
Chapter 1

The sun shines, and cherry blossoms bloom. It's a nice day in spring.

However, Takashi Komuro isn't in the mood to enjoy this pleasant day. He is sulking while leaning his body on a fence on a terrace of the school building.

Takashi is a Japanese boy with spiky black hair, brown eyes, and a medium build. He is 170cm tall.

Right now, he is wearing a black Gakuran with a red t-shirt underneath. He is a sophomore student at Fujimi Academy.

Overall, he is just an ordinary Japanese boy with ordinary problems like countless ordinary kids in the world.

All of sudden, he feels his eyelids become heavy. He rubs his eyes and tries to stay awake.

It is hard. The urge to shut his eyes is unbearable.

In the end, he lays his head on his arms that are resting on the iron fence.

It is a mistake that he won't be able to regret later.

A few moments passed.

Takashi suddenly jerks up his head and then examines his surroundings while rubbing his forehead.

"This is… Fujimi Academy, huh? Looks like I am here now," he muttered in fluent English.

It is really, really odd.

Anyone who knew him well would be surprised if they heard him speak English fluently.

First of all, you must understand that Takashi Komuro wasn't good with English. His dislike for English was equaled by his hatred for math.

For Takashi to be able to speak English fluently all of sudden… It is enough to raise a red flag in the minds of people who know him well.

Sure enough, the real Takashi Komuro has been… well, let's say… substituted with the person who was controlling his body now.

This person hailed from another version of Earth where Takashi Komuro was one of the main characters in an anime about a zombie apocalypse with a lot of hot girls and fanservice, Highschool of the Dead.

This body snatcher had died in his original world. Instead of moving onto whatever afterlife existed there, he found himself in a meeting room.

According to the person who was stationed here, the same one who helped him through the orientation, a higher being he dubbed as BOSS — Bored Omnipotent Suspicious Something — had the idea to put him through the cliché situation like in the web novels he often read. This BOSS asked The Company's service to provide everything for his second life as its entertainment.

By the way, his death was unoriginal and very cliché.


…enough said.

At least, it was fast. Too fast that he didn't register his death.

In any case, he was given two options by The Company.

First, accepting his second chance despite being a source of entertainment for a jackass higher being.

Second, becoming food for a Lovecraftian Abomination under the employment of The Company.

His choice was clear. He picked the first option!

Putting the horrifying idea of becoming food of Lovecraftian Abomination aside, his death was abrupt and unexpected. He was only a hormonal 17 years old who was still a virgin before his death!

If it meant that he could live again and get a chance to be extraordinary, he would happily become a slaver who mind-whammied girls for profit.

He can enjoy retirement after becoming strong enough and obtaining a Tier 11 waifu.

Since he starts in the world of Highschool of the Dead, which was Tier 3, he is given 85 Credits. Then, he possesses Takashi Komuro for 2 Credits, and the rest of his credits has gone for his powers.

"Right, where's my smart device?" He asked and patted his body.

He is supposed to receive a complimentary smart device of his choice, preloaded with the Company's shopping app so he can manage his purchases and trade-ins on the go. He'd chosen a flexible gadget that could blend in the world he resided in.

He and his Captured Waifus are the only ones who can perceive or use any Company app, but only he can make any transactions through this one.

This device cannot be hacked.

If this device is ever broken, it will repair itself completely the next time it isn't observed.

If this device is ever more than 10m away from him or any of his waifus for more than 15 minutes, it will teleport into his pocket.

If the local space is too warped for that distance to be accurate, he may also recall it manually.

If one of his waifus is using this device for any purpose and he asks for it back, they'll hand it over immediately without question.

All that aside, he soon finds a flip phone in his trouser pocket.

Surprisingly, the operating system of this flip phone is fast and smooth like the latest iPhone and Android OS back in his world before he died. Then, he opens The Company app and examines the options.

First is a panel labeled [Purchases], below it is another panel labeled [Captures], the next row is a panel labeled [Exit Stage Left | 0%].

That's all.

He opens [Purchases] and examines the content. He finds out the powers he purchased are listed here.

Binding Stamp, Free. Pocket Space, -5. Sticky Fingers, -5. Body Talent, -10. Martial Talent, -10. Wild Talent, -5. Body Defense Lv2, -10. Stress Defense Lv2, -10. Sexual Calibration, -2. Exit Stage Left, -5. Mapper, -10. Target Tracker, -10.

