
VR: Reapers

Reapers is a game that has just come out recently. Kiyoto, his siblings, and friends all play the game. What if Kiyoto finds out that he's actually a real Reaper?

Taekooksangel · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

13: Starting the Event

Brody's POV

After Kiyoto and I part ways I head to the blacksmith shop that I work at and gathers everything that I need for the mission.


Make a scythe. Not just any scythe. A Demon soul sycthe.

A sycthe that is made with part of the soul of the Demon Reaper handler.

When the Sycthe is made reap five Corrupt Demons.

Corrupt Demons: Demons that cannot think for themselves

but do follow orders of Shadow Mages that find them.

The only to break the connection is to reap them.

"How am I supposed to do that?'

"Heat the ore and when you are hammering it out to the desired size and shape you want think of your Demon Reaper Soul. Separate it into equal parts before taking one and places it in front of the blade. It should immediately absorb it. You won't be able to use the sycthe until the next day when the souls power is visible on the blade." A voice in my head says to me making me nearly jump out of my skin.

"Sorry, I didn't meant to shock you." The voice says chuckling a bit.

'It's alright... I guess. It is just weird. You know hearing a voice in my head. Wait, aren't you supposed to be unlocked when I'm at like Level Four in this game?" I ask in my head confused.

"Not really, that is what the game makers want you all to believe. We will come out when we want or wait until the person is actually a Level Four. Those of us who come out early are stronger than most of others. The game makers are actually looking for someone in particular. That's why they made the game in the first place."

I hum in response before doing what the voice told me to do. When I am done with it I put it up so that it can continue absorbing the soul into it.

??? POV

"The Event is set." Allimine chuckles darkly.

Emiril who sits off to the side reading a book lets out a annoyed sigh to his brother.

"You will soon have your love and I will soon be able to show him that I am the best Reaper. I will have Thanatos notice me."

"Brother, as much as I wold love to agree with you on that I just simply can't. Do you want to anger him? I mean really? Do you you want him to smite you and make sure that you are unable to you know be reborn." Emiril says making me roll my eyes that doesn't go unnoticed by him.

"And you. You are trying to get a guy that doesn't even like you the way you want him to." He says making me growl at him.

"Growl at me all you want missy. You know damn well that I am right." He says as his eyes start to glow.

"You are only helping Allimine because you want something out of this. And what I just said is correct." He closes his book and gets up before leaving the room slamming the door behind him.

Without saying a word to Allimine I leave as well.

'Why won't he love me? Why can't he see me the way I see him? Argh. I WILL HAVE HIM! Even if it's the last thing I do!"

Emiril's POV

'Damn that girl. She is going to get someone killed. In both the real and game worlds. I need to find a way to get a message to them. I have to warn Ishoni somehow. Grr, the girl is unstable and you add her mindset with that of my own brothers unstable mindset. That's is a disaster in action. Think Emiril. THINK!'

Kiyoto's POV

In the game for the rest of the week nothing really happens. When we aren't in the game go to school like usual, eat, sleep the normal everyday things. When Monday rolls around again we all go to school but when we get home and gets everything we need done we get online. All of us who know that we are helping each other meets up at my cabin. We discussed this in a group chat that we made. We also decided on who is going to be in what groups.


Me and Brody

Lorn, Yeji, and Chikara

Twilight, Luna, Rio, and Kota

Kuna and Skesh

Misa and Blithe

Takashi and Akane

Pryce, Arny, and JT

We all tap the link that tells us that we can start the event. It asks if we are playing as a group to which we all agree. Before we get started we all make sure that we know what colors we are to look for.


Kiyoto - Teal

Akane - Yellow

Chikara - Orange

Akane - Bright orange

Yeji - Red

Lorn - Grey and dark blue

JT - Brown

Rio - Light pink

Twilight - Pink and blue

Luna - Bright red and reddish pink

Kota - Light green

Skesh - Dark blue and violet

Takashi - Lilac and bright blue

Arny - Peach

Kuna - Green and grey

Misa - Light and dark yellow

Pryce - Light and dark purple

Brody - Red and black


If you or your group mates have two rune colors the stone will be two different colors. Half one color half the other.

That is all.

We all look to each other and sighs in relief.

'We don't have to look for two stones that are side by side together for the two different colored runed.'

"Everyone ready to go to the Red Veil?" I ask.

Everyone nods and we all head to the stables where the horses are.

I walk over to Ouranos and pets him under the chin.

Resce makes herself known and jumps on his back.

"There are only seven horses and eighteen of us." Skesh points out.

"Even if we had two on each horses that leave four others with out a horse and I don't think the horses would appreciate three people on their back." Arny says.

"Guys, did none of you notice that there is a wagon?" I ask pointing out the obvious as I motion towards a in decent condition wagon in on of the unoccupied stalls.

"I can't believe that I actually didn't see that." Fluffy admits.