
Turning a new leaf

After a long walk back to our home, we decided it'd be best to confront Kale in the living room. Ever since we began to walk home, it seemed like he was dragging his feet all the way. His demeanor seemed like one of those high school kids who'd gotten out of a relationship. When we passed by a couple of people in the market, they asked Kale about his day. See kale had a good reputation with the people as he was seen as someone dependable to stop a crime and so on. But today, Kale didn't say anything. He just moved past them, leaving them confused by his actions.

Kale's attitude and absurd doings have worried Lilith. I'm starting to think maybe Lilith is seeing him as a father figure of sorts, which I don't blame since the two have spent a lot of time together. Maybe that's why Lilith is so eager to help him.

"Kota?" I heard her say next to me. We were on the couch in the home. The fireplace crackled and lit up the room in this orange aura. Kale was upstairs taking a bath, so it was just me and Lilith downstairs. She dawned a black nightwear that tera had gotten her a while ago to make her "pretty". Safe to say that it did succeed in that.

It's not the first time I've seen her wear it, but it's become more common. Perhaps she noticed my taste in the black color as my eyes looked over her every time she did.

"Yeah?" I responded back to her. I too have changed into my nightly wear. Some green shorts and a plain white shirt. I never really cared about my clothings, I've been wearing the same thing ever since I got here and kept it cleaned and washed whenever I could.

"What are you going to say to him?" She said, adjusting her legs. She sat with her legs hugging her chest, facing me.

"We'll see." I had no real idea how to start the conversation. Either I fuck this up and end up making it worse or…Somehow I manage to have a real conversation with him.

"Make sure to be blunt with him." Lilith advised me. "Make sure he understands what we're asking him."

"Uh…you mean straightforward?"

Lilith stared at me with confused eyes before looking down in thought. "Uh…those aren't the same thing?"

"I think we need to study your vocabulary, Lilith." I patted her knee. As I said that, the sound of footsteps came from upstairs. Someone was descending down to us.

"Hey! What are you two talking about down there?" Kale was coming down the stairs, fresh from the bathroom. "Am I interrupting something?"

There was an awkward silence, I wasn't sure if this was a good time to start our conversation. Lilith looked at me, waiting for me to say something. Kale looked at the both of us, one of his eyebrows raised with confusion.

"…None of you are going to say anything?" He broke the silence.

"I-uh-you….We…were talking about Lilith vocabulary!" I managed to say. I gave Lilith a quick look to tell her to follow along. She noticed quickly and nodded, though there was a hint of annoyance in her look when she did.

Kale kept giving us a suspicious look. I'm like ninety percent sure that he knows we're up to something. He slowly went down the last few stairs, eyeing us.

"Uh…huh. Is that so? Nothing else?" His tone was like someone was interrogating someone.

It made me sweat a bit along with Lilith who tensed up.

"…yes." I answered. Kale folded his arm, there was an expression of annoyance on his face now as he walked to the couch.

"…Alright, something is up. The two of you being quiet is a clear sign to me. What is wrong?"

"We've been compromised!" Lilith yelled out of nowhere. "He knows what we're going to do with him!" She quickly got off the couch by rolling backwards, falling onto the floor with a thump noise.

"Huh?!" I whipped around and gasped at her. What made her do that?! I then felt a grip on my shoulder as Kale got in front of me.

Ok, maybe we have been gotten. As kale was now sure that we were up to something.

"Kota, Talk." He said sternly. "I know I'm all fun and charismatic. But Today is different." When I looked at him, I saw his stoic face looking back at me.

"Uh…I-We wanted to talk to you about Tera." I finally blurted it out. Ok, this was my chance. My opening!

"What?" Kale took a step back, letting go of my shoulder.

"Y-yeah! Look, today was a bad day. I get it, but you are killing yourself over this!"

"Yeah, what he said!" I heard Lilith say.

Kale twitched his eyes in annoyance. "Alright, really? Am I about to get a chit chat like Kota?" He then pointed at Lilith, who peered over the side of the couch. "You weren't supposed to say anything to kota. Actually, both of you weren't supposed to say anything to each other about this."

"Oh come on, kale. We need to talk about this." I insisted.

