
Wait, I can Warp reality?

Our Main character one day gained the ability to warp reality! The only problem being that he's not in a Fictional world with this power. No, he's in ours! What will he do with such an ability? What will he change? What Waifus will he create? Read to find out! P.S Oh and the girls on the book cover? Yeah they'll be in the story.

ForThe_Lolzs · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

The Talk

Chase at the moment was sitting at a wooden dinner table tailored with intricate designs while drinking tea.

Specifically Yorkshire tea.

At the corner of his eye, he could see  Xavier was still in the front room. Though he was occupied trying to calm his friends down and convince them it wasn't the end of the world. 

Shay was upstairs doing much the same as her genius son.

He, however, had already made his calls and simply chose to drink some tea while waiting for Alex's return.

Chase was not shocked when the world took a massive change in its appearance.

Surprised? Yes. 

Shocked? No.

The reason? His Son.

If the world had changed in any other way, even in a less drastic one, there most likely would have been fear or even the faintest show of panic. 

But when the world seemed to get far more beautiful than it had any right to be? Chase knew it was either his son or someone with a similar mindset.

Ever since he was little, Alex wished the world was less dull. That every corner of the universe no matter how bland held some splendor. 

When an eight-year-old Alex was introduced to the concept of superpowers he wouldn't be quiet about it. That's also why he took up drawing. So that he could create his ideal world.

A sudden popping noise interrupted Chase's flow of thought.

Looking behind him Chase couldn't keep the smile off his face as he observed Alex appear from seemingly nowhere.

His son, like always, had black hair, light brown skin,  stood at 5"8' and had a presence that felt warm and welcoming to anyone who came near him.

Though what caught his attention the most was the obvious changes Alex made to himself before coming here. 

Lean but powerful muscles, eyes like a kaleidoscope, handsomeness that made even the best models pale in comparison, and best of all a translucent aura that surrounded him. 

Before Alex could even open his mouth Chase spoke first.

" So what's it like being a God walking amongst men?" Chase asked with obvious mirth in his voice.

Honestly, Chase was curious. What did it feel like to have power above any mortal man? To have reality bend over backward at your whims?

Alex stood stalk still at the sudden question, seemingly contemplating it.  The reality warper opened his mouth to talk a few times but closed them the next second.

Meanwhile, Xavier and Shay had finished their conversations and were listening in. 

Eventually, Alex just shrugged.

" I mean I don't exactly feel like some almighty Godlike being if that's what you're asking. My power feels more like a natural part of me than something overwhelmingly powerful.  I'm still me for better or worse." Alex said while stretching his head.

A smile came over Chase's face. This was just another reason as to why he could trust his eldest son with powers. Alex would always stay true to himself.

Xavier, however, who finally made his presence known to Alex, scoffed at his brother's words.

" C'mon you can't tell me you don't even feel the temptation to smite some people?"

A pair of rolled eyes was the only answer Xavier received. 

Xavier huffed annoyedly and went to speak again, but Alex's mother beat him to it. 

" Still, are you okay son? You're not feeling any backlash from using your powers or anything are you? No sore spots or anything?" Asked a worried Shay.

For as happy as she was that her son got powers, she still worried. This was something new, who knew the effects it could have on her son's mental and physical state?

What if he got sick, got in pain, or worse died?

Alex reassured his mother with a hug. 

" Mum I'm fine. So far I haven't encountered any problems. If I do I'll drop whatever I'm doing to fix it." Alex said with a smile.

Shay nodded but not before giving Alex the " You better or else" look all mothers find themselves capable of.

Chuckling Alex let go of his mother and looked back towards his father. Who simply gave him a nod and motioned for Alex to sit across from him.

Doing so he waited for his father to speak. 

This was a sort of tradition for the family when one of them gained something major. Each family member would advise on how the person in question should use whatever they gained. 

Of course, it was not required to actually act on the advice, or even listen to it.

" Son, I've known since you were barely to my knee that you are an empathetic person.  So I understand just how much you're holding yourself back from simply waving a hand and fixing all the problems of the universe." Said Chase with an understanding voice.

Alex gave a small sad smile at that. 

Chase wasn't wrong. He was holding himself back. 

But only because he valued the choices of others.  He wouldn't trample over the masses to get his way unless said masses were filled with evil and corrupt men and women.

But even then who was he to decide what was wrong and what was right? 

To him, murder was wrong, barbaric even. But that's just a modern mindset.

In the past death was simply seen as the next stage of life depending on which culture you followed. 

Even today in certain secluded tribes Cannibalism is normalized.

So does the Majority make the Minority right? Or is it really just a case-by-case thing?

Alex didn't know, and he suspected there was no true answer.

" But I want you to know that no matter what you do, I will be proud of you. Even if you declare yourself a God similar to the Yahweh of the old testament, or simply a watcher that cannot, will not, interfere." Chase said the last part with a smirk.

Alex sighed in exasperation at the words of his father.

"You and your references." Said Alex amusedly.

His smirk widening chase said, " What can I say except you're welcome?" 

This time a loud groan escaped Alex's lips as Chase smiled at the reaction of his son

Here's today's chapter.

ForThe_Lolzscreators' thoughts