
The Swordsman Traveler

(A/N): English is not my language, so if you find a grammatical error let me know; 🇧🇷

Opening 1 ♪:

Edmundo is seen waking up from a nap before picking up his sword and clipping it to his belt as he jumps to his feet and runs down a road as buildings loom up behind him like pictures in a book. As he runs, various cities come and go across the scenery as he makes his way before stopping and using his Elemental power over Earth to create a pillar of rock that lifts him into the air when he lands on a mountain range.

♪ Sois ♪

♪ le feu et la terre ♪

♪ L'eau et la poussière ♪

♪ Héros malgré toi! ♪

Upon landing on the ground, the redhead starts running forward jumping from mountain to mountain. However, when stepping falsely on some loose rocks, he begins to fall and before he reaches the ground, a golden arrow of energy is shot in his direction, hitting his shirt and nailing the edge of the mountain, preventing him from continuing to fall.

The boy sighs in relief before vines appear below him, letting go of the arrow and landing on the vines that take him upwards before throwing him into the air. He rises a little in the air before landing in a jungle area with several images of trees behind him and when looking ahead the swordsman sees Evangelyne and Amália who helped him moments ago while behind them they appear a while with the two together as they smile at the camera.

The redhead smiles at the two as the three embrace before running ahead together with Edmundo leading while Cra and Sadida follow close behind.

♪ Vois ♪

♪ la légende s'écrire ♪

As they look up, the group finds Ruel digging in the ground before finding a gold nugget and smiles happily as he tucks the ore into his bag as a gear system behind him shows an image of his smiling face.

Edmundo then teleports him, Evangelyne and Amália to Ruel's side, who is happy to see the three of them while laughing happily.

♪ L'histoire se construire ♪

♪ L'avenir est notre aventure ♪

Shortly after, the quartet is seen climbing a moving circular platform and then a blue figure passes by them accompanied by a Tofu.

The figure then slows down when it stops at a gear and reveals itself to be Yugo followed by Az who lands on his shoulder. The boy and bird then wave smilingly at the camera as the system behind them opens a white flag that features the boy in the blue hat with a magic circle in his hand about to create a portal.

The little boy then opens a portal at his side through which Edmundo, Evangelyne, Amália and Ruel come out, who gather smiling around the boy in the blue hat while the redhead with the white belt messes up the hair of the smaller one who smiles before the swordsman catches him in the arms. arms and drape him over his shoulders as Yugo smiles happily at his brother as the quintet moves on.

♪ Fais ♪

♪ vivre la lumière ♪

Shortly after, in an area similar to the sea the group goes through a platform before stopping at the edge when two Tofu birds raise a red flag showing Percedal with a smile on his face raising his great Shushu sword in the air while doing a heroic pose and smiling victoriously. .

The Iop is seen falling from the sky, crashing into his flag and taking it down with him, he then falls into the sea wetting his clothes. Upon seeing this, Edmundo uses his Elemental power over Water to grab his brother in arms and place him on the same platform the group was on.

Then the boy uses his Elemental power over Air to dry the clothes of the young Shushu Guardian Iop who takes advantage of the breeze to smile heroically and resume his hero pose looking extremely amazing with the wind blowing through him while the others laugh about it before let the group move forward.

♪ Parler les éclairs ♪

♪ La magie entre tes mains ♪

Then the sextet is now seen divided into pairs, running while facing various monsters in their path. The first is a laughing minotaur that is knocked down by Percedal with a sweep and then Yugo appears from one of his portals when he lands on the minotaur's back before running after the Iop.

Next, Amália and Evangelyne are seen on a slightly higher platform while facing a vampire bat that dodged the arrows that Cra fired at it only for vines from vines created by Princess Sadida to grab it from behind, immobilizing it while a freezing arrow hits him freezing him in a falling block of ice as the two girls smile at each other before clapping their hands together in a high-five.

On the next platform, Edmundo and Ruel are seen running towards a Kamas-devouring Genie who attacks the swordsman who dodges his attack while using his Elemental power over Fire to launch a blast of burning flames towards the retreating Genie raising his arms. arms to defend himself and when he lowers his arms, Ruel appears hitting him in the head with his shovel causing the Genie's eyes to spin in their sockets before he falls to the ground as the Enutrof and the swordsman pat each other on the back congratulating themselves on a job well done.