"No. We are not. There's no reason for it. It's a lost cause." Kale frustratingly grabbed his nose. "Sigh…let not ever br-."

"Tera loves you!" Lilith blurted out. Kale looked up at her. The frustration on his face is more apparent. "You see it. I see it! Kota sees it! Everyone sees it!" She kept going.

Where was all this talking when we were at the lake? Perhaps it's because she thinks the couch will protect her, I wouldn't know. I'm just glad I'm not handling this by myself.

"Look, that's not the issue." Kale continued. "I just…" he looked off, his gaze not staring at anything in particular. "…it wouldn't work out with tera."

"Not true!" Lilith jumped over the couch and onto the cushion of it. "The two of you have a great bond!" She insisted. It was true, Kale and Tera did have good chemistry together. Well, most days when they are bickering.

"A bond that I wouldn't want to break." He said coldly, his gaze fixed back on us. "She's a good person, albeit her tendencies of messing around. But that's it." He frustratingly moved to the chair near the fireplace and sat down. His hand resting on his face in disappointment.

"Er…he's not budging, kota!" Lilith whispered to me. "You say something!"

Ok, I've been in this situation before. I can tell his past relationship is affecting him. What was it about his last relationship that shook him? I don't ever recall him saying the reasonings behind their break up. All I remember was that Tera found him in a pub one day and basically nursed him back to where he is now. I don't really want to scratch at an old itch, but it seems like it's been a hindrance to him….

"Kale…" His brows furrowed at his name being called, but I proceeded. "I know this is about that ex girlfriend you had."

"No. Stop talking. You don't know anything about that." Kale sternly said.

"Then tell us. We want to help you."

Kale tilted his head at that response. A hint of confusion and surprise was on his face. He lifted his hands and pointed at us.

"…This isn't a joke? With you two? Like…" His eyes darted between us. "None of this is part of Tera's diabolical pranks?"

What? Wait, did he think we were fucking around with him? No, no, This is something else. Is he worried about actually getting help?

"No, we want to help you! Tell us what happened!" Lilith insisted.

Kale paused, thinking about how he should respond. He lifted his left leg over his right leg, sinking deeper into his chair. Maybe he's reconsidering his hostility to us?

"…You really want to help me? Like, for real?" Kale asked.

"Yes, why wouldn't we?" My response made Kale sigh, it was a sigh of relief as his eyes darted to Lilith.

"And you?"

Lilith nodded. "Of course, why wouldn't I help my teacher?" Kale's mouth twitched as those words as his face turned into a more somber one.

"…alright. You two have been here for some time. Might as well." Kale leaned out of the couch, his hands under his chin. "I'll tell you my reasons."

Me and Lilith leaned in, listening closely as he began to speak.

"Must've been like what? Fifteen years? Something like that. Back when I was an adventurer, I was reckless, young an-."

"Wait, how old are you?" Lilith asked. Kale looked at her with annoyance.

"You're asking that now? Wait, have none of you known my age?"

I shook my head. To be honest, I never really thought of everyone's ages. I'd usually just assume their age. Wouldn't it be rude to ask someone's age after you've been with them for some time?

Kale sighed. "I'm Forty two." He hesitated for a moment and looked at me. "You know Tera's age?"

"Ah. Well…" I scratched my head.

"Ugh.. she's Forty one." Kale groaned. "You need to ask people more…anyways, let me explain."

"Fifteen years ago, I was in Ithryll. This was after I trained your father, kota. I met up with an adventurer group there. Tera wasn't a part of it at the time. It was me, this girl and three others. And she was a shapeshifter. I don't know if any of you know, it's an intelligent race that can change their body structure or whatever. She liked to stay in a particular form when she was with us. We went on countless bounties in Ithryll, From killing large scorpions to guarding a wagon going across the land. We did it together." Kale slowly said that last part, remembering what it was like made him sigh. "About the time Tera joined our group, she had gotten out of the university there. Just an intermediate mage user at the time. We didn't have a mage in our group, so it was a quick choice…even if Tera hadn't been in a group before."

Shapeshifters? That's a thing in this world? Actually, why am I putting that off the table for this world? Who knows what else is in this world.

"What was she like?" Lilith asked.

