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(A/N): English is not my language, so if you find any grammatical errors let me know; 🇧🇷

Opening 1 ♪:

Edmundo is seen waking up from a nap before picking up his sword and clipping it to his belt as he jumps to his feet and runs down a road as buildings loom up behind him like pictures in a book. As he runs, various cities come and go across the scenery as he makes his way before stopping and using his Elemental power over Earth to create a pillar of rock that lifts him into the air when he lands on a mountain range.

♪ Sois ♪

♪ le feu et la terre ♪

♪ L'eau et la poussière ♪

♪ Héros malgré toi! ♪

Upon landing on the ground, the redhead starts running forward jumping from mountain to mountain. However, when stepping falsely on some loose rocks, he begins to fall and before he reaches the ground, a golden arrow of energy is shot in his direction, hitting his shirt and nailing the edge of the mountain, preventing him from continuing to fall.

The boy sighs in relief before vines appear below him, letting go of the arrow and landing on the vines that take him upwards before throwing him into the air. He rises a little in the air before landing in a jungle area with several images of trees behind him and when looking ahead the swordsman sees Evangelyne and Amália who helped him moments ago while behind them they appear a while with the two together as they smile at the camera.

The redhead smiles at the two as the three embrace before running ahead together with Edmundo leading while Cra and Sadida follow close behind.

♪ Vois ♪

♪ la légende s'écrire ♪

As they look up, the group finds Ruel digging in the ground before finding a gold nugget and smiles happily as he tucks the ore into his bag as a gear system behind him shows an image of his smiling face.

Edmundo then teleports him, Evangelyne and Amália to Ruel's side, who is happy to see the three of them while laughing happily.

♪ L'histoire se construire ♪

♪ L'avenir est notre aventure ♪

Shortly after, the quartet is seen climbing a moving circular platform and then a blue figure passes by them accompanied by a Tofu.

The figure then slows down when it stops at a gear and reveals itself to be Yugo followed by Az who lands on his shoulder. The boy and bird then wave smilingly at the camera as the system behind them opens a white flag that features the boy in the blue hat with a magic circle in his hand about to create a portal.

The little boy then opens a portal at his side through which Edmundo, Evangelyne, Amália and Ruel come out, who gather smiling around the boy in the blue hat while the redhead with the white belt messes up the hair of the smaller one who smiles before the swordsman catches him in the arms. arms and drape him over his shoulders as Yugo smiles happily at his brother as the quintet moves on.

♪ Fais ♪

♪ vivre la lumière ♪

Shortly after, in an area similar to the sea the group goes through a platform before stopping at the edge when two Tofu birds raise a red flag showing Percedal with a smile on his face raising his great Shushu sword in the air while doing a heroic pose and smiling victoriously. .

The Iop is seen falling from the sky, crashing into his flag and taking it down with him, he then falls into the sea wetting his clothes. Upon seeing this, Edmundo uses his Elemental power over Water to grab his brother in arms and place him on the same platform the group was on.

Then the boy uses his Elemental power over Air to dry the clothes of the young Shushu Guardian Iop who takes advantage of the breeze to smile heroically and resume his hero pose looking extremely amazing with the wind blowing through him while the others laugh about it before let the group move forward.

♪ Parler les éclairs ♪

♪ La magie entre tes mains ♪

Then the sextet is now seen divided into pairs, running while facing various monsters in their path. The first is a laughing minotaur that is knocked down by Percedal with a sweep and then Yugo appears from one of his portals when he lands on the minotaur's back before running after the Iop.

Next, Amália and Evangelyne are seen on a slightly higher platform while facing a vampire bat that dodged the arrows that Cra fired at it only for vines from vines created by Princess Sadida to grab it from behind, immobilizing it while a freezing arrow hits him freezing him in a falling block of ice as the two girls smile at each other before clapping their hands together in a high-five.

On the next platform, Edmundo and Ruel are seen running towards a Kamas-devouring Genie who attacks the swordsman who dodges his attack while using his Elemental power over Fire to launch a blast of burning flames towards the retreating Genie raising his arms. arms to defend himself and when he lowers his arms, Ruel appears hitting him in the head with his shovel causing the Genie's eyes to spin in their sockets before he falls to the ground as the Enutrof and the swordsman pat each other on the back congratulating themselves on a job well done.

