
Voyager's Path

When Travis's life has hit bottom and he accidently falls down below the bridge, Travis is sent to the Abyss, a place between places. And he meets Arael, The Goddess of death. She provides him a second chance at life in a new world filled with magic, under her advice That she guides him to have a powerful life there. He reluctantly agrees and finds that He is then reincarnated to a new family as Kota Detrut. Author note: First novel I’ve done, Really wanted to make my own take on that Isekai trope some of those anime do, but I wanted to do it in a way where it doesn’t melt into the power trip fantasy. There will still be updates to older chapters or auxiliary chapters to be up to date. Feedback on chapters or giving a reviews would be appreciated! (I will now be uploading to Royal Road as well for this Novel! So see you all soon!)

James_Gaperinco · Fantasy
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144 Chs

Lunch annoyances

"So like…Amelia was a part of a noble family? And never told us of her hot older sister?" Griffin said, munching on his lunch. It was a potato that had melted butter in it along with some meat on the side.

It was lunchtime in the university, and Me, Griffin and Sura sat in our regular seats…There was also Amelia who sat beside me, but she wasn't talking nor was she even looking at us. Sura was casually listening to us as she ate.

After Kale and his group left, Tera had me do a bit of schoolwork in her room until lunch. I somewhat needed to catch up on my Beginner healing class, so it was a feasible study session with everyone. Amelia went back to her class, not showing much emotion when Tera told her that she'd most likely be marked for class disruption.

Er…wait, shouldn't that also count for me? Eh, maybe not, Tera is my teacher and Amelia doesn't have her for any classes.

"That's interesting…" Griffin stared at Amelia. His green eyes looking for a reaction out of her. "Amelia and Claire…Mallory…Lived in Ozoth…"

"What are you trying to do?" I asked him.

"Trying to see if I can piss her off. I don't know, not used to seeing her being this quiet."

"I don't think that'll piss her off."

"Oh yeah, what would? Let's see who can annoy her the most." Griffin challenged me.

Usually, me and Griffin would end up doing these sorts of things to sura. He usually had a knack of annoying people, often getting punchier or jabbed because of it. But now that he and Sura were dating, she seemingly eased up to his teasing. But like, she still does have her limits. Not like I can't remember her throwing a book at him earlier today…

Now what can annoy Amelia? Hm…

"I got it!" Griffin stood from his chair as he said that, smiling. "Watch this!"

In a weird manner, Griffin tip-toed his way to Amelia's side. At first she didn't register him, it was only until he began to raise his arms that she looked up at him.

I…is…is he T-posing? That's T-posing, where'd he learn that? Is that a common thing in this world? No, no….Don't overthink this, maybe Griffin just came up with it just right now. Or maybe he's been doing it and I just haven't noticed…

Either way, it did seem to irritate Amelia and Sura.

"What are you doing?" Sura asked, her head resting in her palm. Other students took notice of him for a moment before grimacing and going back to what they were doing.

"I'm seeing if making myself larger would make her angry."

"You're dumb."

"Am I? Or am I just too smart for you to comprehe-Agh!" As Griffin was saying that, Amelia grabbed her staff and thrusted it right into his stomach.

"You irritate me!" Amelia watched as Griffin crumbled to the ground, face first to the floor as he held his stomach.

"Gah…hah…Yeah, that hurts. Sh-she hit me with the metal part of her staff…right in my rib…"He groaned. "C-can anyone hit me with some healing spells?"

"You'll be fine, stop being a baby…" Sura looked down at him. Griffin groaned more as he laid on the ground.

Amelia looked more or less irritated, she kept on frowning as she put her staff down. Perhaps…I should take this as a note and see what's wrong with her.

"Amelia, you alright?" I asked her.

"…" She didn't look at me.

"Are you mad? Is it because Griffin was trying to make you angry?"


Ok, what's making her angry? Is it because Kale told her that I needed to escort her back or something? No…It's something else, she hasn't tried to avoid me. Even after saying she didn't need me. Is it because of her sister?

Hm…I think it's best to just try to make her say something.

"Is it because I have to escort you? Amelia, I'm not going to force you to walk with me…"

"…No." she finally answered, she had her back against me. Something else was bothering her.

