
Wait!! Is This Naruto??

In the modern world, there existed a certain soldier. And he was a Gurkha. The same Gurkha to which a German general said "If I had Gurkha, I could win the whole world." From Nepal. A country which never celebrates independence day despite battling with British Army. It's not like British couldn't win. It's just that they were astonished by Gurkha's bravery so much that they included them in their army way back before. His name was Hindu Prasad Lingden. He was currently retired and enjoyed living his life with his precious family. He used to be a professional in getting his job done. From assassination of terrorist to guard to spy to infiltration. He gets his job done quick and fast. And he had a motto. "Simply being weak than others doesn't mean you aren't strong. To overcome that dissatisfying feeling you simply have to work hard and surpass others." Now at first glance you may think he is someone who is very strict towards others and himself and doesn't like something small and may force his dreams to others and a stiff old guy. But he is exact opposite of that. He didn't force anything towards his family of any of his ideology. He let them choose their own dream. And the most surprising part about him is that he is an otaku or someone says weeb. And his favourite ones was related to his job which he loved since he was a child. Like Naruto and many others. He truly was veteran in his job but surprisingly he was more veteran in anime than his job. He had decided to join military through watching those Shinobi who are dedicated their life to protect their loved ones. But sadly he used to belong to poor family. But one day his cousin introduced him Naruto and he decided to never give up just like Naruto. So what would happen if such a guy enters the Shinobi world? Find out here. By the way Naruto doesn't belongs to me. I only own the new MC and some changes here and there. Note :- The mc will be good but not completely. He will be unpitying towards his enemies but this will be unlikely on some cases. As Naruto's full of broken villains. Also if you are interested, then by all means please join my discord server where we can chat and all. Link :- https://discord.gg/FcZNYA9y

Gokage_Sensumo · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 4 Saving Sakura And Acknowledged

Yesterday was a good day. I managed to befriend a guy called Ebisu. And also I officially met Hinata and Konohamaru. So yeah it was a good day. Anyway today is the day in which our jonin sensei will be announced today and assigned to us. I hope things remain as the original atleast for today. So I can act more perfectly according to my plan.

And now today, after I finished my exercise training for morning I ate breakfast. Unlike original Naruto I eat a lot of other food like vegetables, fruits, etc. too. I mean it doesn't mean I don't eat ramen. I do but not as much as Naruto. And then I went towards academy forming a battle plan for tomorrow.

And as I entered the classroom. All the people excluding few who had yet to come were looking me as if something unbelievable happened.

'Oh! Must be cuz of my new outfit.' I said in my mind.

Actually with a few money I saved up. I had my super cool new outfit which I like and found suitable for a Shinobi. Although it has got flashy colour like orange it is less and few parts are black too. Also my height was around little lower than Sasuke. So I looked pretty cool. Since, since I came to this world I had been eating healthy food and avoiding damaged food. I know there's no way in a hell those villagers manipulated by rumours would give me good products so I became Naoto through transformation jutsu.

'Wow Naruto-kun looks very cool and matured.' Hinata thought as she blushed a little and felt happy for our protagonist's growth.

Everyone except few had similar thoughts. Then Shikamaru spoke up.

" You look a little bit matured Naruto. But this meeting is only for graduates. Why are you here?"

"Hey! Don't you see this headband? As of today I am a Shinobi too if everything goes well."

"I see. And what is that "if everything goes well"? Anyway, such a drag."

"Don't worry you will know about it later soon."

Then I proceeded towards the seat I wanna sit. I don't want my first kiss here in this world to be stolen by that guy.

"Hey, Hinata how are you? Also, by the way can I sit here?"

"Yeah. I-I am fine. And y-yes you can sit here."

"I see. Thanks a lot."

After few moments I started a conversation

"So how is life going? I mean you are the heiress of the Hyuga clan, right?"

'Naruto-kun is talking to me? I am so happy. I hope to be on the same team as him. Oh no, first of all I must thank him for helping me from bullies.' She thought.

As for what our MC asked she decided to answer him honestly. Since Naruto is definitely one of the most trusted person of Hinata.

"Um actually I am not quite s-strong. So probably my s-sister will be clan head later on. And everything is fine nowadays as I finally graduated."

"I see."

Hmm. I think I should train her. She probably must have had match with her sister and she probably loosed. But the reason must be she doesn't want to hurt her. So it must be a one sided fight. And the clan head and elders probably didn't like it. But I am glad she didn't stutter in her last sentence. I am really glad.

