
Waking up as a Ghallager (Shameless USA, 2011 SI)

guy got tortured died met a goddess got some wishes and reincarnated into Shameless as Issac Ghallager twin brother of Ian Gallagher. Tags: #Hire, #Loyal Protagonist, #Revenge, #Massive Crossover, #Possible Harem, #Wish Fulfillment, #Traumatized Protagonist On an Indefinite Hiatus (heavily inspired by relaxing in Shameless, some close similarities, that I didn't really realize until I re-read the beginning chapters.. Savannah and the Wrights were also inspired from it but they aren't exact copies. of that ff.)

Shane_Town · TV
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26 Chs


After meeting Steve/Jimmy, and having Kevin come over and kidnap his girlfriend, knowing what would happen, I signaled Lip to head to bed while I went down to my basement bedroom. 

'If there's one good thing I can say about Savannah and her brothers it is the fact that they sell some really good weed, on the cheap.' I thought to myself while swearing to myself never to go into the hard stuff in this new life though with my healing factor it probably wouldn't matter but Having Frank and Monica as my parents in this life I know I'm predisposed to having an addictive personality, and I didn't want that happening me no matter how well in shape my body stayed. 

Going into my little grow tent checking over my plants and feeding them a special food mixture I'd created that boosted plant growth by 37%. 

Finding that my plants were about three weeks away from being ready to harvest as they already had some decent sized buds growing on them. 

Flopping down on my leather couch turning on my 55" plasma screen TV and Xbox 360 slim and loaded into Need for Speed Undercover, I spent the next couple of hours playing until I decided to go to sleep, but not before making sure all of my deadbolts were locked. 

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Waking up to a new day, finding that I was the first and only one up…nearly tripping over Frank while smelling something rancid in the air as I moved to head over to the cooking area. 

Looking down at Frank seeing that he was lying on the floor, sound asleep, snoring in a puddle of vomit and urine. 

"That explains the smell." I muttered as I grabbed one of the Frank pillows and put it under Frank's head. 

The guy is a horrible father, a horrible person…but he wasn't a bad guy, he wasn't a villain and he has had his moments where he was actually someone you could rely on, though I would never tell him that. 

I threw out some kitty litter to soak up the human waste before pulling out some leftover pizza for breakfast, as I was feeling extremely hungry after not eating anything after getting high.

While I was in the kitchen I decided to prepare lunch for the rest of the gang. 

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

My first real week in this world just seemed to fly by. It was nothing more than school, getting high and just hanging around the Southside. 

I didn't really get the enjoyment of watching the events of the show play out some things were fun for me to watch but for the most part it was depressing…never mind the fact that I was thirsty as fuck and going through a dry spell. 

Steve popped up a few times during the week but was actually repelled by Fiona. I chose not to say anything to or about Jimmy, since it wasn't really my place even if I did desire Fiona for myself. 

And it would be a few years before Debby discovers Steve's secret, while I was cooking Saturday morning brunch everyone came down and another day was getting started. 

"You should have just let him sleep as he was." Fiona sighed as she came up beside me after seeing that I took care of Frank a little bit.

"Yeah, yeah…but you know me and Debbs are suckers, for the worthless fuck." I joked loudly while shooting Debby a wink who smiled back at me, before whispering the worthless fuck part to Fiona who giggled softly and smacked my ass. 

Everyone else groaned at me but didn't say anything, or react to Fiona smacking my ass. 

After wrapping up the food I made and putting it in the fridge, I took off. As it was time to go out and start exploring Chicago a bit in person rather than just looking through my memories. 

Around Eight Hours Later..

I was pulling open the door Kash n' Grab to pick something up with the last hundred bucks I kept hidden away for emergencies. 

Which this technically was since we were running low on pretty much everything food wise, I decided to come here since it was the cheapest place, close to the house to shop.

lan nodded at me when I walked into the Bodega.

I made sure it was a quick trip as I grabbed everything I needed before walking up to the counter seeing that Kash and Ian were looking at each other with desire. 

I paid half price for everything a perk of Ian both working there and fucking his boss/the owner of the store. 

