
Wait, you're dead already?

#Silver Winner of Writing Prompt Contest #144! It strives to be a novel that can be enjoyed by anyone. Our main character is a loveable fool with a godly strength to his sword. Several years before the beginning of the story, Ermos Windbreaker finds himself to have a talent with the sword. With the arrival of a wandering warrior in his village, he decides that he will challenge him, though he had yet to own a sword of his own. There he racks up his first victory, wood against steel. Though, as it happens, no one saw that duel of his and they dismissed his claims as the rantings of a mad fool. A peculiar case of bad luck followed him around for a while. He would demonstrate his strength whenever he got the chance, but there was never anyone around to witness it. That was, until he met Pash. In a village southeast of the Untamed Forest, a grimy boy was wandering through houses abandoned by war, searching for food to fill his belly. It happens that was very same village the infamous Bored Bandits had set up camp in. They seize the boy with the intent of selling him as a slave. Ermos wanders by with much the same intent as Pash – that of searching the abandoned houses for food and wealth – and he too attracts the attention of the bandit crew. He manages to defeat them with the same accidental ease that he had won all his duels in. Seeing such strength, Pash begs that he take him on as his apprentice. Not entirely understanding the responsibility of a master’s position, Ermos agrees. The two of them spend three years questing for their fortunes, but cursed with Ermos’ notoriously bad luck, nothing ever comes of it. Ermos turns to gambling – being the fool that he is – to try and reverse his fortunes, only to land himself in a terrible amount of debt. The weight of that debt finally gets to him, and he loses the enthusiasm he once had, working himself into a rut. That is, until, he meets a drunk trader on the road who offers him ‘magic stones’ in return for his horse. Of course, Ermos accepts, not realizing that he is being fooled. But as fortune would have it, a scam points him in the right direction and he explores the ancient ruins of the Stone Tree.

Nick_Alderson · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
115 Chs

Chapter 3 - Part 4

"No!" Pale Moon shouted using magic to reinforce his voice. He was filed with authority now. Both hands glowed blue. A screen of magic surrounded Corfid and his men, entrapping them, blue like stained glass. "If I give you the boulder hound, you'll leave?" He squeaked, unable to even look at that man.

"Yup," the man said.

"Go to him," the priest commanded. The boulder hound looked at him uncertainly, as though doubting his order. And then he padded forward a swagger in his step, not the slightest hint of fear.

"Good dog," the swordsman reached out to pet him. The dog opened its mouth wide, about to swallow his whole arm whole. "Sit."

When that command came, the dog - that same colossal hound that Wyndon had so feared, suddenly sat - seeing the same power that Pale Moon had seen. It whimpered, lowering its head to avoid looking that man in the eye. It allowed him to pet him.

"…Your fur feels gross," the man said, "we'll have to get you washed before we take you to market." He turned to his comrade. "Have a feel, Pash," he said. His comrade was less certain, but he reached out with his hand and ran his fingers through his fur.

"Leave," Pale Moon begged, he could stand it no longer. Behind his magic barrier, Corfid was screaming his lungs out, but they could not hear a single word of what he had to say.

"Okay, but tone down the shadiness, would you? No getting dogs that you can't afford and feeding kids to them. That isn't cool, you know? You'll end up becoming a monster," the man said. Then he turned on his heel and walked right out of the Stone Tree. His apprentice and his new dog followed behind him.

Wyndon watched his back as he went. He clenched his fist, silently thanking his unnamed hero.