"Um I didn't get the chance to say this. Thank you very much for protecting me since back then."

"You are welcome. Also after we go to mission and have free time can we train? I think your potential is wasted. If trained, you can easily be one of the strongest kunoichi. After all you are from main branch of Hyuga. Anyway here is the details."

"I see. Thanks a lot Naruto-kun. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you too."

Then he shared his training time and location with her. And while he was busy chatting with her some people were watching them from a globe through Hiruzen's ability.

"So, he is the changed second number one rookie of the year, Naruto Uzumaki, huh? He has changed." Asuma commented.

"Yes he is a very hardworking and determined boy. I don't know why he changed his appearance, but he must have wanted to grow a bit. Anyway since you mentioned him, let me tell you guys something about his secret."

"His secret, Lord Hokage?" Kakashi said.

"Yes. When he was just four years, at such a young age he unlocked his chakra."

"That soon!!??"A jonin exclaimed with surprise.

"Now that's interesting he might be on par with me or even him. As expected of Sensei's son." Kakashi said like it didn't surprised him but he was to a certain extent. And ofcourse he muttered the last part.

"Yeah, not only that after two and a half years when we battled. He has already mastered one of the destructive elemental affinity. Which is wind. And at that mere age I had determined his strength at the level that of a jonin. But of course he was behind in experience. And currently his strength his unknown."

Just when they were processing the new information a new bomb hell of a information was about to drop.

"Also yesterday he sparred a jonin named Ebisu and defeated him using Rasengan but he called it power ball for some reason. I guess he created that jutsu from scratch and must have named it so. But he didn't hit the jonin with it. As it has got the power to destroy ten trees nearby."

"What? He just became a genin and already knows an A rank jutsu which he created from scratch and it's power is near to S rank jutsu. He is amazing."

"Damn that brat is gonna be a big shot."

The jonins started praising him. Also Hokage did this to increase the worse reputation of Naruto even if by a little. He think at the right time he will make either Kakashi or Naruto his successor as the Hokage. Since he was supposed to retire way back then but he still has to do his job if not for the sad demise of fourth Hokage.

Back at the academy everyone were chatting with their friends while those two came racing and saying one's toe was one cm fast. And all. Naming Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino. Afterwards they argued a lot. While Sakura got the chance she sat next to Sasuke. While our protagonist and Hyuga heiress were sank in their chat. Then Iruka came.

"All of you SILENCE." He screamed.

"Before I announce which team you are assigned to. I am gonna make an announcement about the result regarding the first position of graduation exam. There was a miscalculation. But I don't think it's that impo—.."

Actually Iruka considered it a small thing and didn't knew if to mention it or not. But someone cut him saying to mention it ofcourse.

"Sensei please tell it." It was told by none other than Sasuke Uchiha

"Okay. Actually this time the position for the first position is tied between two people. One is obviously Uchiha Sasuke. And the another one is...—"

Everyone gulped. Since they could not digest this new information properly. Like man, who the hell from academy could be on the same level as Sasuke? But no one would have guessed that it would be him.

"Uzumaki Naruto."



"He is as strong as Sasuke?"



Everyone commented. But among them the most affected were probably three people. One annoyed while the other two were happy for Naruto. They were Sasuke, Hinata and Shikamaru.

"Anyway now we will move towards the team assignment and your jonin teacher. Team one consists of...."

Like this their turn came.

"Team seven Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke and Sakura Haruno."

'Its unfortunate I wasn't on the same team as him. We were getting along so well.' Hinata thought sadly. And like this Iruka mentioned all the teams just like original. Naruto was not expecting that. He was expecting Hinata on the team.

And now everyone except few were angry at Sakura for getting on Sasuke's team. And were planning to make moves. Actually on this timeline Naruto didn't bothered getting attention from Sakura so he left her at her own devices. So Sakura didn't get much angry much so she was a innocent girl right now. And truly she was in a big pinch right now. And two people came at her rescue before they would make a move. And later on more came.

"Now listen all of you the ones who decide on which team Sakura gets is not her it's the lord Hokage. So don't get angry at her just because of your unfortunate luck. And even I am frustrated about it, but there's nothing we can do about it."


Sakura was surprised plus happy that her rival but more importantly friend came to her rescue along with a normal boy who suddenly reached Sasuke's level mysteriously.

"Yeah she's right about it. All of you scram before I make move against you all since you guys started first."

