
Astral Plane

When J'Zaki woke up, his body felt warm. Truly warm for the first time in months.

'So I guess I died then,' he quickly summarized. No place in the Jabari mountains would keep him this warm and by the time he would return to the Golden City, he would definitely be dead.

"No. You're not dead. The Jabari woman had her people save you. You must thank her when you return. But for now, open your eyes child," a caring voice said with a small purr at the end

J'Zaki opened his eyes and saw that he was standing in the middle of a lake. The only thing keeping him from falling into the water was a small stone.

J'Zaki looked around and tried to find the voice that talked to him but all he saw were the countless trees that surrounded the lake.

"You are a child of Wakanda. Do not look to the ground like other humans. You must know to look higher and toward the sky," another voice said. This one was masculine and deep.

J'Zaki looked to the sky and saw who was speaking to him. And those that had yet to speak. In the clouds above, there were 4 gigantic animals in the sky. The boy was sure that he would not even be the size of their smallest tooth.

As soon as he saw them, J'Zaki was overwhelmed. He immediately bowed on his small rock. There was a lioness, a white ape, a crocodile, and a hyena sitting on the clouds above him.

"You should already know who we are," Sekhmet commented

"Yes, Lady Sekhmet."

"Good. Then let us tell you why we have called you here."

The goddess looked over to Ingcuka. The Hyena god looked a little shy when she turned her gaze to him but he still complied.

"Child. You have shown a great interest in us. You have turned your back on the goddess your family and nation worship. You have gone to many lengths to learn all about us. And all you ask for, even when you come close to death, was for our encouragement. Not to ask for us to save you or to smite your enemies. Even when you were close to death, you did not ask to be saved."

"He is correct," Sobek chimed in. "One who is still wet behind his ears dares to worship us but does not ask us to protect him? What kind of madness is that? But it is madness that I can appreciate. Hahaha!"

Hanuman formed what looked to be a smile but one that would terrify children and adults alike.

"That's because he is strong. Both mentally and in spirit. He is one of the strongest I have seen in many years."

Sekhmet looked at the others and rolled her eyes. They had called him for a reason yet they had already forgotten.

"Child. Ignore them for now and pay attention to me. I shall tell you a tale. The origin of Wakanda and why my sister, Bast, is the one that your people worship.

In most pantheons, there is a single leader. One who is able to reign in all of the deities beneath them. To keep them all under control. At least that is how it is in most Pantheons.

But our father Ra was very different. He did not truly care about keeping us under his control. Instead, he was a lazy being. Never wanting the responsibility of a leader. So after many years of each deity doing as they pleased we became fractured. We split apart.

Bast was the first to find Vibranium. Many years before any of who would be the Wakandans came close to it. But she was unable to use it properly. So she asked for help. But not just from her family and others from the Egyptian Pantheon. She made a call all over the world.

The call said that she had found a place that could be sacred land. One where those who came and helped her build it, would be worshipped for all time. We gain our powers from worship so this was very tempting for many gods.

Because of this call, she called over many gods. Those that split off from their pantheons as we had done as well as those whose pantheons had been destroyed by other forces. No matter what their reason, they gathered. I was one of the ones who answered this call.

The many gods that came over, at first, were peaceful. We worked together. Found out how to process Vibranium. Gathered people. Became worshipped. For over a hundred years, the first version of Wakanda stood strong. But peace does not last forever.

Because she was the founder, Bast was the Queen of our pantheon. But she was also the youngest. And even with all of her believers, she was still the weakest. So the other gods and their champions conspired against her.

But she was not alone. The 4 of us gathered around her and assisted her. We fought off the other gods and their champions, killing them all. But during the battle, my sister was severely injured. She was no longer as strong as she used to be.

Our followers felt this and tried to rise up against her and her believers. But we would not condone this. So we stripped them of our blessings and made them unable to wield Vibranium. Without our strength, they were no match against those who had Vibranium and Bast's champion, the Black Panther, going against them.

The few devote believers, those that did not go after Bast had managed to keep our favor and avoid destruction. This is why the Jabari live and there are the few that had taught you what you knew. But none knew the truth. If they did, there would be far more believers for us and less direct worship for her. In order to let my sister grow, we have let Wakanda worship her exclusively."

J'Zaki was overwhelmed by this story. It completely shook all of his beliefs. Most of Wakanda believed that the 4 other Cults rebelled against Bast but were repelled by her and punished while the Cults thought that Bast was underhanded and had taken advantage of them by having their guards down.

He looked up to the 4 gods, with only one question in his mind.

"Where do I fit into all of this?"

To this, all of the gods spoke at once.

"J'Zaki, child of Wakanda.

You have shown great strength and willpower.

You have a thirst for knowledge and honor the truth.

You are not afraid to shed blood but also not afraid to hold out a hand.

Carry my power with you.

Become my, Sekhmet's/Hanuman's/Sobek's/Ingcuka's, Champion.

And in return, all you must do is protect Wakanda.

Do you accept this burden?"

Next chapter