"Foul. That bad mouth of hers out is into a lot of trouble in the bounty halls in Ithryll. Insulting others. Same old Tera…" Kale nodded as he spoke. A smile crept onto his face before it melted away as he resumed his story.

"While she was in our party, That girl confessed to me. It was on one of our bounties, we ended up having to protect a noble heading to the other side of the world. A bunch of monsters came out and ambushed us. She almost died if it wasn't for me. She told me right then and there after it ended. And I confessed to her too. My feelings for her grew over the years we travelled together. It felt…right."

"…what was her name?" Lilit asked.

"Ah…she goes by multiple now if I recall. She's a mercenary in bulbec now, I believe." Kale scratched his chin. "…I'm sure she goes by something else now, but she was named Triss when she was with us."

Hold on, Bulbec? That sounds familiar…isn't that where one of Gerald's party members lives? Not Edward or Derrick…Ah shit, I don't remember!

"Wait, what'd she look like?" I asked, curious.

"Beautiful." He instantly answered. There was no hesitation in his words. "She had long silky red hair, like looking at a fire roaring whenever she fought. And her eyes…Green as the grass. She didn't compete in the body physique with Tera. Though she had gentle hands…very…soft hands." Kale held a hand out and looked at it, remembering.

"I'll just call her triss for now…But we had a thing going. We'd share the bed at the inns we'd stay at. Lil smooches every now and then. Kinda like you guys." Lilith gawked when Kale said that, but he continued on. "Hell…it was a blast with her. The things we did…"

"Alright, no need for the details on that." I quickly interjected. I would die if I had to hear the stuff he did in bed.

"Ahem. Yeah…I guess it's time to explain our break up then…" Kale cleared his throat. "One day during our day off of bounties. Triss brought me to our room to tell me something…she…" There was an awkward pause, kale having difficulty with speaking. "…She was pregnant. She was going to have my kid."

"What?" I blurted out. That came with the gasp of shock from Lilith beside me. "Y-you have a kid?"

"Yes…least I think. Haven't met the kid…" kale slowly said.

"…What do you mean?" I cautiously asked.

"I…" Kale took a deep breath. "I ran. For the next few days or so, I avoided Triss. I told the group I was taking a break and I just…ran. Went out to another inn in Ithryll and stayed there." He fiddled with his hands quickly. His voice croaky as he finished. "I-I-I wasn't ready for that. I wasn't…Prepared for that type of thing. I was young and stupid. When I came back, Triss was furious. Upset at my actions and told me to never see her. She left the group the night Tera found me in a bar."

Well Jesus, he ran away from parenthood. Can't imagine his kid growing up knowing their dad couldn't accept being a dad…

Kale leaned back into his chair, tears rolling down his cheeks as he tried wiping them. "I was stupid at that point, and I realized it afterwards. And now I can't see my kid, if they are even alive. That's why I haven't occupied my life with someone else, I'm scared that I'll make that same mistake with Tera. I'm scared that I'll run if we finally settle down." Kale looked up at me and Lilith, his eyes red with tears.

I couldn't help but shed some tears. I'm looking at someone I've known for some time now, opening up to me and telling me his fears. This was Kale. The guy who trained Gerald and now Lilith, who took us into his home and made us feel comfortable. And now crying in front of us as he tells us his fears and past.

"U-u-" Lilith choked on her words. "I'm so sorry, kale!" Tears fell down her face as she began to cry.

I began to pat her back as she cried. This was not how I expected this to go. I thought it'd be sad, but not this sad.

Kale watched us both with intent, the fireplace crackling as Lilith slowly stopped crying. I looked at kale, this is my chance!

"Look, I know that you feel regrets about what you did in the past. It still scars you now. But Tera is different, that love life you'll make with her will be different. She's ready for it…maybe she's scared like you." Kale frowned when I said that, his feet tapping on the floor quickly. "But you can't let the past be a burden on the present. We're already seeing it happen, you are avoiding being alone with her."

Kale tried to say something, but closed his mouth. He began to scratch his head as he thought. So I continued.