♪ Pars ♪

♪ suivre ton chemin ♪

Now reunited again, the group finds themselves in a more jungle-like background as they come face to face with a large giant golem that resists everyone's attack and takes a menacing step towards the sextet while roaring ferociously at them causing everyone to retreat. .

♪ Et regarde ♪

Edmundo then takes the lead of the group as he holsters his sword before taking the horse's defensive fighting stance. A blue aura surges around the swordsman as a glow appears on his forehead revealing the dragon's mark. Then Edmundo cups his hands together as he gathers Wakfu energy in his hands before firing a powerful blue energy beam at the golem knocking him to the ground.

♪ Ton futur ♪

The group congratulates the swordsman on his feat when they suddenly notice several hooded monsters approaching them. Suddenly a rope ladder falls from the sky as the group quickly climbs it managing to escape their pursuers.

♪ L'aventure ♪

Upon reaching the next platform, they found Serena, an Eniripsa, and Adamai, a young arm dragon, who had thrown down the ladder and were waiting for their friends. The Eniripsa runs to Edmundo before hugging him affectionately while Adamai goes to Yugo and gives him a hug before everyone looks at the screen then at each other before jumping to the screen while Edmundo who was in the middle, draws his sword when you cut the screen in half it opens revealing a single word.

♪ Ta lumière guider ton destin ♪


The wind was blowing through the leaves of the trees in a forest, in a small clearing, a little red-haired boy who appeared to be 10 years old was seen lying on the grass as if he was sleeping peacefully.

The boy had spiky red hair. He wears a short-sleeved green shirt underneath a blue tunic. He also wears a black belt along with white pants, a pair of dark brown boots and armbands, a white headband across his forehead, and an orange scarf around his neck. Attached to his belt was a katana sword.

Red-Haired Boy: Hmm...

The little boy stirred in sleep before his eyes started to open. He slowly opened his eyes which turned out to be dark blue. The boy blinked as his eyes adjusted after their sleep. Now fully awake the red haired boy sat up before looking around a little confused.

Red-Haired Boy: Where am I...?

The little boy stood up to get a clear view of where he was. Not finding out where he was, he started walking aimlessly looking for someone who could help him.

Red-Haired Boy: Hi? Is there anyone there?

Receiving no answers, the little boy decides to keep walking. After a while he eventually ends up coming to a road. The little redhead watched her and looked to both sides of the road as he thought.

Red-haired Boy: Hmm... A road always leads somewhere... so if I follow one of those directions soon I'll arrive in a city!

His face then glows with realization as he starts walking down the road.

Red-Haired Boy: If I find a city, maybe someone can help me.

After a while walking he comes face to face with a man in a wagon followed by the road. The man, seeing the boy, stopped the wagon before talking to the boy.

Wagoner: Hey, kid. Where are you going?

The boy just looked at the man before answering.

Red-Haired Boy: I guess... wherever this road takes me.

Wagoner: Well, get up there. I'll give you a ride to the nearest town.

The boy smiled at this before climbing into the cart and sitting beside the driver.

Red-Haired Boy: Thank you, you are very kind.

Wagoner: Not that boy. But tell me, aren't you too young to be an adventurer?

The boy looked at this a little confused before asking.

Red-Haired Boy: Adventurer?

Wagoner: Of course. After all, you have a katana with you, don't you?

The boy looked at the sword on his belt, he knew that weapon belonged to him, but he couldn't remember if he was really an adventurer.

Red-Haired Boy: I don't know...

The teamster raised an eyebrow at this before speaking.

Wagoner: Well, kid. So tell me, what's your name?

Red-Haired Boy: My name?

The boy stopped for a moment, he couldn't remember much but at least he still knew what his own name was. He then replied.

Red-haired Boy: Hmmm... Ed... Edmundo...

The boy stopped for a moment trying to pull more of his memories, but it was in vain. He then speaks with a downcast look.

Edmundo: Actually, apart from that... I can only remember my name...

The wagoner looked at him confused before speaking.

Wagoner: Don't you have a family?

The redhead just sadly shook his head no.

Wagoner: An address?

The boy nodded again.

Wagoner: Grandma's house where they left you?

Edmundo: I don't remember... Unless... I woke up in the middle of the forest, walked a little, found the road, followed it and bumped into you.

The boy turned his gaze to the ground before speaking.

Edmundo: But you are not quite the angel I expected.

The wagoner laughed at the boy's last speech before speaking.

