
Waiting to meet with you

Berry_berry · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Meeting the twins

Alyson POV

Clink! clink!

Deja vu hit her as the residing sound rand through her ears. Could all the events that took place be a dream? It must of been who was she kidding this was all too crazy.

"Do you think she's awake? Will brother gets angry that we came here?" Mai asked as Mei timidly hide behind the door.

"I don't think we want to find out mai maybe we should go." The fear was evident in her sister voice and mai rolled her eyes.

Alyson can tell just by their voice that they were opposites. One talked just no care and confidence while the other talked with precaution and doubt.

Wait. This meant she was not dreaming and everything happened. With wide eyes she sat up and shocked to see two figures standing by the door.

"Oh good she's up and it wasn't due to us. Let's go catch breakfast and get to know each other. Well even learn each others names for starters I'm mai."

"Mei." Her voice was barely audible that Alyson almost didn't catch it.

"I'm Alyson." She smiled feeling happy to finally meet someone kind. Although Travis isn't mean he isn't really the nicest.

"When do I start work?" Puzzles Alyson looked at the girls who looked lost in thought.

"Mmm maybe help us with gardening." This is definitely some deja vu.


The girls chatted through dinner and even Mei talked more than usual. Breakfast flew by quick as they talked and the girls found out Alyson knew close to nothing about the wonders of the world.

"Mmm how about tomorrow we hang out and buy clothing from the city nearby." Alyson was completely onboard while Mei reminded them that they had to be careful.

"Right cause we'll burn away by the sunlight and turn to ash," Mai sarcastically commented. This earned her an eyeroll from Mei and a laugh from Alyson.

"I heard garlic necklaces keeps you guys away." Theirs made both twins burst into fits of laughter. Alyson joined in and the three spent the whole day touring half of the palace. But the thing in Alysons mind was where Travis was.

"Does Travis lives here?" She questioned noticing they never mentioned him.

"He does it's just we wanted to cover the bases to where you'll be working."

Mei kept looking at the distant and noticed a figure. The young man was practicing his bow and arrow skill. One of the men working under Franco most likely as he had his troops practicing. He missed and at that moment Franco broke his neck. Mei looked away in disgust and sadness. This part of their reality saddened her.

As she walked away Franco caught sight of her and smiled. His future is secured marrying into this family. Mei was just a chest piece and nothing more in his eyes. Pawns should be treated as just that with no special treatment.

Mai smiled as she bumped Alysons shoulder.

"Are you seriously telling me your single- I don't believe you. By far a rare beauty in this big world." Alyson didn't take this to heart and mai found this admirable.

The sun was setting and Alyson sighed wishing they had more time for this day. Before parting Mei joined them again and gave Alyson a huge book. It was a book for witches that instructed them with spells and even potions.

"I'm very grateful to you guys, I've never truly known kindness until today." Her smile held on her face and Alyson walked to her room.

As she entered her mouth was covered and she couldn't make a sound.

"It's okay I didn't want to startle you." This stranger turned out to be the guy who was giving her drinks. He was one of the troopers that came from Micheal. He thought she wasn't anyone insignificant and could be a play toy.

"Let's resume where we left off-" Alyson got out of his grip and put distance between the two.

"I'll forget this happened, but I never want to see you're face around me!" She growled.

The guy chuckled and got a little annoyed at getting lip back. This women should be grateful that even a trooper took a glance at her.

"A women should be grateful to gain a mans attention and focus on producing children for us." This angered Alyson at how ignorant he sounded. He was no prize and held of no value even if he was a trooper.

"You're disgusting. A real man wouldn't belittle others. Also don't plan out my future or anyone else for that matter if you're not there living our lives."

The young gentleman felt her sighting spirit and thought it wasn't worth it. Walking out he began walking but bumped into a solid surface.

"I'm guessing you didn't learn you're lesson yesterday. " before the young man uttered a word he was instantly killed on sight. Walking along the way we're some of his troops and without a word they took the dead body outside.

Sighing Travis entered the room just to find Alyson on the floor. She was sitting criss cross apple sauce. Seeing how concentrated she was he decided to leave her alone.

As she sat on the floor with the book opened she started learning how to hon her powers. How her emotions could fluctuate her magic if she's not in the right state of mind. Then again they can enhance the original spell.

First step was being able to physically see her ray of powers. Like an electric static, so she can distinguish her own color.

Little did she know she held so much powers that the color varies for her.