"Sometimes…a new person can be a second chance for you. I think Tera is that second chance for you. How many times have you avoided her, but she still stays? Didn't you say you didn't like upsetting her? Why are you still doing it?" Kale stopped scratching, slowly looking at me. There seemed to be some sort of realization with my words as he uncrossed his legs and leaned forward.

"I…Why am I?" He slowly said. "Perhaps Tera is a second chance…"

"You can learn from your younger self. Maybe you're ready now?"

Lilith wiped her tears and finally spoke. "Tera wanted you to go to the festival with her."

"Ah…She did." Kale said. "…Maybe…just maybe. I'll go. Under one condition, from the both of you."

Me and Lilith leaned in, waiting for him to continue.

Kale got out of his chair, stretching his arms and looking down at us. "Erm…If you find me and tera on bad terms…let me handle it next time."

"What?" Lilith blurted in confusion.

"It's none of your guys business. Plus, I think she'd rather have me talk to her than have you two give me a lecture….Though this conversation did clear my mind, which…I thank you both for." Kale began to walk around the couch, heading to the kitchen. "Tomorrow, I'll have a chat with tera. I'll try to reason with her and maybe…I'll ask her to the festival." As he got behind the couch, he patted my shoulder and looked at me. His other finger pointed at me. "And you…You're starting to remind me even more of Gerald."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Both of you really like to pry in my personal life." There was a pause. "But take that as a compliment. Sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing…And I'm glad you noticed."

"Oh…uh, You're welcome!" I frantically said.

"Right. Well, it's time for dinner to be made. Let's make something with what we got from the market a-."

The sound of something crashing outside stopped Kale from finishing his sentence. Almost instantly, he hurried to the door. Who was it? And intruder? Don't tell me it's that Owl masked person!

"Lilith, go with Kale!" I hopped off the couch and readied my hand. If by chance something happens to kale, I'll Be ready with a spell! Lilith hopped over off the couch, hastily getting behind Kale who opened the door.

"Hey! Who the hell is on my pro-Huh?" Kale swung the door open, holding his sword in one hand. But he stopped and looked down at something. "I-you-y-you?!" I hurried to see who it was at the door. Lilith tilted her head and her eyes were wide in surprise.

As I looked outside of the door into the snowy front yard, to the right of us was Many broken pots near the window. Someone smashed into them, and next to them was a cloaked figure. The blue mage hat that was on their head was dropped beside them. Their blue mage outfit was dirtied and had snow on it. Wait, we know this person.

It was Tera.

Tera looked up at us, her eyes teary and wide as well and her cheeks flushed with red as she looked at kale. Her mouth was quivering. "Uh-I…"

Kale took a step back, holstering his sword as he then ran to her. "What are you doing here?!" He held a hand up to her before suddenly something clicked to him. "Wait…what are you…doing…here?" His voice went into a higher pitch, His face slowly started to turn red now. "Wait…did you hear all of that?!"

Tera gawked at him when he said that and scrambled to stand up. Brushing off her cloak and outfit, she looked at him. "I…Might've. Perhaps too much of it."

Kale turned to face me and Lilith. "I knew you two were up to something with Tera! What kind of sick joke is this?!"

"Hey-woah! Relax! We didn't!" I raised my hand, Lilith frantically waving hers.

"Correct." Tera interjected, she walked up to the door and tapped Kale on his shoulder. " I came here on my own terms."

Kale slowly turned to her. "Wha-? F-For what?" His voice made a crack. "Another joke or prank?"

"Kale, stop. I heard…Half of what you said. About Triss…and after that…" She gently placed her hand on his chest when he turned around. "There are no jokes here, I didn't come to do that. I came to apologize again…"

Kale looked taken aback before taking her hand. "To…apologize?"

"Y-yes…It seems that my…foul mouth you talked about has done damage to you." Tera frowned, rubbing her hand along his chest. "I'm here to apologize again for what I said and did on today's trip. I left you there…It was immature of me."

"Ah…well, apology accepted."

Tera smiled, nodding her head. The two walked into the living room, standing just near the stairs.

"Anything else you want to say?" Tera asked, still smiling. Kale's eyes widened for a moment before he averted his eyes from her. "…There's no need to be embarrassed." Tera gently grabbed his chin and turned it so that he was facing her again. "I'm not mad."

