
Waking up as a Ghallager (Shameless USA, 2011 SI)

guy got tortured died met a goddess got some wishes and reincarnated into Shameless as Issac Ghallager twin brother of Ian Gallagher. Tags: #Hire, #Loyal Protagonist, #Revenge, #Massive Crossover, #Possible Harem, #Wish Fulfillment, #Traumatized Protagonist On an Indefinite Hiatus (heavily inspired by relaxing in Shameless, some close similarities, that I didn't really realize until I re-read the beginning chapters.. Savannah and the Wrights were also inspired from it but they aren't exact copies. of that ff.)

Shane_Town · TV
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26 Chs

[1] Dying and Meeting a Goddess

My original name was Shane T and this is my story.

I was a pretty average guy, in my mid to late 20's, who was a little obsessed with reading fanfictions about anything from anime to TV shows, even movies and works of literature; I read anything that interested me, even falling into the endless abyss that is formed by cultivation novels.

When Covid 19 hit, I lost my job and was forced into quarantine and became an introvert, by circumstance.

Wasting away my days watching TV shows, reading ffs and trying to write my own ffs, novellas and novels with little success.

During that time I found that I craved social interactions with other people less and less.

It got to the point where when the lockdown was over I would still stay inside and avoid people, since I'd rather not interact with anyone unless I absolutely had to.

The only reason I went out was to earn some money to keep being able to stream/read, and to help out my family if needed.

Doing a little bit of Facebook stalking, I came to find out that everyone was basically the same as before the lockdown if not worse.

Except for a few people, finding that almost all people my age were still immature and unable to perceive a future outside of high school, even though we'd already graduated nearly 10 years earlier, and yet they were still slowly killing themselves by doing/selling hardcore drugs and partying every night.

And even though I knew it wasn't true, sometimes, I'd think and feel that they'd become inferior to me, but I knew that wasn't the truth and only a fantasy in my mind to right off myself becoming an almost completely different person than I was before.

Since, the truth is that it wasn't long ago that I was just the same as them partying away, acting irresponsible and reckless until I got jammed up with the law one too many times and had to change.

Still I didn't judge them too harshly and in truth even felt worried for some of them, as we'd been close before my antisocial disposition became so pronounced.

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This may be a bit morbid…but dying was something I expected from the first moment I learned about life and death…and I'd always deluded myself into thinking I was ready and prepared to die, but I wasn't prepared to die.

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After finishing the last episode of Burn Notice, I went out for a walk with plans of going to the Dollar General to get some chocolate chips, since I had a hankering for some semi-sweet chocolate and planned on stopping at the local pizza place for a slice.

Yes, an odd combination I know.

But on my way to the store I was suddenly taken, by some armed gunmen wearing masks, who forced me into the back of a white panel van at gunpoint.

Once I was in the van I felt a blow land on the back of my head of course being hard headed it took them two more times to knock me, when I woke up with a splitting headache I found myself zip tied to a chair in only my underwear, freezing my ass off in an empty cold abandoned textile factory…but that wasn't the worst part.

The worst part, was that the guys who took me didn't take me for money, since I didn't have any, or because I wronged them in some way.

They took me because they were rich, privileged, sick in the head little fucks, that just wanted to make someone suffer, to hear them scream in agony.

My torture started off slow with them forcing metal nails into my fingers between the cuticle and the nail, while taking a hammer to my knuckles hammering them flat, and then taking turns to pull out my teeth with pliers, they then moved to cutting off my toes one by one, while taking a small little propane torch to my legs, they even cut off my cock and forced it down my throat while hammering my nuts to the chair.

When they decided they were done with me each of my five assailants took a turn shooting me with a pistol, one shot each…to be exact, both of my hands, and knees were shot before the final person took the pistol from the previous person who shot me, this person slowly took off their mask revealing his face to me and then shot me in the stomach.

Out of the many ways I ever imagined dying, what I was actually going through was so much more painful than I ever imagined my death could be.

As I sat there tied to that chair unable to move more than a fraction of an inch while all I wanted to do was curl into a fetus position while laying on the floor to help ease my suffering, I sat there suffering for an indeterminate period of time, before my captors returned to torture me some more.

After I stopped giving them their satisfaction by refusing to scream or cry I was left alone to suffer in agony, in an old abandoned textile factory, unable to move, unable to even blink as they cut off my eyelids…my only solace knowing that death was coming to me, and would finally end my suffering even if it was coming slowly…

And the worst part of all of this besides the torture…the loneliness was, that I had just started to get my life together, and while I'm was sitting in that chair, suffering, I had come to a realization, and that realization was that I didn't want to die, even though I should have been begging for I wasn't, because I wasn't ready to die yet, not even with my the current mutilations that I suffered I still wasn't ready to die yet.

