
Chapter 259 - Long-Awaited Decision

Leon had been mulling over this idea for some time. He leaned back on the sofa, gazing out at the tranquil swimming pool, its bottom visible through the still surface.

"I've decided to create my own Guild," he announced.

"Ah, so you've finally made up your mind? You should have done this a long time ago," Freya replied with a chuckle.

He spoke in a monotone voice, "I would be truly grateful if you, someone who is very special to me, could help me with a plethora of tasks to maintain my guild in the future."

Freya replied sarcastically, "Hah! I can see you've grown as a person! Now you're trying to sweet talk me into doing all those boring chores you don't want to do."

Leon turned to Freya, a questioning expression on his face. "But I thought you liked doing administrative and managerial work?" he asked.

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