
Wait to be Freed

"I will be freed from this life..... even if it kills me," Zapharena stated, the fire burning in her eyes.

KillEclipse · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 001: Locked Away

Walking through these halls, I realize that I will never be free; not unless I take a stand against the emperor and demand it. But that had not worked in the past, so why should it now?

She turned the corner and ran into him; his black, almost blue hair, long and soft as the gentle breeze blowing in through the windows on this beautiful spring day. His midnight blue eyes making her melt.

She had never seen him before.

"Hey! Watch where you-" he stopped suddenly, seeing her. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

He stooped down to help her back up, for she had fallen.

"Yes, I'm fine. And I apologize for bumping into you."

She took his hand gratefully, and seemed a bit nervous before introducing herself.

"I'm Zapharena Illucille Lumosia. I live here. Really, I'm trapped....." she trailed off, looking into the distance with sadness in her soft grey eyes.

"What do you mean, trapped? Do you mean that you cannot leave this castle?"

"I'm afraid so. I have to stay here until someone shows up that my father, the emperor, believes is eligible to marry me."

The young man looked sad for her, and thought carefully about his next words.

"Do you think..... that..... I may be... eligible?" the deep blush began to spread across his face suddenly, and he looked away, "I know we just met and all, but I don't like the idea of you being trapped here."

"I'm not sure what my father even sees as eligible, quite honestly."

"I'll see. I'm sorry if you don't want to get married or anything, but.... you being trapped here your whole life just doesn't seem right."

Zapharena nodded and they parted their ways, for now.....