Wagoner: You're in shock. You must have amnesia. Don't worry. I'll take you to the nearest town. There we will see what we can do for you.

Edmundo earned a grateful smile at that before speaking.

Edmundo: Thank you.

2 years later...

Two long years have passed since that day. Edmundo had decided to travel the world in the hope of discovering something about his past.

At the moment, the now 12-year-old redhead is seen to be slightly taller than before, his clothes haven't changed in style, and he still has the same katana he had when he woke up in the woods.

The boy was walking calmly down a road when the sky starts to get dark, because it was about to rain, but the boy didn't care. He continued on his way as he watched some Tofus birds fly away. He watched the behavior of the birds before taking a deep breath and smelling the approaching storm.

Edmundo: A storm is coming.

He then watched as several Tofus began to fly away.

Edmundo: And the way the Tofus are acting, this storm is a big one.

The boy then looked up at the sky to see several rain clouds forming as thunder began to rumble.

Edmundo: I need to find shelter...

The boy then placed his hand on his stomach before he snored.

Edmundo: ...And something to eat...

He then gets a defeated face before he hears anything.

???: Are you okay?

Suddenly, the young man hears a voice and looks up to see that a young woman with blonde hair and green eyes was looking at him. Behind her was a girl with green hair who was wearing some kind of dress.

Green haired girl: Are you okay?

Edmundo: H-Huh? O-Oh, yes, I am.

Blonde Girl: You don't look well. You can't be fine.

Edmundo: Actually, I'm just hungry...

His stomach then rumbles proving the boy's theory while the two girls have a drop of sweat on their heads.

Edmundo then feels a raindrop on his head as the rain starts to fall heavily. All three children then ran to find some shelter to hide from the rain and keep dry. Soon they found a small cave and quickly entered it before they got any more wet. The Green Haired Girl started hugging herself and shivering as she felt cold.

Green Haired Girl: I'm cold...

Blonde Girl: Me too...

Edmundo then looks at the two girls before placing his hand on his chin and thinking for a while, he then brings his hands together before opening them to reveal a small flame. After a while, the three children huddled together as they were being warmed by the fire. Green Hair Girl was fast asleep on Blonde Girl's shoulder while she and the boy were still awake.

Blonde Girl: Thanks for keeping us warm.

Edmundo: *laughs* It was nothing. What's your name?

Evangelyne: My name is Evangelyne. The little girl sleeping on my shoulder is Amalia Sheran Sharm, daughter of the King of the Sadida Kingdom.

Edmundo blinked in surprise at hearing this before speaking.

Edmundo: Is she a princess?

Evangelyne: Yes. What is your name?

Edmundo: Uh... Edmundo.

Evangelyne: Nice to meet you, Edmundo.

Edmundo: The pleasure is all mine.

Evangelyne then smiles at Edmundo, which causes the boy to smile back at her.

5 years later

It was a new day when a figure was seen walking on a road and was heading towards a small village. The figure was revealed to be a boy with spiky red hair, it was Edmundo, now 17 years old still wearing the same style of clothing as when he was younger while his trusty katana was still on his belt, as he walked towards the village with a hungry expression in the face.

Edmundo: So hungry... I could eat a whole Dragoturkey right now.

???: Which one of you worm brains wants to feel the pain of my shovel?!

Edmundo then hears the sound of someone screaming and looks where he came from and sees an old man with a shovel in his hand standing over two Tofus birds who were fighting over a kama coin. The old man then raises his shovel in the air and threatens the birds, causing them to fly away in fear.

Old Man: Casserole! Now even the birds are looking to get rich!

The old man then goes to the coin and takes it before putting it inside his bag.

Ruel: *laughing* My purse is full of life.

Edmundo: Oh, excuse me sir.

Ruel quickly got defensive at this as he thought the boy wanted the kama he had found.

Ruel: Oh no, not you! He wavered, danced my son!

Edmundo then raises his hands in defense before speaking.

Edmundo: Calm down sir, I don't want the kama. I just want to ask, is this the way to Emelka?

Ruel then earns a sly, ambitious smile before speaking.

Ruth: Oh. IT'S. Hehehe, for 5 kamas I can take a tour plus the meal.

Before Edmundo could answer from behind him, he could hear the sound of something coming towards him. He turned around and saw that there were two people on two Dragoturkeys. They stopped and began to ask for directions, and as they did Edmundo caught a familiar scent.