♪ Pars ♪

♪ suivre ton chemin ♪

Now reunited again, the group finds themselves in a more jungle-like background as they come face to face with a large giant golem that resists everyone's attack and takes a menacing step towards the sextet while roaring ferociously at them causing everyone to retreat. .

♪ Et regarde ♪

Edmundo then takes the lead of the group as he holsters his sword before taking the horse's defensive fighting stance. A blue aura surges around the swordsman as a glow appears on his forehead revealing the dragon's mark. Then Edmundo cups his hands together as he gathers Wakfu energy in his hands before firing a powerful blue energy beam at the golem knocking him to the ground.

♪ Ton futur ♪

The group congratulates the swordsman on his feat when they suddenly notice several hooded monsters approaching them. Suddenly a rope ladder falls from the sky as the group quickly climbs it managing to escape their pursuers.

♪ L'aventure ♪

Upon reaching the next platform, they found Serena, an Eniripsa, and Adamai, a young arm dragon, who had thrown down the ladder and were waiting for their friends. The Eniripsa runs to Edmundo before hugging him affectionately while Adamai goes to Yugo and gives him a hug before everyone looks at the screen then at each other before jumping to the screen while Edmundo who was in the middle, draws his sword when you cut the screen in half it opens revealing a single word.

♪ Ta lumière guider ton destin ♪


This has been the journey so far...

The sun soon rose in the village of bakers and everyone in the group of adventurers was enjoying the taste of breakfast, everyone with the exception of the redhead with the white stripe who was still sleeping in bed while snoring a little.

In the room the others were seen eating happily before Yugo began to miss his older brother.

Yugo: Big Brother is sleeping a lot, right?

Xav: He must be tired from yesterday.

Amália: Tired? I'm tired, Edmundo snores too much!

Evangelyne: But he didn't even sleep on your side of the bed.

Amália: Because I'm a princess, I'm glad I managed to get at least some of my beauty sleep, otherwise I swear I would have knocked that joker out of bed!

Percedal in turn, ate his breakfast with a sullen look on his face, he had been traveling with his new friends for a few weeks and during that time he tried to get closer to Evangelyne, but to his failure, Cra only paid him attention for a few Sometimes, meanwhile, his rival always managed to somehow woo the girl, even when he was just making jokes or saying something while distracted.

The Iop had to admit, he had just found a worthy opponent, this one would be difficult to take down and for the first time in his life and in the history of the Iops, Percedal would have to use his little intelligence instead of his strength, as the battle What he would wage would not be a sword fight, but rather a fight for romance.

However, he was at a serious disadvantage, while he had to do everything possible and impossible to get Evangelyne's attention, Edmundo did it as if it were the easiest thing in the world.

Maybe it was because the redhead was very talkative, he liked to talk and wasn't afraid or ashamed to tell people what he was saying. But Percedal knew that they both had that courage, but Iop had to admit that the happy and encouraging glow that Edmundo had around him was something unique to him, as well as his playful and carefree personality.

Not to mention that Ed had known Eva longer than him, so the redhead had another advantage. The Iop sighed when he realized that he was being crushed in the fight for Evangelyne's heart, since every time he took a step, the redhead with the white belt was two ahead of him.

But Percedal was an Iop and the Iops never give up, Iops act and don't think and the young Guardian of Shushu completely agreed with that because he was already starting to feel his head hurt from thinking so much.

Speaking of Shushu, Rubilax soon noticed his guardian's thoughtful expression and he fully knew that if Percedal was thinking, then there was definitely something wrong. Determined to find out what it was, the Shushu caught his attention.

Rubilax: *whispers* Hey, Iop Brain, what's wrong?

Percedal: *whispers* Hm? What is it now, Rubilax?

Rubilax: *whispers* I'm asking what happened. Why that face?

Percedal: *whispers* The one I always had.

