
Waking up as a Ghallager (Shameless USA, 2011 SI)

guy got tortured died met a goddess got some wishes and reincarnated into Shameless as Issac Ghallager twin brother of Ian Gallagher. Tags: #Hire, #Loyal Protagonist, #Revenge, #Massive Crossover, #Possible Harem, #Wish Fulfillment, #Traumatized Protagonist On an Indefinite Hiatus (heavily inspired by relaxing in Shameless, some close similarities, that I didn't really realize until I re-read the beginning chapters.. Savannah and the Wrights were also inspired from it but they aren't exact copies. of that ff.)

Shane_Town · TV
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26 Chs

[14] Rio pt2

"I really wish you weren't here." I said to Gisele as she got into the van and sat in the passenger seat.

"I'm not letting you do this alone, besides M has supplied me with top of the line body armor, it's even better than yours." Gisele replied to me as I drummed my fingers against the steering wheel, to the beat of the music.

"Yeah, but we both know I can walk away from an explosion unhurt you can't, why don't you just hang back in the extraction vehicle." I replied to Gisele still not liking her insistence that she be by my side for what is essentially a kamikaze run, for anybody without my healing factor.

"I'm not going to argue with you." Gisele replied before taking my hand that been thrumming in tune to the beat of the music, that had turned to a nervous thrumming all most pounding against the steering wheel, holding my hand in her's.

"M, told me that you and your girlfriend broke up because of me." Gisele suddenly said but I shook my head.

"No, I mean sure…you were part of it but a very small part of it, our biggest problem was a mutual lack of communication on the really important stuff. But there was also the direction we wanted our lives to take that just differed a lot. I want to raise myself and my family up out of our poor community and our stealing to survive, outlook on life. Where she was…is completely fine with staying a drug dealer and an enforcer for her mom's criminal enterprise." I replied to Gisele while Dom's voice came over the walkie.

"Alright, que the distraction." Dom said and I pulled my hand free from Gisele's and started the van.

"Your life is precious, just because you can heal doesn't mean you should take the risks you take. I'll get the extraction vehicle ready. As long as you promise me you'll take the fight seriously and not openly put yourself in danger." Gisele said to me while looking me in the eyes and I knew if my response didn't satisfy whatever she was looking for she wouldn't get her sexy ass out of the van.

"Alright, jeez you're so maternal…I'll be careful…but when this is over I want a kiss as a reward." I replied to her with a little but honest smile on my lips that made her roll her eyes in exasperation.

"Fine, if you do as I ask I'll give you a kiss." Gisele replied, her voice dripping with sexiness as her eyes had a playful light dancing in them.

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Mia was the only one that could hear everyone's private conversations and she felt like there was a lot of tension between Gisele and Issac, and that there was also a lot of tension between Han and Gisele, which led Mia to worry a love triangle might damage her slowly expanding family as she rested a hand against her stomach.

"He's like fourteen, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about." Mia softly said to herself while feeling reassured that she was correct.

'Though, Issac is pretty cute and all those muscles...mmm, if only Brian had muscles like that.' Mia thought to herself and the flushed slightly as it was Issac she saw shirtless and pantless in her imagination instead of Brian, while she was fantasizing.

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Pressing the accelerator to the floor, as the van climbed the first few steps of the stepped sidewalk up to the police station.

Feeling thankful that Elena had called all the cops that weren't on the take and got them away from the station, before we started our assult, bullets peppered the van and me making me glad that I also wore my armored mask with the skull on it, besides the fact that it protects my identity.

After my last job I'd requested M to have multiples of the mask made for me since I thought they were cool.

Just before I crested the final set of steps I started rolling down my window, once it was down I started using a mack ten to weaken the integrity of the large bullets resistant planes of glass, before driving through the small barricade into the atrium of the station and exited the through the rear of the van tripping the timer of the detonator, that was hooked to the door switch.

Shooting a couple of cops on my way down the steps before they could start shooting at me again, getting my timing just right as Gisele pulled up in one of the modded police cars and slid over to the passenger seat.

Just as I was shutting the door of the car, the van blew causing a shockwave that shattered the windows of the surrounding buildings, while taking out the front of the building extending up two floors.

Luckily Dom had insisted we replace the windows of all the stolen cop cruisers with shock and bullet resistant glass, which prevented the windows from being blown out.

"Dom and I might have gone a little overboard." I muttered as I hammered the throttle to the floor and peeled out as Dom, Brian and Hobbs exited the parking structure at the same time but nobody was chasing them as of yet.

