
Chapter 73

"Major Katsuragi will go to meet the Americans," Sub-Commander Fuyutsuki said upon entering Gendo Ikari's office. The echo of his steps filled the cavernous space as we walked. "It has been confirmed by Section 2," he continued. "The shipment schedule has been drafted up."

"I was certain she would," Ikari said. He was standing at the large window along the far wall, looking outside at the dimly-lit landscape. He was not as tall as Fuyutsuki, but he was broader and his uniformed silhouette cut an impressive black figure. "I assume she will file a protest."

"No doubt." Fuyutsuki stopped behind Ikari and clasped his hands at the small of his back. "Exclusively on operational grounds, I would imagine. Her argument doesn't hold much weight."

Even if she is the Chief of Operations, Fuyutsuki added silently.

"I am amazed that she has come this far," Ikari confessed. "With the kinds of things she must have found while snooping around, I would think she might have tried something by now."

They had discussed Major Katsuragi's loyalties before. Fuyutsuki was used to having doubts about her, but it didn't surprise him that the woman would do as she was told. People chose to follow because it was easier, and Katsuragi had made easy into a habit.

"It is not in her character to be reckless," Fuyutsuki said. "She had a very interesting talk with Dr. Akagi a few weeks ago. I believe she mentioned something about loyalty."

Ikari nodded. "Loyalty never dies."


Fuyutsuki could very well read between the lines: so long as Katsuragi did not pose a threat and did what she was told she simply was not worth being concerned over.

"What about the other matter?" Ikari inquired. He turned away from the window, just enough for Fuyutsuki to see that his right hand was heavily bandaged.

The Sub-Commander restrained his curiosity. "The Russians took care of it already," he answered. "They did a pretty good job, considering that Marduk had to be completely ignored. Given the information we provided, we can expect the results to be useful. And they were quite thorough."

"Marduk has been contaminated. We can not risk another incident," Ikari replied. "They must have had a potential candidate selected already."

"One of ours," Fuyutsuki replied. "The Second Department of the Russian First Directorate provided a single name for which the core can be adapted within ten hours of arrival." He added, "I didn't think it would be possible, but I am somewhat concerned as to how they intended to pull this off had they been able to build an Eva unit on their own."

"Yes, that they could target one of ours would be a matter for some concern." Ikari walked to his desk. "You said it was the First Directorate?"

Fuyutsuki nodded. Before the fall of the Soviet Union, the Russian First Directorate had been known by a more infamous name, one which had become synonymous with repression and brutality: KGB

"I thought it was strange too," he said. "It seems that for them the matter is more important than we thought."

"If that's the case then the candidate is probably useful," Ikari said, sitting at his chair with a groan and grabbing his hand. "I won't demand much more from them. All I need is something to put into the American Evangelion."

"What about Unit-02?" Fuyutsuki added.

"It works," Ikari said. "There is no need to worry about it at the moment."

Correct he might have been, but NERV seemed to move from one crisis to the next far too often for Fuyutsuki's liking. "I am not too confident in having to depend upon such a flimsy barrier."

Ikari considered that. "It does not need to last forever, just long enough," he said. "Until we can use Rei."

"When are you planning to tell her?" Fuyutsuki said, again focusing on Ikari's bandaged hand.

"I believe that she knows already. Maybe not consciously, but she knows. At any rate, we shall use this unexpected move by the Americans as an opportunity. I cannot say that their decision is unjustified. New Eva units do not have a stellar safety record, and certainly not American-built ones. I am much more intrigued by why they would send it to us instead of SEELE, as they were supposed to."

Fuyutsuki almost grinned. "Better the devil you know than the one you don't."

Ikari agreed. He didn't say it, but Fuyutsuki could tell.

Read my Original Work here's the name. "Father Breath Technique: Harem"

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