
[1] Prologue

In a classroom packed with devoted student listening to their professor teaching, one tiny girl who looks like she doesn't belong there sitting alone at the very back of the classroom, half listening and daydream, she feel bored to death and itching to finish the lesson as soon as possible so she can join the new game release queue today. She just can't ditch today's lesson because soon it will be this semester examination before the summer vacation. She feel restless on her seat.

'hurry up please sir just finish already!' she murmured in her heart. there's less then 1 hour to go before the world's launching of the new VR game Rendezvous. According to the newsletter about this game, it will be a VRMMORPG with huge worlds to explore and plenty jobs to pick, although one can only pick one job per account but later in game, the players can pick more jobs branches from their main job.

Suddenly an email pops up on her laptop display.


{Rendezvous Announcement}

Dear Registered Players,

Due to the demand of our latest game to be released soon, we decided to release the game 30 minutes earlier.


'.....' W*** T** H*** I am still stuck at class, why would you decide to suddenly release it earlier now???

She then decided to give her professor a very sharp stares, somehow the professor feeling it, and he feeling it very uncomfortable all so sudden as if something could kill him if he kept going.

"alright class, we are done with today's lesson, next week is examination week so prepare yourself well! until then!" the professor feeling cold sweat packed all his stuff and leaving the classroom in hurry.

'yesssss now I can go to queue!' she thanked her professor from the bottom of her heart.

While everyone leaving the class, she get her custom-made laptop up along with the VR google which she recently bought after sacrificing some of her precious collection. She really going all out this time. But before she can start to login, her phone rang with a pop up text.

'5 minutes to go, hey I will meet you up at beginner village after we finish tutorial quest, okay? and remember to be really really sure with the job you going to take later! I will go for Knight this time! see you inside! ~ZieZie~'

She read the text fast and didn't bother to reply, like always.

continue with her login.

[System Update Complete]

[Registration Number 7777]

[Registration Complete]

~soft calming BGM started~

[Welcome to Rendezvous]

[Start the initial, player 7777 please input your username]

she typed her real name without much concern

[Username acquired, Welcome Hellecia]

[Please pick your job]

she ponders a bit and hesitate, as her besties already pick a knight maybe she can pick a more laid-back job this time? she looked at the Priest job section and it's divided into two branches, one is Light element and the other is Dark element, but the dark job description is empty?? this piqued her interest.

[Job acquired, Hellecia the Priest of Dark Element]

[Dear Hellecia, will you start the tutorial now?] she picked yes.

[Entering the game sequence, Tutorial Mode]

in a flash, she entered a dark seamless place.

[quest I] Tutorial

'Move around to investigate your surroundings'

she did what the quest told her.


[Quest Reward 100 experience point obtained]

[Quest Reward 1 low Health potion, 1 Mana potion obtained]

[Quest II] Tutorial

Interact with items in your surroundings

she was puzzled as there's nothing around her to interact with, what should I do? she murmured grimly but then she think of something. She then took her hands up to her chest and just focusing on the darkness. Suddenly the dark matters gathered and being absorbed into her hands. The dark area dissipated slowly into a scenery of an abandoned gloomy looking village.


[Quest Reward 100 experience obtained]

[Quest Reward 1 Health potion, 1 Mana potion obtained]

[Tutorial Completed]

[Welcome to Catastrophic Village, Player are free to investigate this ruin area, further quest will be provided by NPC]

errrr....this is not the beginner village....

also that was a very short Tutorial!