"I-uh…I would like to apologize for the trip as well. I didn't expect that you wanted us to go alone." He said nervously. "And I'd…like to apologize fo-" Tera stopped him, pressing her lips against his. Kale gave her a shocked look before relaxing and letting it happen.

Lilith gasped and held me as the two kissed. Both of us were in awe at what was transpiring. "Did…we expect this?" I asked.

Lilith shook her head. None of us knew she was at the door, nor did we even notice her at our window. She must've listened in and watched as kale explained everything to us.

Once the two broke apart, Tera spoke. "There's no need. I should be apologizing…I've chased you ever since I joined that group. Ever since you went with Triss. Ever since you rejected me…I never knew what happened between you two until now." Kale looked at her with guilt, but Tera gently touched his cheek. "I shouldn't have forced you to move on from that. That day when I asked you. I don't even know if I could've helped you." Tera then looked at me and Lilith. "But it seems these two have managed to change your mind, yes?"

Kale was still trying to figure out what was happening, he hit the floor, sitting down and was touching his lips before looking up at her. "Uh-I-Yes?"

Tera smiled, leaning down to him. "I want to help you grow past that. I don't want you to be rooted in that regret." She held a hand to him. "As the kids said. This will be different. Let me give you that second chance."

"You…asking me to be with you?"

"Yes…Will this be the same as the first time I asked?" She dropped to the floor, pulling herself closer to kale. "If it is, I don't mind. As long as I c-." Kale grabbed her by the collar of her outfit, kissing her.

"No…it's not the same. I-I want to change." Kale said as he removed himself from her, heavily breathing. "I don't want to make the same mistakes I did before."

Turning bright red, Tera smiled and held his hands. "Then…I shall help you with that. Together we can help each other…Though I'll still mess around with you."

Kale laughed at that, then sighed. "I guess that makes us a couple then."

"I guess so." Tera then looked at me and Lilith. "Thanks to these two. Somehow they've managed to do this."

"You two are a couple now?!" Lilith asked, she pumped her fist in excitement. "Like for real?"

"Does that mean you two will attend the festival together then?" I asked. I was happy for Kale, though this seems somewhat rushed for the two, still glad.

"Not yet…and yes." Kale answered. "Me and Tera may get there like you two!"

"Gah! W-well…" Lilith turned red and lowered her head. "I guess…"

Oh that's sweet coming from her. Us as a coup-WAIT. Wait a minute, did Lilith just say we were together? The fuck is happening tonight? What's with all the confessing and romantic stuff tonight?…Alright, maybe that's on me. I'll consider Lilith saying I was hers as an acceptance of us being together.

"Fufu…Did the two of you finally admit to each other?" Tera teased us. "I guess this deserves a dinner for us. A double dinner date!"

Kale looked at her with confusion. "Dinner? I only got enough for just me and those two."

"We can share a plate, just like that bed of yours."

"Stop." Kale quickly shut that offer down, to which tera laughed at.

For the rest of the Night, Kale made us dinner along with talking to Tera as he cooked. The two were having a semi-serious conversation about where things would go between themselves. As they talked, Lilith and I sat on the couch. We watched the fireplace flicker and burn as we leaned on each other, Lilith's head resting on my shoulder as I rested my head on hers.

"Did we do good?" She whispered that question.

"I suppose we did. Though it went…much better than I thought It'd go." I admitted. I kinda thought I'd fuck up and somehow Lilith would need to beat him. Don't know why I thought of that, but I'm glad it didn't.

"Mmm…Good." She nuzzled her head into my shoulder. "…are we a couple?"

"I feel you already answered that a while ago."I patted her thigh. "And I think you know my answer."

"Then say it." Lilith's voice muffled as she had her face on my shoulder.

"…yeah, We're together."

Twelve years in this world, I never thought It'd be like this. Besides…The task given to me by a goddess. It was more calming than I thought it'd be. Perhaps this was a realization to me.

Maybe I'm now fully living my own second chance at life right now. And nothing will change it.

A/N- wanted to expand and make kale more than what he was at this point. He's a pretty important character to me. His love experience is reminiscent of my own and I've wanted a way to express it. Anyways, the next chapters will be character focused until we finally reach the festival arc of this story! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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