Blonde Girl: Excuse me. Is this the way to Emelka?

Ruel then looked at one of the travelers and saw that they had several gold objects with them, but the green haired girl noticed this and narrowed her eyes at Ruel.

Ruel: Yeah! *laughs* Absolutely. Is it your first time here? I can accompany you if you want. 5 kamas plus meal.

Blonde Girl: No thanks...

One of the girls then looked down and noticed Edmundo as her eyes widened in shock.

Blonde Girl: *whispers* Ed... mundo...?

Edmundo then hears his name with his good hearing and looks at the girl, confused, and sees that the girl was looking at him.

Edmundo: Oh, uh...

He then gives the girl a smile before speaking.

Edmundo: Hello there!

Edmundo then bows to the two girls before speaking.

Edmundo: Sorry if this gentleman is being greedy with the ladies.

The two girls and Ruel then blink in surprise at how polite Edmundo was being. Edmundo then points towards the bridge just ahead of them.

Edmundo: The city of Emelka is in that direction, go ahead and you will find it a few kilometers from here.

The boy finished speaking before giving his characteristic enthusiastic and contagious smile, upon seeing this the Blonde Girl started to blush wildly and panic before making her Dragoturkey run away, leaving the other traveler behind.

Green haired girl: Hey, wait!

The green haired girl then ran after her friend while Ruel started screaming and tried to make them go back.

Ruel: I'll give you a discount on meals! The owner of the inn is a friend of mine! Said!

Ruel's smile drops when he sees that the girls are far away now.

Ruel: *grunts* More hillbilly tourists with clenched fists.

He then turns to Edmundo before speaking indignantly.

Ruel: And why did you show them the way? You should have flirted with them and made them come with us!

Edmundo: Hmm... I showed you the way in which a kind act generates more kindness.

Ruel then sighs at this.

Ruel: Too bad you don't generate more kamas for me.

Edmundo: I'm sorry about that sir.

Ruel watched the boy for a moment before speaking.

Ruel: You know, young man, you're a very polite boy, right?

Edmundo: We should always respect our elders, right?

Ruel raised an eyebrow at this before giving a small smile.

Ruel: You know boy, you must be the most polite boy I've ever seen around.

Edmundo earned a smile for that before Ruel spoke again.

Ruel: Do you know those two by any chance?

Edmundo put his hand on his chin and spoke thoughtfully.

Edmundo: No. In truth no. I don't remember meeting them. Although I smelled someone familiar.

The redhead then shrugged at that.

Edmundo: But it must be nothing. More importantly, let's go to that inn you were talking about! I'm starving!

Ruel: Well done my boy, follow me!

Edmundo and Ruel went back to walking along the road while Ruel sang a little song.

[Timeskip with Edmundo sitting under a tree, watching Ruel trying to convince other travelers that he would give them a tour of some kamas... only to fail every time.]

Some time passed and Edmundo and Ruel reached the city of Emelka when they saw some children running and playing. Edmundo burst through the door of the inn, making everyone look at him while Ruel entered right behind him.

Ruel: Yay Mr. Mayor! How is it?

An old man with a mustache then answered.

Alibert: But for an obese Gobbal! Ruel Stroud!

Alibert and Ruel then approach before the former speaks with a smile.

Alibert: Have you finally come to pay your debt?

Ruel: Alibert, look, it's a beautiful day, please don't ruin it.

Alibert then gives old Ruel a tight hug.

Alibert: Sit down, braggart.

Alibert then turns to Edmundo before speaking.

Alibert: You too, boy.

Edmundo: Thank you sir.

Ruel and Edmundo went to some places near a table while Alibert and Ruel started talking.

Alibert: What have you been up to these days?

Ruel: Oh, you know how it is, one kama a day. You were right, Alibert, wandering around with a shovel in your hand is no life. I was thinking about hanging mine too, and opening a restaurant in Bonta, or maybe starting a Gobbowl team.

Alibert: But just when you were going to pay me, you end up out of luck, don't you?

Alibert laughs at this and Ruel frowns.

Ruel: Oh, I got it! I open my heart and you sit there and make fun of my face, right?

Alibert: *laughs* Haha. I know that trick you crook!

Alibert then turns to Edmundo before speaking.

Alibert: He's told me the same sad story every day for the last ten years.

Edmundo stifled a laugh before speaking.