"…Is it Claire?" As I said that, she shifted in her seat slightly.


Griffin looked up from his position, looking at her. "Hah…She's pouting."

"Shut up! I'm not!" Amelia stood up and

stomped her feets onto the ground. "I'll smack you with my staff!" She raised her staff and held it but she hesitated for some reason. She then slowly brought it down and looked at me.

Oh, she really was pouting. That subtle angry expression along with her puffy cheeks really brings out how childish she looks. I don't know why, but it was starting to look funny to me.

I started to snicker, but composed myself quickly when she looked at me more angrily. Time to be a little more serious, we are escorting her home from possible kidnappers.

"What's up? Something is obviously bothering you. And just from your reaction, I'm guessing it's about Claire…"

"I-you…Ugh…" she tried to make a comeback of sorts, but failed as she had her hands droop in front of her. "…Yes."

"Why? Lilith is with her. I don't think anyone wo-"

"It's not that!" She took a deep breath and sat back into her chair, facing me. "I just…I don't know why she would come here by herself, it's dangerous out there…"

"Oh…so you are worried about her." I found myself amused by her. She was acting like such a tsundere right now. She really does care about her!

"I'll smack you as well!" She threatened, shaking her staff as well.

I frowned at her. "Sure you wanna do that?"

"I…Grrr" She lowered her staff and stared at me. "Why are you being so different to me right now?"

I'm being different? Well I guess I am, I haven't started an argument with her or even annoyed her yet. "I don't think I am. I was literally going to annoy you along with Griffin."

"Then why didn't you?"

I paused for a moment. "…Seemed like Griffin had already won. No need to make you even more mad when you're already mad about something else. Now I'm just curious."

"That's not cool…" I heard Griffin groan. But I ignored it.

Amelia narrowed her eyes. "Curious? About how I feel?" Seems like she was suspicious of me now.

"Yeah…Something weird about that?" I asked.

Amelia stared at me even more. I wasn't sure what was going through her head, but I slowly noticed she had gotten slightly redder.

Rather than say anything, she immediately got out of her chair and gave me a weird look. One that had confusion and surprise written all over it.

"Yes! There's multiple things that are wrong with that! Y-you-Gah! I-I'm going to the library!" Amelia shouted before storming her way from the table, She hurried her way past some students before going into a full sprint out the cafeteria's doors.

I looked at where she sat for a moment in confusion. Trying to process what that was all about. Was she…Did she think I was being nice because I liked her? No…I think I've made it clear multiple times that I didn't hold any sort of feelings towards her. Or maybe…She thinks I'm a tsundere?

I scratched my head in confusion when suddenly Sura called out to me from across the table.

"Kota, what was that all about?" She had an eyebrow raised.

"No…idea. I was trying to figure out why she was upset, not sure why she got all jittery like that."

"Hmph." Sura casually got out of her seat and knelt beside Griffin. "Well she did a good number on Griffin." She gently patted the Green haired boy's head. "Can you heal him?"

"No,no…not necessary." Griffin groaned as he picked himself off the floor, holding his stomach in pain. "The pain'll make me stronger."

"You're stupid."

"Watch. Once I recover, I'll be able to take any hits to my stomach…"He hesitated, wincing in pain. He then looked at me. "…But maybe a little bit of mending would help?"

Shrugging, I got out of my seat and walked towards him. He held his hand out to me ready for a heal.

Not sure what compelled me to do it, but I guess it was just a reaction I had with my old friend in my past life. I dapped him up, our hands slapping together before sliding off till our fingers locked together. At the same time, I quietly murmured a beginner healing spell to him. A healing spell called mend that effectively healed bruises and such. My glowed a green hue as I healed him.

My hand motion was met with odd looks from everyone, especially Griffin. His face looked like it was either surprised or honored. As our hands separated, he looked at his hand in confusion.

"I…That was a very weird way to Do a spell." Griffin awkwardly said. "But…that was a pretty cool handshake!" He held out his hand again. "Let's do it again!"

More confidently now, the two of us dapped each other up. Sura watched our hand movement with intrigue. As we finished, Griffin laughed.

