
The wiles of Gulg !

The little to no presence of Orcs in the path that led to the dungeons was dubious to say the least but Brenn had no recourse but to bite the bullet .

The deeper he went the more dark it became.No light of any kind adorned the walls of the passage for the Orcs had excellent sight in the dark and they preferred the darkness of twilight compared to the bright day when men were at their strongest and they at their weakest.

Brenn however was no ordinary man.

With the help of the aura that he circulated through his eyes his sight was enhanced enough that too him the dim passageway posed no difficulties.

The passageway was extremely musty and the pungent smell of Orcs pervaded throughout assailing his enhanced olfactory senses nearly making him gag.

"Honestly , compared to their claws and fists the smell of the Orcs is a far more potent weapon !" He couldn't stop himself from rematking wryly.

With his enhanced senses and reaction capabilities dodging the occasional trap that he encountered like a bunch of spears erupting from a wall or a tripwire just in front of a trap pit even so a frown still couldn't stop from spreading across his face.

He felt that there was something strange that he couldn't put a finger on.

If you asked him what the feeling was exactly the only answer he could have come up with was a single word -'suspicion'.The traps were almost too easy as if they had been erected half-heartedly which was a contradiction especially considering the fact that they were experiencing an enemy invasion and this was the path that when taken led to the most important 'stash of treasure ' that the Orcs held. Unless, a very disturbing possibility crossed his mind.But he quickly threw it away regardless of whatever happens he was stuck with his fate and worrying wouldn't make it easier.

A while later after he had climbed down several miles into the depths of the earth he could see a dim glow shining in the distance.It seemed he had reached his destination .He didn't head out of the exit immediately instead crouched down and did his best to observe the situation.

The dull crimson glow was coming from an enormous torch mounted on a wall just opposite the exit.Sparks and embers fluttered out from it it appeared that it was going to be extinguished soon.

Below the torch an enormous doorway had been built into it.It was decorated with ornate carvings which at one point might have been shining but had lost their sheen long since.The carvings were too delicate and intricate to have been the work of the bloodthirsty orcs or even man who prided himself on the cleverness of his hand would have had a hard time etching those symbols on the rock which led credence to his theory that the tower was in fact a relic from the old era .

The doorway without doubt led to the dungeons. Actually the real problem was not what was behind but what was in front of it.

In front of the gigantic door a lone Orc wearing armor could be seen slumbering while seated on a seat.Truth be told this situation was the best possible for him he could easily rush , kill the unsuspecting Orc and open the door releasing the prisoners all in a breaths time.

But there was something unsettling about the entire situation that prevented him from doing precisely just that.His instincts were tingling like crazy and like all seasoned Knights who had known war the first thing he did was to trust his instincts.

He took a deep breath , readying himself.He placed his hand over his chest checking that it was there.Good his greatest insurance was still there securely wrapped all ready for his use.

"Well, then" , he stretched his neck and rolled it a couple of times ," Time to get the snake by its head."

Brenn headed onto the light .Both of his swords unsheathed and ready by his side.

Each step was abnormally loud in the eerie silence as he headed step by step towards the seated Orc.Eventually he stepped when he was a sizeable distance from it as his instincts told him to .

He then waited .Patiently.

His breath stopped.

Air caught in his throat choking it.

His heart thumped its pace increasing frenetically before coming down to a steady rate.

He then waited again.

Finally the Orc lifted its head up to face the intruder that had entered its domain.

Nothing was visible of its face except for two shining points of sinister crimson light each from a socket in its helm.

"Why do you disturb my peaceful rest , stranger ? Wouldn't it have been wise to slaughter me even as I lay here sleeping akin to a babe."

The Orc began to speak with a raspy voice like a knife scraping across stone , slowly and patiently carefully enunciating each word as if the language were foreign to it.

"Esteemed chieftain thanks for your offer but my humble self is happy to stay here."

"Ho ! Ho ! Ho !" The Orc roared aloud in a booming cacophony that was extremely jarring to Brenn's ears.

"So you saw through me is it ? Truly , every successive generation of man is far more smarter ,No one wonder you give us so much trouble." The Orc Chieftain clicked its teeth in grudging admiration.

