
Title at end

Ororo slept for another hour before she finally got up. The young woman was enjoying lying in the warm embrace of her fiance.

'I wonder if it is because of one of his blessings that he is so warm or if he is just naturally so.'

Ororo contemplated that question for a few seconds before she turned around and opened her eyes. But when she looked at J'Zaki's face, she could see that he internally struggling with something. Ororo reach up with her left hand and cupped J'Zaki's face, forcing him to pay attention to her.

J'Zaki looked at Ororo's eyes, seeing the support and worry in them. He knew he couldn't keep it a secret from her for long and he needed her help deciding. If he went through with his plan, the dynamic would change forever.

"Ro. I need to do something major. But if I do it, I'm pretty sure that T'Challa will hate me, even if he knows why I must do it."

"You already know that you must do it," Ororo rolled her eyes. "You never do anything crazy unless you feel it is necessary. And you have rarely been wrong in doing so before. As for T'Challa, that will be up to him. If he is not mature enough to understand your decision, even after knowing that it had to be done, then that is on him."

J'Zaki nodded. He knew everything Ro said already but it still felt better hearing come from another person.

The prince sighed before kicking off the blanket and hopping out of bed. He walked over to the closet to get dressed up in ceremonial robes since they had their formal meeting with his father and the other elders later. Ororo also got out of bed and walked out of the room to head back to her room to get dressed for the day.

An hour later, the pair were at the back entrance of the manor. They watched as Linoh led all of the mystics through some basic hand-to-hand combat drills. Even though their specialty would be in magic, Ororo and Linoh suggested making them go through these drills to ensure they had skills to use in case their magic wouldn't work. As the prince who believed in training himself to the brink of death, he had no issue with increasing the amount of training that the group had to go through.

He and Ororo flew into the city and landed at the hidden bay in Shuri's lab. They were planning to head to the morning meeting with her but once they got inside, they saw that she was a complete mess. The girl had stains all over her white outfit and looked like she hadn't slept a wink. But as soon as she saw Ororo and J'Zaki, her eyes lit up.

"Perfect! You two are here. Come, come. I have some things to show you," Shuri called them over, eager to show off her progress.

"Alright, alright. What is it, little sister?" Ororo walked over and began taking out a couple of screws that had managed to find themselves tangled in Shuri's hair.

"I've been going over that Xavier person's data last night. I wanted to ensure that there were no further surprises. And I came across two amazing things.

First, that chamber we were in. It wasn't just where he stored all of his important information. It also acted as a way to find people with the X-Gene. Mutants like yourself. The machine was able to somehow scan the entire planet and find everyone with a dormant and active X-Gene, and tell them apart. This was how he was able to know that we had both of you and why he started to get into talks with father."

"Interesting. So you plan on building something similar to keep track of other mutants that may try to infiltrate Wakanda again?" J'Zaki guessed this is what she was getting to.

Shuri rolled her eyes. Her brother was thinking too small-scale.

"Listen until the end, stupid! The second amazing thing I discovered was that the U.S. government learned how to forcibly activate mutations long ago. The issue they had is that they could not tell who had mutations or not so they ended up killing a lot of people by accident this way, thinking only a special few could handle the medication they were given. Few mutants awaken their mutations naturally. Most have either been experimented on And can you guess which experiment this all began with?"

"Captain America. The Super-Soldier serum," Ororo was instantly able to guess the answer. This was the most famous human experimentation and the one that the rest of the world kept trying to replicate.

"Exactly! What they thought was a super-soldier serum was actually an X-Gene awakening serum."

"So Captain America's a mutant. That sounds interesting but I see no point in it. The serum has been lost for over 50 years," J'Zaki pointed out the main issue with her idea

"Captain America is a mutate, not a mutant. He is one of the rare exceptions that actually got powers but doesn't possess an X-Gene. And the serum being lost is mainly due because most others didn't have the hint or information that I do. Even Xavier had only recently discovered this. Now think about this, Brother.

If I combine Xavier's technology of discovering recessive X-Genes and actually being able to recreate the SSS, then that would be revolutionizing Wakanda to a level it has never seen before."

J'Zaki was truly amazed when she said this. This discovery could not have come at a better time for him. As long as Shuri could recreate both, the team he would have ready for the battle between the champions in a few years would be even better.

The pair left Shuri in her lab to get some rest. Or continue experimenting. Hard to tell with Shuri. The duo walked into the throne room where only Ororo's parents, J'Zaki's parents, T'Challa, Zuri, and Okoye were there.

'Perfect. The elders are arriving later as usual. We can handle this matter now.'

Ororo was about to bow but J'Zaki held her arm and prevented her. The young woman was confused but stopped trying to bend her knees and stood straight next to J'Zaki. Whatever he had planned, she was silently expressing her support for it.

The other people in the room were confused. Even if J'Zaki and Ororo were royalty, they still had to kneel before T'Chaka, especially during official meetings.

"What is the meaning of this?" T'Challa asked on behalf of their father

J'Zaki glared at his brother.

'You always have to speak up and make the situation more awkward. I don't really wanna have to do this either, you know.'

J'Zaki then looked over at his father.

"Apologies for the rude entrance Father but I hope we can get this out the way fast. I invoke my right to challenge you for the position of king of Wakanda."

Title: Captain America was a mutant!

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