

Following the life of a 19 year old boy who gets accidentally involved with a hidden realm, after being diagnosed with a weird skin disease.

VKN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


The jeering echoed in Verdin's ears long after he turned the corner. "Blue Boy! Blue Boy!" the taunts followed him like a swarm of angry bees. He gripped the handlebars of his motorbike tighter, knuckles turning white. Ever since the blue dead skin started appearing, his life had become a living nightmare. School, once his playground for bullying and dominance, had transformed into a minefield of snickers and whispers. Even his former victims, the ones he used to shove around in the corridors, now took their sweet time tripping him or throwing spitballs at his back.

Moneev, his only remaining friend, offered a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. "Don't mind those buffoons, Verdin. They're just jealous they can't grow a cool blue skin."

Verdin forced a smile. Moneev's loyalty meant the world to him, but even his friend's words couldn't erase the sting of rejection. He yearned for the days when he was the one striking fear, not the one on the receiving end.

Reaching home, he parked the bike with a sigh, the familiar creak of the rusty stand a constant in his ever-changing world. His mom, Maviya, rushed out, worry etched on her kind face. "Verdin? You're early. Is everything alright?"

He mumbled something about not feeling well, the lie heavy on his tongue. He couldn't bear to burden her with his freakishness. He retreated to his room, the haven that now felt more like a cage. He flopped onto the bed, staring at the chipped paint on the ceiling. The same questions swirled in his mind: Why him? What was this strange affliction?

Suddenly, a memory flickered – the woman on the street, Lady Maya. Her words, cryptic yet strangely comforting, echoed in his head: "It's time for you to move. Be ready."

A spark of curiosity ignited within him. Maybe, just maybe, she held the answers he craved. He rummaged through his bag, pulling out the crumpled piece of paper with the strange symbol she'd given him. It felt warm in his hand, a beacon of hope in the darkness.

He waited until nightfall cloaked the house in inky blackness. Sleep was a distant dream, his mind buzzing with anticipation. He crept out of his window, careful not to wake his mother. The cool night air washed over him, carrying the scent of jasmine from the neighbor's garden.

He cycled towards the outskirts of town, the faint outline of the hills silhouetted against the moonlit sky. The symbol on the paper pulsed faintly, a guiding light. He reached a desolate stretch of road, the streetlights flickering ominously. His heart hammered in his chest, a mix of fear and excitement.

As he stood there, unsure of what to do next, a shimmering portal materialized in the air, swirling with iridescent colors. Hesitation gave way to a desperate hope. This had to be it. Taking a deep breath, Verdin pushed his bike aside and stepped through the portal.

The world dissolved into a kaleidoscope of colors and sensations. He tumbled through a vortex of wind and light before landing with a thud on soft grass. Disoriented, he sat up, blinking away the spots in his vision.

He found himself in a clearing bathed in an ethereal glow. Towering trees unlike any he'd ever seen, their leaves shimmering with an inner light, surrounded him. The air vibrated with an unseen energy, making his skin tingle. In the distance, he could hear the melodic gurgle of a stream and the chirping of exotic birds.

A gasp escaped his lips as a figure emerged from behind a tree. It was Lady Maya, but different. She seemed to radiate a soft light, her eyes glowing with an inner warmth. She smiled, and for a moment, Verdin forgot his fear, captivated by her serene aura.

"Welcome, Verdin," she said, her voice like the tinkling of wind chimes. "You've come to a place where you belong."

Verdin stared at her, speechless. This wasn't Odisha. This wasn't anything he'd ever known. He had a million questions, but for now, all he could manage was a small, "Where am I?"

Lady Maya's smile widened. "This, Verdin," she said, gesturing towards the otherworldly landscape, "is where your journey begins."