Walking out of the store through the back door into the alleyway I heard a whimper coming from the other side of the alley, looking on the other side of Kash's van finding that there was a girl with green hair sitting on the ground hugging her knees to her chest, I could see that her clothes were ripped in certain places that made it obvious that someone had either tried to sexually assault her or she got into one hell of a fight.

'Don't do it, don't get involved in whatever bullshit Savannah has going on.' I thought to myself, as my mind was telling me to walk away, but my heart wouldn't allow it, not when the green hair belonged to a girl I saw everyday at school and bought good weed off of. 

"You alright Princess? you want any help or for me to go away?" I asked Savannah as I sat back on my haunches inspecting her, over seeing that her bra was untouched even with her shirt being ripped, and there wasn't any smell of sex on her, only some dry blood on her clothes so it was obvious Savannah had been in a fight. 

Though she seemed to hate me for something, for what I don't really know, but the hate wasn't mutual, and I would help any girl in need…damn hero complex.

"Piss off, Know it all!" Savannah said to me but her voice lacked her usual sneer she usually gave me though it was replaced by a pain filled groan at the end as she flinched and moved to hold her side.

Setting down my bags next to me and reaching out with one of my hands that I was going to rest on her knee in a display of comfort and trust.

But I quickly pulled my hand back and threw both hands up into the air in a show of surrender as Savannah flinched when she saw me reaching out to her.

"Easy there princess, you don't have to worry I wont do anything to you,

I just want to help you." Seeing that she didn't say anything or shoot a venomous glare at me I decided it was safe and reached out with my hands hooking my index finger underneath her chin and lifting her face up while brushing her hair out of the way with the other, allowing me to see that she had a nasty cut above her right eye and swelling around her left eye that indicated it was going to be a bad black eye, and tying it all together was a busted lip. 

"Come on let's go get you some ice and get those cuts cleaned, if they don't get cleaned they might get infected, and I want to check your ribs to make sure they're not broken, if they are I'll take you to the hospital to get you X-rayed." I said while looking over her face, finding that without the near constant sneer on her face that always seemed to be directed at me, Savannah was actually very cute even with the bruising and busted lip.

'Damn, I know she has a sexy fit body, but damn her face is really cute even in this condition.' I thought to myself resisting the urge to brush my thumb over her lips. 

She didn't reply to me and didn't meet my eyes either as she continued to sit on the cold ground. 

'Haa, curse you hero complex.' I mentally sighed to myself as I decided I couldn't leave Savannah here in this condition even if she was ignoring me. 

"Don't take this as charity Princess, I'm helping you out because you've been selling me some fire at trap house prices." I said to her trying to get a rise out of her, my green eyes connected with her gray dominant hazel eyes and all I saw was vulnerability in them as I grabbed her hands and slowly pulled her to her feet, noticing the way she winced in pain and shifted her weight over to one foot.


'Busted ankle too, the fuck happened to this girl?' I thought to myself as I turned around and hunched down. 

"Get on, I'll carry you." I told Savannah and was surprised by how meekly she did as she was told. 

Walking back to the house groceries carried in one hand while the other I used to help support Savannah who had buried her face in the crook of my neck and started crying against me.

After what felt like forever I reached the house and entered through the back door noticing Ian sitting on the couch with Mandy Milkovich all over him while Carl sat on the floor trying to watch scream. 

'Hmm, how is Mandy confusing Ian for me? Sure our faces are nearly identical but I'm two inches taller than him with a ripped body, and my hair is a different color.' I thought to myself but shrugged it off completely ignoring the fact that Ian somehow managed to beat me back home as I opened the fridge and threw the bags with cold stuff inside while setting the other stuff on the counter before moving to the door to the basement. 

Finding it odd that not even one of them noticed me or Savannah. 

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Moving so that Savannah could sit down on the metal work bench I had in my room. 

"Sit down here so I can check your ankle." I told Savannah who nodded against me but seemed reluctant to leave my back. 

Kneeling down in front of Savannah, unlacing her black combat boots and pulling them off gently, finding that her right ankle has swelled up to the size of a ripe grapefruit. 

"This is going to hurt a bit, I'm just making sure it's not broken." I told Savannah who nodded and gripped the metal table to the point her knuckles turned white, while she whimpered in pain. 

"It's not broken…just a bad sprain." I told her as I stood up and found it very hard not to stare at her exposed green lace bra and c-cup breasts, finding that her skin was smooth and flawless. 

