
Wait!! Is This Naruto??

In the modern world, there existed a certain soldier. And he was a Gurkha. The same Gurkha to which a German general said "If I had Gurkha, I could win the whole world." From Nepal. A country which never celebrates independence day despite battling with British Army. It's not like British couldn't win. It's just that they were astonished by Gurkha's bravery so much that they included them in their army way back before. His name was Hindu Prasad Lingden. He was currently retired and enjoyed living his life with his precious family. He used to be a professional in getting his job done. From assassination of terrorist to guard to spy to infiltration. He gets his job done quick and fast. And he had a motto. "Simply being weak than others doesn't mean you aren't strong. To overcome that dissatisfying feeling you simply have to work hard and surpass others." Now at first glance you may think he is someone who is very strict towards others and himself and doesn't like something small and may force his dreams to others and a stiff old guy. But he is exact opposite of that. He didn't force anything towards his family of any of his ideology. He let them choose their own dream. And the most surprising part about him is that he is an otaku or someone says weeb. And his favourite ones was related to his job which he loved since he was a child. Like Naruto and many others. He truly was veteran in his job but surprisingly he was more veteran in anime than his job. He had decided to join military through watching those Shinobi who are dedicated their life to protect their loved ones. But sadly he used to belong to poor family. But one day his cousin introduced him Naruto and he decided to never give up just like Naruto. So what would happen if such a guy enters the Shinobi world? Find out here. By the way Naruto doesn't belongs to me. I only own the new MC and some changes here and there. Note :- The mc will be good but not completely. He will be unpitying towards his enemies but this will be unlikely on some cases. As Naruto's full of broken villains. Also if you are interested, then by all means please join my discord server where we can chat and all. Link :- https://discord.gg/FcZNYA9y

Gokage_Sensumo · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 8 The Demon Brothers

"What do you mean, Naruto-kun?" The Anbu asked as he was sure Naruto too wanted to deal this situation as quickly as possible.

"There's something about your denial about this plan, isn't it?" Hiruzen asked as he had the most experience here and he could guess there maybe a variable.

"I see." The Anbu realised his intent.

Then I told them about my new spy network and told them about the guy I wanted to protect. And he was none other than Tazuna. Yes him. He was the reason Naruto in the original became what he is today. Although he did a small part, Zabuza and Haku were the main reason. That Shinobi weren't mere tools. They were humans too. Although I was extra careful as to how I got it. Like I said I found out about it through shadow clones who had gone outside of course under his permission.

Also, I , told only a vague part. But of course of courseHiruzen would rather choose to send someone more suitable for this mission despite knowing that he would have to spend from his pocket. And yes. My shadow clone jutsu has reached this level already. So I decided to cook up things. And like that we Team 7 got our C Ranked Mission.

"I see. In the name of helping him and them, you can get valuable information about him. Also not only that this way we can determine how is the Fifth Mizukage Mei Terumi. And possibly form a peace treaty with them too. Fine I, shall allow you to handle this S-ranked mission. If not for the information you could get, this would probably be B or A ranked. Anyway go for it. But Chameleon must go with you. But—."

"Don't worry, we can trust Kakashi-sensei." I then cut him because his presence is unnecessary at the moment.

"I see. That's quite unlike of you to trust someone so easily. You have barely known him for a month." Third Hokage said with surprised feeling but skilled in hiding it.

"Well Dad, Sakumo-san, Rin and Obito. Do I have to say more?" I simply used my previous life's knowledge to my advantage.

"So you did your homework very well." Chameleon spoke as he once again acknowledged my skills in such things.

"Yeah. I sure did, ya know." I simply replied.

And like that the important day came after continuous days of training.

"Sakura, ready."

"Sasuke, ready."

"Naruto, ready."

"What's your distance from the target?"

"It's four meter. I am ready anytime." I replied as I watched the infamous Tora with uninterested gaze.

"I am ready, too." Sasuke too, replied.

"Me too." And now Sakura too.

"Okay. Now go do it!!!." Kakashi-sensei ordered us seeing the right opportunity.

After that I successfully captured the cat who is named Tora and is the pet of none other than the feudal lord. After that the cat managed to land a single scar on Naruto's face. Before he could do any damage Sasuke put him in a genjutsu. And after that Sakura seemed to be having different thoughts like she was feeling kinda nervous.