(Note: check out Progression Log in the auxiliary volume for the details)

He only has 1 Credit left after his purchases before his arrival.

He ponders something before entering the shop interface. He tries to buy Lure: Siren's Song and finds that he can do it.

However, there is a warning that he will have debt and not be able to buy anything unless he pays his debt. Death won't let him escape this debt too.

If he dies before paying his debt, The Company will take his soul and use him as a lab rat until his debt is considered cleared.

After careful consideration, he decides to buy it and gets a big debt. -99 credits. At least, he gets free Performance Talent.

After that, he skips [Captures] and moves to [Exit Stage Left | 0%]. He finds the list of missions related to the main plot and capturing waifus and husbando.

"Saeko Busujima, Yuriko Takagi, Rika Minami, and Kiriko Miyamoto are Tier 3. The rest of the girls in the original Takashi group are only Tier 2 with Shizuka Marikawa as Tier 1. Alice isn't here… Well, I don't think The Company would want to buy a little girl like her. Anyway, even some side characters that turned… er, will turn into zombies' chew toys… are also listed here. Hm, this gives me an idea…"

In the original plot, Takashi went to get Rei Miyamoto after seeing Kyoko Hayashi, Teshima, and other teachers get bitten at the gate.

However, he planned to save Kyoko and capture her.

Of course, he only wants to capture her for the points.

After saving Kyoko, he'll bring her to the Faculty Room where the gang rested before leaving Fujimi Academy in the original story. While she is safe there, he will hurry to get Rei and Hisashi Igo.

Those two are Tier 2 targets, meaning +2 points each. Afterward, he will try to save Misuzu Ichijo and Toshimi Niki, who will give him a point per head.

If he gets them all, he would get 7 points after the binding is completed. Compared to getting only Rei that gives him 2 points, his bold plan gives him more benefit.

Even though it is only a few points, it is better than nothing. Every point is important to pay his debt as soon as possible.

He could care less about ethics, morals, or craps like that.

Now that he has a chance to become more, he will not squander it!

Suddenly, he hears the sound of approaching footsteps. He turns to where it came from and finds a pink-haired girl in Fujimi Academy's female uniform climbing down the stairs.

Despite her petite height, she has swelled up breasts, flared out butts, and thick thighs.

Her long hair is tied up in twin tails. Her face is pretty, though she will be better without the aloof expression.

'Saya Takagi,' the original Takashi's memories supplied.

Finally, she stops before him. Her expression is aloof and haughty, and her arms are crossed under her ample breasts.

Before Saya opens her mouth and starts berating him like in the anime, he speaks first. "Alright, *calm down and listen to my voice. Please stand there for a moment*."

He used the power of Siren's Song to put Saya into a trance.

Fortunately, Saya is easy prey. Despite her haughty and aloof behavior, she lacks willpower.

She's just a pampered rich girl with a superiority complex because she's smarter and richer than others.

He summons the stamp and then stamps her forehead.


His smart device rang.

He ignores it and continues giving Saya suggestions, "*Now, listen to my voice. Listen well. After I lean on that fence and ignore you, you snap out of your trance with a memory of me ignoring you while you're annoyed because of that. Create a memory you can trust to fill the void in your mind. Then, go back to class and ignore me when I leave this place.*"

Afterward, he returns to the fence, rests his arms there, and looks at a random spot in the yard.

After Saya Takagi snaps out of her trance, she blinks and shakes her head.

She feels that something is odd, but she doesn't know what it is.

She decides to put her confusion aside and looks at her childhood friend and crush, Takashi Komuro.

She presses her lips into a thin line when she sees him look pathetic and stupid because of being dumped by Rei Miyamoto.

She has berated him for being pathetic and an idiot… in her unique way.

The school just started not long ago, yet he has started skipping class.

She doesn't want him to stay the year. It will get him into trouble with his parents and teachers.

However, he has rudely told her off. She can't help but feel annoyed.

She's just worried about him… in her unique way—alright, perhaps she has been too harsh with him, but it's not her fault!

It's his fault for being an idiot!

"What a loser," she said. "It's not a big deal to get turned down by a girl."

When she gets no reaction from him, he turns her body around. But, before leaving, she glances at him from the corner of her eyes. She mutters, "Idiot."

Then, she walks off to the corridor.