Rubilax looked at him for a moment to see that the Iop was looking at Cra for a bit before sighing a little as he went back to eating. The sword Shushu laughed a little at that and decided to tease his guardian a little.

Rubilax: *whispers* Well, well, well, look, it looks like Sir Percedal is handing over the points to the memoryless redhead. *laughter*

Percedal: *whispers* Oh shut up, Demon! I'm not giving away the points, just that I'm losing badly to Edmundo.

Rubilax: *whispers* And like, you're actually losing a lot. *laughter*

Percedal: *whispers* You can laugh, I don't care...

The Shushu stared at the Iop for a moment and deep down he felt a pang of guilt for making fun of him, but he soon scolded himself for it since he was a Shushu and therefore shouldn't feel sorry for lowly humans.

But that didn't mean Rubilax couldn't have a little fun with the situation when he had an idea.

Rubilax: *whispers* Hey, Sir Tonto, want some advice?

Percedal: *whispers* Hm? An advice? From you? Are you serious?

Rubilax: *whispers* Do you want advice or not?

Percedal: *whispers* I think so.

The demon sword smiled internally before gaining a serious look on its face to act out better.

Rubilax: *whispers* Next Casanova, you have to show the competition who's boss, you have to show the competition that you're not afraid of them, you have to scare them, you know?

Percedal: *whispers* Does that mean I have to scare Edmundo?

Rubilax: *whispers* That's right! He slept in the same bed as the Cra girl, are you going to let him walk away with this victory? Show the girl Cra that you're better than him, send the redhead running and Cra will fall in love with you.

Percedal thought a little about Shushu's advice, he knew there was probably something behind it, but on the other hand he had nothing to lose and if it worked he would at least be a little further ahead in the dispute.

Smiling at the idea, Iop thanked Shushu.

Percedal: *whispers* Thanks, Ruby, now I know what to do!

Rubilax: *whispers* You're welcome. *laughter*

The young knight returned to eating in peace, thinking about how to put his new strategy into practice before Ruel spoke.

Ruel: Hey guys, I think we better wake up the little redhead, we still have a long way to go if we want to get to Oma Island.

Seeing that this was a good opportunity to put his plan to work, Percedal gained a smile at the idea that came to mind.

Yugo: I'll call him-

Percedal: No Yugo, let me wake up the sleeper! *mischievous laughs*

The Iop quickly stood up while laughing mischievously causing the others to raise an eyebrow in confusion at his action.

Percedal left the house and soon returned with a bucket full of freezing cold water before walking to the room where Edmundo was sleeping peacefully.

The others, upon seeing Iop carrying the bucket of water, began to observe him curiously, already having a small idea of what he planned to do.

As soon as the Guardian of Shushu opened the door he saw a vision of the swordsman sleeping as he snored a little and hugged a pillow.

Percedal walked lightly towards the bed as he placed the bucket at the foot of the bed while the others watched him from the doorway.

He then grabbed the sides of the bed as a mischievous smile crossed his face as he called out to his best friend.

Percedal: Hey Partner, do you know why my jokes are better than yours?

The sleepy redhead just mumbled and responded without interest.

Edmundo: Hm...?

Percedal: Because they are shot and FALL!

As soon as he finished his sentence, Iop quickly lifted the bed and as a result, Edmundo was thrown to the floor without having time to react or even realize what was happening.

The fall soon woke up the redhead who sat up as he frantically looked around talking confused and scared.

Edmundo: Ham?! Who's talking?!

Before he could finish his thought, Percedal grabbed the bucket and threw the water in the redhead's face, who received the cold liquid like a slap in the face.

The impact left Edmundo so disoriented that he ended up falling again while flapping his arms as if he were trying to swim.

Percedal in turn couldn't help but laugh when he saw the reaction of the redhead who sat down breathing heavily trying to understand what was happening only to see Iop laughing at the joke he had made while the others who were watching the scene from the door, held their stomachs. not to laugh.

The swordsman blinked a few times before looking at the Iop who was wiping away the tears of joy in his eyes.

Edmundo: Haha, it's so funny that I forgot to laugh.

Percedal: It looks like you got into trouble! *laughter*

Edmundo: What do you know? I think our fight will happen sooner than we expected.

