
Waifu Summoner In Another World [SI]

Blake knew he said he loves rolling Waifus and believe him, he does. But, to do it with actual Waifus? He doesn't think he'll leave his room at this point! --++--++--++-- Disclaimer: I write extremely casually, and purely for leisure and fun. Updates will likely be irregular, depending on when inspiration strikes and whether I can spare the time to work on this. Don't expect too much out of this, and certainly not anything close to professional quality! ...Inspired by an overconsumption of Japanese light novels, manga, and anime... expect their influence to slowly but surely take hold...

BlakeTheIntrovert · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Prologue: Death and Transmigration


My first thought is that the afterlife looks surprisingly like a normal, if oddly furnished, office building. The floor is dressed stone or tile covered with a patchwork of durable industrial rugs, the walls and ceiling are painted white, and the room is filled with rows of heavy wood desks. Huge windows on one wall flood the room with natural light, letting me see that the desks are covered in scattered papers and reference books. I'm facing a set of double doors, and I glance over my shoulder to see some hallways leading deeper into the building.

" Ah, so they gave me the guy who backflipped off the Eiffel Tower. Just great.."

My head snapped to the beautiful and soothing voice that was barely above a whisper. Quiet and withheld. Not unsure, but, gentle like the dew on the morning grass. It was like nothing I heard before.

Walking down the hallway to me was an extremely beautiful lady. No. Not lady. A Goddess. Yes. That works better.

She is a Goddess, alright. Her silky smooth, waist length, flame golden hair dazzled the eyes under the morning sun. Her ocean-blue eyes pupils shone like precious jewels, framed by delicate lashes. Her skin was milky white and seemed soft to the touch. Her pouting lips were glossy pink. And her figure, while still a bit underdeveloped, was top-notch for her age.

" At least you can appreciate beauty, Mortal." She stated as she stop In front of me, a handful of feet apart," So you can't be all that bad."

" Thanks?" Did I just get a handed compliment from a Goddess?

" Yup." Said Goddess in question nodded her head and smirked at me.

My blood froze," You can read my thoughts can't you?"

She winked at me, her delicate lashes fluttering," What do you think~?"

" You could have just said yes..." I deadpanned, shaking my head.

She all but giggled at that," Yes. Yes, I could. But would I have gotten that cute reaction from you? I don't think so~"

I blinked," Cute?"

She immediately started gigging again hearing me, a light blush on her cheeks," You did it again!"

I blinked again and tilted my head. Cute? Me, cute? Why would she say that?

" It's because you are cute~!"

I looked at her, a frown on my face" Could you not read my mind?"

The Goddess shrugged, as we started walking," Can't help it. You Mortal minds are always so Open and Fun~ So I can't help myself from taking a peak or two~!"

I however halt my steps at a word," Open? My Mind is Open? That doesn't sound so good."

Pulling me along, she stuck my arm into her incredibly soft breasts that seemed to a have built-in furnace, warming up my body, and started walking again," It's not. Fortunately for you Mortals, this defect usually won't bring you any trouble."

" Wa-"


I let out a yelp of pain and shot the gigging and blushing Goddess a glare," Did you just slap my ass?"

She nodded, a blissful smile on her perfect face," Yep~" She looked at her flaw slender hand and then looked at me, a wicked twinkle In her breathtaking eyes," Can We do it again? We didn't get to squeeze last time. We both wanna try it!"

My face twitched and I felt at a loss with this girl.

'... Is this how girls feel? No wonder they hate us so fucking much.' I slumped.

So this is it feels to be a piece of meat...

I don't actually mind it.

...It kinda turns me on and I don't know why...

" So~ Is that a yes~?"

I looked up and felt like running, seeing the Goddess right in front of my face, a few inches apart. Her eyes were crimson eyes and her long hair was pitch black, darker than the night sky itself. She also looked a few years older.

" No." I felt my heart ache to see her face fall," Okay! Maybe later or something."

' Warm.' Why is it so warm? And it's very-very-very soft. It's felt feels like a pillow...

" Thank you!"

The Goddess's voice was back. Only now did I notice that I am laying between her rather big breasts and she was hugging me.

' I see this as an absolute win.' I closed my eyes and enjoyed the incredibly soft and warm heaven around me. It's not every day you get a breast pillow from someone who isn't your Mom or some lady at 7/11 who wanted some beer, or your nerdy hot cousin you fucked at a party that one time.