"After all they do say the Son outdoes the Father." Brenn replied smiling with a humble bow .

"They say that now do they ? " The Orc Chief got up still laughing hideously revealing his terrifying body for Brenn to see in all its devilish glory at last.

His stature was at least twice as big as the other Orcs but anyone who would think that stature would make him more slower would be foolish indeed to the contrary the Orc Chief was at least twice as fast as well easily nullifying the advantage that Humans mainly relied on to compete with the Orcs add to that a nimble mind and you have one hell of a monstrosity to deal with.

"I am called Gulg ! Chief of the Curved Horn tribe ! I earned my title by slaughtering the previous chief by ritual combat witnessed under the stars and under the auspices of the Dark Tower.In my long years spent as Chief I have laid waste to many heroes Mighty , burnt down a large number of the dwellings of Men and looted countless women and treasure."

He held his hands spread apart .

The echoes of his booming voice rang throughout the cavern akin to a blade piercing through stone.

Brenn subconsciously took a step behind only to realize the presence of multiple lifeforms behind him.

He didn't need to take a glance behind to realize that multiple Orcs had hemmed in a circle trapping him without any way out.A while earlier he had been the ghost reaping the lives of unsuspecting orcs now he was the unsuspecting prey who had been trapped soundlessly.

Still the expression on his face did not change a bit with a smile gracing it still.

"Stranger, How do you like the hospitality meted out to you in the Halls of Gulg ! Courtesy dictates a proper introduction and a gift on your part ? Shall you honor the chivalric Spirit that you knights love boasting about ?"

Gulg roared aloud the sarcastic intonation in his words extremely obvious.

"Well it certainly is a warm welcome showered upon me.I am Brenn the son of Longman , a mere peasant who stumbled into your resplendent halls by chance .Having seen the splendour here I would like to take my leave."

"Would you leave so soon ? Peasant you may be , but the customs of your race bind you fast .The least you can do is leave behind a gift for your host whose halls you have graced."

"And what sort of gift would it be ,Exalted Gulg !"

"How about a Human Head as a trophy for my collection."

"Oh !I think I might have one of those." Brenn pulled out another long stick as slowly and carefully as possible all he had to do was drag on for a little longer.

"So aren't you going to hand it over?"

"I'm afraid not , Great Chief ! Bereft of the only head in my possession I would be unable to plough the fields handed down since the time of my ancestors .Surely you shall not deny my the right to do right by my forbears?"

"Certainly Not ! However I can assure you that handing over your head would allow you to get their guidance in person."

"Oh is that so ? How ? "

"Almost , almost" Brenn thought .He could feel his heart pounding as the stick approached closer and closer to him.

"Hmm for starters, you shall be sent to the same world as theirs .A welcome prospect don't you think?"

"Thanks for the generous offer , But I don't think so !"

Before Gulg or the other Orcs could respond Brenn bit into the fuse and tossed the flash bomb right in the middle.

All hell broke loose.

Even as the world turned white sounds of screams could be heard in the distance even as a way of escape was made over the corpses of the Orcs who had made part of the encirclement.

Just as the rest of the orcs made way to follow Gulg raised his hand stopping them in their tracks.

"There is no point going after him.Fear not for all his supposed cleverness the Human has played right into my hands follow me .Tonight we shall feast on the flesh of a Knight."

The other orcs burst into roars of support as they followed their fearsome chief.

"From your smell, A second Tier Knight aren't you ? Didn't stop you though from playing right into my hands now did it !" Gulg chuckled to himself demonically as headed into a secret passage known to few.

Thanks to an extra flash bomb Brenn had managed to escape a situation of almost certain death.He had done a grave miscalculation.He had underestimated the Orc Chief and it had very nearly proven to be his undoing.Luckily , he still had one last throw left.

"Time to stake it all ", he thought as he rushed rapidly up a staircase along a different passage from the one he came in.

His escape it seemed hadn't gone unnoticed it seemed and he had to face many a Orc along his path.Their numbers were too large however and he was forced to realize that to survive longer he would have to avoid many a contingent entirely .

Even as he headed upwards carving a path through blood and slaughter a very disturbing thought came in his mind that he were being led in such a direction like sheep in a pen .This sensation grew stronger and stronger every passing second .