This exciting news soon cheered up Iop who got a defiant smile on his face.

Percedal: Now you're speaking my language!

Edmundo: Get ready because after this shower, I'm not going to take it easy!

The two faced each other defiantly while Edmundo looked at his sword still leaning against the wall next to his things and Percedal prepared himself holding the hilt of his Shushu sword.

The redhead thought about taking out his katana and the Iop prepared himself in case they were going to start the fight right there while thinking about how he could impress Evangelyne by beating Edmundo in a battle.

However, before the two could have the chance to clash their swords and brandish them in a more than legendary battle in that place, Helene interrupted them.

Helene: Hey, you two boys, don't start a fight in here.

Amália: I agree, they are disturbing my breakfast.

This phrase soon cheered Edmundo up and he quickly got up when he used his elemental powers to create a breeze and a whirlwind that gave him the impetus to stand up and gain a contagious smile that emanated joy.

Edmundo: Hooray! There will be cheese bread! Eat eat so you can grow!

Evangelyne: I think you're really going to need it, little guy, we have a long way to go.

Edmundo: I would even complain about being called short, but that delicious smell of baked bread is hypnotizing me.

Before the others realized it, Edmundo had already passed them and was at the table eating.

Edmundo: Hmm... I don't know why, but my left arm feels a little numb. But I remember sleeping on the floor, how did I end up on the bed?

Amália quickly crossed her arms when she responded, peeking at her friend and bodyguard.

Amália: Ask Eva, she must have the answer.

The redhead turned his gaze to Cra who looked away from him as she poked her fingers.

Evangelyne: W-Well, it's just that you looked tired after working so hard, so I thought it would be nice to let you sleep in something more comfortable.

The redhead gained a genuine smile on his face upon hearing this as he responded gratefully and happily.

Edmundo: Thank you Elfa, it's been a while since I slept in a real bed.

Evangelyne and the others gained small smiles at the joy that emanated from the boy, in a way, the contagious smile he had was like that of a child who had received the gift he most wanted for Christmas and this transmitted good feelings to everyone.

However, this moment would soon be ruined when outside the village, the nose of a small animal was seen poking out of bushes before turning towards the village.

[Time Skip with Edmundo, Yugo and Percedal assembling giant sandwiches to compete who can eat them faster while Ruel judges as judge and Amália and Evangelyne roll their eyes at the boys' childish games].

At the moment everyone was seen at the table eating in peace when Xav asked.

Xav: So have you decided, are you going to leave today?

Yugo: Let's go. I loved your fabulous bread recipe, I'm dying to give it to my dad.

Evangelyne: I'm sorry to disappoint you, but first we have to find our way to Oma Island.

Edmundo then pats Yugo's head when he speaks with a smile.

Edmundo: Don't worry Little Brother, as soon as we arrive in Bonta, we will write a letter and send it to your father. I know he will be very happy.

Yugo: Thank you Big Brother.

Percedal: Yes, for us to achieve this we have to make this map open its mouth!

Ratafouine: He talks?! Where did they find it?

Yugo: In Kelba's store, but it's worthless, since he's with us we always get lost.

Edmundo: I think I know the route better than him, now that I think about it, we would have arrived in Bonta a couple of weeks ago if we had taken another route instead of going through the Forfut village.

Amália: How is it?! You mean we could already be in Bonta and maybe even Oma Island by now because you know a better way?! By Sadida, why didn't you say that earlier, you little forehead!

Edmundo: Why do you trust the map more than my instincts, I've been traveling the World of Twelve since I was 10 years old, I know the way to places with the back of my hand, but what's my fault if you think the Is map more useful? And just to remember, it's a banner and not tape! Ribbon is for bows and bows are for girls! RANGE! Do you understand your highness?

Ratafouine then takes the Map from Percedal's hand before extending it near the fireplace.

Ratafouine: They fooled you! Does this map have a demon, a Shushu to be exact?

Percedal: What? A Shushu? Like Rubilax?

Rubilax: Of course not. He's a lower Shushu, I'm a HIGHER class!