Not long after she walks off, she hears him going off somewhere using the stairs, but she ignores him and continues to go to her class.

After meeting Saya, our protagonist… let's call him Takashi for the sake of convenience… rushes off to find something that can be used as weapons.

He finds some baseball bats, the steel ones, from the storeroom on the first floor. Then, he keeps a few inside his Pocket Space.

Right after exiting the storeroom, he hears a peculiar sound from the detection of the front gate.

"Is it the time? I need to shadow the teacher to get Kyoko," he muttered while rushing to the front entrance.

All the while, he is holding a baseball bat in one hand and his smart device in his other hand. He keeps track of Kyoko with the Target Tracker app.

When he reaches the entrance, he coincidentally meets Kyoko, Teshima, and two other male teachers. Their attention is immediately on him.

Takashi stops and looks at them. He is glad that Stress Defense somewhat works dulling his surprise from this coincidental meeting.

"A student?" Kyoko asked no one while correcting the position of her glasses.

"Hayashi-sensei, we will go to the gate to stop the troublemaker. You deal with this student," Teshima said.

Kyoko turns her head to face the other teachers. She nods and replies, "Alright, leave it to me. Please deal with the troublemaker outside."

Afterward, the male teachers head out while Kyoko approaches Takashi.

On the other hand, Takashi is examining his target closely.

He has to admit that this woman is pretty and sexy despite her scowl.

'Alas, she'll be sold off to The Company. I already set my eyes on a certain girl to be my permanent Waifu,' Takashi thought.

"You," Kyoko began with a frown after stopping in front of Takashi. "Why are you not in the cla—"

"*Relax, Kyoko Hayashi. Relax and listen to my voice. The more you listen to me, the more relaxed you are,*" Takashi cut her rant off while using Siren's Song.

At first, Kyoko was surprised because a student dared to cut her off. But, as she listened to his supernaturally pleasant voice, she couldn't resist the compelling force that told her to follow his order.

She falls in a trance, standing in front of Takashi with a relaxed expression.

Takashi examines Kyoko's relaxed expression. 'The description about the resistance of people with strong willpower is vague. I don't know who has strong willpower or not. Well, I'm sure that Saeko has strong willpower. Fortunately, Kyoko fell to the influence of Siren's Song easily. It'd be awkward if she could shrug it off.'

Takashi nods to himself and continues, "*You will ignore everything else as I stamp your forehead.*"

Kyoko silently and blankly stares ahead. Takashi shrugs his shoulders and stamps her forehead.

Afterward, he turns to the gate and sees Teshima get bitten. He watches with a morbid fascination when blood splatters in the air from Teshima's bitten place.

The other teachers just watch with a dumbfounded expression. After Teshima falls and becomes unresponsive, they slowly approach him to check his condition.

After seeing the other teachers try to help Teshima and get bitten instead, he decides that it's time to bring Kyoko to the Faculty Room. But before that…

"*Kyoko Hayashi, you will have subconscious desire to follow my words from there on,*" Takashi ordered.

He's not sure how far it will affect her. He'll use this chance to experiment.

"Hayashi-sensei!" He called out and shook her shoulder slightly.

"Huh? What? You—" Kyoko snapped out of her trance and got disoriented. She wanted to start a rant when she saw Takashi but got cut off by him.

"Not the time, sensei! There's violence outside! Teshima-sensei and the others have become victims!"

Kyoko reflexively turns her head to the gate and sees Teshima and one teacher are attacking the last male teacher.

She also sees the blood, but her mind doesn't want to accept it, so she subconsciously ignores them and focuses on what's going on.

"Let's go! We have to get to a safe place first!" Takashi grabs her hand and pulls her away.

"Wait, we have to help Teshima-sensei and the others!" Kyoko struggled and tried to head to her death.

Of course, Takashi won't allow his 1 Credit to kill herself.

"*Listen to me, sensei! Listen to my words! It's dangerous! Ignore them because they're done! We must hurry up to the Faculty Room and stay here until help comes!*"

"Huh? Uh, yeah. You're right. Let's go to safety first."

Takashi inwardly sighs in relief when Kyoko stops struggling and follows him obediently.

They soon arrive at their destination. After entering the Faculty Room, Takashi puts his attention on Kyoko who seems at a loss.