Breathing in and out Alyson came to a zen moment. She was trying so hard to be one with her own powers that were hidden Ed within herself.

She was a light blue color forming in her mind and felt the tingling sensation on her hands. By the time she opened her she saw the static light blue glow coming from her palms. This over joyed her as she felt a sense of accomplishment.

Being here was a better than the previous two places she had to endure. Right here she was truly finding herself but she still had to keep her guard up. No one would ever try to harm her the way the others did.


"Find her!" Wes screamed as he stormed into his castle. Storming towards his room he saw the light blonde hair and felt his eyes turn dark. Almost the same hair Alyson has and anything resembling her angered him.

The maid yelled as he yanked her by the hair into his room.

" why did you leave!" He yelled blinded by rage. This caught the maid by surprise and she begged him to let her go. This didn't phase Wes as he threw her out the ledge of his room. She landed ten stories down and had multiple fractured bones. Half way on the brink of death she had already accepted her faith. Meredith walked by and noticed the poor young girl. Reminding her a bit of her daughter she healed all her wounds. Knowing this girl would be targeted she gave her healing pills.

"Try to stay away from him. You resemble the missing queen." Meredith walked away and felt the tears fall as she thought about Alyson.

How is her daughter doing and what will become of the alliance form with the ware wolves. Not only was Alyson in jeopardy so was Meredith.

"I can't control him you know." The voice alone helped soothe her since Charles was a kind soul.

"Did he change once his mother died?" The question blurred out unintentionally and Meredith couldn't take it back. A hard subject like this wouldn't have been brought up. Charles sighed and held Meredith as he chose his words wisely.

"He indeed turned sour and his uncle took him under his wing. It doesn't help that he was rejected at a small age." Meredith looked down too embarrassed to face Charles.

"You can't force love, I know that very well. We are all meant for one person alone. Wes has a soulmate and it's not Alyson, but he's become obsessed. Until he finds this women he can't rest."

Meredith sighed as she recalled her own lost.

"You know I might be clueless to most things but I know your daughter isn't just a regular person." Meredith knew it was evident that Alyson was a witch so of course she wasn't just a regular person.

"Well of course she's a witch Charles-"

"That's not what I meant. She's not your average witch it almost feels as if she's above one." Now this was confusing since she carries blood of a witch. What could this mean then if Charles feels it?


The night passed by slowly and at this time mei looked out by her balcony. She was to be wed by New Years and the days approached quickly. The fear crept on her as she felt repulsed by this man. But she was to go through with the marriage and will stay faithful to him. Even if he can't betrayal from her part was unthinkable as her morals stood in place.

The knocking on her door caught her by surprise as she tightened her robe. Her door pushed open as Franco came in. Mei felt an uncomfortable feeling overcome her as Franco came in.

"Hello fiancée, I came here to depart myself since I will be leaving tomorrow morning." Franco announced a little bothered that he even had to come up and say this.

"Have a safe journey." Mei managed to muster as her kind complexion didn't allow her to be rude.

"You probably wish we'd get ambushed so I would result in dead. Then you wouldn't have to marry me." This outburst surprised Mei as she took a step back at this harsh statement.

Who exactly did he think she was?

"N-no. No I wouldn't. You really don't know me if you think I ever wish misfortune upon others."

Franco grabbed Mei and pulled her towards him.

"Deep down we all have bad thoughts and ill wishes for one another."

"Not me. Keep searching because I'm not like you." Mei was released and felt shaken up as Franco's dark aura emendated her room. This man was truly dark but not scarier than her brother. Travis was strategic and blinded everyone . Franco was just reckless and and impulsive.

But one thing for sure is she wasn't thrilled to be marrying him.

"New Years couldn't come any sooner" she sarcastically said.

Mai on the other hand was met with a door knock and she fully expected to see Michael.

"Come in." Her cheeriness in her voice made a smile creep up on Michael.

"Hello beautiful, I'm here to tell you that I'll be leaving tomorrow." This made mai giggle as she playfully slapped her shoulder.

"Silly I'll be seeing you off tomorrow." Michael knew this and he chuckled as he held her hand.

"I know I just needed an excuse to see you." This maid mai's heart flutter as she truly fell for Michael.

"Kiss me." After uttering those words Michael passionately kisses mai. The moment felt so magical that mai wanted to freeze time.

As they pulled apart both people felt the warmth fade away. They wishes they could get married tomorrow instead.

"New Years couldn't come any sooner!" Mai said.