prick anyways?" I shot back at Lip with a smirk noticing the hurt expression he had on his face for a couple of seconds.

"You know that girl is a legit certified hoe Lip, she doesn't love you she just enjoys sex and getting back at her dad. And his religious views…I know you know this…why are you lying to yourself that it's anything else?" I sighed and asked Lip while biting into a piece of fried chicken.

"I know, or at least I did, but I love her." Lip said as he ran his hands through his hair and walked over flopping onto my couch.

"Fuck." I sighed and sat down next to him offering him a piece of chicken which he took.

"Fuck." Lip replied back letting out his own sigh, before he took a bite of chicken.

"Wanna play some modern warfare 2?" I asked Lip who shook his head no.

"I'm going to meet Karen…at the Van to fuck…" Lip replied to me and I could only shrug.

"You know that Van has rats right?" I asked Lip who shrugged in response to me.

"You gonna make a sign for Frank? He should be back before dark." Lip asked me with an amused voice.

"Nope…do you think I went too far the other night?" I asked Lip who shook his head no.

"If Frank couldn't take a punch we wouldn't have been born." Lip stated with finality.

"You should have let one of us know you weren't coming back last night…we were worried, we don't ask questions about what you do and I've covered for you when you've come home drenched in blood..but Fiona isn't dumb and you…you've been off Izzy…me and Fi aren't the only ones that have noticed some thing is going on with you." Lip said and I could hear the worry in his voice.

"Sorry, I've just had trouble sleeping lately." I told Lip while reaching forward, lifting the lid on the container that held the large amount of weed Savannah had given me.

"Anything to do with the owner of that thong?…you know the one that slipped out of here the other morning before anyone could see who she was, except for the green hair who sounds a lot like a certain psycho chick." Lip asked me while hinting that he knew about Savannah.

"No idea what you're talking about…and keep whoever you think has been here to yourself that includes keeping it from Karen." I told Lip with a bit of coldness.

"Jeez Issac, you don't have to…knock me out to keep me from talking." Lip jokes even as he punches my shoulder.

"But I got you…I didn't see anyone leave here the other morning on my way to Karen's." Lip said and I hoped he kept it to himself but I'd better let Savannah know anyway.

"Thanks Lip, here take some of this to sell…honestly I doubt we'd be able to smoke all of this before it goes bad." I said to Lip motioning to the 14 and half ounces.

"Just don't step on anyone's turf to do it." I told him and saw him smiling from ear to ear.

"What do you think about 250 an ounce or sell it cheaper to move it fast, And how much of a cut do you want ?" Lip asked me while taking out a couple of ounces for our use and buttoning up the rest to sell.

"60/40, you're doing the leg work, you keep the 60." I told Lip who nodded happily and left taking the majority of the weed with him while I put the remaining bud back into the sealed container.

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A few hours later…

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(Knock Knock knock)

"Issac, V called and they'll be back with Frank in thirty minutes." Fiona said from the top of the stairs.

I found myself waiting out front for Frank with all of my siblings, though it was hard not to smile when I saw Savannah was here though it was a little weird to see her without her brothers.

"Hey." I greeted her as I walked over to where she was standing along the fence line.

"Hey yourself, figured I'd come and collect what Frank owes me since he can afford to take trips to Canada." Savannah said while giving me a little smirk like we were in on a secret, which made me chuckle.

Though when I looked over her shoulder I saw Mandy with her arm threaded through Ian's with watery eyes as she looked in between Savannah and I.

"Yeah…good luck with that." I said as I watched Mandy turn around and bolt in the opposite direction as the RV bringing Frank back pulled up.

Frank was his usual charming self ranting and telling everyone to fuck off.

sang a butchered mix of the Canadian and American anthems, while Frank continued his ranting and flipped everyone off. The only person who hugged Frank was Debby when Frank looked at me he flinched and looked terrified.

"Glad you're home safe Dad." I said as I patted him on the back, and handed him an 8ball I had in my room, he nodded to me as a big smile split across his face as he said my boy my favorite kid before he went inside the house.

When I started to head down the block I I noticed had a shadow in the form of a person.

"Yes?" I asked while stopping and turning around to look at Savannah down.

"Nothing…just following you, you said I could help you…remember?" Savannah said, and while I quickly looked past her to the porch I noticed Lip stopped in the doorway along with Karen, both of them shooting me very different looks, before Lip went inside he looked at me with an expression that screamed "really Savannah Wright? Before disappearing inside.

"I do, but…I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about your safety." I replied to Savannah who nodded and then took my hand in her's.

"Come on know it all, I live every day with my life on the line. I want to be there for my friend…" Savannah said to me while trailing off blushing slightly as she gripped my hand.

"Whatever…don't haunt me if you get your dumb sexy ass killed." I said to her while looking away from her as I felt her lean against my arm.

"I will…and I'll cockblock you for eternity if I become a ghost." Savannah teased as we walked to the bus stop where we'd catch the bus into the business district where the parking garage that M gave me is located.

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