(Blake: *Cough!*)

" Wow, your life is so colorful~!"

I was jerked awake from heaven by The Goddess's voice, as she looked down at me with those big beautiful ocean-blue eyes. Blue? I thought they were red...? Eh, I'll think about it later...

" I thought we had a Deal?" I said from in-between her breasts, which sent her into a giggling fit.

" Hahaha! That tickles!"

I sighed, which made her giggle even harder.

... Is this girl really a Goddess?


I glared at the now pouting Goddess," Really? Really?"

She huffed," Then don't doubt my skills!"

... Why does she remind me of my little sister so much? Oh right, they both like my ass. And they are both sexy blonds with blue eyes.

Wow...That's actually kinda creepy now that I think about it...

" Hehe~ I love your mind! It's like reading a book~!"

I blinked. ' That's a new compliment.'

" Thanks?"

She patted my head. The same way I pat my Siberian Huskie after she did a good job.

" Anything Blakey!"

I paled immediately upon hearing her,' Oh no. She gave me a cute nickname' And it's the same one Alice gave me!

" Heh! I know! I liked it, so I'm gonna use it too~!" The Goddess said, her voice proud.

On instinct, I gave her a head pat and let out," Good job girl."

The Goddess's eyes went blank upon my head patting her and her body went rigid.

I then saw her appearance change and I was being hugged again, only this time by bigger and softer breasts.

" So sorry about that. Let's give Letha a few minutes. In the meantime, I'll keep hugging you." She tilted my head up with her slender pale white soft hand and smiled," How does that sound Blakey?"

I groaned. The New Goddess giggled. Her angelic voice sounds different than the last Goddess, whose name is [Letha] I guess? Hers sound ethereal and honeyed like a Mother's voice would sound, while Letha's voice was just as angelic, but more mellifluous and soporific, like a sleepy and sexy Onee-sama's voice would sound like.

" Hehe~ Letha was right. Your mind is like reading a book. I quite like it. I wouldn't mind listening to your wonderful mind for a few days or years~"

" Years?" I felt a shiver go down my spine.

She flicked my forehead softly, a graceful smile on her face," Not actually years. I can't do that anymore."

Eh...' Anymore?'

She nodded," Yep. I may or may not have kidnapped Fifty Draculas and Fifty Alucards and had them battle it out. And that one time, I spent a few hundred eons playing R.O.B, or that other time I started hunting Gods down for shits and giggles as you Mortals would put it."

I blinked. I blinked again and knew without a doubt, I am being hugged by a crazy Goddess that would put Joker and The Batman Who Laughs from DC to shame.

And you wanna know the crazy thing about it? I think it sounds fun. Especially the first one. By the Gods, I would love that witness that! And the second one? Just being bored with overpowered powers. And the last one? That's when the actual fun starts!

Imagine, killing Gods. Slaying a God-like being worshiped and loved by billions of people and beings. That just sends a trill of excitement down my spine.

" Haha! You get me so well Mortal! Just for that bloody brilliant explanation, I shall grant you my Name."

I almost whined upon being pushed away from my warm and soft heaven.

" Now now, don't give that look, Blakey~ You will get your nap later."

" You like this don't you?"

She smiled, her eyes twinkling much like Letha's own eyes did," Yup~!"

I sighed, but suggested her to go on.

" Nice to meet you, Blake Korhonen, I am Selene. And Welcome to the Afterlife~!"

Before I could say something, Selene stopped, causing me to do the same. Looking the way she is, I saw an old wooden door with sunflowers blooming around the top of the seemingly ancient wooden door.

" Oh..." She seemed sad at the fact that we made it here," We're here."

I pointed," This us?"

She shook her head, as the door opened before us, showing a beautiful forest on the other side.

I felt my heart skip a beat," This...Me?"

I didn't get an answer as she wasn't here with me no more. No. Gone are the old hallways and doors. What replaced it was raw nature in the form of a think towering green tree that blocks out the sky.

Looking at the two Moon in the sky, I knew without a doubt I wasn't on Earth no more and I wasn't dreaming up those sexy Goddess and those gods awful hallways.

" And so we begin once more..." I smiled and knew this life is gonna be a lot more interesting!


[BlakeTheIntrovert] - If you enjoyed the chapter, I'd appreciate it if you left a review detailing your thoughts!

Any and all constructive criticism is welcome but please, keep it constructive. If you're going to flame me, I'd at least like to get something useful out of it besides the crippling blow to my ego.