"Hey, Naruto do you mind if I try my mystical palm technique on you?" Sakura asked in hope that he accepts. Since from what she had seen. She hasn't seen any ninja stronger than Naruto except Kakashi-sensei. Or heard except Hokage and The Sanins. Yes she thinks even her crush Sasuke was inferior to him in many ways after spending few time with him. But she had seen only a fraction of his power.

"It's fine. By the way Sasuke use your Sharingan and try to copy it. It maybe useful to you later although currently you might not see the merit of it." Naruto gave advice to his best pal and rival hoping he would realises his wording.

"So basically improve my copying skills. As I am not medical Shinobi, right?" Sasuke replied like usual deciphering Naruto's wording.

"Hit the bullseye as usual. But I meant about medical part too."

"Hn. Whatever." Sasuke replied with rather short words.

Then we rested for a while to heal my small scar. It took less than a minute. And Sasuke already copied it. But not to the extent of proficient Sharingan users like the very one standing beside them. As he still had to aweaken three tomoe.

"Hey, Kakashi-sensei by the way how many D ranked missions we should complete in order to get our very first C ranked?" I asked him in the hope that I would convince Kakashi-sensei on getting the mission to Land Of Waves.

And like that we totally convinced him on getting our very first C ranked mission after few persuasion.

"So already finished huh, Kakashi?" Third Hokage asked Kakashi-sensei while smiling seeming satisfied with our performance. For simple works, my shadow clones and for searching pets my Uzumaki sensory techniques plus Sasuke's Sharingan. As for babysitting, Sakura contributed the most as she was matured in this kind of thing than us. As she was a very intelligent Shinobi.

"Yes. Lord Third. Actually Naruto here requested for a C ranked mission. What do you think about that?" Kakashi-sensei asked Lord Third as in to make the decision whether to entrust us with an C ranked mission or not.

"I see. You must be eager to get an real ninja mission in your life correct Naruto? But you must also know about to which rank of Shinobi we give C ranked missions since you know about it. How about waiting for more experience or becoming a Chunin?" Lord Hokage played his part as in to not be suspicious.

"Yes. Although you have acquired great feats Naruto, I think you should still gain more experience." Iruka-sensei gave his opinion since not only is he afraid of something happening to Naruto but to Sasuke and Sakura as well. As they haven't even taken the Chunin exams. But little did he knew even Sakura was actually about to near him in terms of all round Shinobi skills.

"Well, as far as I am concerned I have heard the cases of Genins doing at least C ranked missions. Also I think our strength is more than sufficient. As you already know Kakashi-sensei a former Anbu Commander. And as for my team Sakura already knows few Water style techniques. And as for Sasuke Fire and Lightening. And for me well you know the rumors." Naruto explained his team's capabilities to his mentor during academy days.

"Wait so it wasn't Sasuke but you Naruto? The one of the Genins who passed Kakashi-san's test by showing that he could perform five chakra natures." Iruka asked with feeling proud and surprised that Naruto was the one not Sasuke. Actually after the bell test that rumor was the hot topic for a day in Hidden Leaf Village. But one thing was wrong in it. That being the way of passing the test.

"Yep. So for celebrating it how about some Ramen if we have some time or maybe after the mission, ya know?" Naruto asked in a cheerful manner so that he could spend time with one of the few people in this world who doesn't hates him for his Jinchuriki's status.

"That's fine." Iruka replied happily. As he was seeing Naruto less these days. As Naruto's got some serious training to do.

"Alright, now that's settled. My decision is I am quite fine giving you a C ranked mission. As your team criteria fits for it. So Kakashi are you and your team up for it?" Lord Third asked one more time to Kakashi for his opinion or rather confirmation.

'Well. If they teamed up currently. Team seven can take out even a Jounin easily. With Sasuke and Naruto being main power house for the team and Sakura being an Medic. Just like us. So I guess there would be nothing wrong with an C ranked mission.' Kakashi thought while evaluating his team.

"So what is the details, Lord Hokage?" Kakashi asked the details as to what his first C ranked mission as a Jounin instructor with freshly graduated Genins would be.

"Well you are to escort a famous Bridge Builder. Tazuna-san till his homeland The Land Of Waves to protect him from bandits. And please let him enter." The Lord Third gave the required details and asked the concerned man to enter.

Then he entered while sliding or opening the door open in a drunken state. And...

"What's this? It's bunch of darned squirts. Can they even take on a single man?"