We made the switch with a dummy safe that was only made to look like the safe we'd stolen was hooked back up to Dom and Brian's cars, as the police force and Reyes's private army started their pursuit.

I drove to the bridge and waited while Gisele looked at me questioningly before getting out of the modded cop car and getting into the Nissan 370z nismo we stashed there in the little turnaround last night.

Seeing Gisele drive off to meet at the rally point, while I waited for Dom and Brian to bring Hernan and Dante Reyes to me.

Watching as Dom cut Brian loose and seeing Brain looking at me in shook as he drove by as Dom managed to swing the vault around hit a fucking helicopter in the air with the now loose cable, that was disengaged from Brian's car causing the helicopter to crash into the ocean.

"Damn that looks way cooler in real life." I muttered to myself as the vault knocked two cars off of the bridge into the ocean.

'Dante should have been in one of those cars.' I thought to myself, as I got out of the car, I jumped off of the bridge into the ocean.

Finding Dante passed out on the water with a bleeding head wound.

'Sorry Jason Mamoa…but you gotta go.' I thought to myself as I fought against the current, grabbed ahold of Dante from behind and snapping his neck.

Swimming to one of the bridges supports grabbing hold of one of the ladder rungs pulling myself up out of the water.

Climbing up the bridge rolling over on to the blacktop feeling exhausted from the over 150 ft climb and everything else today but forcing myself to get up when Dom offered me his hand.

"You know there's better places to go for a swim." Dom said as he pulled me in full gear to my feet and Brian chuckled.

"Yeah, well someone had to make sure Reyes's psycho son didn't come back for revenge in the future." I groaned as I rolled my shoulders from Dom's shitty humor.

"Where's Reyes?" I asked Brian while looking around.

"Hobbs, took care of him." Brian said before we all got into the cop car Brian has driven back.

"Good." I sighed feeling like I was forgetting about someone important as I got into the backseat of the car, and took off my helmet/mask.

"So…Issac, where are you going from here? Hobbs burned all of us…even you." Brian asked me and I laughed softly.

"I'm from the Southside of Chicago Brain, you don't get much more burned than that." I replied to him as I fished my phone out of my inner pocket and took it out of the ziplock bag.

[So, am I really burned or can I return home?] I messaged M to find out if I was really as burned as Brian said I was.

[You're clear to come home, I smothered Hobbs's alert about you.] M replied back to me quickly which was both a relief and a bit of a let down as it would have been kinda cool to go on the run with the Toretto family.

"You can stick with us, Issac…we're either going to the DR or Cuba." Dom said to me and though I nodded I didn't give them an actual reply.

"So that was you that started the battle of Chicago." Brian started and looked at me through the rearview mirror.

"Yeah, Compose was a sick fuck that had tortured and raped at least ten girls that the cops knew about but wouldn't touch him for…So I stepped in…does that bother you Brian?" I replied to him while making eye contact with him through the reflection in the mirror.

"Uhh, no…" Brian trailed off as we pulled up to the abandoned oil refinery where Tej was currently working to crack open the safe when I snapped my fingers.

"Should have brought Reyes' hand." I said as Dom opened the back door for me.

Both stopped to look at me with a what the fuck expression on their faces.

"What? I just meant in case the trick with Gisele's bikini bottom doesn't work." I replied to them with a shrug and both nodded but I saw them send a secretive look to one another.

Walking into the building seeing Mia run over to hug her brother, and…boyfriend…husband…baby daddy…?

'Damn, I want a girl to love me like that.' I thought to myself as I saw Mia hold Brian like he was the most important thing in her life as they hugged and kissed each other.

"Why are you all wet?" I was suddenly surprised to be hugged by Mia as well.

"Had to take a swim…" I replied as I returned her hug with an awkward one arm hug.

"Haha, come on I'll get you a pair of Brian's spare clothes." Mia said and waived for me to follow her over to a different Subaru WRX STI than the one before.

"Thank you Mia." I said to Mia as I took the clothes from her and started taking off my clothes as Mia walked off.

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"Wow, it's too bad…he's too young." Elena whispered to Mia who looked at her while arching an eyebrow though it's not like she wasn't watching the strip tease as well.

"Why worry about it? He might be a kid to you but, he's very much not a kid." Gisele joined the conversation as she wasn't going to lose out on a nice view either.

"It wouldn't matter, even if he was a bit older he only seems to have eyes for you." Elena said with a bit of a joke in her voice.

"Yeah what's up with that Gisele?" Mia asked which made Gisele shrug softly.

Gisele just rolled her eyes and walked over to Issac.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

"Jumping off of a bridge doesn't count as being very safe." Gisele said as she leaned against the Subaru.

