
Young Love

"Damn Child, if you weren't so useful, I would have skinned you alive." The Man muttered, "Rest, for Now, I would recover everything back piece by piece with interest, therefore, enjoy the time you have left because there won't be anything of you left by the time, I am done with you."

Taking a Crystal out of his pocket he sends a message to his colleague before taking everything of value within the base as he departed.

Opening his eyes Aren took a loud yawn, completely unconcerned with the sudden change of his situation. Situations like these have happened to many times for him to be surprised any more. After all, what's the worst that could happen?

Finding his storage pouch Aren changed into a new set of clothes while praising his good luck, "That man must be really stupid, or he was too much in a hurry to bother searching my pouch otherwise I would have been screwed."

The stupid man just had to sneeze in order to prove some stupid Anime rule, when someone talks behind there back.

"Now then, let's get back to the hunt," Aren stated as he left the hideout.

For the next two weeks, Aren began hunting monsters like a madman. His daily routine consisted of find or insolating the monsters from there groups and hunting them one by one discretely until he was too tired to continue and had no choice but to return to the hideout.

The first week passed without issues, it was the second week that was difficult to bear as the pack leader had somehow got a tract of his scent and had been lurking in the surrounding since therefore, he had no choice but to change his hunting route. There were a few close encounters, but the real issue was the diminishment of supplies, therefore, he had to hunt for edible creatures.

Regardless, His efforts had finally borne fruit as he had managed to ignite the fourth life fire thus upgrading to C rank in strength. However, he was not foolish enough to consider himself a prodigy and become complacent. If it was not for the Quartz neckless, he would be struggling to survive in this hellish world.

"Well Then How long would I have to wait here? Do you have the Guts to face in battle now?" Aren bellowed his killing intent began to rise.

A loud Roar answered his call for battle with a killing intent equal in intensity matching his own. The Pack leader arrived in his full glory with his missing leg fully regenerated and ready for battle.

With out a word the two charged at each other ready to finally end there enmity once and for all. The battle was decided within five minutes when the pack leader was finally cut in two by Aren before his life essence as absorbed and the monster core extracted.

"Even through you are not the most powerful foe that I have meet but for the current me you are definitely a force to be reckoned with therefore have no regrets for you will not be the last to fall before my blade as rise to power." Aren spoke with a confident tone as he made his declaration to the pack leaders' corpse.

"I am home," Aren called as he opened the house door.

"Welcome home," Lisa called out as she ran out of the kitchen and jumped into Aren arms as she embraced him as if her life depended on it.

"Lisa, what are you doing here," Aren asked as tried free himself.

"You idiot do you have any idea how worried I was for you," Lisa shouted as she began to beat on his chest.

Aren blinked before he began laughing his eyes out. "You idiot this is not a laughing matter." Lisa raged

However, Aren didn't reply as he suddenly pulled Lisa into a hug as he whispered into her ear, "I know, I am glad to have you by my side. I don't know what I would do without your company."

"Idiot, If I was not around you would have forgotten that there is a world outside of making money and getting stronger. Which you seem to be obsessed with." Lisa stated as she patted his chick, "Now come wash your hand's dinner is ready." Kissing his cheek Lisa left to set the table.

Dazed Aren Touched his cheek before closing the door. Throughout the dinner, Aren and Lisa enjoyed the comfort of each other's presence as they shared the details of the events that took place while the other was absent.

Before they became aware of it they were already in each other's embrace as they drifted to sleep on the couch as they were too tired to move to move to their respective rooms.