
Waifu Support

Catalog fic go brrr. Getting into some shady deal is never a good idea, more so when it involves beings beyond our imagination. So how did I get a job from the company? I have no idea. Fun for the whole family, especially when the smut rolls in. Cover Photo isn't mine btw. Support me on pa treon: pa tre on.com/balls1124

balls_1124 · Video Games
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13 Chs

Best Friends p2.


A bright yellow window alerted me of the surprise while the spell protecting him faded, leaving him vulnerable to an attack. But with no reliable method of dealing significant damage to him, I went with the simplest route, fisticuffs. Ducking under a series of arms coming one after another, I delivered blow after blow, abusing their relatively low speed to my advantage.

To my surprise, two major enemies have been awfully silent up until now, the only other time they ever raised their voice was at our entrance. You'd think that after the fourth or fifth punch they would start mocking or belittling us for being so weak, but no, rather the opposite. Dodging another round of tentacles, I circle behind the starfish, only to find out what they were planning.

A large-scale fusion spell that would boost their overall attributes massively, something that could alter the course of battle in a time where I was the only one capable of dispelling it. Make it count Sora, everyone will get bodied if you don't.

Noticing my perceptiveness, Decarabia's eye widened in surprise before a colorless orb slowly materialized in front of it. "Another round of megido? Hey, make sure to hit me with this one." I taunted, as the creature slowly turned to face me like it had to use tank controls.

"Hm. Just you wait, human. Me and my friend will enjoy feasting on your concubine." It shot back, as the ball extended outward as if it were to-.


An almighty-powered blast shot out from him, tracking me with its movement. Through many twists, turns, and through a few walls, the beam never stopped trailing behind me like a hungry pack of dogs. I knew it wouldn't go well if that thing hit me, so I could only try my best to find a way to steer it clear of my path.

That was when I noticed the sky roof. Using the shroud, I quickly grappled up the walls of the hospital, pushing my body to outrun the death beam. Once reaching it, I punched the brittle glass windows, making an opening to the outside, where this should be easier.

Facing it head-on this time, I changed all the buffs into being more defensive as a spiked shield of black miasma coated my arms. I stared at the attack one last time before tackling the problem head-on, bursting it open like a water balloon. But the magic was going to be more troublesome than that.

It exploded like a liquid, accompanied by a super bright flash of light to counter my dark. The limbs afflicted by it seared with pain as if it ate through my body and knawed directly at my soul. This was not very good, I needed healing, but my current position did not lend me that luxury right now.

And floating from the opening, came a smug-looking Decarabia, spinning with wonder and joy to have caught his target. Bellowing out with laughter, the demon could not hold it in as tears left its eye. "ha~ We can keep playing this silly game for all of eternity and nothing would change. So why don't you just give up now? I promise I will make your death painless." He offered before entering another laughing fit.

Manifesting the death shroud, I abused its ability of entropy, using what felt like a wildfire burning through crops. Forcing that feeling around my leg, a blazing heat raptured my feet as I sent a devastating kick at the starfish's eye.

Taking a look at the damage, I couldn't help but smirk, admiring my handiwork only to lash out in pain as my body felt the ramifications of what I had done. My leg- I couldn't even call it that anymore- was gone. Everything disappearing in a snap. A blood-gushing stump that ended right at the knee.

I tried to take a breath only for it to come out shaky and panicked. My heart sped up as if to taunt me, even more blood spraying out like a loose geyser. I didn't even take the time to stare back at the surprisingly powerful son of a bitch, as my attention was sent straight towards my phone, pulling it out and swiping into the company section.

Scrolling through the mountains of text, I eventually got to find what I was looking for: my spare body defense. Pressing it a prompt popped up as if I wasn't already in dire need of fixing it.

"Yes! Hurry up already why don't you!" I frantically complained, tapping "yes" as my body was overcome by a bright beam of light.

The process didn't take long, but the action itself was amazing. There I was, now standing with both of my legs back, with one less emergency heal. Turning my head back to the demon in front of me, I watched as it slowly got back up, even more, banged up than it was previously.

Each of its points was quivering with every passing second. Its levitation was malfunctioning, fluctuation up and down repeatedly with no pause. Keeping track of the sight made me feel dizzy, like some sort of VR game. Still, the boss was still going strong, peeking at me through its singular eye with hatred. Fixing its posture, I was able to see what kind of damage I caused. A huge part of its frontal area was caved in, most of it leaning towards the left side.

It, understandably, was severely pissed off. In response to this, he charged up a massive version of the megido beam that was chasing me earlier. Shit. This won't turn out well. Even comparing one previous to this, it still did a number on me. And the range for this one would only grow with its power, I had to interrupt him, or else we were doomed.

Just as I thought this, a red-cloaked figure leaped into action, arriving into the fight with style. This… was not Dante. "Look to be in quite the pickle, bud. Wouldn't mind if I steal your kill, right?" The Dante impersonator asked as if Decarabia's presence didn't hinder the conversation.