"Haha…Where'd you learn this? I haven't seen anyone do this before!"

"Ah well…Just thought it'd be a cool way to greet people!" I nervously said.

"Really? Well then, I'll tell you that it's cool! It's like a little secret handshake we can all use!" Griffin turned to Sura. "Here, let's have Sura try!"

I watched as Sura awkwardly tried to dap Griffin, But she seemed utterly embarrassed with doing it. After some retries, she had gotten the hang of it and was amused by it.

"This can be quite addicting to do!" Sura smiled as she continued to dap Griffin.

I began to notice other students watching the two, then I started to notice other students doing the exact same thing as them.

I think I just started a new trend in this school? Wait…Did I technically create a new handshake in this world? Holy shit.

I'm starting to wonder what else I could start in this world…No, I don't want to plague anyone here with the weirdness of my world. Even though this world has its own weird aspects, at least it isn't cringey…or annoying.

"Anyways, back to Amelia." Sura said, adjusting her glasses. She had made her way back to her seat, along with Griffin who sat back at his own. "From my understanding, she seems to be more concerned with how people feel about her."

"I noticed it too…"

"Hm, perhaps it stems from her family?"

"I guess you and I were thinking of the same thing." Sura smiled as I said that. "Least two people here are on the same level of intellect."

"Rude." Griffin chirped in. He was patting his stomach. "Maybe the two of you aren't on my level of intellect."

"You failed a test, while Kota hasn't, Neither have I. So…Maybe your level is lower than ours."

Griffin paused for a moment, thinking about it. Not sure why he had to think about it, but he then slowly nodded in agreement.

"You should go talk with her." Sura turned her attention back to me.

"Hm? I'm not that good with this sort of thing…" I was slowly reminded of my past conversation with Lilith during the winter. I'm not that great when it comes to helping others with their personal issues.

"Perhaps you could talk to Claire about it then? Maybe she can give more insight."

"You seem more concerned about her than I thought." I said.

"Just looking out for someone. I mean, weren't you also?" Sura pointed it out to me. "She sits with us all day and visits your place to talk to Lilith. At that point, I'd consider her a friend."

"Eh…she doesn't even talk to me."

"Still, better than leaving her out. Wouldn't want her to be alone here."

Huh, kinda reminds me of my old life…Maybe I'll ask Claire once me and Amelia are finished with our classes. I only had my Beginner healing class left, which left me with some time afterwards until Amelia finished up.

"I'll ask Claire." I simply said to Sura. "With how today went, I'll just wait for Amelia to cool down. Or maybe hope she isn't still annoyed once she leaves class."

"You know, me and Griffin could walk with you two. The Cat cafe is in your direction." Sura offered, but I shook my head.

"I think it's best to keep it low profile. Plus, I think I'm capable of handling some people. You've seen me." I simply reminded her about the time I had gotten really angry at a couple of students back in the winter.

"True, I suppose you can…" Sura rubbed her chin. "Still…If you are going with just you two, just be more aware. Wouldn't want to cause a ruckus here."

"Got it, Sura."

I noticed Griffin looking at Sura with intrigue. A smile shining underneath the hand he had resting on his cheek.

"Sura being a good friend, she's like a mom being concerned for her kids." He said.

With a Single swipe, Sura grabbed her book and slammed it into his stomach. He couldn't even react in time. Griffin groaned as he grabbed his stomach, holding it in pain.

"Agh! A-alright, I deserve that!"

Sura placed her book onto the table, looking back at me. "Also, don't be annoying like him."

"…That I can do."


I took the liberty of Healing Griffin again and spent the last couple of minutes of lunch eating up my food. Not long after, I was walking to Mr.Crota's class for beginner healing class.

Now how would I get Claire to talk about Amelia? Just from the first conversation we had, she seemed pretty reserved and quiet. She didn't want to talk, but it also seemed like she wanted to.

Ah, I'll think about it more once I get to Crota's class. As much as I hate the old man, his class is quite educational when it comes to bodies and health. He's even given me advice while also lecturing me at the same time.

Hopefully…Once the day is over, things go smoothly.