Ratafouine opens the map who had a not very happy expression with the Shushu sword's comment.

Map: Humph! Are you thinking, huh?! You think you're pretending, but you're just like me, saddled and watched by a handful of incompetent adventurers.

Rubilax: How strange, I'm hearing an insignificant voice in the distance. Oh no no, I think I was wrong. You're so inferior that you're not even good as an extra.

Map: Oh if I catch you!

Edmundo: I think we know how Dora the Explorer's map ended up. *laughter*

Map: Shut up you wind-brained slob!

Ratafouine: Enough! Yes, I know it very well, it was mine before the Black Crow stole it from me. I will teach you how to use it.

Mapa: And what do you think about doing?

With that, the old baker extends the Map into the flames of the fireplace that threaten to incinerate it from existence.

Ratafouine: Ah, fire is going out~.

Map: Oh no! Don't leave me in the hands of that drawer passion fruit! Stop him!

One of the embers rises to almost start to singe him, causing Shushu to cower in fear before deciding to open the game.

Map: Aaahhh! It's OK! I was making you late! Oma Island is in the Pirate Sea, just off the coast of Bonta!

Yugo: Very well, just ask.

Evangelyne: Yeah, and he's fooling us all the time. How lucky we met.

Without them noticing, from the window a small creature was seen sniffing something while looking for someone.

Xav: If I may say so, that map covered your eyes with flour.

He and the others started laughing at this as Ruel sneaked up to a basket full of kamas to try and grab one without anyone noticing before Xav noticed his movements.

Xav: Feel free, help yourself Ruel, some are made from white chocolate.

This made a surprised look fall on Enutrof's face as he looked shocked at the fake coins.

Ruel: Chocolate? Wow! Impressive! They seem real, right?

Knock knock!

A knocking noise was heard as the door was opened to reveal a pale yellow Snouffle that seemed to be sniffing something.

Ruel: But what is this creature doing here?

Percedal: It's Kabrok's Snouffle. If the Black Crow comes to take revenge, I'm prepared to finish him off.

Ratafouine: What? Kabrok here?

Evangelyne: It's not the same color as Kabrok's Snouffle.

Edmundo: Not really.

The redhead then crouches down and pets the little gold-hunting creature.

Edmundo: This one is a female. What are you doing here, little friend? Where is its owner?

???: Here I am.

In front of them appeared a man around 37 years old with fair skin, light brown hair, a thin mustache and goatee, brown eyes and wearing a messenger outfit in yellow, pinkish red and white. He also carried with him a bag with several parchments.

???: Ladies, girls and gentlemen, good morning.

Xav: Good morning, the bakery will open any minute. Come back in a little while.

The stranger just laughs it off as he poses to look cool while introducing himself.

???: You don't understand, do you? My name is Rich McDeek the Great, I am a Messenger!

Yugo perks up at this as he walks forward to talk to the man.

Yugo: Warrior? Like Percy and Ed?

Rich looks at the two young fighters in front of him only to earn a look of disgust as he sees Percedal eating a loaf of bread with jam while having his face completely smeared with jam while Edmundo devours a sandwich and talks with his mouth full.

Rich: Uuugh no, not really.

Percedal then points in confusion at the messenger while the jelly from his bread threatens to stain the man who recoils in disgust at his lack of good manners.

Percedal: Who is this figure?

Edmundo: Who sent you the letter, uncle?

Princess Sadida then approaches them with an uncomfortable look at the two swordsmen's sloppy manner as she speaks in annoyance.

Amália: Could you two try to have good manners? They don't see that a very respectable and polite knight is accompanying us.

This makes Rich smile at the girl's compliment before Edmundo speaks mockingly.

Edmundo: Respectable? This one looks more like a plucked and poorly fed chicken. *laughter*

The messenger gets an enraged look at the redhead's comment as he growls at him for laughing a little.

Yugo: They should get along with him, he's also a warrior.

Ruel then approaches to try to clarify the misunderstanding that was going on between them while Rich's Snouffle was on his head sniffing him.

Ruel: You're getting confused, boy, Rich is a messenger, not a warrior. Is not the same thing.