"Hmph we can understand about Ino. But what can a gloomy boy can you do? Besides girls don't you think this girl is ordering us a lot?"

"Yeah yeah."

Even if Ino was from a clan fighting off against that number of genin girls still would be a great challenge for her. But it doesn't matter in front of Naruto.

"Now that's certainly a bad situation." Kurenai said.

Btw they were still watching the globe.

"Should we move?" Asuma said.

"No. I want to see how will he handle this situation." Hiruzen replied.

"Oh! What can a gloomy guy like me do, huh? Then watch this."

Then I formed a Rasengan in my hand. And I had applied almost my full power in making it. Luckily I learned to dispell it.

"Wh-What is that jutsu?"

All of them were suddenly scared looking at the power of jutsu. As strong winds were swirling around just with the force of rotation of wind of the Rasengan. And dust were flying here and there.

"Now scram fast. Also if you idiots think you can win with number then, still you won't be able to do anything. My clone has already gone for bringing help."

"Hey! Naruto when the heck did you learn such an amazing juts—..."

"Naruto-kun what happened?" Hinata said in worry.

"Yeah why did your clone suddenly came and said there was trouble? It's such a drag."

"Well it seems some girls were thinking of bullying my new team member Sakura. And since she was in trouble Ino and I helped her. I just chased them awa–..."

"With a jutsu, right? Naruto. As expected of the man who tied with me in first place. Now tell me how did you learn that jutsu? And I must say I am impressed by it's power."

"OMG. The emo sasuke said the longest sentence ever in his life for first time." Kiba said.

"I see. It seems Naruto knows quite powerful jutsu. That's because they had number advantage but still ran away." Shino said.

"Hey kiba don't insult Sasuke-kun." Ino screamed at Kiba.

"Guys guys. Don't you think there is something important right now?"

"Yes. Now immediately tell me exactly how you learned that Ninjutsu?"

"No. Sasuke teme. I am talking about Sakura. But don't worry after few time I will show my super cool jutsu to all of you. Anyways Sakura are you fine?"

Sakura was stunned to see all of her friends who came at her rescue.

"Thanks a lot everyone I am fine. And I promise. I won't be a burden. I will become very strong from now on."

"That's the spirit Sakura. So guys do you wanna see my super duper cool jutsu "Power Ball"?"

"Power Ball? What a strange name for a jutsu. Anyway show it."

"Hey. Don't say that, after all it's the first jutsu I invented, learned and mastered it. It took me nearly years to do it. But with proper guidance a Shinobi can learn it within a month or weeks depending on talent."

"I see. A original huh." This time Choji spoke.

"Yes. Here you go."

Then again I formed the Rasengan in my hand with the same power as before.

All of them were beyond shocked. Except Sasuke. As he has already seen it before.

"Hey hey. What's with this power and chakra amount?" Shikamaru said.

"Yeah I don't know if I can survive, if it hits me." Kiba said.

"As expected of Naruto. One of the two rookie of the year." Shino said.

"Amazing Naruto-kun." Hinata said.

"You are awesome Naruto." Choji said to me.

"Hn." Sasuke spoke.

"I have already seen it before. But I can't believe you were this strong, Naruto. Also your new looks is cool. But why do you always wear a mask?"

'Now I can't say that I am really a huge fan of Kakashi Hatake. The copy ninja. Kakashi of the Sharingan. Can I ?' I thought. Oh let's give that excuse. Then I opened my mask.

"Woah, what is that three line mark?"

"Birthmark? Anyways I wear it to hide this. I already have worse reputation. If people saw this then the situation could worsen more. I thought so that."

Shit. Now I must tell them about Kurama. " Hey, Kurama what should I do?"

"Just change the subject. Something like that Mizuki guy." He replied.

"Thanks a lot."

All of this happened inside my mind.

"Anyway don't you wanna know why I hide my powers?"

Then I told the whole story about Mizuki to them and added that I wanted to surprise everyone by revealing my strength at graduation day but had variable like Mizuki. Also probably the Hokage and Jonins must have accepted my reason. Since they might be watching me.

"I see. Even I thought it was weird how always most of the time only you and Sasuke fought during Shinobi spar. But I couldn't deduce that much Naruto." Shikamaru told.

False. He could have deduced it. He just finds it troublesome.

"Well. I am something of a genius myself."

Almost everyone thought. 'Cool.'

AN Hey guys I wanted to write more. But also wanted to post it fast so I will write more on next chapter. And also will cover bell test. And mission to waves if possible.