"It was safer than staying on it with Dom, using a ten thousand pound safe as a wrecking ball." I joked which made Gisele giggle softly.

Before she leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"There's your kiss." Gisele said with a smirk before walking away with a sway to her hips.

'Haa, I miss Savannah.' I thought to myself not even feeling the least bit happy about getting a kiss from the Gal Gadot look-alike, while looking at my screen saver that was a picture of her sitting in the school bleachers looking deep in thought as she stared off into the distance.

"She's pretty." Mia suddenly said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, she is." I said as I locked the screen and put the phone in my pocket, while craving a smoke.

"Everything alright?" Mia asked me as she seemed to know something was wrong by my body language.

"Not really, we broke up a couple of days ago." I replied to Mia before sighing.

"Take it from someone older than you love has a way of bringing those who belong together back together…I never thought Brian and I would get back together…but here we are expecting our first baby." Mia said to me , growing a bit dreamy sounding by the end of her sentence.

"Thanks, for the clothes too." I replied to Mia, while wondering where my stuff ended up.

"Guys, get over here Tej is almost done with the safe." Roman said, drawing everyone's attention from their ambling around.

Everyone, myself included, made some kind of noise or expression at watching money just pour out of the vault.

Walking over beside Gisele.

"Hey do you know where my stuff ended up?" I asked her softly receiving a nod from her.

"It's in the back seat of the 370, I put it that while you were busy with Dom." Gisele replied to me.

"Thank you." I said to her before walking off to get my pack of smokes, feeling relieved that Gisele has packed my lighter and open pack of New Ports on top of my other stuff.

Once I had them I went outside and took a seat on a concrete column and lit a cig.

"Those are bad for your health." Dom said as he sat down next to me dropping off four large duffle bags in front of me, while holding out his fingers in symbol of wanting a drag.

Passing him the smoke sitting in the quiet watching the sunset.

"Thank you for coming when Gisele called, I'm not sure we could have pulled this heist off without you...and too much was riding on this heist." Dom said to before trying to pass the cig back to me but I waived it off.

"You guys would have pulled it off without me." I said firmly before sliding off of the concrete.

"Split my share up between everyone else. I didn't come here for the money." I told Dom as I started walking back into the building to where the 370 is parked.

My phone dinged as I stood back and watched everyone hugging each other and being excited.

[Some meat fell off a truck, how much do you want?] Lip messaged me asking.

[A lot, let's throw a block party, charge everyone 5-15 bucks for a plate.] I messaged Lip back.

[Sweet, sorry to hear about you and Savannah bro…Karen is pregnant, I think it's mine..I don't care if it's mine I love her and want to be with her.] Lip sent me which made me want to smash my head against a wall.

[I'll support you Lip, but Karen may not want anything to do with you or the baby…] I messaged Lip back before sliding my phone into my pocket.

"Hey, I know you guys are all wanted fugitives right now…but I have access to a private airplane and would like to invite you all to a Ghallager family cookout/block party." I said to everyone as they started to calm down only to find myself beset by a mob of huggers.

"We're in." Dom said before anyone could turn me down making a wide genuinely happy smile split across my face, as a drone flew into the building and dropped of a large thick manilla envelope into my hand that I stretched out to reach for it, opening it I saw that the envelope has new travel documents for everyone contained inside of it.

My phone started ringing again and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey M." I greeted stil with a big smile on my face.

[Hey Izzy, those documents I just had delivered will only work for seventy two hours, anyone using them has to leave the country before then, the chips imbedded into the passports will prevent facial recognition up to 93% of the time...so tell them to be careful and avoid cameras as much as possible, I'll try to scub any slipups but if when I tell you it's time for them to go it's time for them to go.] M told me in a very serious tone of voice.

"Thanks M, you're the best...I wish there was something I could do for you to thank you for all you do for me." I replied to M honestly my voice growing a bit wistful.

[You do, Everytime you make an effort to live a normal life.] M replied but she almost sounded like she was on the verge of tears I wanted to talk to her some more but the line went dead.

Handing out everyone's papers.

"So these documents will only work for the next seventy two hours..but to be on the safe side you should all leave before twenty four are up. Tej wait a second man." I joked to Tej who was about to start asking questions.

"These passports have some sort of embedded chip that scrambles your image for facial recognition software... don't ask me how cause I don't know, all I know is M has never led me wrong and has always been there for me when I needed her." I told them all and though most of them were unsure Dom and Gisele were satisfied with my response and that was enough for the whole crew.

"Alright you heard him, let's get packed up and out of here." Dom said while clapping his hands together with a smile splitting across his face.

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