Edmundo: *laughs* Really?

Alibert: Yes really, boy. By the way, I still don't know your name, kid.

Edmundo: I'm Edmundo.

Alibert: Call me Alibert, boy.

Edmundo and Alibert greet each other while Edmundo gives his characteristic smile.

Edmundo: It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Alibert.

Alibert: You're very polite, I can tell you're a good guy. Yugo, two bowls of Gobbowl stew for this poor Enutrof here and his friend!

A voice is then heard from the kitchen as a boy answers.

Yugo: *from the kitchen* It's okay, dad!

Ruel, Edmundo and Alibert have a laugh together before Ruel speaks.

Ruel: Then, you're going to have to tell me about that boy's mother!

Alibert: Huh?

Ruel: So, you're not going to tell me it's that pretty little Eniripsa who took care of you back in Amakna. *laughs* Falis... Folus... Folis...

Alibert: Phyliss. *laughs* If I tell you, do you pay your debt?

Edmundo: How much do you owe, Ruel?

Ruel: Not much. He's just obsessed.

Edmundo: If he's so obsessed then it's certainly no small feat.

Alibert and Edmundo laugh at this while Ruel makes a face before asking Edmundo.

Ruel: Whose side are you on, huh?

Alibert: But tell me, young Edmundo. What brought you to the city of Emelka?

Edmundo: Well, I'm walking around the world.

Ruel: Oh, so you're an adventure seeker?

Edmundo: In a way.

Alibert: Hahaha, traveling is always good, you get to know many places and forget about life's problems.

Edmundo: I think it's the opposite with me.

Ruel: Huh?

Edmundo: I travel to remember.

Alibert: To remember?

Edmundo: Yeah, it's a long and short story at the same time. But have any of you ever seen a symbol like this?

Edmundo then takes out his katana to show a symbol engraved on the scabbard and blade of the sword.

Alibert and Ruel looked at the symbol and were getting more confused by the passing second, when suddenly the three of them heard a bang coming from the kitchen.

Alibert: Oh, are you alright there, Yugo?

Yugo: *from the kitchen* Ok! Okay!

Ruel: Are you sure everything's okay? I hope you kid isn't finishing my food.

Alibert: Yugo has a very unique way of cooking. Trust me, he will be a great successor. Sorry, Edmundo, but I've never seen a symbol like this or anything like it.

Ruth: Me neither.

Edmundo then places the katana back in his belt before speaking.

Edmundo: Don't worry about that. I didn't expect to find out much anyway. I've been looking for something that has to do with this symbol for a while, but I've never found anything. But I think it's still too early to give up.

Alibert: *laughs* I think so.

From the kitchen, a boy in a blue hat came out with four different plates in his hand.

Yugo: Everyone stop! Nobody moves!

Yugo then threw two plates of food to the right customers as they all landed on the table perfectly. He threw the third, and instead of landing in front of Ruel, he hit him in the face as he put the last one in front of Edmundo.

Yugo: Oops! *nervous laughter* Three out of four! Not bad, huh?

Alibert quickly wiped the food off Ruel's face and went into the kitchen to make Ruel another plate of Gobbowl stew while Edmundo ate his plate of food. Alibert then returned and gave Ruel a new plate.

Alibert: Here it is. I'm sorry for that. I would feel so much more if you had paid for the meal.

Edmundo: Dude, this is really good! Really good! Chief Yugo, you have my compliments!

Yugo gave a happy smile before speaking.

Yugo: Did you really like it? Thank you very much!

Suddenly, everyone heard a bang coming from outside the inn. The inn door came flying across the room and a large figure was standing in the doorway.

The monster then entered the inn and noticed some shiny trophies on a shelf. He then walks towards them and picks one up and starts examining it.

Monster: Hum... It's beautiful! ...Shines!

Suddenly, the third eye on the monster's forehead began to speak.

Eye: Forget it, idiot, we have better things to do! To destroy! It's time to destroy!

Suddenly, a tablecloth fell on the monster's head and he quickly took it off and looked around to see who was the one who did it. He then looks down and sees that Yugo was looking at him with an annoyed look on his face.

Yugo: Did you see? The mess you made! If you think I'm going to clean up after, you're pretty crazy!

The monster snarled angrily and then raised its fist back and then punched Yugo, but Yugo dodged by jumping in the air and landed on the monster's head.