"Alright. *Listen to me, sensei. Outside is dangerous. You must stay here.* From what I saw, Teshima-sensei and the other teachers became crazy after being attacked. It looks like a virus infection in those zombie apocalypse movies. It may sound ridiculous, *but there's no other reason why Teshima-sensei and the others became like that. This is a logical reason, so you have to believe in this.*" Takashi used Siren's Song while talking.

Kyoko listens to him attentively.

"Are we going to wait there forever? We need to find help! Should I call the police?" She asked after Takashi was done.

"I don't think the police will come quickly." Takashi shakes his head dismissively.

"What do you mean?" Confused, Kyoko looks at Takashi with a frown.

"*Turn on the TV but keep the voice low.* I don't know if those… things… are sensitive to sounds, but *it's better to be careful than sorry.*"

Kyoko eyes Takashi for a moment before nodding. Then, she gets the remote and turns on the TV.

The news on the TV shows that anarchy occurs everywhere. Kyoko gasps in disbelief while covering her mouth.

"No, it can't be… impossible! This is impossible! Everything was alright this morning when I left my house!" She is in denial.

Then, she changes the channel to check other news, but it's all the same.

Kyoko turns to Takashi as he speaks, "It is spread out. The police are stretched thin. Right now, the government is trying to cover up this problem. I bet this infection is due to a biological weapon or something."

"Then, what should we do? We can just stay here! We need to go and join the evacuation! No, there are many students and staff. We have to warn them!" Kyoko said with a panicking voice.

"*Calm down, sensei. Listen to me. Everything will be fine. Just follow my words and everything will be alright.* I have seen some movies about the zombie apocalypse, so I know what to do. For now, we have to focus on our survival. Soon, there will be an outbreak in the school; I will gather survivors; we will go to the evac point using the school's bus. I saw it in the parking area. Do you know where the key is located? Is it here?"

"Oh, the bus's key? If I'm not wrong…"

Kyoko goes off somewhere to get the key.

A moment later…

"Ah, I found it."

She returns and shows the key to Takashi.

"Good. This key is our ticket to survive this outbreak. *Keep it safe.*"

Kyoko nods her head and holds the key tightly as if she's afraid to lose it. Takashi is satisfied seeing her reaction.

Then, they hear an ear-splitting sound from the sound system. Then, there is an announcement—the same one from the anime.

"Attention, all students. A fight has broken out on campus. Please follow your instructors and evacuate from the school. I repeat—"

While Kyoko listens to the announcement with morbid fascination, Takashi takes out his smart device and uses Mapper to find Rei and Hisashi.

'They're still in the class. I hope that I can save them. I don't want to lose those 4 precious credits!'

"Holy shit! Ah?! Help me! Stop!"

Takashi returns to his senses when the announcer starts screaming. Then, he turns to Kyoko and gets her attention.

"I will find my friend! Meanwhile, *stay here and lock the door. Don't make any sound! Wait until I return!*"

"Uh, okay!" Kyoko nods absently.

When Takashi is about to leave, Kyoko stops him. "Wait!"

He turns to her and she continues, "Be careful, um, Komuro, is it?"

"Yeah. Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm off, sensei."

Then, Takashi leaves, and Kyoko locks the door as ordered.

It's chaos. Instead of controlled evac, the students lost their shit.

As he rushes through the corridor, Takashi can see some students and staff have turned into zombies. He's carrying a baseball bat in one hand and The Company device in his other hand.

When zombies attack him, he'll retaliate with extreme prejudice, crushing their heads. He keeps moving to the location of Rei and Hisashi.

'They have separated themselves from the crowd. Smart. I bet it's Hisashi,' he mused.

Soon, he arrives at their location. They are cornered by some zombies.

Rei is carrying a makeshift spear from a mop. On the other hand, Hisashi is still barehanded.

'Not good! I can let them get bitten! My precious 4 credits!'

Alarmed, Takashi swaps his smart device with a baseball bat he previously stored in the Pocket Space. Then, he rushes to save his cash cows.

"Takashi?!" Rei and Hisashi shouted in unison.

"*Lower your voice! These things are sensitive towards sound!*" He shouted louder than them to get the zombies' attention.

Sure enough, they rush at him.

Soon, Takashi clears up the zombies that corner them. Then, he approaches Rei and Hisashi.

"You two aren't bitten, right?"

"No, we're clear," Hisashi replied for both of them.

"*Here. Use this. I noticed that these things are physically stronger than ordinary humans. Your Karate won't help you.*"

Takashi offers his spare baseball bat. He still has a few in his Pocket Space.

