
The knife Man

Everyone has been talking of him, "the knifeman."

you might be wondering where he got the name. Well, you see.

It has been three years since he has been walking the street of Clinton. His last victim was a light skin girl. She was tall, beautiful yet had no respect for her elders, you see.

The man always kills his victim for a reason. I once almost became his prey.

It was a dark yet stormy night. My mother had told me to buy her medicine because she was not feeling so well.

As I was walking in the rain jumping, singing, and having fun, not paying attention, then the street became dark. All I could see is the one light coming from afar. I then close my phone and walk as fast as I could. He popped out of nowhere and said," dark as the night, beautiful as the day for you were not friendly to those lower than you are you ready for your judgment day."

As I was trembling in place, scared, I said, please, what did I do? The reason for my judgment is wrong for I never treat anyone lower than me, for I myself im lower. He looked at me and give me an evil smile and slowly pull out his knife. I then said in a proud voice.

Judgment day from you is for the weak I shall never get a judgment from a man who hides behind a mask, a man who is judging others yet can never judge himself. I then looked him right in the eyes and said, you shall pull your knife and place it right in my heart and then live my body in the street as a trophy.

But when you wake up in the morning and see all those who are around my body, then you shall see my mother blaming herself for my death then you will feel guilty then shame for im nothing more than a little girl trying to bring her mother her medicine for she is sick at home.

he then strikes me with his knife in my arm and said, well, will see

as he was about to strike me again, I jump and sway under the knife and grab a rock, and hit him behind his head, then tackled him down grab his knife, and throw it away from me. Then as I looked at him, he was passed out. I then call the cops turning away for a minute, but when I turn around, he was nowhere to be found. All that was left was his knife.

So if you ever did some, you know, would get a judgment never walk at night around south Clinton st in new jersey while he hasn't been seen in a while, but you never know when "the knifeman " will be back.