Yugo: Hey, I'm glad I don't get like that when Dad asks me to clean the tavern!

The monster snarled once more and threw another punch at Yugo, but Yugo jumped away and the monster ended up punching his own face. The monster then got even angrier and started to destroy everything in sight, causing almost everyone to run out of the inn.

Yugo then jumped towards the monster, but before he could attack the monster swung an arm at Yugo and sent him flying towards the kitchen causing Alibert to speak worriedly.

Alibert: Yugo!

Ruel then grabbed his shovel and then ran towards the monster before taking a leap and stomping on the monster's head hard. He lands on the ground before slamming his shovel into the monster's back which snarled from the blow. Ruel tried again to hit him, but the monster grabbed the shovel and lifted Ruel in the air and then raises his fist back and prepares to punch him.

Suddenly, a figure rushed forward and then punched the monster in the face and made it drop Ruel as the monster stumbled backwards. The monster then looks up to see who was the one who punched him in the face and sees that it was Edmundo who was looking at him angrily.

Edmundo: Why are you trashing Alibert's tavern? Have more respect! You're putting me in a bad mood, you brainless beast!

The monster then rushed forward and punched Edmundo, but he dodged and grabbed the monster's arm and rose in the air and kicked the monster in the face. He then gave the monster a hard uppercut and made the monster stumble back a bit.

Edmundo: Don't piss me off monster! I will finish you!

Edmundo held his katana, but without removing the sword from the sheath and ran towards the monster before landing a full blow on the monster's stomach making it gasp before retreating a little.

Edmundo then punches the monster in the face with all his might and sends the monster flying backwards.

Edmundo: Release this poor victim from her possession, Shushu.

Yugo then left the kitchen and heard what Edmundo called the monster and got a little confused.

Yugo: Hey, what's a Shushu?

Edmundo: It's an evil spirit, a demon sealed inside an artifact. When it is poorly controlled, the Shushu breaks free and possesses the body of the one carrying its prison artifact.

Eye: He seems to know what he's talking about. Should I kill him first?

Yugo: Oh yeah? Let's see then!

Yugo then waved his hand in a circular motion and opened a small blue portal in front of him. Another portal then appeared above the Shushu's head before Yugo jumped through it and ended up above his head. Yugo then lands on top of the Shushu's head and grabs the eye on the Monster's forehead.

Yugo then started to pull him away when Shushu's eye started to glow as Shushu's body was enveloped in a bright light.

Eye: What are you doing brat?! Let go of me!

Yugo, who kept pulling the eye but couldn't pull it out, Edmundo then unsheaths his katana before speaking.

Edmundo: Yugo! Pull that eye as hard as you can!

Yugo pulled the eye with force that remained connected to the monster's forehead by a thread of skin, Edmundo then swung his sword and with a quick cut sliced the thread of skin that connected Shushu's eye to the monster's forehead and so Yugo finally managed to pull it out. the eye that turns into a small dagger. The monster then falls to the ground as he transforms into a normal boy with orange hair.

Yugo: Wow, did he shrink from the beating?

Edmundo: Congratulations Yugo, you just saved an Iop.

The orange haired boy then started moaning as he got up.

Orange Haired Boy: I have something urgent to talk to you about...

Before he could finish his sentence, the orange haired boy fell asleep while he was still standing.

Edmundo: Huh... Is he sleeping?

Ruel: Damn, he blacked out! Check it out, kids, impressive what you've done. What was that peek-a-boo thing you did there, huh? I've never seen this kind of magic before Bucket, Yugo. Now that I think about it, you must have a lot of strength to drive a monster like that back, Edmundo. And that's not to mention his sword swing. You must be a hell of a swordsman to make a clean cut like that without hurting Yugo or Iop!

Edmundo: I think I learned with time. And let's say failure is a great teacher too. *laughter*

Ruel: Hmm. You are full of mysteries, right boy? *laughter*

Yugo: Well, for me I don't know, I just did. But it was pretty cool, right? I found this out when I was cooking.

Alibert then kneels down and places his hand on Yugo's shoulder with a serious expression on his face.

Alibert: Yugo! I have something very important to tell you. When I found him, he had a message in his baby carriage. He spoke of his powers and his family...

Yugo's eyes widen in shock when the four of them hear screams coming from outside. They all quickly run outside and see that everyone in the village was being attacked by small black creatures that turned people into bushes with just one touch.

To be continued...

Next chapter