But I knew my death was coming…and death wasn't something I could escape from, no matter how much I wanted to.

There were very few regrets in my heart, nothing major honestly…other than wanting to be able to return what was done to me by the bitches who did it to me ten fold.

In the end, I doubted anyone would miss or mourn me. Well, I guess there are a few people who might, but that was still pretty pathetic…just like dying completely alone...here in this place is pathetic.

"I hope I get a shot at those bastards…in the next life." I thought to myself, as I would give everything to end them, but that didn't seem like it was going to be in my deck of cards.

"Hahaha, I can't even close my eyes in my last moments." I whispered hoarsely as the fucker's had cut them off when I tried to close them to help ignore the pain.

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The next thing I knew was that I was no longer in that place or tied to a chair, now I was standing in space and staring down at the Earth, finding it strangely beautiful.

"Haa, why can't things ever go my way?" I sighed to myself before asking a rhetorical question, since it seemed like in my entire life all of maybe three or four things I'd done had actually gone my way, but other than that my life has always been hard.

'It's a little funny. While I was alive all I wanted to do was die and now that I am dead, all I want to do is live again, sure heaven seems like a good option but at the same time if it's anything like Supernatural it sounds pretty fucking boring. And then there's hell…like seriously who would want to burn in hell forever…while getting tortured by demons? Other than a machinist.' I thought to myself while admiring the view below me.

While I was lost in admiration of the view below me and deep thought, a light flashed next to me, which caused me to look over in the direction it came from.

Upon doing so I saw a buxom woman standing there in a red dress that hugged her amazing figure, her eyes and hair were this molten orange color almost like that of molten metal.

I also noticed that she was smiling at me, her plump red kissable lips and white teeth almost seemed to sparkle like stars…but that wasn't the only thing about her, she also gave off this feeling of home, of warmth and love…things that after my experiences I was desperate to feel..that desperation made me want to do nothing more than to run to her and hug her, but I resisted the urge and held myself back.

"Good thing you found the will to resist my natural aura, while it might seem like a good idea…to act on instinct in most situations, you would have been vaporized upon making contact with me.

Now, I know from your memories you are familiar with what's happening so let's not dilly dally around with this, you technically have three wishes, two will be things that you want, while the third will be where you will go, your looks and your new background." The goddess said to me while wearing a warm smile and I kinda felt like she would have made a perfect Starfire in the live action Titans show.

I took a couple of seconds and thought about what I wanted.

"I want to be reborn in Shameless as the twin brother of Ian Gallagher while having an IQ higher than Lip, and without mental issues…Also, could you make it so that I'll regain my memories when canon starts, their childhood isn't the best and I would rather not live through that." I asked for my background and world.

"Granted, would you like the looks of Ian Gallagher who is portrayed by Cameron Monaghan? And now that the heavy details are out of the way, what are your two wishes? Please remember that since this world is normal you can't do too much, in certain avenues." The goddess replied to me with a smile.

"I see, don't worry there isn't anything I really want to change about the world, as this is just a second life for me to enjoy, to grow up and live with some of the characters that I like, and yes I'll stick with Ian's looks but I'd appreciate it if you made my hair her black with natural ginger highlights…as a shout-out to my past life.

As for my two wishes, I would like to have a healing factor on par with Wolverine, and the skills of John Wick. And if at all possible a chance at revenge on those who mutilated, tortured and killed me." I made my wishes and even though I'd thought of things like magic it was just something that wasn't needed, and with the wishes I made I could at least live a good life while thinking about my future and hoping for a chance at revenge.

She brought her finger up to her bottom lip, tapping it a few times as she thought over my wishes/requests before smiling to herself as she seemed to think up something before she replied to me.

Not realizing that my own wording, created a lot of avenues for the goddess, to make a truly custom world for me.

"That I will allow, as for your revenge do not blind yourself to the point you lose your chance to enjoy your second life." Her smile she gave me was gentle and almost loving before a flash of red flame that I swear looked like the Phoenix from marvel appeared in front of me for a microsecond before everything was gone.

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'Don't worry my author…I'll make sure you get your revenge and then I'll make those who took your life suffer eternal torment.' The Goddess thought to herself as she looked down at millions of worlds at once, her attention solely on the world of her first, her only love and creator…her author.

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