Edmundo: It still doesn't make any difference to me.

Percedal: Not for me either, Partner.

Amália: How ignorant you are, a Messenger is someone who carries messages from one place to another!

The Messenger then strikes several extravagant poses as he throws his scrolls into the air before spinning around with his bag and catching them before they hit the ground.

Rich: That's right! We laugh in the face of danger! We messengers travel great distances to spread the news around the world!

Edmundo: I understand the concept of a messenger, what I don't understand is what you do here.

Rich: If you would stop interrupting me you would know that I'm here for something very important.

This response made the red-haired boy look at the message delivery man as he felt a bad feeling about what his instinct was giving him in relation to Rich.

Edmundo: I don't trust this guy. My instinct is kicking in, I think it's not a good thing.

Amália: Nobody asked for your opinion, so keep quiet.

Edmundo just snorted and rolled his eyes before responding sarcastically.

Edmundo: *sarcastic* Yes my Princess, your request is an order.

Yugo: *to Rich* Do you know what's happening everywhere?

Rich: Basically yes.

Amália: Ah, finally someone with culture. It's a change.

Percedal: I just want to see how much culture he has.

Young Iop then approaches the messenger while looking him up and down before asking.

Percedal: Moral Assessment. First question: What happened a few weeks ago at the Ugly Tower?

Rich: Uhuhu easy, a group of adventurers saved the horrible princesses from a tremendous spell.

He earns a proud and arrogant smile of himself as the adventurers are amazed at his knowledge.

Evangelyne: It was a great adventure.

Rich: I also learned that according to the Ugly Princesses, the person mainly responsible for saving them was a young swordsman with red hair, blue eyes and a headband.

This made the others turn to Edmundo who blinked in confusion as he noticed the indignant looks he was receiving for unintentionally stealing the credit for doing everything.

Edmundo: What happened now? What did I do this time?

Amália: Do you always have to draw attention to yourself?

Edmundo: It's not my fault if the princesses were more grateful for my sincere words than they were for you.

Rich: I also heard that thanks to this swordsman, the princesses decided to leave the Tower in search of adventures and suitors, although they claim that they plan to meet their savior again and try to win him over.

This made a blush run across Edmundo's face and he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly while Percedal got an envious look on his face as he stamped his foot.

Percedal: It's not fair, Partner! I'm the one who broke the spell, why are they more grateful to you?!

Edmundo: Why did you only start to like them after they became beautiful again, when in reality what matters is what's on the inside and I know that perfectly well.

Percedal: Grrrr! But why do you get more attention than me?!

Edmundo: Who do you think is the protagonist of this book?

Percedal: Grrr! In the name of Iop, this is not fair at all!

Edmundo: Man, it's really cool to be hot!

He hears a grumble behind him and when he turns around he comes face to face with a Cra who doesn't seem very happy with the news that the princesses are keeping an eye on Edmundo.

Evangelyne: And you still say you're different from other men?

She then walks past him before placing her hand on Percedal's shoulder who had dramatic tears in his eyes before speaking gently to comfort him.

Evangelyne: Don't worry Dally, she'll still have her chance.

Iop gets a smile at this before turning to Edmundo and teasing him for now being one step ahead of his rival and with an advantage in the big fight for Evangelyne's heart.

Edmundo: I think I did wrong this time.

Amália: Well done, Casanova.

He looks at Sadida who just laughs at him while the boy just sighs at that, crestfallen upon learning that he had lost the fight, but luckily he hasn't lost the war yet.

Evangelyne: Well Rich, wouldn't you happen to have some important news that might interest us?

Rich: Actually, yes, miss. It turns out that a mysterious evil power is attacking the greatest fortunes in the World of Twelve.

Ruel: What?!

Amália: What exactly do you mean?

Rich: It's not easy to explain, but... it seems that all the rich people in all the towns lost their fortunes, they disappeared one by one.

This news despairs Ruel, who grabs the man by the collar of his shirt before shaking him, wanting answers.

Ruel: WWWAAAH! Like this?! What do you mean they disappeared?! A fortune doesn't disappear into thin air!

