
Waking up as a Ghallager (Shameless USA, 2011 SI)

guy got tortured died met a goddess got some wishes and reincarnated into Shameless as Issac Ghallager twin brother of Ian Gallagher. Tags: #Hire, #Loyal Protagonist, #Revenge, #Massive Crossover, #Possible Harem, #Wish Fulfillment, #Traumatized Protagonist On an Indefinite Hiatus (heavily inspired by relaxing in Shameless, some close similarities, that I didn't really realize until I re-read the beginning chapters.. Savannah and the Wrights were also inspired from it but they aren't exact copies. of that ff.)

Shane_Town · TV
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26 Chs


Fiona looked at the open suitcase on her bed. It was brand new Steve had given it to her last night when he proposed to take her away to South America for a vacation just the two of them and now she was planning on packing it to run off with Han, there was just something magnetic about him.

But then an image of Isaac's smiling face froze her solid.

"I can't leave, I need to stay here for my siblings, to protect Issac." Fiona whispered, throwing the suitcase off of her bed before sinking to the floor resting her back against the edge of the bed while pulling her knee up to her chest as she started to cry.

'Plus, V and Kev's wedding I can't miss it even if it is fake.' Fiona thought to herself as Liam crawled into her room.

"M-ah-me." Liam said while falling back on his butt and holding his arms out cutely.

This caused Fiona to break out in a fresh wave of tears as she moved forward, picked up Liam and held him in her arms.

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"Pull over." Gisele suddenly said to me as we passed by a snowplow, turn-around in a forested area near a private airfield outside of Chicago.

"Sure." I replied while pulling over and putting the car in park turning to face Gisele who slid closer to me pressing herself against me and cupping my face.

"I like you." Gisele said before tilting her head forward starting a slow kiss, our lips barely grazing one another's as her hand slid to the back of my head sliding through my hair while her other hand came to rest on my chest.

"I like you too." I replied to her while leaning forward to playfully nip at her bottom lip.

"Happy birthday Issac, Fiona and M told us it was your and Ian's birthday today." Gisele whispered to me and I realized she was right, as she started kissing me again and I slid sideways on the seat and Gisele slid into my lap, Gisele took my bottom lip between her teeth without actually biting down pulling on my lip feeling a little sting as she drew some blood.

I brought my hand up brushing a bit of hair that was hanging in front of her face out of the way, loving her little, evil, naughty smirk that she gave me as she licked my blood off of her bottom lip.

Making me pick Gisele up and put her on her back one hand slipping behind her head while the other rested at the crook of her knee, before I started sliding it downwards as we started kissing passionately again.

My hand sank into Gisele's perfectly toned ass, as I started kissing along her jawline down her neck.

"What are you waiting for?" Gisele whispered in a breathless voice, making me pull back and look down at her.

Making Gisele smirk up at me as she looped her one leg around my back and managed to flip the tables perfectly except for the fact that I banged my head on the door.

"It's good you're so hard...headed." Gisele whispered softly but tentatively touched the back of my head with finger light touches.

"Yeah, I need to be with a wild and dangerous woman like you around." I joked as I rested my hand on her hip while using the hand I still had at the back of her head to pull her back into a kiss.

"I haven't even begun to show you how wild and dangerous I can be." Gisele whispered as she grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me upwards.

"Take it off." Gisele commanded.

"I've been dying to." I replied back to her with a smirk, and I moved to unzip her leather jacket sliding it off of her shoulders with her assistance, throwing it into the backseat.

Moving my hand down to the hem of her tight black top, lifting it up over her head revealing a strapless black bra that unhooks from the front.

Seeing her toned abdomen running my fingers over her smooth skin finding a few old scars, one of them being a bullet wound, on her side right around the navel line.

"You're gorgeous." I whispered softly while leaning forward to plant kisses along some of her other scars.

"I know." Gisele replied back with a bit of sass but also a lot of reassured feelings in her voice, as she unhooked her bra and threw it in the back seat, revealing her perfect and perky b-cup breasts with light brown nipples that were hard little nubs from arousal.

Before grabbing hold of the hem of my shirt and lifted it over my head and threw it in the back seat.

I started kissing around Gisele's breasts loving the way her breath caught in her chest every time I let my lips brush close to one of her nipples.

Gisele's hands grabbed my hair and head tightly as I took one of her sensitive nipples between my lips, sucking lightly while flicking the bud with my tongue.

"Ohh." Gisele gasped softly, as she slowly started grinding herself against my lap, while I cupped her free breast with my free hand cupping, squeezing it lightly while rolling her nipple with my thumb.

Removing my hand from the back of her head sliding it down her back running my fingers along the curve of her spine, then underneath the tight waist of her jeans underneath her lace panties grabbing hold of her firm right ass cheek loving the way she shivered a bit at my touch.

That seemed to be the wrong move as Gisele suddenly pushed me away from her chest.

"Let's get these off." Gisele whispered as she moved her body, kicked off her boots and had her tight pants and lace panties off in under ten seconds while releasing my rock hard cock from my jeans.

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