Hisashi accepts the baseball bat with a nod.

"Let's go to safety," Takashi urged.

"Where?" Rei asked.

"Faculty Room. Our ticket to leave this hellhole is there. I have saved Hayashi-sensei and she is waiting for the survivors there now. She'll drive us out to the evacuation point in the city on a bus."

Rei and Hisashi exchange a look before turning to face Takashi. They give him a nod.

Before they leave, Takashi puts them in a trance and stamps them. Afterward, he leads Rei and Hisashi to the Faculty Room.

Along the way, Takashi holds his smart device with one hand and checks the Target Tracker app. He's keeping track of Misuzu Ichijo and Toshimi Niki.

In this world, targets of capture are low in number. Other than those two, Miku Yuuki is another target that he can capture.

They are halfway to their destination. After dealing with some zombies on their way, Takashi turns to Rei and Hisashi. "Head to the Office. I have to find Takagi."

"Are you sure? Won't it be better if we go together?" Hisashi asked worriedly.

Takashi shakes his head. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. *Just go! And be careful, you two! If you get there, tell Hayashi-sensei that I'll return soon.*"

They nod. Then, they head to the Faculty Room while Takashi goes to pick up the 2 precious credits.

Finding Misuzu Ichijo and Toshimi Niki was quite a chore because Takashi had to go through many zombies. Fortunately, his Body Talent made it somewhat easier.

While heading to the duo, he kept track of Rei and Hisashi as well. He was relieved when they safely arrived at the Faculty Room.

Soon, he stops in a familiar place. It's where Misuzu betrayed Toshimi in the anime.

He quickly cleans up the area before those two come.

After he deals with the last zombie that tries to climb up the stairs, he finally sees his targets. They are running while holding hands like in the anime.

They stop when they see Takashi. Their gazes are on him.

"Did you two get bitten?"

"No! We are never bitten!"

Misuzu, the light brown-haired betrayer… or supposed to be one without Takashi's intervention… replied hastily.

"Good. I'm searching for survivors before leaving this place."

"How?" Toshimi asked.

"I have saved Kyoko Hayashi-sensei from getting bitten. She's in the Faculty Room waiting for my return now. She'll drive us out to the evacuation center in the city," Takashi explained.

They look relieved and happy.

"Alright, please lead us. And, um, sorry if we become a burden on the way."

"We swear that we'll repay this favor! Right, Suzu?"

Misuzu nods. "We will repay you in the future."

"Don't worry, I'm happy that I can save someone. It's gratifying. *But, if you may, can you two listen to my words carefully? Relax—*"

They blink and become dazed as Takashi uses Siren's Song on them. Then, he stamps them before bringing them to the Faculty Room.

"Komuro! You're back! I'm relieved!"

"Takashi? Good, you're back."

"Aren't you supposed to find Takagi-san?"

Takashi nods at the relieved Kyoko and Rei before replying to Hisashi. "That was the plan. But, I met them. Since they are defenseless and not bitten, I can't just leave them behind. Besides, I'm sure that Takagi is safe. She's smart."

Hisashi nods and turns to Misuzu and Toshimi. Kyoko and Rei do it as well.

When they become the center of attention, they look nervous before regaining their composure and introducing themselves.

"Thank you for letting us stay here. I'm Misuzu Ichijo from class…"

"Thank you for helping us. I'm Toshimi Niki from class…"

"Hisashi Igo, class…"

"Rei Miyamoto, in the same class as Hisashi."

"Kyoko Hayashi. I teach…"

"Komuro Takashi, class…"

Getting carried away by the mood, everyone makes a simple introduction, even Kyoko.

After the introduction, they are silent.

"So, what now?" Misuzu broke the silence.

Everyone looks at Takashi for an answer. In their mind, they have subconsciously accepted him as their leader because he's saved them all.

"I'm going to find Takagi. She's important because the evac point will be her house."

"Why?" Toshimi asked.

"It is because of her father, isn't it?" Hisashi chimed.

"What do you mean?" Misuzu looked confused.

Takashi explains who Soichiro Takagi, Saya's father, is. Being an active politician, he'll set his place as an evac point.

Of course, he already knows this from the anime, but he has to give them logical explanations.

"Are you going alone again?" Hisashi asked.

"Yeah. I'll go alone. You and Rei are better here protecting Hayashi-sensei, Ichijo, and Niki."