Rich: That's the problem sir. The fortunes disappeared like that without anything else, without leaving a trace. They were hidden, watched, protected, but they all disappeared.

Ruel: But for my beard! I've never heard so much nonsense!

Old Enutrof then shakes the messenger before pushing him almost knocking him over while Percedal holds Rich so he doesn't fall. The Enutrof then grabs his shovel before running to the village entrance while still having the Snouffle on his head.

Ruel: I did!

The others look at him running before Edmundo yawns before entering the house.

Edmundo: *yawn* I'm going to get my things and finish drinking coffee, let me know when we're leaving.

He goes inside while the others continue to watch Ruel run desperately from one side to the other.

Rich: Guys, what animal bit him anyway?

Amália: I don't know, but it must have been a big one. But after a while he gets used to it.

The others nod in response while Yugo smiles before looking at old Ruel only to be startled when he sees the old man being devoured by the bag.

Yugo: AAAAH! Ruel! What happened?!

Amália: It's horrible!

Yugo: That bag is eating him!

He rushes to try and save the old man from being eaten alive while Rich and the others join him.

[Time Skip with Edmundo taking off his boot when he feels something bother his foot, he then shakes it off only for an arachne to come out of his boots scaring the boy who immediately jumps back with a scream while Percedal and Evagelyne laugh at him causing him to the redhead with the stripe on his forehead starts to turn red with embarrassment].

While they were trying to save Ruel, Edmundo entered the house to get his things and when he entered the room he saw his belongings exactly where he left them.

Edmundo: Bingo!

Soon he had already put on his shirt and tunic, put on his boots and bracelets as well as had his sword clipped to his belt before checking everything to see if he hadn't forgotten anything and seeing that everything was fine, he started walking out of the house. .

Edmundo: I'm ready guys! Let's hit the road-

He soon stops in his sentence as I left the house only to find Xav, Ratafouine and their wives looking at Ruel's bag on the floor while the others were nowhere to be seen leaving Edmundo confused.

The bag then disappears into thin air, leaving a trail of bubbles in its place.

Xav: Huh? Wow, there wasn't even time to say goodbye. It's no wonder they are adventurers.

Ratafouine: Okay, let's have some croissants.

Edmundo: Huh? Where is everybody?

The bakers then turn around only to see Edmundo walking towards them with a confused look on his face.

Edmundo: Where did they go?

Xav: Edmundo my boy, are you still here?

Ratafouine: Did the others just leave in Ruel's refuge bag?

A shocked look falls on Edmundo's face, who looks at them in disbelief.

Edmundo: What?! They left me behind?! Ah, but it doesn't stay that way! I promised Alibert that I would accompany Yugo on his journey! I went!

He starts to run towards the exit of the village, but a voice soon stops him from continuing.

Xav: Wait! Do you know where to go?

Edmundo: I'll follow my instincts, I think I can get to Bonta in time to find them.

Xav: Then take this.

The baker then hands him a bag of food for his journey and the redhead gives him a grateful look.

Edmundo: Thank you Xav.

Xav: I thank you for everything. Come back to visit us.

Edmundo: I'll be back, it's a promise. See you soon!

With that he leaves the village before hitting the road and disappearing into the distance.

However, without Edmundo knowing, two shadows are watching him in the darkness of the forest.

???1: It's him! Talk to Van Vilss! Let's try to capture him.

[Time Skip with Edmundo walking through the forest while munching on a loaf of bread wondering where the others had gone without realizing that two dark individuals with dark purposes were watching him from the shadows].

Far away, in an old castle that was in the middle of a dark forest, a dark being was seen sitting on a throne when one of his servants entered the room and told him about the message from his two lackeys who were watching the swordsman.

The dark being smiled at the news before standing up and ordering his servant.

???: This is perfect. Have them bring Edmundo to me immediately!

The servant just nods before leaving as his master laughs evilly.

???: We'll see how much you've grown Edmundo. *evil laughter*

His laughter echoed throughout the castle as several birds fled in fear before the scene changed to Edmundo walking alone towards Bonta to meet his friends without noticing two mysterious beings following him from the shadows.

Next chapter