Then Naruto comes near Tazuna in a fraction of seconds with his hand near Tazuna's solar plexus.

'Wh-What!!! this kid's so fast that I didn't notice him at all. So these are Shinobis. They truly are formidable. Especially this blonde. His speed far surpasses all the people or Shinobi or bandit I have seen in my life. With him I should be safe as the silver haired one is way older than him so he must be even more powerful than the kid. I just hope things go all and well.' Tazuna thought in hope that he could do something to his homeland by building the bridge.

"I see. You do seem a little stronger than I thought. So I shall entrust you with my life then. You may have heard already, the name's Tazuna. It's a pleasure to meet you guys. I hope you protect me well." Tazuna said his piece of words to us.

Then in a certain place near Konohagakure. In the forest, two people were seen to be moving at very high speed tearing the wind apart. At Chunin level speed. Jumping from trees and going straight and they found just the right place to put their trap.

And few moments before, now in the main gate of Hidden Leaf Village, four people have assembled and were about to embark on their journey. And after departing and walking for a few time then curiously Sakura asked a question.

"Say, Tazuna-san?" Sakura asked curiously about the thing she had in her mind.

"What is it?" Tazuna asked about the matter in her head.

"Your country is the Land Of Waves, right?" Sakura asked.

"Yes."Tazuna answered.

"Say, Kakashi-sensei are there Shinobis in the 'Land of waves' too?"

To which he replied quite a long reply. "No, there aren't Shinobi in Land Of Waves. But in other nations, while cultures and customs are different, hidden villages do exists, and there are Shinobis there. To the many nations on the continent, the existence of Shinobi villages is a measure of military's strength. In other words, that is how this nations maintains there relationships with neighbouring nations. Even so, the villages are not under the control of the nations. They are equal in rank. Even so, the villages are not under the control of the nations. They are equal in rank."

"On a small island like the Land Of Waves, where it is difficult to be influenced by other nations, there is no need for a Shinobi village. Among the respective nations that possesses a Shinobi village, the five nations of "fire", "water", "lightening", "wind", and "earth" due to their large territory and immeasurable power, are called the "Five Great Nations". The Village Hidden In The Leaf Of The Land Of Fire, the Village Hidden In The Mist of the land of water, the Village Hidden In The Cloud of the Land Of Lightening, the Village Hidden In The Sand of the Land Of Wind, the Village Hidden In The Rocks of the Land of Earth."

"Only the leaders of each of these Hidden Villages are allowed to have the name of the Kage. The "Hokage", "Mizukage", "Raikage", "KazeKage", "Tsuhikage" the so called Five Kage, reign supreme over the tens of thousands of Ninjas in each nation of the whole world."

"I see. So he is that great." Sakura said but didn't seem to believe it.

While Kakashi was about to intervene and explain about Lord Third. I cut in.

"Hey Sakura he is super strong ya know. Otherwise he wouldn't become Hokage in the first place. After all when I used to spar with him Lord Third even without using chakra and probably holding back I haven't won even once against him." I said.

"Oh." Sakura replied realizing her mis concept of him being just an old man.

"Well don't worry in C ranked missions mainly there are no Ninja battles. Although I know you guys are quite strong for your age." Kakashi-sensei replied reassuring us.

Then when we along with Tazuna crossed a small bridge. We could see a puddle there even though it hasn't rained in last few days. And I could sense two Chunin level chakra signature from there. Most likely of the demon brothers. To which I eye signalled Kakashi-sensei. And he did it too. Man doing this stuff in Naruto world is so cool.

Soon a head popped out of water and he jumped towards Kakashi and the other one too followed the pace and quickly covered Kakashi with their chains and reaped him apart. At least on the surface. But suddenly...

"Huh!" I exclaimed with surprise as I hadn't expected this at this moment.

Then before I could react suddenly something unexpected happened. And the demon brothers were already in a favourable position for them. They managed to land a scratch on my real body. Before I could do anything. And of course their claw was coated with dangerous poison.

So hey guys. What were your thoughts on the latest episode of Oshi No Ko? As for me I really didn't expect it to happen. And also I was like omg freaking no way. Now what's gonna happen? Well time will tell. Also I am in a dilemma whether to read manga or not. As while watching anime I would know what would happen and I don't want it but on the other hand also I want to know how the story ends. Also please give power stones to my story. As this way I would feel more motivated to do my work. Also I am sorry if the chapter was too short. And lastly thanks a lot for reading my story.