

Blue made dragon clones as she entered the woods. Immediately a high tier demon approached her.

She heard her voice being spoken by the demon, "A royal blooded? It's you! You trapped the king and us! "

Blue thought of the demon sucking the soul of her best friend. She immediately felt enraged."And now I'm going to banish you into the soils of HELL! "

She made her dragon clones attack but the demon turned into smoke that clouded the vision of the dragon clones. They we're wiped out one by one.

Blue focused her energy into a ball of flame as big as the ugly creature.


It was a direct hit but a bit of the demon smoke escaped. It expanded until it was the same size as before.

It lashed at Blue but Blue unsheared the enchanted sword that always stayed by her side. She slashed back with great force.

High tier demons greatest power is that they can morph into your greatest fear with one touch into your mind.

She damaged the demon with a few slashes.

It hurled back psychic rays that if you accidentally got hit by one, your memory, everything will vanish within the next couple of minutes.

Only those with true desire to get hit but the rays will not be affected. But most if these people will soon be coaxed into becoming a demon as they must have some mental problem to want to lose their memory so much.

The fight lasted for half a day. Fire balls and energy spheres were hurled at the demon while psychic rays and lasers we're shot af Blue.

Blue gave the last slash and the demon screeched and turned back into it's ugly form if the human that used to be it.

As she walked further into the woods, looking for a place to rest she found herself face to face with the one and only Demon King.

"YOU HAVE SLAYED ENOUGH! I will not let anymore of my demons die! "

The Demon King lashed at Blue like a piercing arrow.

Blue tried to block but her sword was pierced through. Blue's eyes widened.

The arrow stabbed into her chest and into her heart. Her soul was sucked completely.


When Blue woke up again she found herself locked in a dungoen.

"Iron bars? Pfft, I can easily get through."

She threw an imaginary energy call at the iron bars. Obviously it did nothing. Blue was bewildered. She tried again.

After the 5792th try, she broke into a cold sweat as she realised what was wrong. She was living in her worst nightmare.Not being able to use her magic.