
Waifu Apotheosis

When a disabled author gets the chance of a lifetime what will he do? Cause chaos of course! This is most definatly harem so fuck off all yall "i wish i could do zero stars because harem" mf's

RatApothesis · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter Two

With all the details completed the suited man would hold out his hand. A sleazy grin on his face.

"RatApotheosis ey? So almighty god of rats what was the first world you chose? My hero if I'm correct?"

Taking his hand Bradley would nod. "Indeed. It's a good starter world lots of point opportunities and because i get enough points to be a fucking dragon." Laughing slightly Bradley would grin right back. Hiding what little disgust he felt towards the man.

"Now you've completed setting up your account, it's time for you to go to your new world. Any specific requests on where you appear and how much time you have until the sludge villain? Some of our contracted collectors are picky on this so we've decided to standardize it to the first episode unless asked otherwise." Typing something into the computer on his desk the sleazy man would push a clipboard over to bradley. The paper on it is blank. "Just write it here. Need legal proof you know."

Sighing, Bradley would write down exactly one month before cannon and in front of Mustafa middle school as a new student.

"Good choice. Time to ingratiate yourself with Izuku right? Or should I say Izumi now hehehe."

Chuckling too Bradley would blink. Reappearing stood in front of a metal gate. "Well that was rude. Didn't even say goodbye. Now to look at myself…" Grabbing His phone from his pocket he would look at himself in the reflective surface. In his last life he was slightly chubby with scars dotted around his face but now? Now he was muscular with a perfect face. The only "defect" being some red scales surrounding his left eye along with tall sharp horns that look as if he could gouge into someone all of this creating a dangerous charm.

"Hmm neat! I guess I should go in? It's my first day after all, haha." Humming a small tune he would do so. Looking around for anyone to guide him before spotting a certain green haired girl. Yes, a girl. You see when he chose universal calibration he had certain characters genderbent so he could maximize points and control the plot without having to take one for all for himself. Plus he had an interesting hypothesis to test…

"Hey there! Ummm can you show me to the principal's office? I'm a transfer student and no one was waiting for me in front of the gate sooooo…" Saying this he would check out the skittish looking greenette. She was quite beautiful in his opinion and cute too. Definitely his first target.

Looking up at him cutely she would blush at being caught unaware. Her emerald eyes are ever so slightly hesitant.

"S-sure…what's your name? I'm Midoriya Izumi!" Stating this loudly she would bow at a precise 90 degree angle.

"I'm Bradley Chandler Midoriya-san, That is the polite way to say someone's name here correct?" Grinning at her he would paw the stamp in his pocket. Deciding to not yet capture her. It was better to bide his time first. Wait until no one was around and all that of course. Can't anyone believe he had a master power afterall…

"Umm yes! You're a foreigner right? Sorry! That was rude…you just don't look japanese hahaha.." laughing embarrassedly she would look away as she led him to the principal's office.

"You're quite cute, yah know! Wouldn't mind spending lunch with you if it's good with you?" smirking he would pat her mop of hair. She was quite a bit shorter than him. Only standing at 5'1 whilst he was a solid 5'7.

Babbling uncontrollably she would nod blushing before running off. Pointing directly at the principal's office. The exquisite door is quite different from the bland wall…was that a golden handle? Yup, definitely corrupt. No wonder nothing was done to help Izuku in cannon principle must just not care. Thinking this he would knock on the door. The sound of his knuckles wrapping against the door strangely loud as it dented it. He would need to learn how to control his new strength it seems.

"Ah come on in. You must be a transfer student right?" watching our protagonist enter the room the walrus like man would stare almost greedily at him. His eyes are hidden by his circular Harry Potter-esque glasses.

"Yes indeed I am. Bradley Chandler's the name;getting good grades is the game." Internally cringing he would not sit down. Only waiting for his schedule to be handed to him.

"Hahaha well kid you're in the right place. You're guaranteed to get a good education here with that quirk of yours! Dragonification correct? Who am I kidding? I can see the horns and scales.``The lardish man would chuckle, handing him his schedule and shooing him from the room.

After this he would go to his class. Nothing notable happened until lunch. When of course our dear midoriya would approach him blushing up an absolute storm.

"H-hey…l-lets go eat lunch together like you asked… i usually eat on the roof so let's go…" turning away from him she would grab his hand dragging him with her in a surprising burst of strength. Her soft hand warming up his own.

"Eager aintcha? That's adorable, you know? Taking a boy to the roof all alone~Whatever are you going to do to me hmm?" Teasing her he would let himself be dragged by the girl soon arriving at the roof. Completely empty, perfect for him to use the stamp. Whilst not the best capture method it was very much useful.

Company Stamp

This permanent magical tattoo instills only the mental effects common to all bindings. To capture targets, you may apply this tattoo using a thumb-sized ink stamp. You can only have one stamp at a time, and only you and your retinue members can perceive the stamp when it's not in use. The inked part, on one end, contains the tattoo's core, a circular design that serves as your emblem.

Stamping requires 3 seconds of sustained contact with the target's skin, from the stamper's perception, to start the tattoo-creation process. You must apply enough pressure to make the ink transfer properly. The most popular stamping sites are typically the pubic region, lower back, or back of the neck. Newly-applied tattoos require 72 hours to ramp up to their full effect, from the perception of the person stamped.

During the ramp-up period, additional ink will fill itself in around your emblem to form a much more elaborate design, about the size of the subject's palm, that represents her history and personality. Captured subjects and people they know will not notice a tattoo-in-progress until it completes itself, at which point they'll rationalize away its sudden appearance. If a tattoo's location is ever damaged or severed, its effects will continue and it will reappear when the skin is regenerated or the body part replaced.

Stamped targets only count as captured at the end of this period, when the tattoo completes. Completed tattoos are always perceptible. A stamp's location on a target's body may be repositioned after the fact through the company app; a generated 3D model of the target serves as a reference.

The stamp never runs out of ink and cannot be used accidentally. If you are stamped, by yourself or another, it will only have cosmetic effects. If one of your subjects marks someone new with it, the newbie will feel its effects as if you had used it on her yourself. The anti-loss, -theft, and -destruction measures on the company's smart device also apply to this stamp

Grasping it tightly he would quickly press it against the back of Izumi's neck sending her into a short stupor before it wore off. Shaking slightly she would scratch the back of her neck. Confused on what just happened. Once she moved her hand Bradley saw his symbol…

//hahaha cliff-kun strikes again. Don't worry the action will start soon enough can't just drop him into combat can i? Also, Yall can officially request to give him missions and messages! Yup, I'm making reader interaction. But with a caveat. Not every comment will be used. byeeeee