"Let's get rid of this so I can check your ribs." I said motioning to her ripped too that had bead sequences stitched into it, while I took my Gerber stiletto combat knife out of my pocket and flicked the button making the blade eject from the handle cutting the shirt away. 

Finding that Savannah immediately moved to cover her breasts. 

"If I was going to do something to you I would have done it already. Now try and lift your arms above your head while I press down on your ribs." I said to her gently which made her flinch and nod before doing as she was told as her face took on a light pink blush as I started touching her skin gently at first making sure I could feel all her ribs pointing in the right direction before applying enough pressure to make her cry out in pain and move to grab my hand. 

"You're lucky it's only severe bruising, it should go away completely in a week or so." I told Savannah who looked like she wanted to say something but stayed silent as I walked over to the department store wheeled clothes rack I hung my clothes on and grabbed an AC/DC shirt from and brought it over to her. 

"Here you can wear this for now, I have to go get some medical supplies, don't try to walk on that ankle until I get it wrapped up. We don't want to aggravate it anymore than it already is." I told Savannah who nodded and took the shirt from my hand somewhat nervously. 

"T-thanks, Issac." Savannah said in a small voice just as my foot landed on the first step on the stairs. 

"No Problem Savannah." I shot back at her as I started to climb the steps, and just as I opened the door I heard Mandy screaming. 

"Yeah, so not my problem." I muttered to myself softly as I shut and locked one of the deadbolts to keep the rift raft out of the basement knowing that I'd Savannah wanted to leave. She could just turn the lock on the other side of the door. 

Leaving the house walking over to V and Kev's house letting myself in with the key they gave me seeing V sitting at the table in a robe. 

"Hey V can I borrow some medical supplies?" I asked the gorgeous woman who opened her robe a bit to reveal her cleavage to me..

"Of course Izzy, What do you need?" Veronica asked me as a worried frown appeared on her face as she stood up from her kitchen table and walked over to me to look me over, once she found that I was unhurt, she sighed softly in relief before she walked over to the locked cabinet where she kept her pilfered medical supplies and medicine.

"Rubbing Alcohol, Iodine, Cotton Swabs, those sutra bandaid things for cuts on your face, bactroban, self adhering sports wrap if you have any rolls of it and Hydro 5's if you have any to spare. I'll give you twenty bucks for everything." I replied to V and even though I knew she would give me everything I asked for, for free I didn't like taking advantage of her kindness. 

Plus it was better this way so she never grew to resent me, the way Kev has started resenting my siblings for how V always helps them out without asking for anything in return, always loaning them their shit and not getting it back unless Kev walks over and takes it back.

V smiled at me before bagging up everything that I asked for and handing it to me while I held out a crumpled up twenty to her and leaned in and kissed her cheek.

"You're the best V, I'd be lost without you." I joked softly before smacking V's ass and running out of her house before she could react. 

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Kev walked into the room looking at Veronica who was rubbing her ass slightly. 

"Izzy again?" Kev asked without a hint of jealousy or anger in fact he sounded almost turned on.

"Yeah, that boy is finally coming out of his shell…" V replied to her man. 

"You know V, I wouldn't mind if you wanted to…maybe we could have a threesome." Kev said to Veronica and his words got her all hot and bothered as the started fucking on the living room floor. 

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

I could hear V cry out, "Augh Yeah baby fill my pussy." As I was walking back to the house, which gave me a hardon. 

'Fucking teenage hormones, you suck.' I thought to myself as I unlocked the basement door and walked down the steps finding Savannah laying down on the workbench curled in on herself and crying softly. 

Seeing the girl who usually has a take no shit attitude trembling and softly whimpering in pain made me feel certain things and remember certain events that I'd rather not feel or remember.

Walking into the bathroom grabbing a clean microfiber cloth and wetting said cloth with warm water with medical supplies still in hand before walking over to my workbench and Savannah.

"Sit up." I commanded gently which made Savannah flinch slightly though she complied with my commands, once she sat upright I set the plastic bag with the supplies in it on the bench beside her. 

"Why?" Savannah suddenly asked as I gently started wiping away the dried blood with gentle strokes of the cloth.