"Just be careful, okay?" Hisashi looked worried.

He isn't alone. Everyone else is genuinely worried for him.

Receiving their goodwill, he can't help but feel guilty because he intends to sell them off as sex slaves to The Company.

'Stop being a drama queen! Multiverse isn't a kind place. If I'm unable to harden my heart, I won't survive in that crazy place long. If I want to have a long, joyful life after this shit ends, I have to harden my heart and keep going!'

After throwing away his guilt, Takashi turns to everyone and gives them his reply, "I get it. I'll be careful."

After that, Takashi leaves the Faculty Room and heads to his next target.

He was lying to everyone when he told them that he'd get Takagi.

His real target is Shido's group.

Miku Yuuki is scared… no, scratch that… she's terrified for her life. She doesn't want to die!

Violence occurs in the school, so much blood splatters, the dead don't want to stay dead!

The world has gone crazy!

When everything goes FUBAR, she has to follow Tsunoda and Shido, the men she secretly despises, for her safety.

Then, they suddenly died.

A metal bat on their heads.

They were killed by the madman standing in front of her and looking at her with those cold brown eyes that gave her chills.

Komuro is his name if she's not wrong.

She had to endure Tsunoda's complaints about this guy often in the past.

But, neither Tsunoda nor Shido matters anymore. They are dead, after all.

If she's not scared for her life, she'll rejoice. The source of her suffering in high school is finally gone.

"K-Komuro… please don't kill me! Whatever enmity you have for Tsunoda and Shido doesn't involve me! I'm innocent! I'll do anything, just let me live! Please! I don't want to die!"

He lifts his eyebrows, looking amused. Miku sees familiar glints in his eyes.

She often saw those glints in the eyes of men who leered her body…

Those glints are of desire and lust.

She sees a chance to survive and shifts her body to a more seductive posture. She fondles her breasts while saying, "I'm attractive, right? You can use my body as you please. Just let me live and protect me."

"Well, since you're offering, *listen to my voice—*"

Miku's mind turns blank after listening to the bewitching voice of the boy in front of her…

Takashi stops using Siren's Song and sees Miku wake up from her daze.

He has murdered Shido and Tsunoda in cold blood before hypnotizing Miku to forget the murder.

In Miku's mind, Shido and Tsunoda were bitten and turned into one of them. Then, Takashi appeared to save her when she was about to get bitten. In her relief and gratitude, she is offering her body for Takashi's protection.

Back to Takashi, after murdering Shido and Tsunoda, Takashi harbors complex feelings for the deed.

Killing humans is surprisingly both easier and harder than he initially thought.

Swinging the bat to crush their heads is easy, but after the deed is done, various feelings, both good and bad, surge in his chest.

Fortunately, Stress Defense helps him push them aside.

However, those feelings will fester if he doesn't vent them out.

And since there is an outlet to vent his pent-up frustration…

Miku may be a thot, but she is a hot thot. He doesn't mind having Miku service him.

That will be a purely physical relationship. A give and take with no feelings involved.

"I'll take your offer, but first, let's find a safe place to have fun," Takashi said before looking around.

Some zombies shamble in their direction. However, their movements are so slow that it doesn't cause panic in Takashi.

Miku nods in agreement and gets up. Then, Takashi brings Miku somewhere.

As they head to a nearby empty class, Takashi neutralizes zombies on their way. Miku silently watches his savagery with morbid fascination.

In truth, Miku feels uneasy by Takashi's savagery, but she also feels a sense of security because he doesn't hesitate to destroy the zombies' heads.

Miku pushes her uneasiness aside and prepares herself for what's to come.

Soon, they enter a random class…

"There are some of… Them here," Miku commented worriedly after seeing three zombies inside.

Their arrival has caught their attention. They shamble in their direction slowly, crashing and pushing away the desks that block their advance.

"Let me deal with them. You close the door and lock it. Also, keep your voice down. They are reacting to sounds," Takashi replied before rushing at them and then neutralizing them quickly.

He throws the headless corpses out of the window after neutralizing them. Then, he turns around and sees Miku approach him.

Miku has closed and locked the door as ordered. She has a seductive face as she sashays towards Takashi, who has to admit that she's good with the whole seductive thing.

So, I used mostly present tense and to the point narration. What do you think?

Early Access: www.patre on.com/celestial_demon

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