He finally realized the truth when he saw where he had reached.

The overcast sky hung over the roof of the tower and clouds crackled with lightning and thunder .He turned towards the entrance from which he had come from .The only way he could go out unless he wished to jump from a height of at least several hundred metres.

The form of Gulg could be seen coming up relaxedly the same smirk on his face as before.

Only now did Brenn realize how deep his opponents's thoughts were.

A crafty creature indeed.

He watched out as Gulg clambered out till his entire body could be seen outlined by the flashes of lightning .The rest of his guard filed out behind him completing the encirclement that he had escaped from earlier.

If he were to face all of them then he hardly had any chance.Then in that case..

"That's the great chief for you ! Few escape from your grasp."

"Ho ! Ho ! Flattery is it , Human it is not going to save you from this one."

"No I don't beg for mercy.What I beg for instead is a duel."

" Duel? Don't you mean a massacre ? Where we will be doing the massacring !" He roared aloud to the accompaniment of his subordinates.

"Not that sort of duel I'm afraid .What I mean is a Sacred Duel just you and me ." Brenn pointed his sword forth at Gulg.

"What do you mean Human ? Are you messing with ME?" The last words were bellowed out by Gulg with a force that made Brenn retreat a step unconsciously .

Brenn showed no signs of panic instead he shouted in turn ."Do you mean to say that you Gulg an Orc Tribe Chief refuse to accept the challenge of a sacred duel meted out to you ?"

What followed was a silence was where the sound of a falling pin could be heard clearly.

The rest of the Orcs turned towards Gulg and stared at him pointedly and for the first time sweat appeared in Gulg's brow.

The Sacred Duel was an ancient practice that had been handed down continuously from ages past and to refuse to participate in one was considered a heinous blasphemy especially in war like races like the Orcs whose entire social structure was based on martial prowess.

A tiny smile couldn't help from appearing in the corner of Brenn's mouth .He had finally got Gulg where he wanted.

"Fine then , I shall personally smash you into a pulp and watch you die slowly as agonizingly as possible." Gulg Snarled intimidatingly .

"Before that How about a Sacred Contract to make it official." Brenn answered unaffected.

Gulg growled but it appeared that he had realized that he had been backed into a corner and could only go along with the flow.

"You , Merek !" He pointed at one of the Orcs,"Come forward and be the notary ,Let's get this done as soon as possible."

He then pulled out a long curved scimitar from the belt on his armour and cut lightly on one of his fingers till blood began dripping down steadily .Likewise Brenn used one of his swords to draw his blood as well .

Just as the blood of the two began to mix the chosen notary Merek began to chant ,"In the name of the gods in the exalted heaven above , the ancient ones in the worlds below and the Mighty ones in the hollows.I request the Oathwatcher the embodiment of truth himself to stand witness to this duel as he has done so since time immemorial .Let him be the one to judge the worthier one among you who shall ascend to the Realm beyond the stars when the time is nigh."

"Do any of you have any conditions."

"I Have " Brenn said," I have the request that save for the Orc Gulg none other creature should be able to interfere in this fight."

"It shall be granted."

Gulg couldn't help from gnashing his teeth in response but it knew it could do nothing.

"What else"

"I too have a condition", Gulg said

"What is it ?"

"No weapons save for the sword could be used in battle."

"Very well."

Glug couldn't help grinning maliciously in response but to his surprise Brenn remained unperturbed .

"Anything else? "

"No, nothing at all ." Both of them replied simultaneously.

"Then , I declare the pact to be concluded .This scared pact is inviolable he who attempts to desecrate it shall be punished accordingly."

Following these words the blood on the ground began to rise eerily.

Time seemed to have stopped for the three of them as the blood morphed into a golden silhouette of what at first sight seemed to be a vertical eye holding an unmatchable prestige .This eye split apart into fine tendrils each of each connected Gulg and Brenn in a manner that was felt only by those two.

Brenn felt as if his life wasn't in his hands any more.He felt as if a immensely powerful entity was staring at him with each step of his in its view.A single wrong step and his life would be forfeit.

But that was fine he had never planned to cheat the Oath anyway.

He looked at Gulg opposite who had already started circling.

A smile spread across his face.

This was going to be fun.