"Why…what?" I asked Savannah while I concentrated on cleaning off the dried blood from her face, cheek, chin and neck.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Savannah asked self consciously. 

"I told you already didn't I? It's because you sell me some great shit at trap prices…it also helps that you're actually a cute girl when you're not sneering at me all the time." I replied to her with a soft smile, as I finished cleaning away all of the dried blood and took a cotton swab and doused it in rubbing alcohol, which I tapped against her now reopened and lightly bleeding cuts on her forehead and lip, before repeating the process with iodine, then applying some bactroban cream to the nasty, and using the white sticky strips to close the cut on her forehead just above and to the side of her eyebrow. 

While wishing I could do the same for her lip, finding the fact that Savannah only winced slightly at my cleaning her cuts which made me feel that she was a fighter.

I didn't ask what happened to her as I figured that it was none of my business, and she'd tell me if she wanted to, and I had no doubt that even now she was planning her revenge, or that her family was already taking their pound of flesh as the Wrights were just as bad as the Milkovichs. 

"I don't know if you have a safe place to stay tonight…if you don't you can stay here, you can have the bed I'll sleep on the couch." I said to her feeling an urge to look after her more than I had already, and not quite understanding why I was feeling so charitable and protective towards her. 

"Thanks Isaac…you're not so bad after all. I mean, for a know it all, that is…thanks for letting me stay here tonight. I don't want my brother's to see me like this…I want them to concentrate on getting ready for revenge…and I can't guarantee that I will be able to make it back home, without someone trying something again." Savannah replied to me and for the first time tonight looking at me directly, and I found that my mouth went dry, even with the fact that the area around her left eye had really swelled up and become discolored in a mix of blue and purple.

I looked into her stormy gray eyes, losing myself for a moment in them, before shaking it off and kneeling down so that I could wrap her ankle, quickly removing her sock and wrapping up her ankle. 

Standing up offering her my hand to help her get down off of the table. 

 "Go ahead and take my bed." I lightly commanded her as she took my hand and slid herself off of the table, grunting a little in pain by putting weight on her ankle.

"Right, I almost forgot." I said while reaching into the bag and pulling out a bottle of Hydro's. 

"They're only 5's but should be more than enough with your injuries." I told her as I handed the pill bottle to her and reached down underneath the workbench where I kept a mini fridge and grabbed out a mini water bottle, twisting the cap off before handing it to her.

Savannah shot me a look of gratitude as she took two of the painkillers and washed them down with the water.

I found myself resisting the urge to shake my head at her actions. 

Seeing Savannah standing in my room all cleaned up and wearing one of my favorite shirts that was stretched tightly around her breast but hung down to mid thigh on her. 

I realized just how small she was, and how big I actually was as she stood at five foot four, and I stood at five eleven. 

Savannah looked at me for a moment before taking off her jeans. 

Before she moved over to my bed and threw herself on it and since my eyes seemed glued to her, her toned round ass and lacey green thong that she was wearing that nicely matched her bra, were revealed to me. 

Though she quickly rolled over onto her back and covered herself with my comforter snapping me out of my entrancement. 

"The bathroom is over there if you need it, I'll be locking the room up for the night so that Frank doesn't get in here and trash my place and steal my plants." I said to her as I took off my shirt revealing my toned body and six pack abs before making my way up the steps where I locked every lock before making my way back down the steps, noticing Savannah's eyes were now glued to me in the same way my eyes had been glued to her earlier. 

Deciding I'd had enough excitement for one day I flopped down onto my couch and closed my eyes to go to sleep. 

"Goodnight Issac, thanks for everything." I heard Savannah whisper once she thought I was asleep.

'No problem Princess.' I mentally replied to her and found myself drifting off to nightmare land as I found myself strapped to the chair once more. 

"Hey hey it's just a bad dream, come on Know-it-all wake up." I heard Savannah whispering as I felt a gentle caress on my face and hair. 

Opening my eyes, I found Savannah's breasts were at my eye level as I felt her soft hands gently touching my face and my chest. 

"I guess we aren't so different after all." Savannah whispered softly to herself before grabbing my hand. 

"Come on, the bed's too big for one person anyways." Savannah said while tugging on my hand, and I was in no state to resist her as I found myself laying in my bed being spooned by Savannah. 

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