
Waiting for his love

Ohrentay · LGBT+
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1 Chs


"No!", the scrawny boy shouted. "Don't come near me, you monster".

The pale looking older man looked down at him, feeling like a scolded child. He hated himself for bringing sadness and hurt to his beloved. He hated that his sweetness was repulsed by his true nature. If the boy doesn't accept him, what would he do?, how would he survive?, those are the thoughts and questions that ran through his mind.

"I-I'm sorry my darling, but, I'm still me, just a little bit more honest", the man tried to reason with the boy, tried to explain to the boy, but to no avail. The boy looked like he's gonna shit himself any moment from then.

"No!, just stay away from me, okay?, I will go now and you will not follow me, and you will do well to stay away from me forever, got that?", the boy told, more like ordered the man because he knows the man will listen to Jim, he used that to his advantage of getting away from the creature looking like a man. He walked away with tears in his eyes.

The vampire looked like a boy whose ice cream was taken away as his beloved walked away from him. He even look like a boy who has been told that Christmas won't come this year, he was devastated, saddened and most importantly disappointed in himself for bringing tears to his Darling's beautiful baby eyes. One thing he knows is that whatever his beloved ask of him, he would do, the boy require space, then, so be it.

Several days later, he had yet to hear from the boy who manage to always capture his attention even without trying. The boy wasn't seen at work or anywhere for that matter. He seemed to be missing. Oh No!.

He searched every nooks and crannies of the small, yet civilized town in hopes of getting to see the boy alive and well, but the vampire's hope came shattering to the ground when he was met by the boys dead and already stinking body under the bridge, looking like he's been dead for days.

"Ahh!, No!, Filipe", the vampire cried out his beloved name. He tried to figure out what happened, but nothing came to sense. he feels as though it was his fault, because he failed to protect the boy, the number one thing he promised himself and the boy. He had failed!. He wanted to die, he wanted to put a stake in his own heart, he wanted to rip out his own heart as the grief overtook him, but he remembered that his love would be alone in the years to come if he died. He couldn't bear that thought of being the boys sadness. So he waited. still waiting . Waiting for his love.